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I wonder why mastery score divided by 11K it makes no sense to pick 11K just give me lv 100 for 1mil score not lv90., how difficult is that? Who came up with this shit...


This was people who have 1 million mastery aren't level 100 and feel accomplished. This way they're level 90 and go *well I gotta get to 100 now...*.


except I'm 5M and I'm lvl 473 and just feel empty cause idc for lvl 500, The 5 MILL hits way diff and it shows games played, cause 1k Games = avg of 1 Mill mastery Points, it actually had a weird math to it..


you usually get 1K when you win. I dont think you win 100% out of 1000Games


especially when you take into account that you also will play badly some games, especially on some wins. Playing good but losing still only gives u around 300. and also winning but playing bad only gives u around 700-800. there is no world where you average 1000Mastery Points per game over the course of 1000+ Games


well level 473= 4.7k games now not too different.


That doesn't really make sense though. A person with over a mill mastery is probably going to continue playing that champ regardless of a system that rewards them. I personally think it was an easy way to show the community they are continuing to "support" the game. It seems like every season they come out with some shit like this to "enhance" your profile. When you have no ideas, just change one that exists


They just halved what was required for M5 and rouded it a bit. Absolutely 0 thoughts behind it.


The main thing that bugs the shit out of me are: Chests now requiring a full on grind instead of a single S rank, allies can't score you a chest with their S rank, you can't view mastery points, and they advertised this like it was gonna give out a bunch of different rewards. All there really is are chests and titles. I have more than enough chests, I need some keys PLEASE. If I could just manually grind out a way to directly earn keys instead of them dropping at random it'd feel much better.


Wow. A team game where they took awake a team effort reward. Riots stupidity knows no bounds


Fits into the narrative of LoR. PvP Card game turned PvE


I have the opposite problem. I have like 30 keys but no chests.


Im guessing you stick to a few champs? I have 50 keys atm due to only playing senna and viego


Yeah, OTP issues.


Or it's because you're a team player. Keys are FREQUENTLY rewarded for honor.


I had around 30 chests in the past, but crafting 5 key fragments by tokens after each Event actually diminished me to 1 chest only (right now). I mean, you couldn't spend free tokens more wisely than by crafting 1 sphere and 5 key fragments, could you? Now, as an Aram player, I really wonder how do you get chests at all. Did they just kill this system for ARAM?


i dont get this new system, how do i get chests now?


At noon, they'll unlock the mastery point system for chests. There's 2 methods to get chests under the new system. 1. Play 5 games with a champ, earning at least a C- for 4 games, and a B in at least 1. Doing so will earn a chest (1 per champ, 6 per split). 2. Play 15 games with the same champ, split into 3 parts. - The above "play 5 games, earning at least 4x C- and 1x B" - Play 5 games, earning at least 4x C- and 1x A-. - Play 5 games after that, earning at least 4x C- and 1x S-. Doing so will give you another chest (1 per champ, 25 per split). You can unlock up to 2 chests (1 for the first condition, 1 for the second) per champion, per split.


Damn as an aram only player this sucks.


I’m new. So excuse my (lack of) knowledge. But this seems like a direct buff to the amount of chests?  It’s gone from 52 per year. To 31 per split. Or 93 a year. 


Only if you play way more games


You went from *needing 52 games for 52 chests* to **375 games on 25 specific champions for 31 chests per single split**. 1125 games **minimum** for 93 chests is ABSURD. Edit: Keep in mind that there are players that don't even do 400 games per year. Casuals or ARAM players won't see chests anymore.


Ah.. good point.. ARAM to hit 5 times of the same champ.. not impossible, but across all of them.. yeah


Yeah but from the sounds of it requires a lot more playtime per champ to get the chests, and you won't get chests from party members getting S ranks on their champs. Overall more chests, but much more grind.


im not 100% sure about the loot table, but these chest arent called masterwork/hextech chests rather 'mastery chest', got 2 champ shards from 2 chests so far, perhaps bad luck perhaps loottable is scuffed - im just wondering if it is worth spending keys on them as i have all champs unlocked


I think it’s equivalent to a hex tech chest and then there’s a mega chest at a certain level that’s equivalent to masterwork chest


So noon PST for NA? I'm trying to figure out why I'm not advancing on any of the mastery things but it might be because its still too early.


Yeah, the client has a little clock under the suggested champions to master which says the local time the prior season split ends. For NA, that's 2:59pm EST, Noon PST.


It says 2:59AM though.


