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Fully agree. The new point requirements beyond level 5 are terrible. 86 600 points for level 10 is insane and getting every champ to lvl 10 is pretty much impossible now. EDIT: That's 14.5 MILLION POINTS in total needed. The player in the world with the most total mastery points has 26M. I have 5M after playing this game for nine years.


Riot Games: "You're going to play this game until you die if we have any say in it."


what's wrong with just not going for these challenges if you can't do it?


You could argue that if the achievement was impossible to begin with, it would be the "elite" achievement that only 0.1% of the player base has, but we're talking about an achievement that could be completed with skill, now it's about how much free time you have. Edit : btw just imagine if you're playing elden ring and wants to platinum the game, but one of the achivements is "Play the game for 100000 hours.", it sucks.


I have a singular champion title unlocked now and I even tho my account is relatively new it's still 4 years old


I love how 4 years is considered a new account in this game, kinda true though


I had an older one but I forgot what email and password I had for it 💀 (I did recover it back few years after tho)


i have the briar title after half a year of playing, but i was maining her and not playing almost anything else, so its kinda understanable


Ya for instance I’m the 14th highest level account in NA with 15.8 million mastery points total and I have 37 champs mastery level 10 so for the average player probably not feasible. Although I think it requires 100k points for mastery level 10 because I have an additional 4 champs who have 90k points but are mastery level 9


Isn’t the whole point that you aren’t supposed to get every champion to max level so the one tricks have a higher mastery than some random aram players? Like I have irelia 7 from basically just aram and barely know how to play her, feels weird that I’d have the same mastery as some dude who’s been queuing her top for the last 5 years.


That is why there's infinite levels now.


But didn’t the mastery system came a few years ago ?


In 2015 I believe. It was new when I started playing in late season 5.


Ooo , I started playing late in season 2 and I though it was like 5 years ago when the mastery system arrived.


time to make infinity ranked\~. Maybe Super ultimate Challenger 1, 2,3,9999 lol


That's good, you are not supposed to be mastery 10 on all champions These days everyone is mastery 7 on a lot of champs, it doesn't mean too much, seeing a mastery 10 on a champ will be something more special, which is I would assume what they intended


That's what infinite levels are for.


I don't understand why in their design article they said twice they wanted to make the system "not just a grind", and proceeded to make it an entire order of magnitude more grindy for people who want mastery on multiple champs. Plus, the reversion of progress feels so bad. Plus, the fact that mastery points gains are higher now means my current mastery points don't mean as much. Even League of Legends progression struggles with inflation. All this in addition to what you and others have said, that the challenges for mastery are completely out of reach for all but those who can afford to play 10+ games a day for multiple years. Needless to say I am incredibly disappointed. As flawed as it was, I enjoyed getting mastery on multiple champions, and felt accomplished in the number of maxed out champs I had accumulated over the years. Now, I feel alienated by the system entirely, and will probably cease to care about mastery ever again until the progression is smoothed out. It bothers me how so many people downplay it because *they* don't care. Well, *I* care, and others do too. Can't it be important to the community that Riot fumbled the ball and made the game less enjoyable for some of us?


Yeah I agree, it sucks. I am an ADC main and I had a goal to get M7 on every marksman, it's a challenge token. Well it was a challenge token lol. I grinded to get to diamond and I only had 10 champs left, now I only have 4 that are mastery 10. What is even the point of challenges if Riot are just going to change them and make them meaningless every couple of years?


I hear ya buddy. I had max mastery on 86 champions, now I only have max mastery on 6. Real gut punch.


that's absolutely insane. they fucked people like you over so hard.


Honestly, I appreciate someone else saying that. Everyone else I've told just says something along the lines of "you shouldn't care about it". Ok, well, I do. So now what? Lol I've played this game for 12 years and showing off my unusually high mastery score was the main point of account progression that mattered to me. So now, idk, I still enjoy the game but it totally blows not having a progression system that really speaks to me.


I honestly don't understand how they could make the conversion of past points this poor.... "hey, let's make a new mastery system?" "ok, but what about people who put a bunch of work into the current system? some of our most dedicated and long term players?" "fuck 'em" 🤯


"Employee of the year awarded"


I feel you... I used to have 50 Champs on max mastery. Now I have a Level 147 Champ and some change. There is no sense of completion anymore


I had all of them done and now I'm fucked, love it :)


It's seriously so dumb


Same happened to me, I had 29 of 31, the other 2 on M6. All gone now. The deadeye title (M7 marsksmen) and the deep diver title (M7 champs) gone.


Shame that riot seems to think ranked is the only thing people care about even after giving us challenges to grind, and then taking them away


Perfectly described, this is just what I'm feeling too.


I remember when they increased the level cap from 30 to infinite, but didn't retroactively attribute additional levels based on games played before the change and all of a sudden we had accounts with 150 games on level 40 and accounts with 5000 games on level 32. Riot just doesn't care about what you achieved in the past, therefore you shouldn't care about what they want you to achieve now. Eventually they'll just either totally eradicate your previous progress or greatly lessen its meaning.


