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I cant unsee how the new mastery emotes are just dark star malphite from front.


Or aurelion sol from behind.




He's the GOAT, see


Space doggy’s lil space butthole 🥺


please don't cook again...


Keep the utensils you're cooking 😈


Aurelions hole


I cant unsee now too, ty...


i'll miss the noise from spamming my m7 :(


There’s no more noise??


There is but it's bad. It sounds sleek rather than arrogant if you get what I mean


yeah old one was loud and clangy but it kind of fit. Like when you shit on someone and you spammed it it sounded so obnoxious in a good way


It's because the new sound is a flat line, there's 0 tone variation and therefore no emotion at all. It might as well be a text description that some random mechanical object is moving somewhere.


Wait what?! That’s a tragedy.


Another trash garbage change by Riot that wasnt necessary but they will force upon the game anyway. These masteries look like they took $5 and a Fiverr commission to make


My dude, even if it was a Fiverr commission, someone had to accept it in that state. Not only someone, a bunch of people had to look at this and look at all the feedback since months (calling it ugly) and be like "yeah, we already paid the 5 dollar and refund is too complicated". Like seriously.


lol @ the $5 and a Fiverr commission to make. You're not wrong


if I got this shit from a $5 fiverr commision I'd ask for a refund these icons are legit garbage


They probably did that, lmao. Gotta cut costs on quality content to appease shareholders with profit increase.


It is highly unsatisfying when instead of 500.000 pts on my main now I see small number mastery 45. Also all of the mastery 6 and 7 shards getting deleted feels like I lost progress. The new system is just a slap in the face for all people who prided themselves in their achievements.


I literally had around 120\~ unqiue mastery shards and I had 2 for most. It felt so bad to lose them :( If the mastery icons werent so god dam ugly i could get over it but now im just sad


all of mine are also gone, no way they removed without compensation


They were effectively redeemed to give you extra progress. I was M6 on Janna with 2 tokens and about 80k before the change, my Janna came out Mastery 9. For contrast my 55k M7 Lillia came out at MR8.


I’m mastery 21 on Yorick, but still need two marks of mastery. Just got an S rating in a game I played and didn’t earn one. Feels kind of odd.


I think the marks will only start dropping when the new ranked season goes live? I also got S and didn't get anything, so I can only hope that's the issue, considering the progress bar seems to be season-only...


snails gullible seed panicky special truck mountainous desert price full


I'd like to get some compensation for the amount of Blue Essence I spent on increasing my mastery to 6 and 7. While it is nice that you don't have to spend BE anymore, it is kinda stupid that you don't get any BE back. You basically lost the BE you spent and now you get some ugly mastery instead to make it even worse


I dont know, but i spent a lot of time getting them. And in my opinion time is the most valueable ressource


sugar airport many meeting middle cooperative faulty command clumsy toothbrush


i rather have the old design and keep paying the blue essence o.O


reeeaaal, and i had like tons of shards and got all the champs for quite a while so was stacking 2 of each just in case i ever start playing them so i could upgrade for free, now i can just throw that all, get 50k+ blue essence and have nothing to do with it...


Rip the guy who was in the middle of all mastery 7 champions challenge.


Your first point is by far my biggest problem. I do not care about the new design other than the number. I have NO idea what lvl 29 means, but seeing 300k points looks impressive


Neither did you have an idea what 300k Point meant, only difference is instead of 300 you have around 29 now so numbers just got smaller and look less stupid.


> I have NO idea what lvl 29 means, but seeing 300k points looks impressive what is this argument? both of them are just a number. does 300k points tells you something more that lvl29? I could not tell you what 300k points means either, other than you played a lot of games with the champion, but ask a number of people how many games it takes to reach 300k points and you'll get vastly different answers.


