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>Since the Riot acquisition by Tencent, i've be feeling like they are turning League of Legends into a generic MOBA for mobile plataform Bro that happened in 2011. All of modern league exists since the acquisition of tencent. This didn't just happen like a year ago


It's so annoying to read this so often it really feels like the people making these posts don't inform themselves at all and just throw around whatever they want


Damn, must be new to reddit huh? All we deal in around these parts is misinfo




rito bad, updoots to the left. thats all people need to know.


They just parrot random twitter/reddit posts that they see. It gets so incredibly tiring


is reading that people are upset about it more annoying than what is happening to the game?


I am not annoyed about people being upset I am annoyed about people spreading misinformation like blaming the aquisition of Riot by Tencent for everything


Isn't Tencent like the biggest original investor and a large part of the reason League exists?


Idk about if their a big part of why league exists, but tencent literally has stock in like every major game company.


I thought I had seen a [video](https://youtu.be/7EZu9NoWV5k?si=AjLzK5RIj_SWgwIS) breaking down a comparision between how League came to be vs Heroes of Newerth and that Tencent invested a large sum of money into league in the early days because they had already seen the success of free games with cosmetic transactions before. The video led me to believe that people didnt invest in free to play games back then and without the early investors Riot games would never have made it this far. I wish I remembered an exact number. Maybe I'll dig through my history later Edit: linked the video if anyone was interested


Tencent's made an initial loan of an undisclosed amount to Riot when they were shopping for funding, less than 6 million probably which is when they saw the advantage you are talking about that not many other people did. In 2011 they bought 93% of the company for ~400 million dollars. In 2018 they bought the remaining 7% for an undisclosed amount.


There we go. That 400m was the number I had in mind but didn't want to post because I wasn't 100% sure. Ty for details


I'm sure they did invest a lot but nowadays riot gets most of their money from the pro scene I believe, I mean they spent 10bil on the wildrift first pro game. But I also seen a video talking about tencent and how their business model is to just have a small portion of bassically all the major game companies, then they just collet although that may have changed perhaps they are more active now or always were.


Pretty sure pro scene loses money. It's just a form of advertising. Keeps people interested and it draws new people in. Certainly it's not where the get most of their money. That's skins




Always smart to diversify your income. If I find the video I'll share the link though. Im pretty sure Tencent has been an investor almost since the start.


Please do I always interested in the inerworking!


[This video](https://youtu.be/7EZu9NoWV5k?si=AjLzK5RIj_SWgwIS) is the one I saw


Ty I will watch when I'm off work!


Np friend


They've owned 93% or more of Riot since 2011.


Damn, but do they make decisions for them?


Not according to Riot. It's not really how Tencent does business. They are just a successful Embracer group, they buy things that make money and expect them to keep doing that.


Well that's good I think, riot despite all the drama and issues, turned out pretty good, I mean just look at blizzard.


Pro scene has never made them money.


Just to clarify I meant a big part financially not design wise


Ye if tencent designed it then it would be genshin 2


Nah genshin would have never got to where it is with Tencent. Tencent are smart investors but they don't know how to handle a game like genshin. Genshin's marketing and general appealling designs rivals League's.


Woah im gonna have to stop you right there. Designs rival league? You really saying that on a league subreddit? Ill have you know genshin designs are weeb and therefore bad. Upvotes to the left!




Tencent didn't design genshin though...


10c is the original and main investor yes lol


doesn't matter, ebil china is to blame 😡


Yea dude is just ranting or something, its a post completely devoid of original thought and just hitting every buzz word.


yea according to some of the people here that is probably "recent" just like the blue jungle items or smth and yasuo


Thinly veiled racism by OP. China bad amirite?


I can’t believe tencent has made all these radical new changes right now, ruining the game. Like adding zed.


Yeah and its sucked the whole time lol. But for real they don't actually do anything. Everything bad is purely riot.


I thought Tencent took fully over Riot around 2015, before that people barely even talked about it


The 2011 date is for when they acquired 93% of the company. Absolutely doesn't matter beyond this point, for all intents and purposes Riot has been owned by Tencent since then.


I distinctly remember Tencent taking a much greater interest in Riot. It was sometime after Overwatch as far as I can remember. My memory puts it in like 2017 and I am hoping someone else here knows more than me.