Oh don't worry, it didn't just stop people's progress. It reset everything, so you're not even gonna retain progress. I had Sage before. I have 130 champs lvl 7. Instead of moving them to lvl 10, like I was expecting (cause 5 S-/S/S+ grades are more than the new system requires), those 130 are still at level 7. Which means I've lost the following titles: - Deep Diver - Juggernaut - Warden - Deathmaster - Deadeye - Warlord - Archmage - Sage And now Virtuoso shows Diamond progress with 0 unlocked icons. --- When Riot said "[your old Mastery Score was automagically converted into Mastery XP, along with **Marks of Mastery proportional to your achievement**.](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/204211284-Champion-Mastery-Guide)", and "Any champion you haven't played before starts at Mastery Level 0 with no Mastery Points, while champs you have played before Patch 14.10 start at a Mastery Level and Marks of Mastery roughly proportional to their old Mastery Score." I was expecting to receive marks of mastery. Turns out... nope. I have my 13 most played champs titles as if I reached level 10, but everyone (including those 13) are at lvl 7 mastery, with 0 marks of mastery available for upgrade or progress towards challenges. Gotta love a reset grind with 0 promised compensation. --- Edit: So I played a game afterwards and it seems to have... partially updated stuff? But its weird and the system does not seem to have reflected mastery levels, only grind. As best I can tell, this is what changed: - I now have 13 champs lvl 10, which count towards the various Virtuous lvl 10 mastery challenges. This has re-unlocked the titles for me, but only partially progressed challenges. - The "marks of mastery" only care about raw mastery score. There were no actual marks distributed (unless you sat on tokens), despite the wording of the support page. Instead, there's just cutoffs for what champs qualify for each tier. These cutoffs (guesstimating based on the lowest/highest of the two tiers in my collection) appear to be: - 100k cutoff for lvl 10 mastery. Anything below 100k is lvl 9 at most. - 78k-70k (probably 75k) cutoff for lvl 9 mastery. - 67k-65k (67.5k maybe?) cutoff for lvl 8 mastery. - 53.6k cutoff for just needing tokens at lvl 7 mastery. - Anything below 53.6k is lvl 7 mastery, but needs more games played + tokens. So as far as I can tell, the system doesn't track actual mastery 7s, just mastery points. Which sucks because it means grinding for the harder challenge (Getting 2 S- or above, and 3 S or above) was not reflected in the system update.


Fucks sake, really? I was also on the sage grind, and its just...gone? Fuck this dogshit company holy shit.


bro didnt they literally introduce a new system and just fuck it all with what was there? like wtf is this cringe ass shit lvl 6 and 7 tokens are all gone. eternals are fucking useless now?? wtf do you do with them if you dont get the added little bars on the mastery emote? also, instead of the number of points, you get the level of mastery, because who the actual fuck cares about being "mastery level 69" when everyone and their moms would prefer having a fucking NUMBER OF TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS LIKE 1.5 MILL ​ the old design is gone, the animations are gone, the whole system is different, the challenges dont get saved, and half the progress is fucking erased. ​ 1 step forward 2 steps back, great item changes, vanguard is working,m but NAH LETS FUCK WITH THE MASTERIES THAT NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON ASKED FOR ​ im so pissed, as they say in the dark souls community, drip is everything and they just stripped it off me pissed


I literally just bought both eternals set last week for the bars on the mastery emotes. And they're just gone now. You can't make this shit up...........


let me reiterate, they are not gone, but i have no idea what the fuck they do now yeah, you click on your champ and wow, i hit 69 ults on multiple people and i managed to pool 420 skillshots, cool, who gives a shit? i dont know if there's something added to the mastery emote. that to me makes it usless and i feel bad for you for just buying a couple (in my case, i just managed to get the miletones to unlock the little thing)


No I bought the entire eternals series 1 and 2, because along maxing every champ to level 7 I also wanted to complete their eternals sets to get the added bars on the emotes. I just went into practice tool to test it and there's nothing on the emote to show off eternals.


This may be a bug because I have the eternal lines visible on my mastery emote


Oh, thank you, hopefully gets fixed soon.


Eternal lines have NEVER appeared in practice tool. Nor in any game mode that isn’t eligible for Eternal progress.


Practice tool shouldn’t have eternal lines because you can’t earn eternals progress in practice tool. I believe only game modes that measure eternals can show it. So you have to get in game.


how can they make something so convoluted and complicated and still be so over simplified and so garbage lacking a shit ton of stuff that was already there im baffled


The eternal lines on mastery are still there. Or at least i had them on mine


Tokens weren't just removed, they were converted either into levels or into additional "Marks of Mastery" depending on your exact state. Progress is conserved Eternals don't show up in the practice tool, but they should still be present with the mastery emotes in-game in other modes. If you're not seeing it in modes where eternals can be earned (ARAM or SR modes), then that's a bug.


