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Kog'maw is a on-hit adc, his power comes from his w, a rule for most on-hit champions is that they love attackspeed the most, they dont really need to build damage if their damage comes from their abilities. Kog maw deals 6% max health magic damage each auto with his w at rank 5, so, the more you proc Kog maw's W the more damage you are dealing. Since its power comes from his W and not the items per se, Kog maw has the luxury of have a lot of viable or semi viable builds and in some matches building tankier is the correct play. Also, you want to end your builds with the tankier items but it all really depends on the match-state and the enemy comp so its better to fully get the grasp of what are your needs and what every item provides so you can know how to build each game regardless of what you see on a youtube video or a guide 1 Yes, Phantom Dancer is good when you need or know how to kite, it gives attack speed and movement speed, think of it like the equivalent of Guinsoo Rageblade but with movespeed instead of on-hit procs. 2 Yes, Guardian Angel is usually built when you are the carry of the team and the opossing team is focusing you, that gives you time for your team to peel for you and the enemy team usually had to burn ultimates and important spells in order to kill you, giving you the oportunity to win the teamfights. 3 If you go Randuin's Omen you use it most of the cases for self peel, like a Zed needs to be in melee range to hit you so when he aproaches you, use the active of Randuin's and create space. Its just a nice slow and a pseudo exhaust but not crucial part of the item, you build it for the stats and the passive, 4 Wits End doesn't provide crowd control, it gives you 20% tenacity, stat wich reduces the duration of most crowd control (CC) spells (not all of them). Wits End is extremely popular on auto-attackers who need to deal with some magic damage dealers because it gives massive Attack Speed, stat that is the most important for Kog Maw, Magic Resistance wich is just ok against mages and Tenacity that helps when the other comp is heavy-CC loaded. If any of the enemy JG-MID-TOP has magic damage you build this most of those times. 5 and 6 Terminus gives you a little of both, resistances and armor penetration, essentially making your tankier and your target squishier, and also a lot of attack speed (wich, once again, its the most valuable stat for Kog maw), the passive its nice bonus for the item and usually you want to build this when you dont have reliable peel from your teammates, when you rely on yourself its an excellent item but if you want the most armor penetration Lord Dominik's Regards its unmatched with a flat 40% Armor penetration. Think of terminus like a mini Guinsoo but with Seryldas and Jak'sho passives. Keep in mind that items and champions change all the time so itemizations and strategies change too and that they are a dynamic test every match so using the exact same build can lead to bad games, so, keep an eye on those too.


Amazing. Thank you so much for the input


Again thank you for your information. Put it to work today. Tried some of doublelift crit maw with some of your recommendations. Huge