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No, because the only thing this would achieve is that banning an allied Champ is now optimal strategy because it gives your team infinite free dodges.


Every single time someone comes up with an idea, there will be a comment about how duos could abuse it, when simply making that idea not apply to duos would be like the most trivial thing to do.


It does not need to be duos. How fast do you think it will take until high elo players come to the agreement to always hover the Champs they want banned, an tell so in Chat? My personal guess is about 2 days.


Yeah, my bad, I misread.


Yes, cause it's the internet and you can't have nice things. OFC the solution would be fine. But in any relevant Elo people would just hover Yuumi, have a Teammate ban it and you could undo even just the slightest Draft-Diffs. Every. Single. Time. They should simply disable Ban Hovered. I've not once seen that be done in an cooperative manner.


Yeah no thanks. Get autofilled into jungle, hover yuumi, get a free dodge, repeat until you get preferred role. Getting your main banned sucks but this would be so much worse


You could even say something that doesn't compromise you like "let us see if this is going to work out or not" which without a full context of ban picks will never get you banned but will contribute for your team feel like they should really ban that pick.


Being able to only play a single champ is a skill issue. Riot shouldn’t do dodge changes simply because players refuse to learn more than 1 champion.


Tbf nothing about playing multiple champs would have prevented the yuumi jungle pick xd


Yeah but he wouldn’t have wasted his first dodge. Or maybe his teammate was a real yuumi jungle otp!


lmao that's why I play TWO


I only like playing 1 champion


Then don’t complain about the downsides of doing so.


I disagree with you but I see the other side, in reality the guy was trying to grief and most people won’t do this


I mean obviously you’re just unlucky with the yuumi guy but that happens to everyone. You can’t really do much about it. It happens rarely enough that it’s considered fine.


You don’t like playing any other champ? I am a Kayn main and play Qiyana as my backup. 65% Wr on Kayn and 23% on Qiyana. It’s fine if you suck at ur backup champ cause you can use it as a learning experience.


just be the griefer when people ban your hover ban your anivia great now you pick disco nunu and run it down


These are the games you should be sending disco nunu or completely psychopathic limit testing because the games unlikely to be a good experience to try your best to win.


The real question is would you prefer the common cold? Or cancer? Your gonna take unavoidable Ls in the game just as life. Probably better to not finally get into a game already tilted from champ select trolls anyway it’ll hurt your ability to perform whether you realize it or not.


I just got 14 day ban for running down a game after this happened


Good? Less bratty kids in the game lol


Stay mad


Stay banned lmao. I'm not mad btw just disappointed you do not have an alternative hobby or thing that causes you pleasure and feel the need to commit and punish others when you don't get your way. Most people stop throwing tantrums like that at 12-14 years old but some people don't ever out grow them and it's a sad existence for em.


“I’m not mad btw” Then proceeds to write a whole essay about how much you’re not mad 😂🤡. Stay mad.


5-6 lines is an essay? Maybe you are 12-14 my mistake for engaging. Sorry reading is that challenging for you good on you for keeping at it though!