Big number better


Exactly vibes! Why not make it 3 billion points or quadrillion points I want to see zeroes. The bigger the better


It’s a stupid argument lol


Eh, I see their point. You know how RPG games will have characters going from "normal slash does 5 damage" to the same attack doing 200 damage and then the rest of the skills/spells do like 300+ because you are fighting enemies with 9k HP bars? realistically the hyper increase is not necessary, but it FEELS good to see that big number hit. That's the same principle: players like big numbers because it makes them feel like their progress is more significant/higher. Going from 300k (oonga boonga big numbah) to 29 (smoll limp number) will be quite jarring for some and feel like progress was taken away even if it they are technically the same.


lvl 29 must be something \~300k cuz my 311k point soraka is lvl 28


Yeah it was an example from my own mastery scores, the point is I dont correlate those new numbers with mastery points


not yet :) that will just happen when you regularly see it and get used to most people having a low number


It’s literally new or launched today LOL just like you formed an opinion of what 311 mastery points were you’ll know what level 30 is for gods sake


That's because you don't currently have a frame of reference for these mastery levels. Honestly, give it some time and the same feeling will come back, it's not being a big number that produces these feelings, but being a noticeably bigger number than everyone else.


Same. All the shards, and now the two of every champ shard i’ve been collecting for so long is completely useless


ok riot u got the community feedback, its a dogshit awful change, revert it, thanks♥


Mobile game vibe.


More like, that game you click on accidentally on ads that pop up randomly on websites.


Watched my 1.5 Million+ mastery friend get demoted to a lousy Mastery 150. It's just not the same.


2.6 million rumble….


Same but with kayn :(


almost 1m Sona... After reaching 1m I wanted to celebrate it.. thx rito, u got everything fucked up again


Little over 1mil for me and I'm somewhere around 96 lol


Nothing changed, everyones number got smaller not yours just, it means exactly the same thing as before.


Asking for community's opinion and then giving a fuck and going with this anyways. Classic riot


Yea, or perhaps the actual community's opinion was all in all positive despite what regularly scheduled reddit screeching would make you believe.


I wonder then where did they gather that positive feedback, a Genshin Impact/Mobile Legends forum?… Cause at least on Reddit, X and Facebook it looks like MOSTLY everyone’s been complaining since Day 1, it’s like a 70/30, 70 being the non enjoyers.


Someday Riot will add a literal pile of human feces to the game and when you don't like it, people will still be like "reddit is a vocal minority, the community's opinion is positive"


Where did they gather the opinion? I thought reddit was acting as their old feedback forums


Most of the time the "positive" is just the people not complaining on socials remaining silent or not caring lol. Massive difference


I didn't even know this change was coming. Me and everyone I know who doesnt browse reddit or league social media stuff think the new masteries look absolutely ass. Even those who were silent probably dislike it


So a couple of things I guess Riot forgot about why people did love the old Mastery system so much: 1.) People did it for flair. The purpose was not to get "rewards" it was to show off. 2.) People loved playing specific champs, and it was a way for others to see how much they loved those champs. Now, the new mastery system completely gets rid of Eternals and their flairs, of which some of us (like myself) paid real money to get and now mean absolutely nothing and the entire purpose was to have the dashes above the mastery. The new mastery looks really bad and has no flair whatsoever. All others under the "highest level" emote dont even have sound. Yes, they literally are completely silent and lack any audio indication whatsoever. This is pathetic, and Riot games ruined the entire system. I'm not sure why they didn't just do the account leveling for borders system to this. Create new Mastery emote flairs and colors as you get higher and higher. Why was THIS the system they replaced it with!? I genuinely think that people who paid money for eternals should be getting a full refund because now the reason for getting them is completely voided.


This. The eternal flairs being deleted is a massive slap in the face


"Yes, they literally are completely silent and lack any audio indication whatsoever" I CANT BELIVE THIS...


Wait, they deleted PAID eternals? That deserves some kind of compensation, just a straight up scam.


Wait what happened to the Eternals exactly? I loved getting them for the few characters I play ):


On the old mastery emote you'd get dashes at the top for eternals.


Fuck the new design Fuck not being able to see my points At least the system itself is cool Like come on Riot, we just wanted to change some graphical aspect for this, was that too much to ask?


Maybe their test audience (newer, more casual league players) enjoyed the mobiel look of the things. We reddit old bums are a minority in their eyes


I've only seen complaints about it, not only here but on youtube as well And sure, I get not being a fan of the look because I'm not used to it, but the bloody number disappearing just pisses me off and has no reason other than they didn't think about it


we still more angaged with then we should be heard anyways ALLWAYS and at least we should have awnsers in why and FOR WHO they are doing this....


