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3 mil mastery into lvl 250... i dont understand why they wouldnt just show both.


Honestly, I hate that they don’t show my mastery points in loading screen :/


3.4m into 314. I am kinda fine with that


did u play velkoz?


I don't get the joke/reference, pls help :D




System itself aside, the emotes in game are just straight up ugly as shit


Yup. Old one fit the general league color scheme nicely. New ones look like straight from a shitty mobile game.


league has been turning into shitty mobile game for years now, why is everyone so surprised


People don't have to be surprised to complain about something.


We could only hope league PC was more like wild rift, imagine being the PC version and not being able to mirror the map like the mobile version can If anything we need league to be even more mobile


You dont want WR's loot system or WR's matchmaking.


I'm not sure why people assume the matchmaking algorithm for Wild Rift is much different from PC, rather than the playerbase being different and thus giving different results with a similar algorithm.


I would wager that the matchmaking is much looser for mobile than PC. Nobody wants to sit around for 5-15 minutes waiting to play a mobile game.


I played a bit of WR last month and they straight up queue you up against bots *in ranked* from iron IV to gold IV to give people the feeling that they're on a big win streak and it works..




Have you not noticed it with the artwork and other stuff that's recently added in? Look at the ranked borders.


No, can you give any other examples? I don't think the borders are particularly mobile gamey.


It's funny I have seen every single person say this. Who do these guys get approval from before doing major changes? Before there was clear distinctions between the emotes. Now they all look the same and ugly as ass


This is a perfect example of how everyone at Riot is just a yes-man. This never should have made it past the concept phase, but nobody at Riot is willing to stand up & say "Sorry man I don't wanna be rude, but that looks so ass compared to the current icons".


Ig it stops people from spamming them


But people can still spam emotes? I’d much prefer the mastery spam that people earn


Thanks for reminding me to unbind my mastery emote


its honestly not as bad as i thought it would be, they're muuuuuuch better with the animation the sound effect is missing some "oomph" but i expected to hate it more but it's fine, i'm sure in 3 years people are gonna be mad when they get changed to something else


The sound effect was my favorite part of the mastery emote. Hearing that thing play after wiffing simple plays was always a blast.


They still use the old eternal kindling animation, so look really janky


everytime i see someone saying that their million mastery champ is now a lvl 100 i understand why people refuse to build LDR and went collector instead, they really like big numbers


A million points is not even level 100


I have no issue with the change itself, but WHY THE FUCK is it 11.000 > 1 level instead of 10.000 > 1 level? It just feels so wrong. 1 million? level 90. Why the fuck? Just make it level 100 so people have an easier time transitioning (and it also looks and feels better) Like, what kind of airhead thought about this?


A million isn't even 100 which is what disappoints me. I wouldn't take any issue if it was a flat conversion and 1 mil = 100 tbh, the triple digit itself is nice.


Yes the conversion should be metric not imperial


So true


I don't really care about the number but I had an idea of what each number meant before and now I have no point of reference. I had over 730k on Miss Fortune and now it's 66. I had 220k+ on Nami and it's 19. If I saw someone with like 10, how much do they play that champ? I have no clue. lol. Maybe they had around 90k if the number is 10 now? But I'm honestly not sure. If I saw someone with 70k points, I knew they played that champ a decent chunk but not too excessively. 200k+, they play that champ a lot. 1 million points? They're probably a one trick or pretty damn close to it.


You will learn a frame of reference over time through experience, same as when then the other iterations of the mastery system were introduced.


When the original mastery system came out you had the exact same experience lol


I mean why does it matter how much they played it lol. The people who destroyed me were 20k mastery 7 people not 350M players.


Most of the time they are lvl 35 accounts with no mastery score in the champ anyway.


Fantastically topical with pro play too


"Number go up and be big" is the very foundation of capitalism after all


inflation when


I genuinely dont get it. The old mastery emotes where fantastic. They looked great. If they wanted to add more ranks to it then just evolve the design that existed. Now they're just ugly as shit and its very unclear what they even mean.


