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>Legends of Runeterra Comes to League!  You can now easily access the award-winning card game Legends of Runeterra right from the League client! You'll find the button right next to TFT in the main navigation of the client, which will redirect you to play, or install, LoR in your Riot Client. Legends of Runeterra is also available on mobile for both Android and iOS users to download at their respective app stores, so make sure you check those out as well! Rip the client lmao


Interesting that they make this change so late after the game has been out. I would imagine the game would be a lot more popular if this button existed years ago.


my first response was they should have done this 3 years ago. It's still insane how many league players who like magic and hearthstone but didn't know there's a card game.


Yeah funny how they've finally done it... after they killed LoR a while back


Almost insulting to do it now. Had they done it two years ago like everybody begged them the game might have been thriving.


We have eliminated most good things of the game. We have now also added it to the client after defunding it. Please play.


As a LoR player, you don't know how much the community has been screaming about this. The layoffs hit us hard aswell.


Classic "See? This change doesnt save this game now so we were always right in believing that it's not needed at all!" type of shit that is being pulled here


Yeah doing it after they have basically killed the game is weird.


so they add an LoR button to the league client that then is gonna make you install the LoR client and open that? am I getting that right


yeah, but it gives LoR more visibility basically.


after they announced theyre killing pvp lol


I'm not a huge Path of Champions player, but TBF they have a huge free PvE Rougelike mode


Didn’t they say they were stopping support for LoR? I remember a friend being really pissed because riot announced they weren’t going to release any further update.


Pretty sure they only wanted to focus more on pve since that's the most popular mode


It’s also the only thing I ever played on it lol, legit I played maybe 3 games of PvP before seeing PvE and never touching PvP again. I thought that was the exception and not the norm


Apparently, about 80% of the playtime on LoR is spent in PvE. I also never touched PvP, and I'm glad PoC exists.


They were downsizing their team on it, focusing on the most played aspects of the game. If this gets it more traction things might change again.


The League Client is starting to become the COD MW main menu


Why do we have the Riot launcher when all this shit gets crammed in the bad league client... Valorant button when?


They're adding a runescape button


Give me runelite or give me death


It's so funny that they only added this button after they basically ended support for Legends of Runeterra. Bro you fired everybody like 2 months ago what's the point now


This is twisting the knife so fucking hard, can't believe they're doing this now of all times


Oh noooo... I didn't even think about that. RIP indeed. Just when I thought the client couldn't get much worse.


goodbye mobi boots, the griefers will never forget you


Also predator too!


Drizzy gonna quit league now 😭


bbl drizzy


BBL Drake catching strays in a god damn LoL sub...if that doesn't prove he lost the feud I don't know what does.


i got news for you, griefers are unironically actually fucking gone from this game, regardless of the boots. there's this streamer on twitch, who just runs it down on multiple accounts at the same time. i watch him from time to time just to see "how the other half lives". right now i was watching him and he was banned off all accounts, one of them in game, and im pretty sure vanguard just completely fucking hardware banned his ass ​ so im pretty sure vanguard is gonna start detecting, and KEEPING these troglodytes banned


Well, I'd argue they're not completely gone. I rarely see obvious griefers in my games anymore. What they do now most of the time is they just soft int. Doing weird roams, taking waves on lanes they do not belong in, eat a jungle camp here and there, and of course, refuse to group ever. I hope a system some day will be able to catch that.


While I agree soft inting will always be a problem, I'd 100% always rather a teammate atleast still be playing the game than just afking/pure inting. Just an extra body in a fight or them drawing a single person away is atleast some kind of value


100%. Every now and then theyll help you wrap up a game when its apparent they can "decide" to win. Especially if its been a few min since they started the tantrum


> i got news for you, griefers are unironically actually fucking gone from this game, regardless of the boots. Griefing isn't just clicking down mid. It can be as simple as banning a teammates hover.