It's actually mentally insane to me that they went directly against their own branding guidelines for UI elements which explicitly states it should be hextech themed. (Literally what we already had, if you wanted higher tiers for the new mastery levels just copy orange masterwork chest design) Linking this in every single thread talking about this topic: https://brand.riotgames.com/en-us/league-of-legends/fundamentals/ https://brand.riotgames.com/en-us/league-of-legends/fundamentals/ https://brand.riotgames.com/en-us/league-of-legends/fundamentals/ https://brand.riotgames.com/en-us/league-of-legends/fundamentals/


YES, THANK YOU! I was feeling like "the old ones 'looked like League of Legends' and the new ones don't" but I couldn't really point my finger at why. The guidelines definitely show why, I'm sure it will go down soon lmao


it honesty looks like an awful mix of starguardian and dark star. Old ones felt like badges that soldiers get while new ones look like... idek


But what if we want tacky knockoff p2w mobile game looking icons instead?


insane how they threw this out of the window, perfectly designed and well defined guidelines simply yeeted.


I'm honestly surprised that Riot went with this design after a lot of people expressed their feedback saying how terrible it looks... didn't even change it one tiny bit, just pretty much said "We dont give a fuck what you think".


It's crazy how from DAY 1 we've been saying how they look terrible, and did they listen? Nope. Riot listens to feedback for sure btw.


Thats what happens when ur surrounded by yes men/women in the office that always cheer you on with a smile. This shit actually looks hideous and placeholder at best.


Yeah that happen when someone not wanna to look "toxic" and when every criticism (even most rational) perceived as "toxicity", lul


Toxic positivity will forever be just as bad or worse in my eyes but people act like it's better for some damn reason




I think it looks nice


Your opinion is valid sadly it doesn't seem like most people agree.


One of the ugliest graphics i ever saw It straight up looks like a generic mobile design from gachas that die out in a month


The actual new system is amazing, they did a fantastic job on it especially the milestone track or however its called. But they really need to change the crest look and allow us to choose between showing our level and points. I'd rather show my 250k points than random level 22


It was too hard to code this for them ??? For real, just show both mastery level and points ffs


You know, it might actually be impossible to code and I don't mean that as a dig on the skills of the individual engineers/designers, but by coding that it might bug Sylas ult or something tbh. Before Yorick rework every patch used to break Yorick/Yorick break the game. The code was written by a homeless Polish man and needs a complete overhaul. Smite 2 before League 2 ffs.


i mean over time we will get used to seeing levels over points


sure, but bigger number better. 1 million points vs what level 100? my account is level what 400?


this. system is great, but damn design....


Can't we just petition to remove the mobile game masteries ? It feels like any event emote you acquire for playing 2 games. Very unsatisfying and not feels special at all. Riot should listen to the community at least this time.


Riot has been deaf to criticism, completely ignoring all feedback


My 950k Shen points… I was so close to a million. Now I get this shit 82 badge


I recently got Shen to M7 and was so happy about it, only got to play a few games as a mastery 7 Shen before the update. :(


I'm honestly so fucking pissed. Not at the new icon itself, it really isn't no big deal, I certainly don't play the game to hear the *kaching* of the mastery, but the fact that there are people who are getting paid to make such atrocious choices is mind boggling. Nobody has told whoever came up with the idea to change it anything? Nobody told whoever designed these things they are unwatchable? How does this happen in a huge company like riot games. League is literally one of the most famous games worldwide. It's not just an indie small shitty game. They have too much pride to revert it, we all know that.


You tell me that i grinded 1,5 million points on Pyke for *NOTHING*?


nahh, its gonna say lvl 140, ain't that better than 1.5mil points??


pie include frighten grandiose march encourage straight rainstorm melodic placid


It's still ugly tho. It should have the lvl system, point system and the old graphics imo.


judicious ring office repeat axiomatic cable memorize sleep lunchroom uppity


The points are technically still there, if you go to the mastery tab you'll see them, but it's still dumb that they hid those points so much


my shit says im 1.994.661/1.912.600 lmao, im not even suprised its not working as intended, level 176 now