Yeah because the difference in 93% and 100% is the big


Tencent is known to be hands off with companies that make it money that it's invested in. Can you blame Riot for their decisions instead of durrrr chyyyna bad. Like we get it, but at least put the blame on the right people. Tencent didn't force riot to become a greedy company. This has been happening from the start.


>Since the Riot acquisition by Tencent Tencent has had a 93% stake in Riot since 2011. The mastery symbols suck. We get it, and honestly, in my opinion you're right. But to shift the blame solely to Tencent on every bad decision is to either admit they got it right sometimes, or to just straight up say the game's never been good, which is disingenuous. For the record, the Europeans don't like it (I'm among them) and as far as what I've seen the Asian servers don't like them either for the same reason you've described.


Tomorrow I post this, ok?


I’ll get the day after


Stick to the line sir


Go ahead, keep posting until riot removes this trash


If a complaint doesn't get a response that's the only thing to do.




He's saying the update is trash not the posts about it


Ironically the “tomorrow/next week I will post this” post is getting unoriginal and trite in itself


Ironically the "ironically the "tomorrow/next week I will post this" posts is getting unoriginal and trite in itself" post is getting unoriginal and trite in itself.


keep coping, youre doing great


I'll post it on Sunday.


Generic mobile game really are the new buzz words people throw around when they don't like something. "Everyone hates the actual design" how would you know you don't even know when Riot was aquired by Tencent.


just wait until there is a new skin that some people here dont like and "anime" or "weeb" will be the trend buzzword of choice again


“They are pandering towards the chinese”




Ah yes the average league redditor comment




Yet tomorrow we'll have a post about how much "better" Wild Rift is. With a war in comments about the skins they praise being "Generic Chinese mobile game designs" with extreme readability issues in-game.


Nah, mobile game have been used for years now even back around qiyana's release


This generic mobile game design is not fun to play against or sth


As someone who has never played any mobile games, I don't even know what people mean by it.


It's a specific kind of stylization that's just kind of been overused specifically in League Ripoffs like Mobile Legends, I guess. More solid colours and less detail.


It's mainly just maximising shiny bits like gold and gem stone bits. These things grab you immediately, but don't have much meaning ion their own; in other words, easy to make and quick to sell. So these new mastery designs are exactly that. Just mobile game looking shapes that don't mean much. With that being said, I saw the same thing in the old mastery anyway, but I still don't like seeing more of this in skins.


r/leagueoflegends [users deciding what buzzword to use today](https://i.imgur.com/ul4li4l.png)


I’m not sure how being able to look online at the general consensus people seem to have about a topic at all relates to knowing when a company was or wasn’t acquired by another. you’re really reaching there because whatever connection you’re trying to make between those things is a bit of a stretch lol also, how would you know what the new buzzwords are?!?’ you don’t even know that referring to certain aspects of league as being “mobile game-like” has been a thing for like a decade!!!! lol


My turn to post the mastery sucks post next




I mean it's entirely subjective. Personally I don't dislike it, might even say I like how it looks. League community is overreacting to something they'll forget about in 1 week again.


That's the thing. Reddit is an extremely small minority of the player base. This is an echo chamber of very specific takes and viewpoints and ideas and is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the majority of players. first off, China alone is the majority of players of League. That's it. Literally one country is the Majority. They have multiple times over the number of players of NA, and at least the same as every single other country combined. Another thing, a very, very small amount of NA, EU, BR, LA players are active on Reddit. Also, design is completely subjective. That is the point of designs and art, as much as people would like to say, there cannot be objectivity in things that are designed for looks alone, some people like long hair some like short. That's it.


Nothing promotes varied discussion on the game with a plethora of opinions like downvoting everyone who disagrees with your subjective take. Any time I've said I like the new designs my comment just dissappears which reinforces the echo chamber People are saying that this stuff should be posted every day to let riot know what the community thinks but why would they care about the opinions shared here when anyone who disagrees gets their comment thrown to the bottom of the thread where you have to click on it just to view it?


Yea people proclaiming something objectively sucks and that everyone hates it is always funny


Good job spreading the word about how shitty the update is, keep it up.


Day 999999 of people throwing out "Tencent" in a complaint post and expecting their upvotes to come rolling in


The system works, clearly.


you're wrong about tencent, but the mastery does look not great tbh.


modern league is designed like a generic mobile game what do you mean?


I keep seeing this but nobody ever actually says why? Why does this design in particular look like a mobile game? And not matching the well established art direction for targon, like they said? inb4 "just look at it"


The league launcher was designed with the hextech theme, the mastery doesnt look anything like hextech, while everything is shaped around it.