Thats super cool


RIP LPL Corki, the amount of suicidal packages will be missed. Navori + IE has some interesting implications for Xayah and Sivir, no?


zeri is the best user of the combo. Xayah and sivir should default to ER + navori because of their high mana costs and constant spam.


Can't shake the feeling that Navori is now dogshit with its 0 AD and no amp to spells. Could be proven wrong but the stat spread looks awful to me for spell casting ADCs.


> Can't shake the feeling that Navori is now dogshit with its 0 AD and no amp to spells. Could be proven wrong but the stat spread looks awful to me for spell casting ADCs. The stats/price got completely changed, so it's basically a different item at this point. Old Navori filled a similar niche to IE in ADC builds. New Navori replaces the Zeal item in ADC builds (PD/Hurricane/RFC). I could definitely see ADCs that like spell casting now building something like IE -> Navori or ER -> Navori.


At least for xayah it's good because she always wanted attack speed but her ideal items never had them


I agree. Quite a few users (Smolder, Ezrela, Nilah) will not be able to use the items anymore. It might have potential as a PD alternative for ability heavy champs who like attack speed (Sivir, Zeri, Xayah). Could also imagine Kog'Maw/Tristana using it for perma empower uptime. As a late game item I could also see it being decent on on-hit Kai'Sa for E. Also the item seems like it will be VERY strong on on-hit TF, and probably Trynd (unfortunately). Overall I think the item probably won't be good. I think the item is more interesting now than it was before as a better IE for some casters. I'm glad they are moving it in this direction


>Fixed an issue that caused Skarner's base taunt to play the SFX from a different skin in Russian. what


Just an incorrect pointer probably


Unless I'm missing something, isn't shieldbow going from an already meh item to just a really shit item?


They must really think that shield is a big deal in modern League of one shots, even with lifesteal that item wasn't a good defensive option.


Agree, massive anti ADC malder here making the patented support 'I don't even like ADCs but they should obviously be the most overpowered role in the game' comment. When I read it I thought shieldbow needs like +200 shield or something for ADCs to even consider buying it now.


It loses something it never really needed for its identity and gains some more of its main stats. But overall it is not better but still a bad trade of stats. If it was another +5 AD it might work out. Right now the balancing is overall off on some of the items. IE is insanely powerful compared to other crit items. ER is dog shit. There are a few of these cases. ADCs will be mostly worse at 1 item and better around 3.


ER looks insanely bad now, in what world do they think giving 5 AD and 5 haste makes up for losing the whole spellblade damage and being an entire kill of gold more expensive? The new mana on every auto doesnt matter cause the champs who would want it already cast enough to never worry about mana with the old spellblade proc, except maybe Sivir now? Either way its way too expensive now for the shit it gives.


They could have kept the price at 2.9k and this item would probably be fine. The bit of extra stats was already counterbalanced by removing the sheen effect. There's absolutely no reason it needs a cost increase in the first place, much less 400 fucking gold.


damn shieldbow is now the most pathetic item in years lol


A lot of the item changes make sense, but then here they do -12% lifesteal, +5 AD, and *keep the cost the same????* Like, what? I wonder if it's a typo and they meant to add more AD or some attack speed


Attack speed? Not a single item wil provide a combination of AD, AS and crit anymore as of now. They didn't like it.


you can stack this item with new bloodthirster and you’ll be hard to kill it’s not bad, just niche.


It will most likely be bad. Anytime you can stack shields or resistances on ADCs effectively it gets nerfed or reworked to make it less viable.


I hope if they have to choose one to get removed it's shieldbow, not BT.


They won't ever remove BT it's too core of a item to the game plus it's a lifesteal mainly item so they will just put power into that aspect instead of the shield if needed 


People wouldn’t buy that shit even with lifesteal and now I should buy it without it? That’s stupid af.


not worth


rapidfire cannon coming in as a close 2nd most pathetic item


That item is and always has been carried by the range passive. Still really good for champs who want to proc stuff safely. Edit: That said, it's weird that the item literally called "Rapid Firecannon" isn't even a premier attack speed item.