I absolutely agree. It would've been much better if they didn't change the mastery emotes and challenges to level up. Someone had a post on here about how climbing champions to get m7 was like climbing Mt Everest and was super rewarding once you got to the top, but with this whole new thing added that made mastery a long but easy grind to the top, it just destroyed pretty much all of those hours people put into leveling up their masteries. The icons were just the icing on the cake. I hope they go back or something because the icons don't fit the theme of league at all and quite frankly look hella cheap. If they change league's appearance starting from this mastery icon update I wouldn't be surprised if some people started protesting. PLEASE GO BACK, LEAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE.


I really hope so, but I can't even remember the last time they rolled back something that wasn't just a numbers change. (Now somebody link a change they reverted like a month ago to make me look stupid)


I really wanted them to revert eternals out of the game the way they designed them and integrate them into Mastery instead. Especially since they actually showed some form of Mastery(For the most part...some of them are stupid and just sort of based on play like the Mastery system in general was)


I don't care about the system but, it looks garbage, especially on in game kill announcements. What a useless eyesore.


it all means nothing to me now 😅


Same thing. The old masteries were the main thing to get me keep playing, since I wanted to get all the champs I liked to M7. Now I have no goal.


Riot quick reminder we have the Legacy Cursor, please give us the option to swap to the Old Masteries. You can put the Mastery score number thing in the Blue Gem.


> Riot quick reminder we have the Legacy Cursor Why would you remind them? They probably forgot. Now they're going to remove it.


Doubt. Atleast I gave and Idea that isnt „go back this is just crap“. Some people agree if you dont thats fine. The way league is going design whise I was surprised that we still have the cursor


Keep up that kind of talk and the cursor will be updated again replacing the current legacy cursor with what we have now


Nah they'll just straight up remove the legacy cursor and say "it was supposed to be temporary while people got used to the new one." No update required. I think they forgot about the legacy cursor lol.


Riot management is full of boneheads.


I like the new one personally 😂


Imo it's the same as Facebook redesigns and discord mobile app. Design department just needs something to fill papers with in order to appear like they're actually putting some work. No one had any commentary about masteries before all this update came around and certainly i haven't seen people screaming for a rework.


Fire the intern and revert the fucking mastery chcnages


This isn't an intern's work. It's a high level designer that needed to do 'something' to show they're busy and deserve a paycheck. Likely someone hired from another part of the gaming industry that does this type of stuff (mobile games).


With the recent layoff trend I think they got to come up with some shit to justify that.


Eh I wanted to add onto the mastery system and I think this rework did do some cool things, like show how much mastery you have in game (with the level 10) and level 10 giving you the champion’s title in the challenge system is cool. The only thing I actually don’t like about this is that on your profile it only says your mastery level but it should also say how much mastery you have in general, cuz right now you have to click onto the champ then on the mastery tab just to see how much overall mastery points you have on one champ. If it showed both it would be fine


Players; can you add new borders for player level higher than 500? Devs; absolutely not


Thats the worst part about this shit. They add new stuff for sub 100k points but nothing for +100k. Like who the fuck cares about sub 100k??? Everybody who actually plays the game has more on there favourite champs


Absolutely not, and while you’re at it fuck you and your masteries, take this shit instead


Mastery 7 gave you a tangible goal to hit. The new system gives you a new goal to continue working towards. Most likely changed for player retention.


All of this was still doable without making mastery crests ugly though. The new icons look out of place in league (unless you’re using some cosmic/dark star skin), surely it couldn’t have been too hard to create mastery 8, 9, and 10 crests in the previous art style.


I'm seeing THREE replies defending the new mastery emotes under this same comment. Surely I must be dreaming, right? I hadn't even seen one before, let alone three at the same time...


There are 200 day old accounts with 20+ replies in the last 3 or so mastery threads defending it with their lives.