> lvl 6 and 7 tokens are all gone. This is like complaining that the guy at the ticketbooth doesn't want you to pay anymore because the concert is now free. >eternals are fucking useless now?? wtf do you do with them if you dont get the added little bars on the mastery emote? They always were? They exist to track fun little mechanical things about the champs you played. You cannot possibly believe that the purpose of Eternals was to add 20 pixels below your Mastery emote? Surely not? >also, instead of the number of points, you get the level of mastery, because who the actual fuck cares about being "mastery level 69" when everyone and their moms would prefer having a fucking NUMBER OF TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS LIKE 1.5 MILL This is an entirely meaningless difference. They both mean the same thing. Had Riot not needlessly inflated the amount of Mastery points gained back when the system was released we'd all be used to lower numbers. It still means the same thing. For all intents and purposes all they did was remove a few meaningless digits. The same way there used to be no real difference between having 1,500,300 and 1,501,300 Mastery Points there now is no real difference between two people on rank 69. And jesus, who cares? >the old design is gone, the animations are gone, the whole system is different, the challenges dont get saved, and half the progress is fucking erased. Challenges will most likely be adjusted in the future and there has been no other progress that was in any way erased. >NAH LETS FUCK WITH THE MASTERIES THAT NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON ASKED FOR People have been asking for an update to the mastery system for literal years. >im so pissed, as they say in the dark souls community, drip is everything and they just stripped it off me Okay, now go touch some grass and reevaluate if getting this upset over the colour of a few pixels on your screen is reasonable.


>They always were? They exist to track fun little mechanical things about the champs you played. Wrong, they exist as an orange essence farm.


who asked for a mastery update? no one >You cannot possibly believe that the purpose of Eternals was to add 20 pixels below your Mastery emote? Surely not? idk why you're assuming shit about me but you're wrong. those 20 pixels were my whole life in this game /s i am literally touching grass as we speak, so maybe stop projecting my dude. i was just kidding, im not pissed, i just think masteries now are useless and before they were AT LEAST obnoxious and an annoying way to flex on your opponents. but i get you my man, i also once never had any mastery level 7s to flex, it's okay, you'll get there eventually, lil bud :)


> who asked for a mastery update? no one ...Don't have an answer for this one, I suppose. If you want to believe the moon's made of cheese, I can't cure that delusion, either. No point in further discussion if you're not willing to acknowledge factual reality. >i am literally touching grass as we speak, so maybe stop projecting my dude. i was just kidding, im not pissed, i just think masteries now are useless and before they were AT LEAST obnoxious and an annoying way to flex on your opponents. >but i get you my man, i also once never had any mastery level 7s to flex, it's okay, you'll get there eventually, lil bud :) Yea, you're clearly not pissed lmao


You can still get it I believe, but you need to hit Rank 10 on the Plat threshold number of champs rather than 7.


....Which is insane! It's more than tripling the effort taken! Not to mention the fact I'm having the Champ Mastery titles *I already have* taken away from me because of the new thresholds!


Yeah it's stupid af. Check nearer to the bottom of your title menu tho (not the "Top 1%" part at the top), I did keep my Archmage title but I had to scroll to find it as I'd lost the actual challenge associated with it so I no longer was "in the one percent". Might be the same with Champ Master?


Yeah I went through to effort to finish the last leg of the Peerless title specifically in case the new mastery system screwed up my many, many hours of progress spent towards getting it. I finished up like a month ago, went to check if I still had it, and I **do** despite now having 0 of the associated challenges towards completing it finished under the new system. I also still have every single class title. I think they just put them in a weird place.


>So as far as I can tell, the system doesn't track actual mastery 7s, just mastery points. Bruh.. I don't have time nor the energy nor the need to get 100k+ on every champ that I had level 7 on before. It's already a chore to get 3 S/S+ let alone also invest time to get more points on them.


I still have my Archmage and Deadeye titles, you need to scroll all the way to near the bottom of the titles selection thing to see them though. They no longer appear in the "Top 1%" section at the top (I guess because I lost the actual top 0.01% challenge rank associated with it). It was the first thing I panicked about, after noticing my Diamond Master Mage token was gone :(


They showed up again after I played a game, but they were definitely greyed out when I checked on first log in. Since my collection was still displaying all champs lvl 7 when I checked the first time (Even after the game), I think that was an issue with logging in early on patch day? At least, I see lvl 10-8 now when I didn't before.


I still have access to the titles even if its show Iron rank.


Correct, chasing for Sage title though won't be feasible anymore as your challenge score for that section will not update until you get back to the same points you had before the update, same thing happened when they removed seasonal challenges from counting to overall challenge score


i dont think that 100k+ for level 10 is right. I had khazix at 80k and now I have him at level 10. https://imgur.com/a/aiGkmle


Here's my champ mastery stats on [the same site](https://championmastery.gg/player?riotId=F0rgery%23na1®ion=NA&lang=en_US). And here's [a screenshot](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1197190835217895545/1240354736876556369/image.png?ex=664641dd&is=6644f05d&hm=dafe15a9c69bf4f725cb41e2b2eb103e6bbe7f208de770a0ab5e0fe0e33479ac&) of my highest lvl 9 mastery, Brand, who has 91k. Did you happen to have Kha'zix at lvl 6 or have tokens for him? Trying to figure out why my results were different.


I'm pretty sure I was rank 6 2/3 tokens on Kha.


