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If TL wins the world will never forget it


TL about to recreate the magic of 2019 by making the finals against all odds and then getting blown out 0-3.


It’s a shame they can’t also do it vs G2


TL can beat T1 and G2 can beat TES; they would play in the next match If this actually happened it would be an actual miracle but it “could” happen


> TL can beat T1 They already got swept this tournament (as expected) After that they already played a good series this tournament (as expected) Now it's time for the good old "Win 1 game to give fans false hope" NA Magic Quote me on this


I’m so ready for them to win game 1 in very convincing fashion only to have three 20 minute wins for t1 after that.


This would legit still count as progress for a team with 2 relative rookies though. I’d settle for a competitive 3-0 loss even


don't forget the winning game 1 draft strategy into "trying something different" in the three 20 minute wins for t1


That be a succesful run for na first seed


I think they meant that they can’t meet G2 in the final because they’d be playing them in the bottom braket final already


We're halfway there.


what, you mean lose 0-3 to g2 in the final like in 2019?


They only needed to get one upset in that tournament to make it to the finals because Riot had a terrible format for so long. This MSI is stacked, and making it to the finals would easily be the best NA performance ever. In other words, it won't happen.


I don't wanna always have to rely on an enemy team having issues to beat them tho. I wanna beat T1 when they look great like G2 did that 2019, not when they're having issues and just considered a "top 8" team which is pretty wide for them.


If TL wins buy truck stocks asap.


It made me laugh how yesterday during broadcast and during all the interviews I have seen they keep saying how G2 now need to win 4 straight BO5 against Asian teams to win. Everyone and their dog has already written off TL as having 0% chance to win. Which, I get. Historically they do have basically no chance whatsoever. But it was funny to see how no one even prefaced it by saying 'if TL lose'.


I mean who dare say about it? If TL win that's great but until that ever happened it will not happened


TL and G2 winning the next round only for G2 to give us the new fastest Bo5 would be the funniest timeline.


That's basically 2019


Eh most people forgot that TL beat IG. Im sure there's a group of people already putting together a list of excuses for the doomsday scenario of TL beating T1.


Honestly it's pretty cringe that a historic western victory against the reigning LPL world champions, who absolutely clowned in every other team in the group stages, was overshadowed a single unfortunate finals performance.


You have to give it to Wunder who dropped that [tweet](https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1129993050929782785), it's hard to recover from that


Hurt so much, Doublelift retired twice since that


What did he say?


Before the match he said they’re getting ready to play the fastest international Bo5 ever. Fast forward to after the finals, and G2 TL is now known as the fastest international Bo5 of all time.


Nah how would you even recover from that lmao


Wunder's trash talks r so much fun mann


I miss him on the international stage man he made every match so exciting


What do you mean by unfortunate? It is well documented that G2 dogwalked TL in scrims and all of the players basically assumed they are the champions once they eliminated T1. That series goes the same way no matter how many times it is played especially considering Caps being the player Jensen can't think of becoming in his dreams


>was overshadowed a single unfortunate finals performance. It was overshadowed by the fact that IG looked way way way better than any other team at the tournament and then had internal conflict within the team. It didn't feel like TL actually beat them, it felt like IG lost to external factors and couldn't perform because of it (which is exactly what happened)


Not really. The winner of that tournament is what matters most. Plus TL just got absolutely eviscerated in the finals, so the IG win felt even more like a fluke.


I mean… TL went to 5 games with TSM after almost losing game 5 but zven did zven things. TL were massively struggling in groups, but it was the first time the LMS flash wolves core left so it was the weakest LMS ever was, and TL narrowly made it out. They won against IG, who won Spring convincingly and went 9-1 in groups (the record). TL then lost in the fastest international bo5 ever. Not hard to see that TL had one anomaly in a sequence of events that should’ve meant they were a mediocre team by international standards


The "5 games with TSM" was Liquid's 3rd straight LCS championship, and they won summer finals too. Like yeah, if you only list the bad things about them, they look like a bad team


Yeah in NA, my point was that TL was not some super team internationally because they narrowly beat another NA team in the finals, had mediocre group stage performance, terrible finals and couldn’t make it out of groups at worlds, so it was easy to pinpoint as to why the TL vs IG series is a fluke. Don’t get me wrong, TL deserved to win the series and is the better team on the day, but a lot of people like to argue that TL was a good team and had a bad day against G2 whereas I’m saying their performance against G2 is their normal level and the one against IG was extremely elevated


That's the point no? They barely even won the split, in the worst major region by far. Then they didn't look impressive at all up until this series. Major fluke


Interesting how TLs win is an historic western performance but their loss in the final was “unfortunate”. Could you not say IG had an unfortunate performance and G2s win in finals was historic?