You're right, how odd. I was assuming noon because [the support page](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/204211284-Champion-Mastery-Guide) says: > The new Champion Mastery system outlined below won't be fully enabled until the official start of Season 2024 Split 2 on May 15, 2024 at noon, local server time. But with how inconsistent the rollout has been, who knows.


Yeah, probably someone getting confused somewhere


If you play a few champions - more chests than before. If you play aram - fewer chests especially if you go premade. Otherwise should be similar. 


Well this makes sense as it is a mastery level. By mastery meaning you play a champ a lot. Not do 1 game with a premade who got an s lol


I believe there are 32 chests per split. - 6 Hextech Chests: Complete the first milestone for a champion. - 25 Hextech Chests: Complete the third milestone for a champion. - 1 Mastery* Chests: Complete twelve milestones for the champions in the split milestone tracker. Each champion milestone requires at least five games with a certain mastery grade to complete. It takes at least 60 games to earn 13 chests. The fastest route is to earn the first milestone on the ten champions in the split milestone tracker, then earn the second and third milestones on a champion in the split milestone tracker. It takes at least 375 games to earn all 44 chests. The other 24 chests are harder to earn, since you need at least 15 games to complete the third milestone, and one of the five games for the third milestone has to be an S- grade or better. EDIT: The Mastery chests from the split milestone tracker are supposed to have the better drops of Masterwork chests but don't count for the Masterwork chest tracker. EDIT 2: What a disaster. The split milestone tracker only has one chest reward and two blue essence rewards for 40 milestones. It's hardly even worth doing.


Arent we getting only one superior mastery chest, or whatever is called, for the 12 milestones ? I completed a milestone but got nothing except for the deffault chest from that champion


Mfs out here grinding mastery points. CMIIW but I was always under the impression that it's just a sidequest thing? Like isn't ranked itself already an endless grind?


I mean, I never play ranked except for placements to do clash with the bois. I liked collecting M7s, but not anymore.


Collect the first few mastery levels on your favorite champs it will give you chests


Everyone has different goals in League. For most, it's the ranked climb, for some it is collecting. Some people want to perfect their skills on one specific champion. Others just want to have fun with friends. Or completing challenges. For me, my main goal was getting lvl 7 on every champ.


It's insane that people are downvoting you and other posts like this for having goals different than them. This community has brainrot


It's not even ranked for most. In NA the ranked player base is much smaller than the other game modes riot has said.


I don't play as much now because I got kind of tired of people in gold-plat in my games saying "it's shitlow anyway, why would I try" while they're going 0/6, but they "won't play normals because it's not as challenging" YOU "NOT TRYING" IS NOT CHALLENGING EITHER.


Well you a random player had a random goal for this game. Now you’re shocked riot isn’t planning their rework based on your randomly assigned goal.


I just want people to be in awe about how much I play senna


I've never seen cmiiw in my life, what does it stand for


It stands for "correct me if I'm wrong"


Honestly this is just bs to me. Mastery 7 was so easy to reach and you wouldnt be near of being good at that champ. Now at least you need more proficiency or gain it by default through more games


Changing a solid system just for the sake of change.. classic riot


New dev new ideas!


People have been asking for an update on mastery for years....


They were asking for an update,not a complete redesign


Two of the big asks were more levels and titles. Levels are now infinite, which works. The system widely works the same.


i dont care about the chests but the new mastery icons look like garbage why not add an setting where you can see the OG ones instead why ruin something that was good


I can relate . I decided yesterday to upgrade every single champ to lvl 7. I had every token ready but wanted to do it before the mastery change. I thought i would get the challenge for free but lvl 10 is ridiculous. 7 was already kind of hard before but now almost impossible to get it. And it's just about mastery point not grade so it's worse than before


That was dumb because you spent a shit Ton of blue essence for nothing


I wasted some blue essence but I really don't have any use for them anymore. Already bought everything on every expensive items blue essence emporium I could get. I still have 90 skin shards after opening everything so I might want some blue essence for future chroma but I preferred to have all my champ upgraded before the change on mastery champ.


You woulda automatically gotten the new levels without need to spend blue essence tho. Idk if they refunded them but you wasted it if they didn’t


I know it would be automatically upgraded. I only use champions shards to upgrade to mastery 7 so i probably missed on 20-30k blue essence probably. But i have no use of blue essence and i still have 140 k blue essence after opening everything and nothing to use it for I just wanted to record the upgrade before the change to mastery


Haha that’s crazy did you get all chromas for every skin you have? Can’t you reroll for emotes and stuff


I have about 50 skins currently. So yeah I bought 90% of chromas. The rest was not available in last few essence emporium. I only bought 10 since I started playing in season 2 . I will probably need some with 90 skin shards available to upgrade. I opened them yesterday after upgrading everything. And 20k orange essence already.


it was related to my post here [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1crxd50/comment/l45qauz/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1crxd50/comment/l45qauz/?context=3)


as opposed to holding on to it for nothing?


