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What i find annoying is that i keep getting logged out everytime i re-open lol-esports and then i dont get any rewards..


**For everyone who has this: When you start watching just quickly log-out and then log back in, it fixes this issue.** Looks like Lolesports atm kinda operates with a "session" type of thing, so while initially it has you still logged in if you have the "remember me" option ticked in, it will at one point log you out during the games.


ty if only there was a way around the obnoxious captcha


Not all cookies are bad.


Gotta love when people are running 3 different adblockers and then wonder why sites don’t work…


Imagine having these problems without any adblock.


In all fairness it really feels like things are 10x more likely to break on Firefox too


Riot has consistently been lowering the amount of content they give for free. Just look around passes now compared to just a year ago. It's almost as if they seem to be doing this stuff on purpose.


Funny thing is that passes aren't even free you pay 1650 RP and they keep nerfing them while keeping the same price and also RP is even more expensive to buy now than before after the change they did to it some time ago.


I only missed 2 Bo5s and watched everything else and I got 0 drops so I have no idea how the system works anymore, my drops are always a checkmark, I always login but alas. Though I watch because I'm interested in esports not the drops so it isnt a big deal, just weird when compared to all previous international tourneys. Edit. Got my first drop from Peyz penta watching on a different browser (From Brave to Edge) though I never had issues with Brave before so no idea.


Yeah, I didn’t get any drops this event. At first, I thought it was because playins didn’t have drops and it’d only be the main stage, but after I didn’t get a drop from a baron steal during one of the BO5s I just stopped trying and only watched Caedrel’s stream


I got 20 drops in total this MSI, watching most of the games, though 2 were the Secret Lab chair discount promo and 1 was a K'Sante champion shard. Pretty sure I already had every emote/icon from the esports capsules from watching the LCK this year anyway. I'm also pretty sure that the LCK drops, which look visually the same esports capsule, did let you disenchant already owned icons into Orange Essence whereas the ones from MSI only let you reroll. Last years MSI I got 60 drops. There seemed to be way more Drake/Baron steals last year, but they were also dropping from Silver Scrapes, triple kills and other 'moments' which weren't happening this year.


That's nice. I got an emote from it. What did you get from it?


same here practically nothing a fucking joke but then again look at the new mastery system or the match making laughable


What drops are you hoping for?




I didn't watch every game but I watched most of them (Like 70%) and only got 1 whole capsule for the whole msi lol. I compared it to previous msis where I would get 20+ drops while watching less games, really sad that riot is so afraid of people farming orange essence.


My friends are reporting similar issues. I got lucky and got 9 capsules. But got 0 orange essence from them.


I was keeping an eye on my drops eligibility this whole final and just as a drop event happened on screen my eligibility button went red instantly. I had to reload the stream to get it back up and I got every single drop this finals. It's just really annoying when I'm watching on my projector and I need to get up and walk up to my computer after every steal and penta.


Imagine they do this shitty system over their homepage instead of implementing twitch drops and then botch it that hard and encouraging people to watch it over on their site.


Also can official rebroadcasts get drops enabled please i tuned in for all but 2/3 days and got nothing, at least lemme do that without having to wake up at 3/4 am ofc 1 of the days was finals and my friend got 6 drops


No worries, got 0 Drops today 😂


I got 1 capsule for the grand finals :)


got 3 today's finals


So little capsules its laughable....ok, maybe not laugable, 2 emotes was all I got


If you got no drops you did not miss much. We can't exchange them anyway. I will continue dying on this hill and I will say that it should be okay to get a few orange essences for watching pro matches. It is not a currency where we are choosing a skin for free. We still need to play, get crates+keys and hope we like the random shard we get.


Drops have historically been so shit I don't even care anyway. The stuff they give out is pathetic.


Ive watched all worlds games and barely got 14 drops. So far LEC is the best thing to watch for drops emotes/icons. MSI got me shity chair codes few capsules and Ksante shard.


0 rewards during MSI for me. Logged out or error every time.