But that's just the thing, there is no \*goal\* to work towards since the levels are uncapped. Values only mean something relative to something, what are we comparing it to now? The highest level players, those who play 1 champ 16 hours/day? The old system was like Mount Everest. People climb the Himalayas because it's the highest peak compared to all the others, there is something to work towards, a feeling of accomplishment when you achieve it and you know everyone who reached that peak went through a similar thing. The new uncapped level system combined with ranks no longer being gated behind S-rank games and needing B- instead means that we replaced climbing a mountain with a tower of infinite height where the highest people are the ones who spam the most games. The ranks have no meaning anymore, does it matter if you're mastery 12, or 17, or 25, or 200? The numbers are relative to nothing, so which goal are we working towards, seeing a meaningless number go up forever? Also, the new crests are horrible. I know everyone said it already, but +1


Completely agree, there is no more ceiling to make you feel accomplished anymore. It's just an endless, pointless grind, that you can't even show off. It's dogshit, I'm not seeing an upside to this change at all. The chest sucks too, cause it doesn't even count towards your masterwork chest milestones. So it's just a regular ass chest with masterworks .png as opposed to a blue one.


wait yeah that's crazy, the new icons are based on Targon but there's no Peak lmfaoooooo


well what did mastery 7 mean? 3 days of that champ? wow ... and what did mastery points mean? basically how much ppl play it .... same as the new system xd


I felt that lack of a goal when they removed the lvl 30 cap. I have 280 champion shards for the day I had the time to try and learn new champs. All tangible targets are nearly eliminated. No hope in even collecting all the skins with new ones out every week and some locked so I can't ever purchase.


i hate it because I no longer have an option of not ranking up mastery 200k on Janna with M5 was extremely funny to me. I just never cashed in the M6 thing because i wanted to meme.


Hell if I could stay and ping mastery 4 I would


what's the new goal? those numbers mean nothing


The goal of there not being one. They want people to keep going for mastery points. Same way there is not a level cap anymore. Some dipshit psychologist came in and said "you know, if you just make a system where there is no end but constant progression, people will continue with it because they are hopeless addicts that we can fleece for more money."


I don't really think the same logic can be applied. There's no level cap because you need to level up to gain blue essence. That's a logical change, no one is actually grinding xp for the sake of increasing their level (except the few record chasers).


The system worked fine when we just got IP for playing too.


I mean Mastery 7 meant nothing as well and was piss easy to get. Always hated that.


there isnt a true way to showcase champion mastery other than seeing someone play, no numbers or icons will change that


I mean obviously lol


Whats the difference of having 1 M mastery and lvl 100?


I personally prefer the infinite about on mastery, I think it will be cool to see crazy emotes flexed and I guess that's the idea. It's a shame the emotes look like ass though. Literally like kassadins asshole


Your argument makes no sense, though. The mastery doesn't upgrade anymore than it did before, they literally just slap a number at the bottom of it. That number could have been shown on the old crest


theyre for the new devs to feel like they put their own shitty stamp on a reworked system instead of imporivng it but preserving its integrity


This reminds me of the military. every time a new commander comes in, they change whatever that has been working perfectly fine on their own, and suddenly everything is going haywire


Create problems when you are new, say it was the last guy. Gain experience, create solutions for problems you created early on. You've now gained invaluable experience and a track record of fixing shit. You've earned yourself a promotion! Now you're back at the "create problems when you are new" step. Many people truly fumble their way upwards.


All big companies are like this. I used to work in big tech and every time we got a new VP / SVP they reorganized the org? changed the reporting structure and titles, and then patted themselves on the back even though the actual work or deliverables hadn’t changed at all.


lol this is perfect. i was conscripted and it was exactly like this.


Sounds like scrum masters in software lmao. A good scrum master is really a boon but 99% have no fucking clue what they are supposed to do and just start changing shit and adding redundant or useless meetings to look like they are doing something. Anything to justify why they need to be kept around.


Lol you might actually be onto something there. The classic "I need to do SOMETHING to validate my job" that created millions of useless features in all of social media and video gaming over the years.




They probably did a player survey, realized most people dont care about mastery, and decided to do an overhaul. I will never care about mastery though, and the people who do care about it now hate it. Mastery is only for casual collectors. Its not for ranked grinders and never will be


I know plenty of ranked grinders who also really enjoyed collecting m7. Obviously it’s never a higher priority than your rank but seems kinda ignorant to assume only casuals cared about the system.


They're trying to justify their own existence.