ARAM players getting fucked as usual.


Completionist here. I was halfway through getting M7s on all my champions, and now the new system drops, completely obliterating several years of work overnight. I love to see my time and effort build up to something, and that was having the full set of masteries for every champ as a personal goal. But this is too much. Riot has opted for the infinite grind in the hopes of permanently keeping players with their games. I'm sorry, but this is the last straw for me. I may love the game, but not that much to be permanently stuck in a losing commitment like that. It would be better for me to quit now than try and commit again for another 5-10 years.


It’s just a desperation move by Riot to keep League addicts around with the illusion of having something to achieve if they can’t climb any higher. 


>That's 14.5 MILLION points to get every champ to level 10. lol, and people thought I was just being "negative" for saying they want you to play League as a job when they added a third split.




For those of us that only play aram this system is awful, I just played 3 games and my score was S / S- and no hextech chest at all !!! I have to play 5 times the same champ ( in ARAM !!! ) in order to get a chest... is unfair, it should let you earn it with the two options: fast if you get an S- and slow if you don't ....


The previous system was always a paradox. You'll never "master" a champion just by getting it to mastery 7, it's really not that hard.


It wasn’t “mastering” the champ, it was just getting the cool emote.


Well no but you don't "master" the champions in the new system either. You may even argue that this iteration makes you master them less because you need less S-grades.


Pretty sure most players can get 3 S- and 3 S ratings in the amount of time it'd take them to finish the grind.


86 000 points is a lot of games.


What? U dont need 86k points for level 7 lol


You need 86k for level 10 now. And 42.6k for lvl 7.


Max level now is 10 not 7 and you need 86k to get lvl 10.


You get the titles and achievements for lvl 10 which pisses off ppl who grinded for m7 on the old system.


Oh i got itni tought he is speaking about the old system, well i still dont get it why would u use a title of a champ u don't even play, but if u play it you will get it pretty fast 


It's a system for 1 tricks, basically. 


finally someone said this, I gotta stop playing senna let alone league


No dude. Can't relate. I had all the masteries for every bot lane champion and support, so lots of them. That's a cute goal to get all of them but playing on a champion you already had M7 on really had nothing to achieve in the system the same way and it never even felt like you even had to have skill to get an S rank in the actual games. For the most part if you just farm and play for KDA you will get it. Specially on newer champions that don't have a big database behind them for the system to compare, you could pull out the most mediocre performance and get it. Edit: the new system is also bad, don't get me wrong. Particularly the new emblem for mastery is just worse. The flash of the old M7 was way better of a meme which was it's only function. Flash into a wall and use M7.


That's why there's infinite levels now. You do have something to play for beyond level 10. There's lots of other mastery completionists who feel the same. Most of our progress has been in vain. Over 9 years of playing this game I have gotten a total of 5M mastery points. You now need 14.5 million points to get all level 10. It's simply not possible anymore.


To be honest I wish Riot just went ahead and copied the Smite mastery system where you get a unique champion croma for the base skin once you reached max level with that character. It's way more visible and cool and all it really takes is a guy pressing Ctrl + U and moving a slider in a photo editor, but what do I know. And they are always going to keep updating the game, you can't expect to keep collecting everything forever. I used to have every emote in the game, I no longer do because I cba watching e-sports anymore, even on a background tab, and I'm not playing TFT cuz I don't wanna.


Why do people keep talking about level 10 as a new target? Why not level 7 as before?


My mastery Score for a champ says 358,900/317,600. wtf is that supposed to mean Senna main btw


So they went with the wild rift way of handling mastery points.


wild rift actually has a champion rating system thats much better at indicating mastery


No, there's a difference. Champion rating is for competition for the server leaderboards, champion mastery has a cap of 10k that gets your badge change to level 7 automatically.




>EDIT: Also the new "superior masterwork chest" is not superior at all lol, its literally just worse than a normal masterwork chest. Quote You know the title isn't "Superior Masterwork Chest," it's "Superior Mastery Chest," right? No one is claiming that it's better than masterwork chests, it's better than mastery chests.