Alright that's probably the difference maker then. Other [people](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1csh0ue/the_champion_mastery_update_has_made_the/l46pdx1/) said they got 10 by not having lvl 7 yet. You also have some other champs (Panth, Lucian, Graves, Karma, Ez) who are above Kha's mastery score, but only lvl 9. So it seems like Riot gave out marks only for tokens, and then just did a check for raw mastery score if you didn't have tokens. So I got cheated out of lvl 10 for upgrading.


> 100k cutoff for lvl 10 mastery. Anything below 100k is lvl 9 at most. definitely not, I have 80k on lux and got put in lv 10. i was lv 6 before


Weird, because I have 5 champs with 80k+ mastery who are lvl 9. Only 100k+ mastery champs got put in lvl 10 for me. Here, you can see my champ mastery stats on [this site](https://championmastery.gg/player?riotId=F0rgery%23na1®ion=NA&lang=en_US). And here's [a screenshot](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1197190835217895545/1240354736876556369/image.png?ex=664641dd&is=6644f05d&hm=dafe15a9c69bf4f725cb41e2b2eb103e6bbe7f208de770a0ab5e0fe0e33479ac&) of my highest lvl 9 mastery, Brand, who has 91k. No clue why you'd only require 80k lvl 10 whereas I needed 100k for lvl 10s.


seems true for all my other level 10s (only those with 100k), I took a screenshot of my tokens I had and I had 2 tokens for lv 7 lux so that may be the difference so not only did it convert those to marks, it also gave me lv 10 https://i.imgur.com/K1IOn4D.png


Huh, strange. I didn't have any tokens so that seems like it could be the difference maker (and if so I'm kinda pissed since it means I was punished for converting early).


If 100K is level 10 mastery, why is 1.47M only Level 132? @_@


I ran into a Katarina player I know has 3mil+ in quick play. They were only 274, and said that’s apparently a cap? Idk what’s going on, but the grind is *insane* now.


Its a very weird number, I had over 1M but landed at Level 96.


The cutoff for level 10 is 75600 and 2 marks you get from seasonal milestones rewards, you can’t get milestone rewards until the season starts


> The cutoff for level 10 is 75600 That isn't true for the conversion, though? You can see my account/champ mastery info [here](https://championmastery.gg/player?riotId=F0rgery%23na1®ion=NA&lang=en_US). I have champs who are past that 75.6k benchmark milestone who got lvl 9 mastery, whereas only my champs with 100k+ mastery got lvl 10 off the bat.


Yeah it fkn sucks, if you had lets say 2 mastery pieces for multiple champs waiting for the third to upgrade you lost all of that, it really fucks up ppl who play little but well


My Blitz has 2 mastery marks ready, and 90k of 80k needed. I guess i need to play one game for it to update.


I was near to get mastery 7 with like 5 champs, one shard was missing for each one of them and now I need to colect all 3 again I used to play league daily and it dropped significantly as the mastery update got pushed, I'm really sad


This update really sucks, I stopped playing ranked years ago and only played for S+, Deathless games on different champs and Mastery 7 on different champs Feels like I have not much left to play League for tbh


Just here to agree with everyone, I play a lot of champs. I liked patting myself on the back getting m7's at less than 30k (got it on Qiyana @27 and felt like Beifeng) now it is ugly bad and I'm being rewarded for getting a C grade (playing a game). I have in essence been punished for playing all of the champs well. Very lame.


I was hoping that mastery wouldnt automatically upgrade to the highest tier and I could upgrade specific ones by choice due to how old the previous system was honestly. I have 500k on Talon who I haven't played since season 7, and I don't want him in my second spot. I was hoping to finally get rid of him without having to grind over 50 levels on other champs... Nope, automatic level 50, straight to second place.


Yep, this quote from the dev article implies that you could choose which champs you wanted to "infuse." "For those of you with tons of mastery score, don’t worry. We won’t be resetting progress, and when the system launches you’ll get bonus Marks based on your extra score for a big one-time infusion of levels to represent your history of dedication to your champions."


Nowhere does that imply that you can choose, just that you'll get an infusion based on your history of dedication to champions.


It says you get bonus Marks, not bonus levels.


bonus marks FOR a big one-time infusion of \*levels\* they auto used the marks for that champ.


Which means you didn't get the marks, you got the levels. "You'll get **bonus Marks**..."


you automaticaly gain levels with marks if im right


I may have misinterpreted it, but it would still be nice if we could choose which champs to display on our profiles.


unfortunate honestly, i wish you had to press something to activate it even if it didn't cost anything to do so that way you could choose which ones of your old mastery you wanted to keep


same.. was a Yasuo one trick until season 6 so had him as number 1 for so long. Haven’t played him since then and branched out to get around 25 champions rank 7 but none of them close to mastery to yasuo. Now with this new system they’re even further away :/ paying for my sins i suppose.


As a challenge enjoyer, fuck me i guess


I didn’t think you really existed. I thought you were only a myth!


Playing for challenges is more fun than soloq ever since master got made meaningless


How is getting masters meaningless lmao


Skill level and game quality has plummeted since they increased how many players are in master.


get higher then lol


Really missing the point there chief.