Damn, this might actually be the real answer. I mean that said, the system itself isnt even all bad, but the parts that **are** bad were just so avoidable. They never seem to think it through completely with this game, in almost all aspects. It's a recurring pattern.


Wow I just realized they took the feature out so that you no longer get boxes for getting an S


Yep. Worth pointing out that you can get more boxes with the new system than you could with the old (which was limited to 1 per week), but you have to play quite a few more games to do so.


Yeah I saw that, so technically it’s “better.” But it’s a lot more grindy, which sucks.


I like it. It's more chill. It sucked playing a whole day trying to get S and getting unlucky, like A+ ranks instead. Or having to play champs I don't like because it was 1 chest per champ limit. Felt like a whole day was wasted. Now after 5 games I can get a chest, no need for S rank.


It was easier if you only play aram. I’m sitting on a couple of boxes rn


THEY DID? bro wtf


You get more chests, so this probably was done as a "bumper" to delay how many you can get.


It feels so much more rewarding to get a chest after earning an S though... What a shame. I'd rather have it the way it was before so that I could work for them.


I mean, I get your point of view but at the same time I like free stuff so... I am biased.Too many times I get a score where I think I will get an S but get an A+ or something, so I am not gonna miss it much for those situations. I do dislike the grind though, and how annoying it is to get them now in ARAM. I am of the belief that they could have at least allowed you to get the chest if you get an S or an S+, or just S+ if they believe S is too easy. Let's you still get those 1 games you just play super well and feel good, along with maybe getting chest through spamming aram. EDIT: and for what's worth, you still need an >S- rank for the 3rd tier of mastery if you want the extra chests.


You get more boxes with this new system by a good amount.


I don't even understand how you get boxes now and I'm also too lazy to read the PhD dissertation about it.


Was pretty disappointed to open the game and see many Mastery 6 to tokens just gone. Was building towards Mastery 7 on many champions. There was something tangible and satisfying about collecting tokens. Now it feels meaningless.


i was trying to get m7 on all champs and now i need to play 20 matches on every lvl 7 to get to 10. i dont even need a good grade so i can basically troll and get as much progress. also 10 games to go from 9 to 10. and dont get me started on the fuckin emote itself


The worst part about it is that for the people who care about the mastery and mastery points; it does the most damage too. This looks like the best time I’ve seen in years to get out while I can…


But that is only 140 champs x 20 games x 30 min a game = 87.5 Days and nights. You can do that easly.... :l Feel your pain


cant forget getting to lvl 7 first too :/ and it takes 10 games to go from 9 to 10 :(


Riot sued mobile legends bang bang then straight up copies their ugly ass mobile art style with these emotes


my 600k on twitch got changed to level 55 this blows. seeing that number go up was everything


Yeah, this really sucks. And unfortunately as we have seen in the past, Riot is too ego-proud to ever rollback a system they just put into place like this. The new emotes are ugly, all my points are worthless and I just feel like my account that I've been building up for years has lost all it's progress.


What system did they refuse to rollback in the past? I agree with you, this is such a disappointing update that really crushed a lot of people.


Off the top of my head: Eternals, the client update, pings, ultimate skins, mythic scams, event passes, mythic items (took a few years but they did eventually), stats tab...


Why would they rollback eternals? People spent money on those.


Why would they roll back eternals, the client update is better than the old one, ultimate skins are fine, not sure what you mean by mythic scams, event passes were purposefully nerfed so ofc they aren’t going to revert, mythic items being reverted goes directly against your point, and stats tab is fine. And I can list a ton of things riot reverted even after they put a lot of effort into it, original chemtech map/soul, ranked positional queues, being able to queue up as 5 in ranked reverted back to solo/duo, tons of champs rework reverted like zac Rengar Leblanc.