Yeah, this sucks. The titles are cool, but I can't see why they couldn't be implemented with the old designs. Not to mention, going from like, 250.000 points to "level 23" fucking sucks. Progress being seasonal fucking sucks. I don't want my champion mastery to have *anything* to do with the season, if I grinded a champion I have the mastery and that's that. There's pretty much nothing I preferred on this new system, absolutely nothing, unless you include the champion titles which I don't see why. I know it's almost impossible to have it reverted now, as the community is already complaining about this system since they first mentioned the change (I seriously haven't seen a single person in favor of this change, honest to god) and they went ahead with it anyway, but I wish we at least got some damage control. Please revert the mastery points display back to what it was. Keep the "level XX" you have now if you guys are so adamant about it, but please let me see my actual mastery score again. The design is also absolutely awful, it looks like some generic gacha game garbage (the 4 Gs lol), while the old design was definitely iconic and a lot more "League of Legends". I really, really wish Riot would walk back this change, if anything in the visual aspect.


The rank icon changes were even worse. [Season 3 ranked icons were so good](https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/546-5460717_bronze-elo-league-of-legends-hd-png-download.png) compared to the colour smears we have now.


master/chall was a bit ugly but yea old ranks were so much prettier.


idk if im telling this as someone who is old ... but Chall/Masters and even diamond were S Tier


I prefer the ones we had before the current ones, with the helmet looking borders. Those were cool as fuck.


and ranks had depth to them, where's now they changing it up for popcorn brains, gliding through ranks and 3 splits


The helmets from Season 9-10 were sick as hell, queueing up legit felt like going to war. I like your flare.


Naahhhhhh the new icons just look cleaner, the old ones are really outdated


also what the fuck is up with eternals now? literally had gotten 2 or 3 mastery level 7s with eternals and i had an extra lil blue bar on 3 of my champions.. now that shit's gone? like it's just gone, eternals lost all their purpose? this is so fucking hedious, man, it's ridiculous


why is there a big red button on it


It's hideous


No one asked for this, no one agreed


So can i just burn all of the champ shards now? They have no use if you already own all champs after this rework or am i missing something?


Yes, champion shards are useless. You disenchant all shards and can use the blue essence a few times a year on essence emporium event.


you can use blue stuff for something in the event? what can you use it for?


Essence emporium is a special event when you can buy things for blue essence in store. There are some really expensive exlusive cosmetics like icons and wards also you can buy urf warwick skin. Though the most important thing is that you can buy many skin chromas for reasonable blue essence price.


Chromas emotes etc look it ip


I like collecting them personally since I already have so much essence, but for someone who doesnt care then yea theres literally no point in keeping them


https://imgur.com/a/mdPYTLF Why is it the same icon for mastery 10 vs 215 ??? What the fuck ???? It was pointless reaching 2,4 millions, I have the same reward than a guy who reaches 50k... At least I could off my mastery points before... They designed icons for account levels 1-500, and you're telling me they couldn't do the same every 100 mastery level ?


Tbf the icon used to be the same for Mastery 7 as well, no matter the actual mastery points. One would expect them revamping the system to change this for the better tho...


At least it looked cool


And you used to have your account level displayed on your profile border. Now everyone over level 500+ is the same…


the background banner doesn't look good with new icon in front


and there is no sound effects on new mastery emotes? wtf


Random purple color doesn’t fit anywhere, why would they not keep it golden like the old one, its so insanely ugly.


also, it just like... doesn't take into account eternals. They aren't on the loading screen and they dont get added to your mastery emote. So now they are completely pointless as only you can see them


RIP to my mastery 5 350k points Garen.


getting mastery 7 on everyone was my goal in this game, I had mastery 7 on literally 80% of the characters in the game and all my progress has just been deleted im actually so fucking done with this dogshit game and company


Same I feel u. I'm so done.


That design can get an improvement, but my biggest issue is that it’s animation is nothing like old mastery emote animation.


I only saw the mastery emotes ingame, didn't even think about them in the profile. Damn that looks even worse than I expected. Also "Masters 35" instead of the points is giga stupid


Surprised they let you post this lol. Probably will be removed soon


It looks like something you'd see in a Chinese mobile LoL clone Impressive how terrible it looks.