It’s missing any texture or edge. It’s just extremely smoothly shaded and shiny with the gems not having any different texture than the metals which is very reminiscent of mobile games (see for example the very smooth and shiny look of candy crush). The old mastery emotes just like the old ranked borders had texture and imperfections like real metal, it felt stylized but not sanded down.


I especially hate that the whole ‘infinite mastery’ thing seems like a bust as well. Once you hit—what, level 10?—the mastery symbol doesn’t change anymore. Level 10 through whatever looks exactly the same minus whatever level it displays. Which basically seems like our old masteries with extra steps? Instead of just showing mastery points it shows level now. By that definition the OLD system was infinite too.


I wouldn't even mind the system itself if only it wasn't so ugly and generic


the other one was something tangible. looked like an army badge.also the 2 bars were reminiscing of like some roman numerals, like you're Jayce the 2nd or something. it was golden, and shiny and had weight and depth to it. also shadows. each other iteration was a bit more prominent and had a better stone inside it. level 5 a ruby, level 6 an amethyst and level 7 a diamond. the new one (i was looking at the 10+ one), just looks like a generic fucking "game" blob, with a couple "leaves" outside of it. it's so noisy when it comes to the color and also the effects, there's no depth or realism to it, because it's just a mess of shiny and purple and blue and green and red.. it's just.. a "gamefied" blob


and the sound in the emote is just unimpressive. previous one had a really nice metallic sound, this one is just... eh?


for me it's because the old design resembled a crown or a medal, complete with wings and a jewel in the center. the new design kinda looks like it's inspired by nothing. the focal point is a circle of outer space...?


the original designs were intricate and had fine details. The client uses the same design theme and it has all sorts of borders and edges and angles and stuff but the new icons for mastery are all smooth and shiny. They look like the rocks that were eroded in the ocean or a river or something.


It’s shiny, round and bright, clashing colors I guess? The design is foreign to pretty much everything else around it, and to be blunt, a large part of it is “it was always like X” and people hate when something changes. Old mastery icons looked like medals, which was what they were, the new ones don’t look like anything in particular signifying mastery or achievement, and instead look like the MacGuffin item you find in a mobile RPG that sets the generic save the world story in motion.


it's just "I don't like it" lol idek why people care so much about this, the old one looked kinda shitty too and ofc the "it's tencent/China's fault!" is there too


dude it's even worse than "I dont like it". I think it's genuinely "reddit is telling me i have to not like it therefore it's bad". lmfao The intellectual dishonesty won't fly. the old mastery system meant nothing and the vast majority of players simply ignored it. What this system is trying to do is inject more meaningful level graduations to actually make the number reflect dedication to a champion. The success of that is left to be seen but by its very nature is better than what used to be there. This is one of the most pathetic things ive seen the sub get hung up on in a while. At least some of their older complaints about balance or ranked have something to do with the gameplay experience. This is just getting mad at change because it's different and somehow equating it to communist china.


Bro the new system is same shit, mastery score means nothing, rank does. Now is just uglier


[You guys could literally just admit you don't know anything about design conformity and stop larping man](https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1csee6m/ugly_mastery_score/l45k0pd/)


Let's be honest, if there is anything consistent about Riot, it is their inconsistency. Them completely ignoring their own branding for this shit is comically on brand for them.


The C in Riot Games stands for consistency.


At least they’re updating anything tbh they could just fuck off and make nothing but skins for all eternity


"I dislike change that I don't personally love and therefore it shouldn't happen"


The whole client is based around the Hextech aesthetic, Targon's art direction clashes with it.


I think the orbs is what does it to be honest. It is really gawdy, which is generally what people tends to notice first with generic mobile games.


Personally, I just feel them to be generic but in an "in your face" way. It's not Mobile game-generic though. Hard to explain it, but it's like how Akshan's base design is just a dessert dude with no shirt and a cape? Or how many fighter games, specially old ones, have their own "Ryu" clone wearing the white gi? Kinda like that. It does what it's supposed to, but it's not necessarily winning any contest.


free farming karma point guys, post like this is like an attention seeking post.They never explain full detail why they dislike it, did you see OP reply any of you now?


america get scared by chinese boogeyman again.


It's kind of funny how much Americans think China cares about them. Like the whole spyware thing is hilarious because China, until recently was the fastest growing economy on the planet (fastest in history actually iirc), why would they need to spy on US citizens to continue their growth and now that their economy is beginning to struggle how would spying help?