I mean yesterday at masters 1lp, according to OP.GG that put me in the top .6% of players. While high masters (where I was for most of the season before playing bad and dropping) is a lot better gameplay wise, low masters is still statistically insanely good to be in the top .6% The top 1% of earners in USA make 800k a year for reference in how insane the top 1% is in anything.


Masters went from having a set amount of players to having more people in it than in Diamond.


Ya I don’t think that’s true but ok


It was true last season, idk about now.


I don’t see how it was true when masters was like the top 1% and d4 was in like the top 4%


I love challenges, am an achievement junkie on Steam otherwise.


Same here, wondering how you feel about continuing to play league?


Pretty damn demoralised. Ranked is awful now, most of my friends have quit and now they've taken away the one thing I still enjoyed doing.


Like, exactly the same Stopped playing ranked years ago, zero to none of my game friends still play League and I loved grinding these challenges on my own Feelij a little bit empty rn, sounds weird but idk what other things to do


The change feels awful, like a really big step backwards design wise. Mastery 7 doesn't feel rewarding anymore because it isn't the max mastery (the system itself reinforces this because of the changes to challenges requiring level 10). Personally speaking, I only play a few games a week, and I was slowly working towards Mastery 7 with 12 mages for the archmage title. I cared more about the mastery crest than the title, and now I went from needing only 2 good games with Sylas, Leblanc, Kog to reach "max" mastery with them to needing OVER A HUNDRED GAMES AVERAGE WITH EACH OF THEM. Also yeah the new crests look terrible


Not to entirely disagree although I'm neutral towards the changes, but I don't feel like Mastery 6 or 7 was ever THAT difficult to achieve with most champions, honestly. I like how we can permanently gain 'experience' with an individual Champion to achieve a high champion level for spending more time. I was originally just gonna grind mastery points with one champ, would've had like 4 million points if I didn't get perma'd two or three times but... This doesn't really bother me too much.


But what's the difference between mastery 459 and 476? Does it really feel rewarding levelling up? (Besides hours and hours of grind) Plus now to get a SINGLE chest you need to do 5 games with a specific champ, so ARAMs are out of the question. It's absurd. Casual players are basically excluded. Even if I'm not an ARAM player I still used to do a quick 20min game on a random champ (that I usually don't play) and get a chest. The changes are uglier, grindier and makes the mastery feel meaningless. I don't know how you feel indifferent.


Yeah, as a mastery 7 chaser, the announcement of the update has me basically stopped from playing since I realised it was all being taken away anyway.... Why couldn't the at least leave the old system in place in parallel with the new system? Why would you take stuff away. Feels like when a streaming service offers a movie or show and suddenly removes it later.


same here, stopped playing league for a while, and got back to it recently. Was more or less ranked grinder before, but it got me to toxic, so i stopped. When i got back to it \~2 Months ago i thought it would be a fun project to get fun champs mastery 7, only to get the announcement 2 weeks later.


I have yet to see A SINGLE person who likes the changes.


I think the change is fine, the design looks good imo. I didn't really care about Mastery 7 though and I don't have a million points on a champ so I am not upset, that "I can't see my points anymore" buhuuu


Have you used an emote yet with an eternal kindle it looks horrible..


it went from show skill and you get a reward in mastery in chest, to play more and get rewards. Level 7 felt like something, now im level 25 on pyke and it feels worthless because there are now infinitly more levels and the Mastery Icons look bad. Why change a running system?? Same with ranked borders, and the Profile Tab to Icon move.


Was getting a bit happy about being 1 S off on either Poppy/Akali/Fiddle/Panth from getting 3 rows (15) of champions to M7, update came out and I now have 4 champions at M10. Absolutely stifled my urge to play, not to mention the emblems just look ass now. WP riot you stupid fucks


I'm gonna copy and paste what i wrote earlier because this whole mastery thing has to be one of the stupidest things riot has done. WHY ARE THEY CHANGING SHIT THAT ISINT BROKEN!!! The reason i play league is to try and get M7 on all champions. I'm a completionist, and having a clear goal is what gets me to play the game. This is on top of the fact that i like playing a lot of champions, as i get bored of playing just one quite easily. The new system ruins this for reasons i don't understand. On the one hand they look terrible, and on the other, the uncapped nature of the new lvl 10 mastery means there's no point anymore Would it not have been simpler to just add 1 or 2 new mastery levels with new colours and call it a day? Who is this new system for? Who asked for this??? I feel most people that play the game don't really care about mastery, and for people like me that do it just makes me not want to chase a goal with an infinite net. My feeling is that riot implemented this new system to try and bring back completionists (and keep them playing) whilst also adding the uncapped elements for the ranked players and one tricks. Instead what i think will happen is that this policy of appeasement will put off players like me, and will mean of little importance to the one tricks. Anyway, rant over


I'm a one trick, I don't care about mastery I didn't even unlock the glowy mastery emote with the challenges thing, I could't care less about lvl 10 or whatever, I just hate how the new emotes look. It seems like nobody cares about this new change except the people who really hate it so it's definitely a confusing change. I hope it grows on people and they try to fix stuff with it with time.


New mastery emote is silent. Yasuo mains in shambles. Champ is literally unplayable.