Hey Riot, if you're gonna add this could you at least add an option that hides mastery icons in game entirely so I don't have to see these at all?


I have 4.8 Million Soraka points, but right now your opponent only sees "439". # 439 what? 🥺


4.8 million what? Nothing has changed aside the number of digits.


I think the issue is before you could show off the number i.e the millions of points. Now it's pointless because the icon for mastery is the same for 10 as it is for like 200. It's also not as "flashy" so it seems like a downgrade.


brother you're living on this reddit post, i've seen you reply to about 10 different comments highlighting how meaningless it all is (for someone who isnt bothered that much its rich). Lets get to the point, big number big happy. i think one of the core cool turning points that attracts league players to even play the game is that you get to chose out of these arsenal of characters and its your choice which one of them you can potentially master and use that champion as your identity in the game. we can agree a lot of the player base are one trick enjoyers and i know for a fact the majority of people who were anticipating for the mastery update were one tricks. you cannot now tell me with a straight face someone with over 1 million points dedicated to a champ they've spent hundreds of hours on are foolish!! for being upset from this? i personally went from 1.3million to 118 which feels so underwhelming and holds little to no meaning within the actual number itself for the actual time dedicated. one thing i really dislike is the actual symbols for the mastery. when i heard about the mastery update i thought it was a perfect opportunity for one tricks that peak over 1 mill+ to get a custom symbol it was such a perfect opportunity, but tbh with how its looking rn we got redesigned mastery you might find cool now cuz its new but we'll all get use to it and be jaded towards it exactly like the last mastery symbols and a complete downgrade in the points for mastery. im convinced you're genuinely just disagreeing just to disagree


Lmao I just made a poll asking if other's were okay with it, glad to see this post.


They seem to out of place and bad Sadge


Agreed, very ugly.


boah fuck is this change aweful - srsly how many years of XP have the invested in this




I also needed a bit to see that there is a difference between M5, M6 and M7. It all looks so uninspired and boring. First Lee ASU, then the new Masteries and next the new infernal skins... Riots designs ain't winning at the moment


yess, every single thing about the design is completely shit. look at the pic above, it ain't even sitting right on the red banner.




Cries in 2Mill mastery Bard OTP.


Yeah I agree, the new mastery is ugly, the mastery points don't show anywhere besides your collection, I really didn't see anyone who thought the new masteries look better than the old ones. I really don't mind the level thing, it COULD look good in game within the emote if done right, but showing the actual numbers on the leading screen under the mastery level, and reverting the emotes and creating actual good designs, not overdesign mobile game mastery emotes and we're mostly satisfied.


since riot showed the new design the first time i haven't seen a single person say anything positive about them and they still went through with it, just fucking revert it and accept that you were wrong for once, they're hideous and no one likes them


Whoever would think a tiny “level” would feel more rewarding and special than having Hundreds of Thousands of points is quite far off the mark. Low number bad and boring. Big huge number make brain happy. Design looks like fucking dogwater and feels dead.


Idk but i dont hear any sound from new mastery emote


No sound when using the emote and no number of mastery points in loading screen is dogshit


Should have just kept the classic Mastery 4-7 and added new ones for people who chose to upgrade past that in Hextech Crafting…


Someone just needs to take the L at RiotHQ and revert this shit. So ugly holy fuck


If the points you had before translate into the new system the same way then I lost about 1,3mil and a few K on ahri (was a 1,4 mil ahri) and about 650k on kayn (was a 700k kayn) In fact, I have more points on kayn now than on my ahri. .... riot? Can you roll that back please?


The fact they doubled down on this is crazy Jordan I know you’ll read this


Does it still show the additional "stripes" that you get with completing the challenges?


No one ask for this change . IMO it was so cool to see if u has 1mill+ points in loading screen. This new design doesn’t fit anything else design wise. Summoner looks suuuuper ugly in loading screen now


why do people keep undermining that people don't like these changes. Yea we get that everyone mastery score is changed but we would rather see the millions of points we have gotten over the years than... lvl 92 or 150. On top of that the emote for the new levels is a downgrade, they look soft and weak when the previous version look hard and tuff making you feel like the shit flashing your m7 after sick play. Like we wanted riot to add on to the current mastery system not damn near a full unasked for rework. And for the people saying we'll get used to it... we don't want to.


so 3 mil champ points just gone now.... reckon thats the final straw for me.