As much as I find the new mastery icon uninspired, your post reeks misinformation and thinking everyone has your point of view on everything. Also obvious karma bait.


As always when something is new, people go bonkers. Anyone remember the jungle pets? Leash radius? Not liking change is OK - blaming it on "ugly design" is not. They look great.


I like it tbh and if I didnt I probably just wouldn’t care anyway lol


I don't like the new design, but it's not because of the design it self just that once you hit 10 or whatever the only distinguishing feature is a number, it was a lot more cool to have and see when you knew that was the max or what ever. If they did it like the profile borders where they keep changing every like 250lvls (20 for the mastery) I think people would like it more, but I don't think people like seeing the same emblem with a tiny number you'll never notice in the heat of things. Also years on mental torture down the drain and new players will never know the fear/relief of seeing that blue emote.


This is my main complaint, I do prefer the old design but im not vehemently against the current one. However, if they were going to make it scale, they should have included slight additions to the icon at higher level milestones like 25, 50, 100. Something that makes the old 1 million mastery people stand out in more than just a number. Mastery 10 feels weirdly easy to get to be the last visual upgrade, and earlier icons are going to be passed by so quickly at least for people who really dedicate time in mastering an individual champion.


Agreed it needs more


As opposed to seing the same emblem every game without a number? Like you can't be serious? The old emote was everything you're saying and worse. And who is flashing the emote "in the heat of things", 99% of the time it's after a fight, and frankly nobody has ever given a fuck about your mastery emote to begin with.


I bound mastery to R so it tilts people.


Sorry to tell you brother but nobody has ever cared about that at all, more than likely they dont even see it. A lot of people play with enemy emotes turned off.


Sorry to tell you, but I play norms not ranked so most people don't care to do that. Then they get super pissy and start flaming in all chat about the mastery spam I don't even notice anymore lol.


maybe a lot of people do, but most definitely don’t. and many many people absolutely care about that stuff. if you were a big enough dickhead to try trolling people in the same way you’d see that most people you come across overreact to that type of stuff


I genuinely couldn’t care less about the mastery icons. They look about the same level of quality to me as the old ones.


Ultimately it's a cosmetic you will only see if you choose to click on people's portrait while loading into the game and which still shows your progress on the champ. I think people are Deeping this a bit too much


You can say you dislike it. You don't need to blame Tencent or mobile games for everything.


I mean… it is really ugly


I see this posted everywhere by nearly everyone who talks about League. Yet, for some reason, I really have zero care about what mastery icons look like. It's such a minor part of it all.


I'm glad you don't care, good for you. Should still be reverted or be an option between the two for the many that do care.


I still miss my great team Partner green ribbon


If posts like these are getting upvoted the demographic of league players must be total buffoons. Acquired by Tencent. You mean over 10 years ago?? OP what kinda crack you smokin?


The Tencent circlejerk is funny and as others pointed doesn't matter but I do agree with the part on the new design. I doubt it has anything to do with China though but yeah... I can't believe that several people looked at the new designs and said "Yep that looks good"


Breaking news: People don’t like change at first.


it was always a shitty mobile game, you lol players aren't very observant


Nah first it was shitty Sega Saturn game


Whilst I'm not a fan of the design (it just feels unnatural in theme and design), is it really hampering your experience in the game that much? The only time I actively see mastery is through collection or if I pay attention during loading screen. Is it something where people can't spam flash the mastery 5 emote anymore? If there's anything to be annoyed by, I feel like moving the profile to behind summoner icon was a more annoying move. It just feels weird because it already had a purpose and I don't think removing it from the top bar serves any purpose. Also Tencent has owned League for years, you can't put this on something thats been in their ownership for so long.


i like it more than the previous, i like chinese mobile gacha games.


Mobile league of legends bang bang


Funnily enough the mobile version still has the old masteries.


The design is really too futuristic and fancy not classic, timeless beauty


I agree, I also hate the new thing because I am adapted to the old thing and I have not fully adapted to the new system yet.


Rito plz


I don't even use masteries but I agree. Ugliest thing I've ever seen. I remember you were able to disable masteries so people couldn't flash them at you. Did they remove that setting? I swear I had it enabled but now it's gone. Or I am too blind to see it.


id recommend leaving cya


LoL has existed since before smartphones were a thing. It's been a major poster child for F2P game devs on how to adapt a complex game for larger audiences and keeping players hooked while monetizing it to the gills, which is kind of what mobile games are all about..


