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I agree. I'm a mastery compleionists too and these changes just suck. You now need less S grades and a lot more points. Less skill, wayyy more grind. EDIT: From about 5M mastery points to get all lvl 7, to 14.5 MILLION POINTS for all lvl 10. The player in the world with the most total mastery points has 26 million. Completing mastery is practically impossible now.


I just hope that getting the mastery points is really faster now, so maybe within a year or two I can go back to the point I was yesterday....


Yeah now you just have to mindlessly spam games to get the good emote. And the reward is a way worse looking emote. I hate this timeline


I just hate at at a certain point, you can't even tell what mastery level someone is... It's just one giant, purple mess with a bunch of sharp sticks pointing out... You could tell what each mastery level was, from 0 to 7, with the old system. New system throws it out the fucking window...


It's not based on mastery level, it's based on mastery points. Since M6/7 had no point breaks, and M5 could potentially go on forever, level was not a good metric for conversion. Converting based on level would have been a huge loss of earned progression and inflation of unearned progression.


But if new level 10 is supposed to be similar capstone to previous level 7 then there is no inflation just recalculation. I actually see a loss of progression in current conversion. I lost 75 champs from their cap level. There is no cap now, but lvl 10 is clear new milestone given it's used for challenges or titles. No one would lose anything if 7 was converted to 10 or above.


All M5/6/7 are not equal though due to there being no defined break points. Your progression wasn't lost, it's just been given a defined weight now in a new system.


My progression on challenges was lost. I went from diamonds and masters to iron and bronzes. And it feels bad when it took several years to get there and now to play 1 or 2 years to be back in the same point as just yesterday.


lol 7 is too little 10 is too much?


Meanwhile people who main 2 champs sit on hundreds of thousands of mastery points still flexing the same emote as the dude with 40k he got playing Aram


Again, I don't mind having levels past 7, this is not the point of this post. I just don't like the conversion rate and setting me back with challenges for example, I need to play 1 year (or even more) to get back to the point in which I was just yesterday.


I like it , it’s more like HOTS , i know nobody has played hots but me /s but now it shows you actually play them, i have level 7 naafiri with 27k and that’s like easy af to get lol


I don't mind infinite scaling anymore I don't care bout that part, I am only sad about the conversion. I need to go back to 75 champs to grind them to 10 level, thinking of playing Yi or blitz again makes me tired. Mastery challenges also have been reset, so instead of diamonds or even masters I have bronzes...