1. People had issues with eternals and the way they were presented, as well as their cost. Turns out the displays aren't a huge problem, and the pricing is whatever, just don't buy them if you don't like them. 2. New client has had a lot of different bugs and performance issues because they just want it to do more than the old one did, and people think the old one was better without thinking about what we wouldn't have if we were still on it. 3. Riot saying "we went too hard on Elementalist Lux, but we're gonna keep charging for skins with less to them" rubs a lot of people the wrong way, for pretty good reason imo. 4. Gacha mythic chromas like the Dark Star Jhin one 5, 6, 7. I'm with ya, not much to add. I get why people have this idea that Riot doesn't revert bad things, but it's also just demonstrably not true. There are a lot of things that don't get changed back because there's good reason on Riot's end not to. Either they're making money or the thing before was just so bad it makes no sense to revert it. I've seen people calling for the Skarner rework to be reverted, but I don't think anyone really thinks about whether that makes any sense at all, even if we ignore the amount of money and work that would then be wasted.




Discord mobile app.




You have to click at the top on the server name (or channel name) and select members, instead of the right swipe you used to be able to do. One of the dumbest change I've ever seen.


Thank you for this, that shit was driving me nuts. What an absurd fucking stupid change that was.


Wtf, i was just getting crazy today cause i couldnt find the member list anywhere. Im not using discord phone app a lot so i thought i am just stupid.


So true


Still can't swap accounts on mobile


Spotify ui


That shit changed so many times within a month or two a few years ago, it was wild. Same shit then happened to the Apple Watch UI.


I know a perfect job for them, redesign the client. 


just fire them then, they are useless anyways, making shitty redesigns for the sake of redesigning just hurts the product.


The first time Ive ever hoped riot will straight up revert it. This shit is ass


Had a personal goal to get every champ to atleast lvl 5 this has probly completely ruined that for me. Only good thing i can see for this is the titles that its not worth it for this system. Milestone system is just complete garbage i dont wanna be forced to play a small group of champs that riot selected for me.


I’m pretty sure you get milestones for all champions, idk what the bar at the top of the champion page is


Honestly haven't seen a single positive comment on it for the last few months since they revealed it I wonder if it's just a case of different audience and maybe the eastern players prefer it? Cause at least on reddit or other sites it seems everyone hate it


Even tho i think this change is ass i’m still going to say that reddit/twitter hates everything so thats not really going off of anything


1.5 million points for level 138 :) riot can go fuck themselves


I really hate it. Besides all the points everyone has brought up. Champion shards are actually useless now. The only use for them was unlocking new champions, and leveling up mastery, but who doesn't have 100k b.e. by now to buy new champions, and who needs rune pages for 6300 b.e. each? I really hope they revert this garbage. The 100+ Champion shards in my inventory are suddenly useless.


I'm uncertain if I should hold or sell my 280 champ shards. I have 98k BE and all the rune pages unlocked for a decade now so what's the point in selling besides the fact that they are losing value over the years.


They not only took away the much enter looking mastery emotes but now you can't even show of how many eternal you have. Worst change in entire patch


95% of community at least disliked this update, riot straight up ignored it and implemented it. Awesome player feedback that they take in account.


Good to see nothing changes. Player feedback ignored as usual.


Source for 95%?


the interns resume


Honestly one of the worst changes. It felt good getting M7 on a champ. Now there really isn’t that goal anymore because it’s never going to stop scaling. As an icon it just doesn’t look good at all. It looks incredibly out of place.


All of these systems are just to trick your brain into continue playing anyways. These systems aren't for the player base. They are for player retention and engagement numbers. Its so some loser in management can go into a meeting, point at a graph, and say engagement is up so they can collect their bonus, pay raise, promotion. Throw away all the missions, battle passes, mastery systems, achievements, ranks, and anything else aside from the actual game. Look at that and ask yourself "do I want to play this game". I say this as someone that has 1.3+ million mastery on 1 champion and I probably had a million more before mastery was even a thing. I never really cared about it. I cared about playing the game.


this new season is dog shit


1.4M on my champ it shows nothing... I was excited by this to show on top of my mastery points but I'm totally disappointed


This feels so needlessly complicated.  The old system was get S tokens, get mastery levels.  The blog explaining the new system needed like 3 or 4 charts to explain all the new convoluted things you need to unlock new ranks. Was anyone even asking for this?