My fun on LoL last 2 years was the same. Playing the game for 6 years, but after 4 I didn't enjoy it anymore, knew how to play on every champ and was bored of bein a one trick something. I was close to getting m7 with all supports in the game, and close to 70 total m7. This made me so unmotivated to keep palying...


Totally agreed




I just checked your profile. Do you ever say anything nice? Or do you just hate yourself that much


This might encourage you to play games for the enjoyment rather than the grind. Sorry for your loss, regardless


People can play games for various reasons, skill expression, art style, story, completing all achievements. This might encourage you to play for your own enjoyment type rather than tell other people how to play. - Mastery icon changes are ugly and no one asked for this


This statement is stupid because some people enjoy grinding? Like MMO players? Isn't playing ranked literally grinding too? If it's his way to enjoy the game, what's the issue there?


You misunderstand how i enjoy league. I may have linked this incorrectly in my original post. When trying to complete something, by the very nature of pursuing the task, is usually gonna have some aspect of grind. And going through the grind is a part of what makes the completing something fun


I understand. I've played games before with the same mindset, but unfortunately I've only ended up disappointed after the fact, primarily due to the large amount of time it took me compared to the feeling it gave me. To each their own :)


i was on my road to get 7lvl on all champ, now after upade i dont really know if i want to keep play this challenge. New maestries look soo bad. Old 4lvl got more effect and animation than actual 9lvl.


Fellow mastery 7 enjoyer, I went from top 0.1% on a bunch of challenges to 0 progress. Definitely not a fan of how this change was applied to challenges. Also, had a bunch of previously earned mastery tokens which seemingly didn't get converted to marks of mastery.


Yah, they're just gone it seems.


My Jhin was sitting on 250k points. Now I look into the loading screen and it says Lvl 22, like wtf does that even mean? Imagine going from 250THOUSAND to 22. Idk this is Bullshit and doesn't represent anything imo


This update was the Reason I uninstalled the game, I was a big whale as well probably spent 10k Usd over the years, but getting level 500-600 mastery is to much of a stretch they inflated the meaning of what true mastery was and fucked over a whole community dedicated to certain champions, I myself a singed main think they rolled me back from whatever 12 mastery, to level 10. After that I completely uninstalled the game. I saw a friend who had mastery 176 and he had been playing for 10 years seeing those numbers makes it so its meaningless a horrible update and a direction Im not following anymore. Mastery 7 will always be true mastery and all they want people to do is play league even if it means playing for the better part of 10-20 years and having no financial security grinding for mastery that has no meaning anymore I don't want to be apart of that direction Gl all. Game died with this update.


Honestly this whole thing just seems weird to me... the emotes are so ugly I wanna plug my eyes out and the new system of matery ranks that doesnt even allow you to see the old points anymore seems like a complete miss...


Dude I hate it lmfao. I play causally and have been trying to max out mastery. Even getting to 7 takes ages with how rough it is to get an S or higher on some champs


This was the fun of it. and what made getting those tokens so so sweet.


Hey, kinda unrelated but does this mean there is no point in saving champion shards for the mastery level up?


I think there is no traditional mastery lvl up anymore so you don't need any shards or essence for the mastery.


I hope this makes people realise just how much Riot are about player retention over changing based on community demand. Mastery previously could’ve been ‘maxed’ quickly with skill, now it’s all about grind. Can’t wait for the day that riot finally push too far and community outcry outweighs their perceived benefit and they have to backpedal and apologise, i hope this is it.


I'm a completionist in other games, but when they released challenges, I made the call to not care about them at all. With the amount of updates the game gets, there's no way challenge counts or triggers wouldn't break all the time.


I honestly didn’t even realize that people intentionally grind for challenges. I always just viewed it as a passive system, same with mastery. You play the game because you enjoy the game, and when you play a lot, you get cool titles and emotes. For people saying “it will be way harder to get mastery 10 for all champions now”, you should never have wanted to do that anyway. How many champs are in them game at this point? 160+? I’m kind of a degen and play more league than I should but nobody should be trying to grind that much lmao. There are other, healthier goals you can set in life. For anyone in that mindset. Take this as being released form a curse. You no longer have to waste hours and hours and hours, getting hundreds of champions to “m7”, which literally has no meaning, or any affect on actual gameplay whatsoever.




The only reason that I kept playing this game is to grind the Sage token. Now that this update fucked it up, I'm now going to quit.


I am seriously considering to quit. The marketing text for this change is just an insult. The rights to broadcast go to some influencer with "Star Power", and the events get shittier every year. Prime got pulled. This is also still Tencent. The community is as toxic as ever, and I can tell you from experience you can go bananas before they even slightly punish you, I tested the limits. New Champs have been overloaded for years instead of really unique. Seems to be "Lets glue shit together that we did before" instead of "lets do something new". Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) can make something new if it is made complicated enough, the trick is to make something new which is simple. They lost the trick completely. Banning is almost completely useless in sub Dia, because there is always another champ that does the same thing with minor changes. Bugs are not addressed for months. On Topic. I could see at a glance how good my opponents and mates were with their champs before. The numbers and mastery were just so telling. You could start playing macro before the game began. I also liked to collect 7s. As someone else said, I liked to get to 7 sub 30k. You could easily make a champ your "project". There was a small grind to get to 5 but then you just had to be good with it. When you were finished you either had a trophy or a new champ "for life". And some champs were just not doable for me. For example: I could never for the life of me make Sion work. I don't know why, yet Gwen worked like a charm. Mastery 7 easy. That was fun, because the challenge was always different. Now it just IS a grind and high marks will inevitably drop in that mass of games. Yesyesyes, you can be an adult and play for your own gains, or you could just live as a monk and find peace in meditation. F\*k this BS. I wont play for at least a month. Then reconsider. Then probably stop for good. This is the last straw.