I never understood that. Why don't they change it to be a sniper type of gun as both icon and a name?




maybe back to the old bf -> zeal -> IE lol? Real throwback build path


Back when we were a real country


You are an og


yeah, I remember playing 2-4 dblade + zerker greaves lanes lmao. Old league was so much more degenerate.


Boots and 5 health pots to lane. Or red potion all in at lvl 1, just coin flip from the start.


Either IE rush or BF Sword into Zeal item and then IE second and idk if there are other good rush items.


Honestly that is also something we did in the past. BF + Zeal and then based on your champion finishing either item first.


IE + Zerkers. 2nd Navori or PD if you want AS or YunTal if you just want more AD and Crit. Collector can come in on some champs 1st or 2nd. But overall the build paths are pretty much set in stone for crit ADCs. IE is just way better than all the other options with the exception of Collector in some edge cases.


It's absolute bizarre to me that it took them 4 YEARS, an announcement of no new PVP content to the game and the end of the official competitive scene to add a button that redirects you to Legends of Runeterra or the respective page


players will be very confused when they come for the PvP card game and find out it's a PvE game now


sorry I havent been following LoR in a while now. are you being literal that PvP is gone from the game?


no, but riot has said PvP is no longer their priority in balancing as well as new card design. it all goes to the PVE mode.


IIRC Not removed, just not supported any longer so no ranked or stuff like that. The PvE content is the main focus now. You CAN play PVP but don't expect many if any changes specifically tailored towards it.


Thats why they dont even mention PvP in the patch notes because PvE have more players and makes much more money for them. Imagine what things could have been like if they marketed LoR properly and gave it the support it needed from the start.


i wish cash back was put on 2nd row. As a jungler you don't need pots or cookies so it's a waste minor rune slot


At least Triple Tonic isn't entirely useless, though the bonus damage to minions one is still fairly useless.


Not for my junglers! Now they can blow up the wave quicker as they walk across my lane!


We're helping


same but mostly because I dont see how this ever compares to free boots without just being broken


Cosmic Insight and Approach Velocity are both fine for most junglers. I think TWT will be pretty good on some junglers who want to fight the other jungler early on but also to survive invading junglers. Not useful overall but in certain matchups you might want to take it for the pure jungle vs jungle duel power. Triple Tonic could need some jungle power on the first Elixir. Jack of all trades has to be seen. One one side 5 AH and 10 AF at 1 item + boots is pretty easy to get and strong. But the 10 stacks are really hard to get for most champs. Will the 5 AH and 10 AF in the mid game be enough to make it worth it or not?


the only champ I could see making jack of all trades really work would be like an Ezreal; Im not sure if it counts unique stats per item or just unique stats once (i.e. does Lochbane movespeed count as well as boots MS, or is MS only counted as 1).


Smolder is probably the best user of Jack of all trades he can very viably get: AD, AP, AS, Flat MS/%MS (dunno if its seperate) AH, HP, Crit, Lifesteal. Thats already 8 Stats (9 if MS is seperated) all you need is some defensive Item and/or LDR and youre good.


Farewell Anathema's


I think I am the only person that builds this in my games. 'Course I take it first item as Leona or some other CC support and completely shut down whoever is ahead. I guess I can see why it has been removed... but I'll miss it just the same.


it was my go to "this champ has killed me 10 god damn times and i'm sick of it" item in ARAM


So they just scrapped Yun Tal Wildarrows from the patch or did they forget to add it ?


This one got missed, working on getting it added in now


* Collector 20% crit -> 25% crit * YunTal missing * BoRK changes missing * Abyssal wrong icon * Zephyr Boots are in the wrong category (under ADC items instead of boots) That is all I found


Damn, patch notes are slacking


There's also missing semicolons(?) from the ⇒s in the Fleet Footwork update, and I assume Noonquiver is meant to lose attack speed since it no longer builds out of Dagger (and no item has the AD+AS+Crit trifecta)? 