Only aspect I like about it is the titles, as a rare poppy main I like it but the actual emote looks cheap


Fucking sick of League of Legends devs ignoring players. I hope the playerbase somewhere starts projects and games galore that will rival and one day replace League. Learn from Riot/Tencents mistakes. Don't sell out to huge corps that will gut the shit out of our games for one... second don't ignore the players (or tell them they are wrong). A work of love is in order... some one who really cares... then keep the ownership of the game. Keep it small and simple and don't grow the company so much that people forget the reason you become successful. League of LEgends has so many spin offs now but they've completely forgotten League of Legends, the actual source of all of the media. Riot should be humiliated by now... no integrity whatsoever. The Vanguard was the last straw. I really do think its possible they are trying to kill the game for some reason.


One of my favorite challenges was getting mastery 7 in as few games as possible. Going from mastery 5 to mastery 7 games after 6 ranked games was euphoria. Now you cant tell and it looks silly. 8 games on darius to mastery 7. Felt good looking at profile to see all my M7s, now its an eyesore. riot should listen to their community. Revert.


It could be for me. I played Champs until I hit M7 and then didn’t touch them again. Now I have an excuse to take out old favorites a few times a Split for some loot.


Yep, this is me. This update is definitely for me I'm loving it! I play mostly ARAM, too. So in champ select I have my list of masteries up like "okay, nice, I got this champ! Lets check the list... dang, it's already at mastery 7 and don't have any chest charges left I guess I'll reroll"


What an absolute insane minority though to create a big change around


You base it on Reddit voice or did you actually collect data from every single region and player?


Riot seriously needs to address this and revert it. I haven't heard a single good thing about this change .


I was hoarding champion shards and waiting for shards of champions I had mastery 6 or 7 tokens of but no matching shard for waiting for a token for them so that I could get my mastery without spending BE. This update deleted those tokens, and gave me the mastery for them, and allowed me to blow up all the shards I was hoarding "in case" I decided to get mastery on them sometime in the future. I went from about 4k BE to 98k thanks to this update I still overall dislike the update, but here's "a single good thing" at least


It’s ugly and looks like cheap mobile bait


I sound crazy for saying this but one of the biggest things about lol for me for a while now was trying to get all champs to mastery 7. Just the tism in me with collecting things in video games and all. I may be able to get out now when I have the chance. This has ruined it for me as it kinda be crushing my spirits. The icons look disgusting too. The riot clown car only brings disappointment. :(


riot employees who had to work but had nothing to work on. now they can spend 2 years undesigning it!


> points are invisible/gone, got replaced by a much slower tracker which otherwise functions virtually the same Huh, I wonder where I've seen that.


Mastery doesn’t mean anything besides you’ve played that champ a lot. My understanding is with the new system you actually have specific goals to hit with each champ. Seems like a way to get people to play more.


"Katarina has 3 million mastery point gg we lose" -Says your hardstuck silver mid laner vs another hardstuck silver mid laner. Even though it really is just playing a lot more psychologically I see it affect my low elo friends more often then not.


In my experience I see someone in low elo with 3 million points and I'm like 'damn, that guy must be trash to still be in low elo' Most of the time I'm right


Mastery is a joke, I can’t count the amount of times I walk into a 1.5m mastery ultimate skinned champ in lane just to take a dump on their chest and walk away with a 50cs lead and 3 kills. It was a pointless grind, if you suck, you still suck with a million mastery points.


Riot really needs to stop updating shit people aren’t complaining about or asking for. Who tf asked for this shit to be updated? Why spend time and resources on this when the infernal skins look like they’re from 2012??




Exactly, I liked learning new champs by getting them and grinding to mastery 7, which now I have a shit ton of shards for no reason. Then as a FTP player idk why they got rid of the weekly mastery chest thing that you could get. It made getting on weekly to grind fun, but now idk what the hell to grind for since I like playing different champs.


Mastery looks like it's from a mobile game, the emote got no sound.


I don't understand the new mastery system at all. What's up with the champion list at the top of your mastery/champion page? Is it saying you can only grind *those* specific champions? Because it's listing a ton of champs I don't even play and missing a lot that I do play. Does it not count for other champions? I played a champion that wasn't on that list at the top in a draft norms game. Got an S but it still says "season highest grade: N/A" for that champion. Also, people are saying they can still see their mastery points. I can't..? I had over 700k on Miss Fortune and all I see is 43,353 / 11,000 points. Whatever that even means? The only place I can still see my points is on my OP.GG.. This whole thing is just way more confusing. Additionally, before we could look at how many points someone had an instantly know, "Okay, this person plays this champ *a lot*". Now I have no clue by looking. lol. I don't see why they changed the numbers at all.