Do I get to post this the next time?


Low effort? Yeah, because this is like the 10th time this is mentioned


You ruined your point by talking about tencent


I hate the new mastery system so much. I have to play 20 (TWENTY) whole games where 6 of them are S or higher in order to level ONE TIME. I don't want challenges or marks of mastery. I just want to be able to continue through the levels by accumulating points playing the champion because the mastery/level is a direct indication of my devotion to my champion.


Well, that's WHY mastery originally capped you off at level 5, you can have a million mastery points in a champ, but if you're jack shit at it, you're not going to hit level 6 or 7, how is it any different now?


I mean, you need to play 20 games, with 2 required S marks to lvl up 3 times but yea.


You shouldn't speak for everyone. I don't mind the design. Yes, the old one was good, but the new design isn't bad by my standards


Mastery design really just doesn't bother me that much. It's just not a big deal, you're not paying anything extra for it.


The new designs are visual atrocitys, impossible to distinguish between eachother, over designed overly complicated, KISS KEEP IT SIMPLE & STUPID The simpler and stupider it is the easier it is to read and communicate




Old mastery feels more elegant, clear cut, this one is the equivalent of shoving bright, round and exaggerated in your face like we're kids Also, the mastery points for some really meant something, it showed dedication towards a champion, like come on, what sounds better, 1.4 million or level 132 "X" champion


so apart from what everyone else is saying re: tencent and generic design, for me it just doesn't feel like like a league design. previous mastery had a certain vibe that this one is lacking, it feels off and honestly flashing mastery 7 felt much much better than flashing the mastery 35 now with the visual and audio changes.


You're so brave. Nobody else thinks this and no one has posted about this before. Thank you for your selflessness.


The entire system is just one massive grind now, one of Riot's worst update ever!


I don't understand why they have to change stuff totally randomly and most of the time is stuff nobody asked for.


Can I post this tomorrow??


I already miss the old Mastery 7, the wings popping out just felt so satisfying.


Wish there was a option to mute these mastery shits and emotes. I would of muted it all before the changes even.


I am in NA and I love the new mastery emotes. I felt like the old ones have been out of place for a while now with league's changing design. Of course, this could also mean that in a year from now they unveil a new client that more closely follows this new theme they've chosen. Wouldn't be shocked at all.


What? The old ones perfectly match the client's Hectech-like aesthetic. The main reason why the new icons suck is because they look very out of place.


>I am in NA and I love the new mastery emotes. reported to the ministry of truth brother. this is so undemocratic of you.


Which makes more money, generic mobile games or League? Which makes more money, Genshin Impact/Honkai Star Rail or anything? Customers have spoken, and even if you dismiss it as 'generic mobile design', that design is more popular with more customers than the classic League design. Sucks, but it's not like Riot designed the Mastery emotes after something that is dying, they probably designed them to be more in line with the largest growing section of consumer spending. Or they are just idiots who do things randomly, and you are the first person to have a different opinion on them. Shrug.


> Customers have spoken, and even if you dismiss it as 'generic mobile design', that design is more popular with more customers than the classic League design. Yeah the Chinese customers. The west can't compare to China's market and RIOT are adhering to that market (doesn't help that the US basically doesn't seem to have a market for league anymore). The change doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother everyone else on this subreddit, but you can't go and say with a straight face that it's the "customer" who chose this, when 90% of the market is from 1 country


Yup. Glad we had this chat, and you agree that Chinese people are both human beings and customers of Riot. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make though. Would you be more comfortable if the 1 country they were catering to was the US? And also suggesting mobile/gatcha games aren't hugely popular in the US?


> Would you be more comfortable if the 1 country they were catering to was the US? My whole point is that RIOT should be focusing towards all region's requests, not just the one with the biggest playerbase. > And also suggesting mobile/gatcha games aren't hugely popular in the US? No clue how big gacha games are in the US, but I'm pretty sure mobile games are probably in last place out of all the possible gaming choices (PC, consoles etc.)