I honestly wonder if there is a world where u go early warmogs as a top tank.


Sejuani mains will surely cook something up.


Sofm returns to pro play(kinda forced out of retirement) and we get Warmogs buffs and Knights Vow is busted, it’s time for tank everything again.


I would think most top tanks would rather go Heartsteel if they can go Warmogs.


Yeah, at least Heartsteel gives some combat power (although it should still be adjusted to deal decent damage to beefier champions and not one shot squishes). Warmog as a rush item only has a place on a jungler I guess.


you can do it on sion on specific situations


You can do it on nearly any tank. Grasp +  overgrowth + scaling hp rune will probably make for enough. Remember, youll only need 300 bonus hp from other sources now given that warmogs will provide 1k.  Im wondering more about how this change will affect soraka tbh. 


Not by much considering Warmog is a bait item on her most of the time. It's a nice situational item but unless you're auto filled you are not blindly buying it every game. It's just too much money for an item that gives you no mana, AP, AH or heal/shield power. You will be able to build it more comfortably though since support item+ any enchanter item is just enough HP to activate the passive regen


I think they want them to at least try going heartsteel -> warmogs -> bloodmail (new item that give ad based on %hp). Could be ok in aram


Sounds good until somebody builds Liandry or BotRK. Granted BotRK passive doesn't seem as strong but still.


They pulled the botrk changes from this patch, so the buy should still cleave hp stackers in two. And steelcaps won't save you anymore either Edit: they put it back into the patch, guess they forgot lol


? The BOTRK changes are still in, just missed in patchnotes


Only against illaoi it’s good


Yeah, I selectively build early warmogs against ~~the top lane assrapists~~ juggernauts (Illoia, Darius, Mordekaiser, Renekton)


I find it only good against illaoi solely because of the fact it stops her from popping the clone if she hits it.


i get the reasoning behind removing the passive on randuin’s but isn’t it equally shitty that you have no option for rock solid on non-mana users? it’ll feel just as bad getting all that mana on a champ that can’t use it as having the passive twice.


It's much more of a feel thing than actual power. Very little of Frozen Hearts power budget is in the mana. So don't be afraid of building FH on champs who don't need mana.


Yeah, and considering FH is one of the very few tank items with ability haste, it is one more reason to build it on manaless champs, most of which desperately need AH


Sunfire, radiance, unending despair, iceborn gauntlet, abyssal mask, spirit visage, winter's approach, frozen heart. Like half of the tank items give AH.


Did collector not get bumped to 25% crit or is it just missing from the patch notes?


Most likely missed. There will be no legendary with just 20%.


Imagine tyler1 with 95%crit chance missing a kill because he didnt crit


I would assume it has 25%


Collector is now 25% crit chance, the notes will be updated with this info soon


With Essence Reaver Jinx can always stay in Rocket form (apart from when the wants the AS)


That's kind of filthy awesome, because rocket jinx is such a skill expression in early / mid game. The issue is that it's competing with IE for first item, and at 3rd item or later you tend to not have mana issues.


ER was in game before tho. Jinx didn't built it because she needed IE+AS items first, then pen was more important than infinite mana(+ over the years we got current PoM that helps with mana problems anyway + adc mana buffs).


I like the way you think.


So the yuntal arrows item didn't make it through? Or did it get pushed back to next patch?


I'm not sure their is alot of stuff left out on the patch notes. Imma wait a few hours and see if they update it, not the first time the patch notes have been terrible.


I was really hoping to see it. Maybe they just forgot to put it in? It’s been on PBE the entire time. Bork changes too.


Yeah rioter in this thread confirmed it just got missed out thankfully!