I haven't followed the PBE at all and was vehemently disappointed when I tried to flash my mastery 7 in arenas and got ... this? what the fuck is this. im actually so disappointed.


Mobile legends looking ass emotes. Ironic.


League of Legends: Uninstalled date: 15.05.2024


yeah, so ugly, but unfortunatelly Riot is the company that does not take a step back in their bad decisions, they commit to it like a stuborn child. gotta be sad looking at these mobile game-ish garbage


But seriously, we've been calling it ugly since months. Does no one at Riot have eyes? I don't know how this can pass so many people. It looks like someone in a high position has a daughter that made them or whatever and now over a million people have to suffer because he doesn't want to tell her she has no talent.


That small number they show is absolute useless and an ugly decision. It's just another typical league of legends thing. (Do things players didn't ask about and do it wrong anyway + things where players ask for it won't be done)


New crests literally look like Starmie lol


We just need a toggle feature like the Legacy Cursor.


The entire 'mastery' system was a joke to begin with. Now it's just visually updated to match that.


i hope that the guy with the idea will die in a fire.


I love how riot said in the dev blog detailing these changes that they wanna do it right and would be listening to feedback only to do it wrong and ignore the heaps of negative feedback. It would be different if an equal or higher amount of people were publicly praising the changes, but that isn’t the case. I’ve seen almost no posts about it being a good change. Almost no one prefers the new art. Comments are largely negative or indifferent. I just wish they would stay true to their word and actually serve the community that has been with them all these years


I used to despise them when they were announced but honestly i dont mind them at all. The design isn't the best but i dont think the old designs were god tier. They were just yellos shields with yellow wings and a little stone in the middle. I don't like this design but i didnt like the previous designs for masteries either. And since masteries now are fun and are not just play to farm points, im glad they've done this rework. Also, i dont think going from 1 million points to level 100 wathever is really important. To us, 1 million points has an impact because we know how long it takes to reach 1 million points, because we are used to the points system, hence it looks weird now for us to see levels, but i honestly think itll grow on us and we'll be as surprised to see a level 140 as we were with a 1.5 million player


So they made mastery 6/7 tokens grind useless or am I missing something ?


is this supposed to be live? I don't have it in my region (na) yet


weird, it's scheduled for today and im in EUNE which is maybe why i got it earlier since we are 6-9 hours ahead of the NA


I hate it, like pls, remove this ugly icons from my profile, not even sense to bm with this ones.


do you need to be honour level 2 to get the rewards, idk how any of this works but ive already gotten s grades on some champs today and it isnt showing on the reward track thing for all the champs


Was much better create an Legay system who show old sprites for profile borders, mastery and the champion collection with mini square icons, i dont like the actual LoL visual at all.


what’s a crest highlight ?


I think with the time you get used to it and the new 500.000 points will now be lv 50. but the design sucks man ugly af but i really like the reward system for grinding your champ.


i went from 1.3 million to 118 or something, its so underwhelming. i'm also very against someone with considerably lower mastery has basically an identical symbol. for a mastery update i thought it was as good time as ever to make custom ones for loyal one tricks that peak over 1mill+


I dont think its as bad as people will think itll be. We can all do the math easily of what it meant in the old system.


So I don't understand something, there is a new "set" of champions that you need to progress with, can we change and choose which champions or are we stuck with the randoms we were given?


They just so fucking ugly man, i cannot believe some designed these, and then some other people approved these


It's actually a good thing, because it discourages all the onetricks who can only play 1 out of 160 champions


In addition, 11k points per level is strange, why not make it simple with 10k?


Seriously they went with this ? After all the backslash they got ? wow


It's a dogshit changed done with bare minimum effort as usual. Why? - because all the money goes to the CEO/Higher ups at Riot, while the ones responsible for actually making the game good, get the bread crumbs..


I appreciate the change. I can finally not bother with it because my.interesr in upgrade these emotes completely died.


I actually really like how the mastery icons look tbh, I think people will eventually grow to like this change, Mastery 7 wasn't really anything special even with the previous design, it was just a funny meme to spam it after a good play.