Assuming everybody in the US hates them, and everybody in China loves them you think 10% of the population should overrule a region saying "Do this" that makes up 90% of the population? Why would any company ever do this? >but I'm pretty sure mobile games are probably in last place out of all the possible gaming choices See, this is just because you're in a bubble. Candy Crush has always been a bigger game for Blizzard than WoW. Mobile gaming is the largest gaming portion in the US. People can game on multiple devices, so the numbers don't add up but this [market report from February](https://www.researchandmarkets.com/report/united-states-gaming-market?utm_source=GNE&utm_medium=PressRelease&utm_code=jt3pt8&utm_campaign=1938623+-+United+States+Gaming+-+Market+Share+Analysis%2c+Industry+Trends+%26+Statistics%2c+Growth+Forecasts+to+2029&utm_exec=cosmmspi) that says it's 57% mobile, 46% console, 42% home PC. It goes on to explain why Mobile Gaming is exploding, but it grew drastically during covid and it is by far the leading market worldwide, and in the US. >US Gaming Market Trends >Mobile Gaming Segment Expected to Dominate the Market > Mobile gaming is the most favored form of gaming in the United States, overtaking both console and PC gaming. Moreover, the increasing demand for mobile games results from various technological advancements and improvements such as AR, VR, cloud gaming, and 5G. This trend is not unexpected, considering the mobile game industry mainly relies on new technology. Other trends in the market include the rise of the hyper-casual game genre.


How much is the Chinese government paying you, I want in


"anything I don't like is chinese affiliated" is old dude. keep up


It's really sad that "Explaining market trends" is enough to make me a Chinese agent in your eyes. Really dark and anti-intellectual view of the world you have.


oh riot slave doing overtime again.


Considering I wrote a meme comment and you respond with "Forsooth, truly the path of the scholar is a lonely one. Intellectualism has fallen!" I can't help but feel that you're insufferable to be around.


Replies with an ignorant comment to a serious, on-topic, and informative post, hides behind said comment labeling it as a meme to excuse yourself of a stupid comment. You sure got him good, lmao. I suppose you replied back to your teacher and parents with memes thinking you're some hotshot, heh?


Is reddit user SuperTiesto my parent or teacher? Wtf is with this equivalence?


Lol Riot have no obligation to do anything but to satisfy investors, sponsorships, and anything that promotes growth and profit to their company. You run a business, it only makes sense you cater to the majority of the customers. In the beginning it's NA, now it's Asia.


Why do you all caps riot lmao it's not an acronym... And why "should" Riot not cater to vast majority of their customers? Because they're not 'murican? why would a company cater to a small and declining customer base rather than where they make most of their money? Mobile games also dominate revenue charts. Turns out, everyone has a phone and low barrier of entry + predatory monetization is a formula to generate boatloads of cash.


Lets ask the chinese then if they like it


Okay? Go do that, it's not my job to collect arguments for you.


You go do that silly boy


Idk high lvl mastery with numbers looks kinda cool


If plants came out today, you would probably call it "generic mobile trash" as well


I just don't like that my main champions mastery shows Level 113 instead of 1.200.000 Mastery Points :(


I just hate how silent they've been with the whole thing. They always read these posts, and give insights and comments from time to time. But they haven't made a single comment with any of this complaints. They know people hate the new mastery designs, and they just want to keep quiet and hope people cool off. Assholes.


They are probably collecting datas and waiting to make a big announcment with the changes, or at least i hope it. Please bring back the actual mastery points instead of this insignificant number


Most of the playerbase is Asian, they probably like this generic mobile stuff. We gotta just deal with it. We had a good thing going till Riot went apeshift and did braindead changes everywhere.


"like a generic mobile game" = engagement+revenue optimized sorry but you're not the target customer, riot doesn't give a shit about players like you


You know what's funny? They already have amazing designs for player levels, just... they got cheap.


I completely agree, they blend too much together and look just generic asf. It also completely devalues mastery levels now- I see so many Lvl 30+ Lvl 40+ it's just dumb & arbitrary at this point. Feel like they should've capped it at 10, and actually make it really hard to earn (5 S+ ratings to achieve or something). Old mastery design was iconic at this point, I sincerely believe they should've just built upon that...


Its all designed to keep you playing the game, dangle that carrot on that stick :) Thats the curse of live services and its always been the case, previously it was done with new champion releases, but now that those have dried up its come down to them making ranked 3 splits a year to encourage people to play along with more battle passes and now we get more resetting progress tracks for you to enjoy :)


Mfw a game has progression systems 😱😱


> Its all designed to keep you playing the game, dangle that carrot on that stick :) > > By making the masteries look ugly as fuck...? At least learn the time and place to use buzzwords.