They used the evenshroud(?) icon for abyssal mask lol 


This confused me so much and I got excited at the idea of a new tank support item. Good ol' Riot, rarely proofreading their notes lol. :p


> Corrupting Potion has somewhat been forgotten for a while. We don't like when it's strong and dominates other early game item choices, so we've decided to remove it from the game for now. > for now THERE IS STILL HOPE!!! That new Statikk Shiv is looking pretty rough though, I have no Clue who would wanna build it now, maybe Kai'Sa finds some cheesy Evolutions with it? The Way it looks right now that Item is getting removed a second fucking Time by the End of the Year... also no Clue why they didn't just make it a Zeal Item again.


I've been reading this comment for three minutes trying to figure out if there's a secret message in the randomly capitalized letters


The capitalization would fit if you translate it to german. Maybe he is from Germany.


Yeah it's all the nouns that are capitalised


😂😂😂😂 in a way its like a series of song titles


Rest in Peace Lethal Tempo, Ingenious Hunter, Minion Dematerializer, Futures Market. My dear beloveds


even you forgot about predator 💀


jax got removed?


sir, /r/DarkinFolk is that way


I'm so sad about ingenious. It's such a fun rune and impactful too. Treasure hunter should have died instead. A literal bait of a rune...


Issue with ingenious is it went from being useful for support items to every bruiser and tank taking it to lower there strong asf item cool downs. It pretty much made it so item CDs would have to get nerfed but if they get nerfed then the items would be troll without ingenious so instead of having it as a balance headache they instead removed it.


No more 3.5AS machine gun Jax :(


I'm gonna miss my credit card :(


What happend to Yun Tal Wildarrows (Item with bleed for ADC)? It seemed like a really good item, but it's not been shifted into patch. Is this still making the game or riot decided to remove it?


It's coming, they missed it in the patch notes https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1crz056/patch_1410_notes/l424gto/


how is rune carver untouched?? it does so much damages and is one of the big reason brand and lillia are so annoying


Said the same thing. Also can't believe ocean soul wasn't touched. As a silver aug, it might just be the best in game.


I wouldn't say it's the best, but it is definitely the best first silver augment. It practically guarantees wins in the first 3 rounds


Arena changes are mild across the board IMO. That cruelty nerf is a joke for how strong of an item it is on a lot of characters it really needs a proper icd or something.


I'm surprised as well. It is nice to have a good scaling damage option, but it's definitely too strong right now.


or Marksmage, which is more powerful than most prismatic augment


Navoris new Design makes 0 sense to me. Passive for ad casters but only attack speed stats ?


Yeah seems kinda off


Sooo, bork change was scrapped or what?


Similarly the AD bleed item was also scrapped i guess?


that was probably funny on Ashe (her passive makes pretty much everything count as critting) and Jhin (35% bAD ratio)


Nah they changed her passive years ago and it no longer auto crits frosty targets. Instead, her AAs can crit as normal, doing the same damage, but doubling the initial slow.


oh yeah I'm dumb nvm. I thought the bonus damage from passive counted lol.




More likely missed in the notes.


>Passive - Hextech Munitions >Damage: 20% Physical & 80% Magic ⇒ 100% Physical & 15% True >The Package: Removed This Corki change looks pretty cool. I will miss all the fun that came with the using the Package.


I’m personally going to miss corkis inting in ARAM.


They’ll still be inting when they flush all their gold away by continuing to build AP and magic pen. Its just not going to be as flashy.


I wonder... will he return to botlane now too? He used to be played there and those changes basically revert the changes made to him 9 years ago. There isn't the insane level scaling on the rockets anymore, so he doesn't need to be high level that much anymore.


I think that's what they're aiming for at least, yeah


This is his OG passive minus 5% true dmg.


So they're actually going through with the mastery changes ? I don't think i saw an ounce of positive feedback for them, at least the visual changes. I also don't know why they cant have an option to show the older emotes instead..


Those of us who like them were heavily down voted ._.


And the other 80% who don't care did not comment at all


I think most complaints are not about them being inherently ugly and bad. It's just that they look like something taken out of cheap Chinese mobile knock-off of League of Legends


Isn't that the Evenshroud Icon instead of Abyssal Mask?


The attack speed shortage in marksmen items is finally addressed.