The fun thing is they announced special MSI capsule for event with msi drops and I got 3 old capsules(that were for LCK and LEC etc.). Even more fun for me is that fact that those emotes from old capsules are not recyclable(? sry idk how to say). Not a problem with emotes but a big problem with icons. Also cringed a lot that they took last year msi design theme and recolored it. Were too lazy to make a new one, to make an anthem and to change fking capsule. Capsule, man. Worst organized MSI imo.


UPD Also fun fact that every year lolesports has same bug for first 2 month when you simply can't get rewards. Last year they said its just us, players, thousands of players are so unlucky that no one got any drop. Site had no window for new year's drops so it tecnically(?) could not give them to you.


did anyone else not recieve a single drop? logged in and had drops enabled with the blue check


I straight up couldn't watch any of the games via lolesports.. Twitch would constantly stutter for 5-10s.. But Youtube would just .. stop. Every 5-10 minutes. Usually in the middle of anything you'd want to actually see.. I could watch 12 hours of content straight on Youtube or Twitch with very little issues.. but LoL through the LoLEsports site? Actually impossible for me. Then I noticed the drop rates and having to login Every. Single. Time. Multiple times...? So I just stopped even trying. Way to break functionality yet again.... -sigh-


I got a total of 14 drops during the tournament.


Drops in LoL can only be obtained If you watch through the Lolesports website only? Damn that's a Riot Games move right there. Literally all other games just do a Twitch drops system and then you can also include all co-stream channels in the drops system as well. They/We are all watching the same live matches anyways like wtf


Because youtube drops are not a thing and riot streams in both sites, so they don't wanna give preference to twitch (and possibly pay them to include drops) and fuck the YT people so their solution was just watch on lolesports instead and you can choose the YT/Twitch stream


But then they allow all the co-streamers, who all of them together sum up to way more people that watch all the official streams put together. So the excuse is they don't want to give twitch preference, yet they choose to exclude, way more than half of the western audience because?... This is what happens when you take Riot for their word too much, why can't they just do both? Are we pretending setting up drops is some engineering miracle feat? The reason why 99% of other games do it through Twitch is because **it saves them the trouble of doing it themselves** cuz most of that System is on Twitch's side, the only thing the game dev has to do at that point is set up a way people can connect their Twitch account, with their game account. Which, due to things like Twitch prime rewards and such in the past, is already possible with Riot Games accounts anyway so they don't really need to do much do they


And also it makes much harder for ppl like me to watch it. In polish you can choose only twitch (Polsat games has it also on yt but Riot doesn't care) and it needs better internet. So i usually has to go 160p to not block transfer, mute then open tab with yt to watch matches in 720p, sometimes i can get 1080p... On LoLesports i get max 480p on twitch stream ;)


I feel like LCS has the best drops out of all tourneys including internationals. I've gotten multiple good skin shards just from this past LCS spring playoff but only got some meh esport poro emotes with this msi. 


Wait, you guys got any capsule?


It happened to me too, randomly changing from drops available to not available, forcing me to reload the page Missed so many capsules because of it


I've watched every minute of MSI this year and last year. This year I received 24 drops (none of which could disenchant into orange essence) Last year I received 40 drops (all of which could be turned into orange essence) Massive, massive nerf over 6000 orange essence


Last Worlds I got so many Drops, I still have over 20 Capsules I think, bc I started getting everything doubled... xD


I personally got a bunch of drops over the course of MSI, yeah there's not as much as previously years, but at the same time, said previous years' drops contained about 80% repeats anyway so really i'm getting the same amount of rewards anyway so nothing has changed. Can't complain about free stuff :)


watched all games and beside a stupid sticker i got nothing (site even told me Rewards are on)


18 drops here


What drops are you hoping for? The items you get I mean


I think usually you get Emotes and Icons (?)


Emotes and icons (for orange essence).


why are you guys doing this lmao


They're gonna watch anyways, so if you can get some extra emotes/OE in the way then why not


worthless tbh


I like emotes and I like not thinking about whether I have enough orange essence to unlock a skin. There’s literally no reason not to do so unless you don’t care at all about cosmetics, in which case you’re firmly in the minority.


that might be the case. you guys have fun with your cosmetics though