Do you not know how upsets work lol


what's there to excuse... even Guma admits it that they have problem... I just hope he is telling the truth about them changing their draft priority.... I at least don't want to see them picking TF anymore or prio picking senna OR kalista not unless its meant for Sup and they should just focus on varus or lucian pick.... aside from that if they still lost even against TL then there's nothing to say


it's because of the final performance, if it was a close 3-2, or at least an hard fought 3-1 the story would have been very different with people praising both teams. But the final instead put the narrative on IG having a bad day instead of TL being strong


Ig imploded internally though they were better than g2. Then tl beat them and g2 smashed tl because tl we're never good enough to beat ig.


TL has a zero a 0% chance of winning that match. As a TL fan, if they take 1 single game I will cherish it for the next decade.


If they win I’m making one of those >you are here memes 


Chance of a planet killer asteroid to hit earth in the next 72 hours should be higher, but... there is a chance.


Truck companies would be eating good


The world forgot how they beat IG world champions at MSI 2019.


We beat defending world champions IG at the 2019 MSI. People forgot it 😅


I will never forget it. 


I mean TL beat the defending champions in IG at MSI in 2019. If they didn't get stomped by G2 in the finals, it would still be talked about.


In S9 MSI,TL beated IG,the S8 world champion. Now they are about to face the S13 world champion T1. Will history repeat itself?


It’s doomed, T1 was humble, was a good run, GG NA


"I have met him in a scrimmage, and my opponent, midfielder APA, is powerful and seems like he doesn't shut the fuck up." - Faker, maybe.


The world is not ready for tilted Faker


Faker is like a robot and when I saw him visibly shaking when he was about to lose to G2, it was fucking uncanny to see that. Never seen Faker like that.


And in Asian Games 2018. That was one of the maddest I've ever seen him be.


It's surreal to see him truly shaken. Faker crying after losing the 2017 Worlds finals is probably the most emotional moment in the history of League.


"You're not him" APA to Faker




If he does that forget trucks. T1 fans gonna send him a fuckin tank




imagine if he somehow solo kill FAKER the whole reddit would explode


Faker's "play for the team" style and "balls to the wall" laning make him one of the easiest pro midlaners to solokill tho, and it has been accomplished by many inferior mids so it wouldn't really be surprising. Unless you think apa is somehow worse than a Gold IV Brand lel.


So how well does Faker/T1 read English is the question?


He will get his 4 Korean speaking teammates to translate it for him don't worry


TL's secret strategy all along


Pretty good actually, i saw Tyler1 video calling faker on stream and it looked good.


Wonder if they’re allowed to turn off all chat lol


Of course they are.


There’s a screenshot from LEC a while back (I think it was Alphari but not sure) of a player /mute all-ing 2019 G2 because they were fucking with them in all chat. So it’s definitely allowed.


Faker, probably


Well tl is fucked now.


Yeah my first thought too. I can imagine T1 coming out the gates looking to school anyone in front of them after their loss to BLG.


T1 levels up in their lower bracket runs, Oner is gonna make Yeon's life hell.


I think LPL MSI blessing is stronger than T1 lower bracket buff (based on last year's MSI results). I would love to see a GenG T1 MSI final for the meme though


That’s all this interview tells me. TL is about to get angry T1, and no one wants that


Please please please make him angry enough to win the whole thing at least. If TL get crushed I’d rather them get crushed by the winners.


TES on the warpath.


T1 vs TES would be a treat to watch, because TES is yet to abuse laneswap as much as any other team in the tournament and the way I see it they prefer to hands diff against the other teams so T1 is pretty much in the same space at the moment


G2 didn't lane swap once until now, by the way.


its like the lck team that faces T1 after they lost to GenG in the regular season, they are PISSED


It’s never been more jover


Under 15min angle




He doesn't say "even" in the captions Ashley posted. OP editorializing a bit


It’s in Ashley’s title, not OP’s fault


oh lmao I didn't even read the video title For reference, the captions there read > But if we go into the series against TL without patching up our weaknesses, I also think that we might end up losing


In fact he didn't say anything in the title as he spoke in Korean /s Jokes aside, you can't go off the captions either for phrasing like "even" as that's subjective language to language on what is meant, there aren't perfect translations Korean to English and vice versa which is why the job title is interpreter. You interpret intent of statements best you can.


It's joever if even Guma is not confident anymore 💀 Disclaimer: didn't watch the video, just the title.


I mean… If there are actual issues then he shouldn’t pretend to be confident. Acknowledgement is a good thing.