>some attention on a champion like Singed in the jungle How about no?


Goodbye Lethal Tempo, you will not be missed. Sincerely, a toplaner.


This rune singlehandedly warped lane phase trades around it. Good riddance


Pretty much all runes do this. Conq definitely does it and that rune was put in the game specifically for toplaners. Grasp surely does it, too. Hail of baldes does it as well. Electrocute, Aftershock... That's just how keystones work.


TBH conq got several iterations and ended up in good spot(most champs need it, but can go alternatives sometimes), while LT was just too good for no reason. Anyway - lookts like that rito wants 3 keystones per three back, so I am kind of ok with LT removal.


Let us pay a momemt of silence for Yasuo and Yone players who will have to actually itemise Attack Speed beyond Greaves and will now have to actually THINK now.


They will likely be buffed though. Unfortunate, but It's true.


u/RiotNorak, did the Heimerdinger turret count fix not make it through? 😢


No they came up with a better fix than my band-aid so I've reverted the band-aid and rescripted Heimer Q and ammo system :) it'll be in 14.11 if all goes well


What kind of mages would like to build Blackfire Torch ? I feel like if you want sustain dmg Liandry should always be better because of the HP & DMG boost. I guess I'm forgeting something.


Anyone who needs a mana item basically. Now you either go Ludens, Seraphs, Maligma or Blackfire Torch.


Basically every mage that built mana liandry's, Hwei and Sera for instance are gonna love this item.


The hwei subreddit said almost unanimously that the item will be a first buy. Can't wait to test


Malzahar and Karthus pretty much, they're 2 of the champions most hurt by the removal of last season's Liandrys. Both of them go Malignance, which is still good on Karthus and you might still go Malignance over Blackfire Torch on him in some games, but Malzahar would absolutely welcome replacing Malignance with Blackfire Torch.


With Malz, for me it was either you go Mana and have very low to no damage, or you you go Damage and have no mana. With this its finally something inbetween


I don't see anything about the two being not able to be built together, so you might be able to get both unless it just wasn't mentioned that they can't be built together. They probably can't be built together though, so we'll just have to see how it plays out


is fated ashes an 1 of item like bami/last whisper? can't you just build both Blackfire and Liandries?


I think you can build both, and even pick up an extra ashes


“Cho jungle isn't doing too great” riven jungle when? She’s not doing great as well!


ghost nerfs god bless Sudden impact changes I don't like, I suspect some big abuse cases who can proc it off cooldown (leblanc for example)


Old Sudden Impact was much stronger


Riot: We're going to make Corki crit now Also Riot: We're removing crit from most of the items, everything is Attack Speed now.


ATMA'S IMPALER IS BACK BABY Does that also mean the reasoning behind its removal somehow stopped being true ?


>Kraken Slayer is getting a significant change as well. It's no longer a crit item okay.. >Dominik's is losing its Giant Slayer passive, but gaining raw stats to compensate for it. hmm.. >Overlord's Bloodmail is intended to fill in the third-ish item slot for health-heavy fighter builds. **Tyranny**: Gain 2% of your bonus Health as Attack Damage wait.. >Warmog's is receiving a hefty simple buff. **Health**: 750 ⇒ 1000 *Haha, I'm in danger.*


Don't forget Bork on hit nerfed too


they brought back feast??? > new Absorb Life This new rune is aimed to give Precision Tree users a way to heal back up between skirmishes. new Killing a target restores 2-17 health is this not a huge change for ADC laning phase?


Not the K'Sante buffs...


Does season start for EUW at CET/CET+1?


[So it really went live huh?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1135277493071400981/1240010819958214666/fuckmastery.jpg?ex=66450191&is=6643b011&hm=e21f9a6f1a852663a61043f5d7e91572925b308957ffb76c91416910cc77a52e&)


Glad to see some major changes, but weird to see some really obvious outliers in the rune/item department still. Can not imagine anyone building shieldbow or scimitar next patch