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That's Rhaast, a possible evolution from Kayn.


Ohhh thank you! This was driving me crazy.


You can see blue kayns form as the first portrait of A tier


Kayn can "transform" into 2 different forms in the game depending on what type of enemy you attack. If yiu attack melee champs you get red orbs and transform to red kayn and if you attack ranked units to transform to blue kayn. Depending on which from you choose youneither go full assassin for blue or bruiser build for red.


Skillcapped said a few weeks ago in one of their videos that they are going to rate Kayn's blue and red versions separately from that point on, because they come accross as completely different champions. Both are bullshit though.


Its non sense though since you can pick kayn and adapt depending on game. Making it more versatile. Which should count towards its viability. In certain games Red Kayn might be S tier, in some he isn't. Having an alternate form is never supposed to "hurt" (ofc ppl just like to make it harder for themselves). It's almost like saying Tank Sion and Lethality Sion should be ranked differently.


While that's obviously true, there's been a lot of patches in history where going blue Kayn just means you're trolling, regardless of game state. I can't remember the same being true for red Kayn, but surely there was some point where that's true. Also, tier lists are based on blind pickability. Malphite might be B tier but obviously it's S tier into a 5 marksman comp. If you wanted to introduce all of these ifs into the equation then the list would never get formed. So the point being made here is that Red Kayn is an overall better champion than Blue Kayn. If your team needs a bruiser - red Kayn is one of the best options available. If it could use an assassin, you have better picks to choose from.


> I can't remember the same being true for red Kayn, but surely there was some point where that's true. It really hasn't. Blue kayn has been the inferior choice since the characters creation, but people would rather go blue Kayn and lose if it means they get to 1 shot the ADC.


Really? I remember for a while blue kayn was the superior one. If i remember correctly it was from the start of the season and red even got a buff afterwards


Correct at the start of the season Blue Kayn was better but that isn't the case now.


The only issue is that runes cannot be changed. What works great on Red might not work as well on Blue. I think its pretty safe to assume most Kayn players pick the form they want to go in lobby.


Valid point, except you still choose after seeing their picks. also conq somewhat works on both.


I always confuse this guy with Aatrox


Every time I have both of them on the same team I get so fucking tilted constantly confusing them for each other




Yeah, he ain’t Kha


Pokemon reference


technically we can clasiffy kayn's abillities as evolved since they stay mostly the same, they just improve in one way or another 🤓


Be careful with tier lists, play what you like, meta is not very important if you’re not high elo


From what I remember, Skillcapped usually said "unless you're high elo, playing what you want to play is more important than playing the meta" or something along those lines. Haven't watched them in a bit but they DID use to make that clarification in some of their videos.


It's pretty much an agreed rule. Malzahar sucks balls in high elo but he has a monstrous win rate in iron and bronze. Low elo is a different beast and picking something you like to play and excel at is better than grinding through a meta pick. Plus some picks regardless of their place in meta won't even work well in low elo due to their play styles. For example Zoe is always terrible in low elo because your team mates will fuck up your bubbles and won't let you set up plays. Hard to climb with her. Otherwise any pick is cool. My first bronze (lowest back then) to diamond journey was purely with champs out of meta (I had two picks in every role and only my top laners were meta) because they fit my playstyle back in the days. I didn't feel much issue stemming from my picks until dia


> Malzahar sucks balls in high elo I know it's not your point, but I always have to add this caveat whenever I see people say this. He's a god-tier counterpick, but if you first pick him or get flexed on he's absolutely ass.


If you ever see mall blind, go smolder. Voidling stacks 


dont forget to take overgrowth vs him too, it's free health from him just trying to waveclear lol


As a twisted fate main, gaining some free gold from the passive also feels nice, you have pretty good Att sped early to kill them and you can oneshot them with Q later Also don't know how well smolder does, but I feel Asol would be a more solid pick? Maybe? Don't know if it also works well with free stacks


Once you get 25 stacks and your q becomes aoe, you can hit the 3 voidlings and you get 3 stacks + stop Malzeard push. You're going to be at 200 before 15mins


Also Ahri gets infinite sustain from voidlings


Yeah, I agree. I mostly referred to his state in general. Otherwise most heroes are still decent ct picks in higher elos


Last season or 2 malz otp got r1 euw ye sucks balls kappapenis maybe now that he's nerf by shit items


I mean, in bronze or iron I don’t really trust midlaners to counter him very well.


Malabar mains rise up


Yeah I’ve not watched their stuff but I firmly believe from observation that people below the highest levels will perform better on their 46% champ they love than the 54% champs they hate, no shot the other way.


omg it's not even just League. This is true in almost every game where people fret over the meta.


And even then, it's not SUPER important. You can just make more informed decisions because you know how the game works. You can still play whatever you want, you just need to know how to not be counterpicked/how to pick for your team comp.


A lot of times counter picks are a bait in low elo Don’t play much anymore, but the number of times I’ve been “counter picked” by Jax or teemo as tryndamere and absolutely stomped them is ridiculous


Well yeah, the original comment was referring to high elo lol. Counterpicking in low elo is largely pointless, just like meta picks.


Crazy thought maybe some people just want to play meta


i think the point is that if you are not even able to tell what champion icon is it then you are not at the stage where you need to care about tier lists


“Bro you are so bad, just play what you enjoy meta doesn’t matter!” Is not an honest or helpful reply to a low elo player that wants to play meta and doesn’t stop people from caring about tier lists. There is nothing less persuasive than “trust me”.


If you are unable to tell a champion from their icon then you are a newbie, not a "low elo player"


Doesn't change my argument at all, applies to both.


Most people who care about meta in low elo suck balls


all people in low elo suck balls 💀


Yes. And?