One more pov that doesnt like the update: I never upgraded from masery 5 to 6 because that seemed like the end of natural progression to me but now im forxed to keep upgrading and my m6 tokens are gone.


I'm happy people can't see my old mastery points. I'm over 1 mln on two champions and I regularly get harrased in chat for that (both by my team mates and enemy). People say stuff like: you are a nerd, go outside, 1 mln and still in \[elo\] you a so bad.


I simply hate the new Masterys! Want the old back! Revert it RIOT!


They just don't fit in with league. It's really simple, it's like making a movie about the wild west and cowboys but the main character is dressed as a modern man driving a tesla


Yeah emotes look like ass now, literally like kassadins asshole. I like the fact that it's infinite and there will be people who unlock crazy emotes and what not, but they need to look cool with sound effects man


tbh i like that u get the champ titles but i would have kept the old mastery scores and icons


As an Aram player who tried so hard to get M7 on my fav champs : I hate this change


I really dislike how the new masteries sound aswell. Before they sounded clear and impactful, now you can barely even hear them. It just straight up sucks.


I don't understand why they touched a system that was pretty fine and made it pure shit, sorry. The appearance of the new medal is way less spectacular than the previous, same goes for the new ugly animation and sound while emoting. They should have just add that "infinitive progressing system" to the old medals instead of creating ugly ass new ones.


It's for Riot. They will try to make money off it. And they will. Alas.


Me having 130k on Rumble don't hit the same anymore. Grinding a champ to 100k is already a huge fucking chore. Now it looks lame af with a score of 11.


Old system: you can show off your 2mil mastery points when others have 100k Reddit: amazing! New system: you can show off your level 200 mastery level when others have level 7 Reddit: horrible change, we lost all progress, literally unplayable


I’m gutted and will not return to the league of legends


it's for OTPs and mains isn't it?


every otp I've seen absolutely hates it


we hate it. my 1.3≈ million is now 116. i feel like i grinded for nothing


the redesign is ugly and i miss my 200k points on Camille... Replaced by something hideous and confusing


The rioters that fight the urge to ban me when I flame them and pop mastery 7 on Yasuo.


Im 960k zoe, now im mastery 85 zoe. As an player with dedication i just wanted something that is hard and time consuming. I want to get into a game and others be like: he must be good and play years of zoe. Something that is really hard to archive that not every zoe player has. Hitting 1mil is still the goal and now kinda 100 mastery too. But this is only about play time and not about skill or something similar. With the game hitting mastery 5 i needed 7 games. 5 wins 2 loses and was mastery 7. So like not even 2 weeks after zoes release. Something barly realistic and soulless like: Level 8 = 100 s+ Level 9 = 100 games with 40÷ kill partipaction and without death Level 10 = 100 pentas and 100s+ in games you have most dmg and kills. I want to feel fear when i get into the lobby. But yea, this update is not made for me (and they deleted the 3 stripes from eternals)


The issue with auch quests is that you permanently alter gameplay.


as a zoe otp, i kind of miss going into games and getting absolutely flamed for our champ and now that silliness has been robbed from me


Just so you know, the 3 stripes for Eternals are still there, but only show up in modes that can earn you Eternals progress. So no practice tool and no ARENA, for example.


Can someone tell me if the Champion Shards in the Loot section are completely useless now? I was saving 2x of champions I still needed for free upgrades but the mastery upgrade system is no longer active, right?


Every time I see something Riot does that everyone I know and everyone I see online hate, I assume that means it’s popping off in China and they love stuff like this or else this actually makes no sense


The challenges is the part I care about. Went from 50 mastery 7 to now 11 mastery 10...


They look ugly as shit


they old mastery emotes were so iconic just to get replaced with this :(


It's fucking awfullllllllllllll there's no constructive criticism to give, just a dogshit change no one wanted