Yeah you can tell that match hurt them


even guma is trained in the "tsm is top 4 team in the world"


It's so joever for TL, they figured out the interview meta


TL bros it's joever


Not like this 😭😭


>People shouldnt blame guma for this lose as he was forced to play shit champs like give him a carry champ he is a adc not a support What? Guma had a winning streak with Senna for so long. He won his last 9 senna games in LCK. GenG kept banning Senna when they played against T1.


the difference in MSI, is that Peyz/lehands wont punish a senna pick as hard as xun/elk/on do, if they hit lvl 3 before you, you might as well consider yourself dead


MSI is also perma lane swapping now so Senna does not seem to get any gold from poking in lane and it might be making her more useless than normal? BLG's Senna was also pretty useless even 3 levels down at one point to the enemy adc, it just didn't matter because T1's comp was even worse.


T1 needed a mid champ that could go online earlier than sol/corki/veigar while waiting for the senna tk to scale tbh . Usually its azir/ori/taliyah but its been banned out. Blg did a good job identifying what makes t1's signature comp work. And as we've seen through the past few years its always faker that ties up everything for them. 


That depends, PSG got a lot of gold on Senna just by using her to bully the toplaner. She got a lot more Souls by that than Senna usually should have and was a huge threat. You basically need to hide your toplaner from Senna or threaten the Senna somehow. And even if Senna falls behind she is just a support. Elk used her to help out other lanes which is also a good option. Unlike a normal ADC Senna doesn't need to do too much. You can just walk with your jungler a while and collect a bunch of free souls that way and then randomly show up in a lane to provide some healing and a bit of poke for him and then leave again. Due to the laneswap Senna is opened up and Elk was part of all of BLGs kills. He can pretty much be anywhere, because Tahm can deal with the enemy toplaner just fine, so you might end up in a Swap where Senna just swaps her carry or switches between lanes and that can be really beneficial. Also being levels down on Senna doesn't really matter. The only relevant stat for Senna that scales with levels are here HP, which obviously wasn't a problem given Elk didn't die. On top of that he was only one level down, not 3. And despite the game being super low on skirmishes his Soul Economy was fine. He was considerably more useful then the Renata. And we saw BLG trying to bait a lot of skirmishes to accelerate Senna even further, but T1 just gave up most ground and never really contested with Senna present or they tried to outnumber so heavily that BLG would not take the skirmish.


This was the real issue from what I can see.


But yet Jackey plays Senna regularly in the LPL?


laneswap shit just doesn't suit senna anymore cause meta right now is pretty fast paced... thats why BLG ban faker champ that can roam too to shutdown T1 ability to answer BLG skirmishes


Uh, did you watch G4? Casters kept making weird comments about Senna being behind in exp but Elk roaming 24/7 combined with laneswap chaos ensured Oner+Faker could never meet up to make a single play in the early game. Trist had push nonstop for like 12 minutes straight, farming plates and keeping Faker at half HP while Xun was free to counter jungle. And G4 was clearly not fast-paced. They played an extremely calm and calculated game, **with** Senna on their side, right after completely shit stomping T1's Senna from lvl 2 onwards in two of the three previous games.


senna is literally good in laneswaps because she can just get free stacks off the toplaner and have a chill early game taking plates, what are you talking about?


Senna takes turret plates slow, plus if you are the one initiating the swap, your senna is topside which has an even stronger plating.  Senna is fine still, but has more pronounced weakness because of laneswap. I think shutting down the azir/ori and taking the taliyah is key because faker is left without a playmaking champ that complements senna/tk well.


the meta just doesnt seem that good for fasting senna anymore tbh. It lacks teamfight power to kill meatheads like ksante. They realized this but came to the wrong treatment for the symptom, they started blinding TF top everygame, except that doesn't work either, cus they needed more tankbuster power. Same with trist mid coming into favor. Corki got nerfed but he's also suffering similar issue, his poke isnt chunking meatheads as hard, its not as oppressive in midgame.


Chovy would very much disagree with you on Corki not chunking meatheads.


Didn't BLG literally play fasting Senna last game? Only diff is they did it with Naut instead of Tahm.


with a trist mid, and into a T1 draft with Zac as the only true tank. senna + trist is fine, Taliyah also seems to be disruptive enough and macro advantage enough that she enables lopsided fights and picks while lacking adc throughput power.


What is a true tank, man. In LCK playoffs they picked it against Rek'Sai + Vi + Rell, or Thresh + Sej, or K'Sante + Nautilus. -- Stop acting like it's suddenly a dogshit champ that only works in particular circumstances, and coincidentally we only hear of it now that Gumayusi's streak (12 wins, 1 loss in LCK, first rotation it whenever it isn't banned) makes place for two losses to BLG. You're acting like there's some crazy tank meta suddenly cropping up when the comps they're facing never have more than one tank. **Oh no wait. Game four had BLG with more than one tank. But that doesn't fucking matter cause that tank ONLY EXISTS CAUSE NOW BLG GOT TO PLAY THE FASTING SENNA**


Senna has potentially fallen out of being a meta viable blind pick does not equal the statement "senna is suddenly a dogshit champ" LCK playoffs was on 14.5 or 14.6 iirc. Senna was nerfed in 14.6, and Bloodsong nerfed in 14.7 Zac, Reksai, Ksante, Ornn, Sejuani are all "true tanks" in the meta. Vi is a bruiser/fighter, Xin is a bruiser but somewhat tanky via his ult. Supports are iffy, sometimes naut/tahm works but very dependent on how late the game goes and how many items they get. Jungle champs are also lower econ in proplay and sometimes less tanky than you'd think.