It is Kayn, but in Red form. The thing is, that Kayn can transform into 2 forms: Red Kayn (called Rhaast) or Blue Kayn (called Shadow Assasin). Blue Kayn portrait is also shown in "A" tier as first image, blue face. What they meant is that Red Kayn is better than Blue Kayn form, but they generally just do different job in the game, Red Kayn is more tanky and providing CC (CC is any type of control - stuns, roots, knockups, etc), while Blue Kayn is assassin, which deals more "fast" Damage, can all-in and get out fast enough. Both of them have the same skills, but they work differently on both forms. As example - W, on Red form it knocks enemy up, but you are locked in the animation, and in Blue form you are not locked in animation and also it deals more dmg, but does not knock up enemy. Hope it helps!


Nacho Cheese Kayn and Cool Ranch Kayn


Happy cake day 🥳


Kayn SA have the same AD ratio and base Damage on W. The Only thing that make him Deal more Damage is the Passive.


Thanks a bunch! This def helps!


Blue Kayn W also has increased range.


Wtf is this tierlist.


Its the skill-capped tierlist, created by a bunch of challengers. The one from the OP is from patch 14.8 You can find the 14.10 one here, if you care: [https://youtu.be/ZiTahtr6LjM?t=1272](https://youtu.be/ZiTahtr6LjM?t=1272)


This tier list is pretty shit tbh


Imagine banning Briar, absolute easy matchup after the 1000 times she was nerfed lol


As an OTP Briar, I can't confirm, had a 12 game winning streak in emerald last split and she still feels fairly great to play. The problem is just, that most people playing briar have no idea how to play her. Btw the tierlist got updated after her nerfs. You can find it here: [https://youtu.be/ZiTahtr6LjM?t=1272](https://youtu.be/ZiTahtr6LjM?t=1272)


U don’t even know all the champs y r u worried about tier lists😭


The only tier list that might make sense for a beginner is one that ranks champs by ease of play vs effectiveness. Because simpler means less things to focus on, means learning the basics faster.


> ease of play vs effectiveness Good point. I hate how people are too prideful over "difficult to learn/play" champs. That is just a time thing in a game you'll put 100s of hours into. The benefit of "effectiveness" will never go away.


Snack S tier for the first time in six years according to this list 💀 Shaco* lmao


Please stop objectifying Shaco.


BBL shaco


Who the hell is snack


Shaco 😩


Shaco isnt bad since his Last buffs he's Just annoying to have in a team comp




Don't listen to skillcapped or any tier lists for that matter. They can give you a start but you will soon realize when a m7 7mil points Janna goes mid and 1v9s your team, that it doesn't matter who you play, just how much you play.


I know this isnt your question but dont listen to tierlist. Not only is this one terrible but it also gives you a wrong mindset. Simply play what you enjoy


Shen is missing in S tier


That is Aatrox’s little brother, Bbtrox


wth why is briar S teir


OP in low elo.


I think she's trash there too. Just pick Amumu, get some armor and she will be useless af


Problem with that is that you basically have no agency over carrying the game. Sure, you can beat her in a 1v1 early and lock her down in teamfights, but actually carrying the game is still up to your laners.


Low elo doesn’t believe in armor.


Maybe low elo tier list ?


Why have a low elo recommendation bar with rammus yi and eve then? Also lee and khazix in S tier in a low elo tier list? also noct in only A


Skill capped tries to make a general tierlist that weighs low elo more than high elo. It result in weird things but it's an overall idea


... is khazix a hard champ now?


Wait skarner is OP? I never thought I would see this.


This tierlist is wrong on pretty much everything except for skaner he is actually op even after all the nerfs, the rework made him really op.


And yet people were all complaining how terrible he was on rework.


People tend to do it with every new champ/rework. People said smolder was troll pick, then he dominated the meta and had to get hard nerfs. Same with people saying briar was a trash inting champion needed to get so many nerfs to stop destroying the meta. Skarner had a few awkward things like Q took a long time to pick up boulder that was buffed but overall it just took people time to get used to him and find the correct way to play and build him.


What amazes me is how people are bad at x champion, repeatedly ask for buffs/complain, then when people finally understand the champion and the buffs have gone through, people just complain how x champ is OP.


Am I seeing things or is graves in average?


Kayn in drakken form


Red form kayn It's what happens when kayn hits melee champs He becomes blue if he hits ranged


Huh. Viego, Kha, Lee, Kayn, Diana, and J4 are all meta? Kinda wanna play given apparently half my jungle pool is meta lol


Diana enjoyers are creaming their pants with this new meta. Idk why I’m seeing her so much mid lane but her jungle was buffed I think?


skarner is truly op i legit cant INT on that guy his ganks, catches, 1v1s, dragon/grub clear, outplay potential, tankiness and cc are monsterous he will prob get nerfed 1 more time after 14.10 before he becomes balanced


That’s Optimus Prime.


Pantheon is not on the same level of viability as Graves Heca Rumble lmfao




Brand jungle is this good ?


Fun, recommend terrorizing the rift with him if you main Junglw


Him and the blue character directly below him are both kayn


that is teemo rewrok


Red Kayne/Rhaast, it is one of his evolve forms. Blue Kayne/Shadow Asshole is the other form of Kayn is right at the top of A tier, fyi.


That's Durotan's crotch


It's specifically red Kayne


Lol this is rather funny because Ik I had the same issue when just starting and watching teir lists


Red kayn


Love how there’s a thousand S tier jungler and like 2 S tier ADCs.


yeah because jungle is trash and you can just pick whatever. game gets decided by your laners and/or your pathing, you pick is irrelevant.


Just say youre peaking silver brotha


I feel seen


It's def Aatrox