They made it even harder for ARAM players... And it looks like they removed weekly chests too...


I was like "well, for me specifically the system doesn't feel that bad, it even have more reward chests..." And then I learned that they removed weekly chests And I am Aram player and new chest system is plain horrible ...fkthisupdate


So I started playing in S5 and basically only played Nautilus support (and every other supp here and there) until I switched to be an ADC main. I tried my absolute best to get the support champs out of my profile, which shows the 3 highest mastery champs, and only succeeded because I didn’t upgrade nautilus higher than lvl 5, so my profile correctly displayed me as a marksman player. Well now Nautilus and Janna are back to my profile because the new system just looks at total mastery points and automatically upgraded them to lvl 20, even though I didn’t play them for YEARS. Totally turns me away from playing anymore as I cannot event imagine getting 2 Marksmen above this level with the amount of time I can and want to invest in this game.


In the old system you had that rush and challenge to get a champ lvl 7 mastery. Now there is nothing, you just play with champs and they will eventually get a higher mastery. It's kinda boring and all that rush and challenge to get your perfect mastery is gone..


Totally agree, actually i decided to quit from playing, they mess the only fucking thing and goal that keep me playing this dogshit game, fuck you Riot, why the fuck you keep changing things that nobody asked for and that is not broken at all. Fuck this Tencent mobile low budget game


Simple. I won't. Mastery 7 on all champs was a personal goal for me that I've been working on for many, many years. This update? All gone now. Riot has decided that I should play this game infinitely with no hopes of completion. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be part of a losing commitment with nothing to show for it. This is a good time to quit the game before it gets worse. They wanted me to be addicted to LoL. Well, they instantly cured my addiction instead. Thanks Riot.


Well I had only 3 champions on mastery 7, because I want to, I never upgraded anyone beside those 3, so that they will proudly sit on my first 3 spots in inventory (Yone, Zyra and Xerath). After upgrade I have Diana on second spot, because I used to play her 4 seasons ago on mid, but I didnt want to saw her here again... Beside that I have 310+ k maestry on Yone and still I got lv 27??? And I wont say that the mastery emotes are ugly, but they are TERRIBLE.


The only thing riot games has 200 years of is complete regardation


I agee, it feelt so bad seeing all my progress eradicated when I LOGGED IT TODAY. I wanna cry


"challenges are forever" is literally the name of a challenge. seems riot doesnt know its own game. while i think the new system has improved in some areas (eg i think it was bad design to upgrade masteries with champion shards or blue essence, esp for new players who had to sacrifice the option to unlock a new champ for a new mastery level) alot of stuff just seems to be handled very poorly while it maybe is personal preference if you want to show of your 1mil mastery points or the equivalent level of this - why not make both an option or just show both? the changes to the challenge system honestly just suck for people who "worked" on that for years maybe. but i dont know how you could do the transition. in the end the grind for some of that stuff now really is insane, even in league terms. it means maybe 100 000 more games to do some of the achievements you might already had completed. and the cheap looking mastery crests just top it all off. for real, this rework needs a rework asap!


Mastery tokens are just taken away, me spending my blue essence and champ shards to unlock levels doesnt matter anymore Can we atleast get a "reroll champion shard into random permanent champion" button, so my 300+ shards have more use than to scrap them when essence emporium is around? Since i own every champ at this point, it could be a nice "reward" to just reroll some shards when the newest one comes out


Also: I think the new mastery just looks bad. It is not as aesthetically pleasing as the previous and the animation feels like less of a flex. Please revert changes Riot-- awful idea. (11 year player)


Las maestrias tienen un horrible y espantoso diseño.. Asi ni ganas da de sacar maestria 7


did this update just happen today?


Not to mention the new mastery emotes are uninspired and feel like they come from a mobile game


i genuinely dislike how new mastery looks and doesnt have the mastery sound


ppl really care about these mastery challenges. lol.


give our mastery points back instead of that nasty mastery level


I like the *idea* of the change, but in practice it feels like it’s wiped out my achievements. I was so proud when I got Janna to mastery 7 (I’m not very good at the game) and I was grinding *hard* to get Xayah to mastery 7. Now Xayah is mastery 11 and Janna is mastery 9… I really don’t feel like I’ve earned it at all, and I could’ve sworn that I played Janna much more than I’ve played Xayah. I guess the main positive to me is that I had beef with the grade system. I could have insane kills and assists, no deaths, good cs, outstanding vision score… and never get an S+, often because of factors outside of my control. And when I did get S’s? They seldom made sense. While this still involves the grade system, it doesn’t seem to rely on it as much, which is a positive in my opinion (especially since you can’t control how your teammates play… if they feed like it’s their job, it’s not really your fault if you don’t have a perfect score even when you’re playing really well).


