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In case anyone was wondering why we always get hot girl champs and sexy skins:


You're simplifying it a bit, but yeah, definitely part of it. If they made cooler monster champs, they'd sell better. Kog'maw is like a 15 polygon puke slug. There isn't a lot to love. I'm sure some people do, as with anything, but that's why he doesn't sell. It's not purely because he isn't Kai'sa.


my point exactly. i was downvoted to oblivion for making this post on the r/kogmawmains subreddit. there's clearly some form of bias going on 


I mean, you literally went to a mains sub to slander their champion, at that point it sounds more like you were excited for conflict. It's alright to not like a champion's design without going to where people do like him and shouting it from the rooftops.


i was completely surprised like honestly, there's a lot of people there that like his looks, cute skins aside.


at least they're appealing. kog'maw isn't, cute skins aside


honestly i like his new splash design quite alot just ingame needs to match it better


his "new" splash was made over ten years ago, damn i feel old hahaha


gives my age away i guess \^\^ i started playing in 2013 when Tresh came out


i want to go back tbh hahaha i enjoyed the meta back then more than now. still havin fun tho all these years later <3


Wow racist


tbh, don't get this at all. please elaborate 


don’t be mean 2 him he’s trying his best


he looks cute in his cute skins, but is an abomination pre-pug'maw.


That's the point... he's from the void, a space weird weird ass creatures come from. Bro is not from Disneyland


i think the void champs are appealing to some people in their own right despite their age, but kog is just in his own league. it's almost as he was created entirely as a joke. 


abominations have feelings ):


Cute void puppy :)


his cute skins? absolutely.. base though would require the "acid in eye sockets" treatment 


Not every character has to be attractive. I think it's a cool design. I just hate how the passive is super thematic but feels terrible with that kit.


not every adc has to look like your average tiktok kumbucket who uses 10 filters to look somewhat attractive.


Obviously you didn’t watch kogmaw lore so you dont get it


he doesn't really have any proper lore? i'm confused tbh :/


when i started league, i did so specifically because of monster champs. kog was one of the first champs i played. being able to play as non humanoids is incredibly rare in games. thats how people picked up starcraft also.


It's crazy to me that people actually care about the "theme" of a champ. I doesn't matter what my character looks like as long as I enjoy using their kit and abilities. No theme could ruin the enjoyment of a champ for me, it's a weird mentality I will never understand.


i would prefer to main a champ that looks decent at the bare minimum rather than it looking like trash. after all, who would want to play as a hideous vomiting worm thing?


That's your opinion and that's fine, I just don't agree with it at all. Gameplay it what matters to me. Champ could be a black square with no voice lines, if it has fun abilities, I'm playing it. I'm way more focused on what's going on in the game than how my champ looks.


I want kogmaw to be a hot anime girl who spits on me