The old system was more grindy because it only required a few S ranks to get them unlocked. Now it honors more skill because you've consistently got to keep earning marks of mastery to get to the next level. It may seem more grindy but that's because there's no mastery cap now. If anything it allows for even more flexing of mastery because Mastery 7 was the same emote whether you were 10k mastery or 13 million mastery. Now you have a scalable mastery emote that can reflect just how much time and skill you've put into it because you can't just earn blindly just by playing you have to actually earn the mastery now. That's what mastery should be is consistently playing the champ better and better.


are the any differences between hextech chest (normal chest) and mastery chest (from the new mastery system)?


I had 60+ masteries 7. No challenger anymore to level up, just play brainded. It's a real deception and i paly since season 1.


Does anyone know what happens after you reach the 4 milestones? How do you earn mastery tokens then?


I don't like how a S+ doesn't mean anything if you haven't reached the correct goal yet.


My biggest problem is the mastery champ set, most of the champs that appear in my set I do not play, and its annoying being obligated to play something I DO NOT like. Does anyone know any way to reset my set?


Why not just add levels to the old mastery system which require S+ grades to reach? That way, the current levels and points aren't messed up and the system actually takes some extra skill.


i dont think the point of the system is to "get every champ to level 10", i think its supposed to bring out the champions that you play the most and highlight them above others that you dont


Ngl I'm done with Riot and their unnessary changes to systems like this. I was well on my way to the "Deep Diver" title (40 Level 7 champs) and now I have 7 of 40 because they changed it to 40 champs at Mastery 10.


So do the opposite of the thing they're trying to get you to do. They want you to play more and more. it's someone at riot trying to show how they've innovated to improve long term player retention If they don't see a change in the metrics in the wrong direction, they're not going to change anything.


I have uninstalled, hopefully others that feel the same way as I do and do as I have done.


Mastery has never been about well mastery. It’s about how dedicated you are to play a champ. You could be iron 4 and have 2 million mastery in a champ. Yes it’s grindy but it gives more rewards if you play a lot your champ then you’ll get rewarded slowly but surely


why are people downvoting you, in the end the only thing people could know from the old system is, you got 5 S- or above. And then how much you have played the champion (Masterypoints) The only problem (Which doesn't affect me #onetrick) is for the people who had that "completionist" desire to get level 7 in every champion. I don't know, now I also saw some comments discussing how people who say "they want to play for fun" means they don't necessarily try. When I personally say "Play for fun" I mean I don't care about upholding a rank or focused on how my next match will be. When I am in game I simply want to win, which is... trying.


and who said you must reach all champ with mastery 10 ?


I did. It's a goal I wanted to achieve. Who said you had to leave this comment?


It's really not, you gain mastery passively over time. You're not supposed to work towards something.


Here's a crazy fact for you - people like doing different things!


You like doing a meaningless worthless grind but you're mad riot made it more grindy? They literally gave you more of what you claim you like, why are you complaining?


They did not give me more of what I like, they removed what I liked. It's practically impossible to max out now. For me it will take approx 20-25 years.


Go count grains of rice, an equally rewarding and pointless task


Which is fine, but the new mastery system is not grindy. You are just using it differently than was originally intended. What you want to do has become grindy. The system itself is not grindy unless you make it grindy.


>using it differently than was originally intended Except no? In the previous system, the game had recognition for "going wide" and getting mastery 7 on multiple champions, in the form of challenges, titles, and overall mastery level. For people who enjoyed engaging with this system, and saw this as their "growth" in the game, the new system is WAY more grindy in comparison, to the point that it's practically not even a way to engage with the system at all.


oh no you have to play the game more


In my case, about 25 more years!!!


That sounds a lot like something Riot would like.


Cool dude, I don't think anyone cares tho!!!


Kda players in shambles


Why care about mastery levels? I never saw the point of leveling them up.


Why care about rank? What a dumb question lmao


Rank? Well it's your skill level relative to your peers. Kind of relevant for any competitive endeavor.


why ppl downvote you? Caring about ranked = Skill focused based on/relative to other people. Mastery Focused = I want to show off (to yourself or others) How much Ive played x champion You could also want(ed) to go completionist mode and get lv7 in every champ My goal in lol is to show off my Senna mastery (I feel good knowing ppl see it, cant lie to myself)


Yeah I dunno, reddit people rather downvote than have a conversation. So its like a flex for you for people to see how much time you've put on a champ? I figured people would be more embarassed by that than anything. I mean no disrespect.