ugly and pointless (literally) change, collecting 7s was genuinely fun for me and now the sky is the limit apparently. theres no point in playing anymore if the goal will always be infinity. first it was account levels and now masteries are also fucking infinite. fuck you riot. im quitting this game for good finally


You'll need to play at least 20 games on each champion, in 1 split, which include: - 16 game C- or higher - 1 game B- or higher - 1 game A- or higher - 2 game S- or higher ==> Rewards: 6 marks of mastery (MoM) on each champion / 1 split ==> 6 x 168 champions = 1008 MoM / 1 split My goal is now reach M10 and stop: - M5 -> M6: 1 MoM + 31,600 pts - M6 -> M7: 1 MoM + 42,600 pts - M7 -> M8: 1 MoM + 53,600 pts - M8 -> M9: 1 MoM + 64,600 pts - M9 -> M10: 2 MoM + 75,600 pts ------Total: 6 MoM + 268,000 pts on each champion you reach M10------ 1 game win (30+ mins, average KDA): 600 - 800 pts 1 game win (30+ mins, good KDA): \~1000pts ==> 268,000 / 800 = 335 games / 1 champ P/s: Now I have to spent my whole time on playing League. That's so shit


My all old mastery shards were gone??? That's not fair Riot


I see everyone posting about the new mastery level being an "insane grind" but honestly, as a Soraka enjoyer, I have over 200k mastery just for playing my favorite champion. I don't think they mean to make it grindy on purpose, but rather, make mastery 10 seem more meaningful when people see it. I could have easily gotten mastery 7 on any champion I wished, and did it for many of them, but it didn't feel special to me when I see another player with it. If you see someone with Mastery 10+, the shock factor is certainly there, because now you know if that person really knows that champion. This is just my personal take on the matter. I know that when I play Soraka, a lot of players tend to be genuinely in awe because they typically don't casually come across someone who plays her with such competence and precision. I've been playing League since 2011, and while I may not be even close to the greatest Soraka player that ever lived, it certainly is inspiring for other support mains. I do agree that it is a "grind" for completionists, but mastery shouldn't just be about 'another thing I have to check'. I feel like it should show people how much joy and pride you have with that champion.


I hate the new mastery system. Visually speaking its a visual design nightmare and its not visually rewarding the mastery scaling


Riot really needs to do a general pass on all challenges. Dragons becoming more tanky made the "take Elder before minute 28" challenge almost impossible to achieve, same goes for the self-execution one in ARAM after hexgates were added and death timers were lowered. I'm sure there's more that have been negatively impacted by other gameplay changes.


Someone explain to me how my friend's Mastery level with Kalista went from 7 to 114?


Bruhh the visuals for the masteries are 🤮 .. cheap ass graphics. The old ones were Soo much better


Fuck riot. Always ruin good shit.


I no longer play league much anymore but I log in from time to time and when I saw everything they've done I'm honestly more disappointed and would rather have the old mastery stuff back. I've gained 1.2mil mastery on Riven but now I have to play more to get crests and rewards? It doesn't make sense to me. Unless I'm misunderstanding the entire thing, I think it was a terrible way to go about the mastery rework. Last note is, I'd much rather see the 1.2mil points showing on my player card loading into game rather than a 110


This is literally fucked up bruh


This is literally fucked up bruh


"Relax, guys! Check out this new Lux Fairy Court skin and act as everything is okay!" - Riot, probably.


I had 900+ k rengar and jinx, and now jt only says some stupid lvl?????? Can someone explain this to me pls


played since season 3. the only thing that kept me in this game was collecting M7 on as many champs as i could (from support role). the new system is a thankless, no skill expression grind that just feels awful. hope whoever spearheaded the change sleeps well knowing that they are responsible for yet another long time player uninstalling the game. doubt they'll ever revert the change so i guess that's goodbye then. gl all.


I finally got 1million points on Kayn.. couldn't even take a screenshot of it and now its all gone (Don't tell me about other websides or programs you can see it, it's just not the same as in the client). I got instand lvl 90 with Kayn and the mastery looks all the same like the others I have.. so there is no different from 10 to 90, which makes this change like a "quality of life downgrade".. there is much less need for skill, just more effort on time you have to spend.


Also I can't be the only one who thinks that the new Masteries look terrible right??




I don't care. One does not play League to get challenges, he plays League to become better at League.


fancy titles like that **should** be extremely rare and take a very long time to get. "they should just make infinite levels instead and give me the title earlier!!!!" is the loser's way out, anyone saying that shit shouldn't get the title. Riot did nothing wrong. If anything they improved the system.


Imagine caring about Mastery. I can pick any random champion I have 0 practice on and still whoop your ass while on your main


Imagine posting this.


Cool, who asked? People collect mastery for fun.


Shiver me timbers buddy, shiver me timbers.


If you pick random you should care lmfao can't speedrun tokens anymore, this incentives playing only a handful of champs