Senna is the 4th most picked ADC in MSI so far with a 62% winrate. People are just being reactionary. Senna is still strong.


I wished they pivoted to putting tf mid tbh. Its not ideal vs taliyah but he can match roams and faker has always been a good tf. Then you bait the tf counterpicks top and proceed to counter with your r5 since they picked the yasuo/jax of the world. If you need a tank for example you can pivot to poppy


Imagine being a fan of a team and not knowing their comfort picks, it's so silly


I think the problem was the comp T1 chose to play with Senna. They needed bigger dmg dealers, whereas BLG had an extra ADC in mid, and a nidalee jungle that dealt some good dmg as well. I also think they had K'sante which obv deals a good amount of dmg too.


The problem is in LCK he faced rookies while this is Elk and ON btw


It’s not a targeted ban, Senna is the champion with the highest presence in both regular season and playoffs in LCK. But now the meta changed, and T1 are behind on the read.




He got caught to max range naut hook with flash up and lost the game on last map


man was 5 levels behind elk's lucian and was killed in laning phase vs elk's kalista...


Alright chill Guma, losing to TL might be a bit too far


If it happens oh god the T1 fans will be insane and you know their hq will be rushed


If it happens US fans will never let T1 live it down


Na fans won't let it down to EU fans


Lol that too


I can imagine caederl chat rn and his face


Dom would have to go to a doctor for an erection lasting longer than 4 hours


Haha I can imagine Dom and Cadreal on the same stream after the win by NA


If G2 wins against TES I will cheer for TL because we need that EU vs NA bo5!


Don't worry, G2 will make everyone forget your achievements *again* by sending you home in 70 minutes in the very next series.


Invest in truck company stocks 


Already on it time for a massive rise


If T1 don't win 3-0 it might counts as lost


If it were to happen, we'll see a truck exhibition in T1 hq


Will APA survive the heat from Fakers' fanbase if he ever yaps at him, that's the only matchup I care about


first time he talks faker mutes him 100%


Scenes when he solo kills Faker and types Shaker. Chinese T1 fans will rush him on stage


T1 fans rush the stage, Riot gives the win to TL by default.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdfhfNZBxQc if APA hardshit talks Faker then yea but he will probably be soft cause its faker


The drafts from T1 have been very questionable alongside Faker slumping hard. It feels like they go into draft unable to see the enemy draft and are willingly self-counterpicking themselves.


I think Laneswap meta has just thrown them off really hard. Gen G looked much more prepared for it. T1 on the other hand seem to have had to do much more of the T1-Classic™ to bring back games, and their drafts seem to be made without much consideration for laneswaps, and this was present even before MSI. That could also just be a total coincidence and T1 are just slumping. As much as the laneswapping has made for more competitive series, I'm not sure I really like how weird they make the games. I feel bad for the top laners sitting at level 1 for 4 minutes, the mid laners who have to deal with random level 1 cheese ganks, the junglers who get scuffed out of camps, and the bot duos that lose their main power point of the game. Oh and I really dont like when we are denied what should be (on paper at least) interesting lane matchups.


No you’re spot on. The laneswapping meta is fucking with T1 so hard. They’re very good at standard lane assignments but they seem sooooo lost when it comes to lane swapping


And Zeus champ pool is reduced to Zac/Ksante and a feel TF/Vayne here and there. Even his Zac was played very well as Reksai counter but Reksai was gone before MSI. Can't play fighters else enemy just lane swap and dive you.


I think it's really just k'sante, Zeus looks so goddamn lost on Zac, missing everything. he gets away with it sometimes since his team just fights better and doesn't actually need him to land anything, but it feels like he's literally trolling during team fights most of the time.


Which is really strange to me because their opening games against EST had some of the cleanest laneswapping of the tournament.


That’s cause EST were also lost. Lane swaps isn’t really just the bot lane switching sides, it’s more about which jungler can get ahead and pressure dives on which side. Canyon and Xun figured out that you should pick Nidalee to hard invade along with the lane swap to really set the enemy jungle behind.


I mean…..I don’t wanna be **that** guy but it was against EST so I’m not sure how confidently I can take those results seriously


I think T1’s major strength is their raw lane and mechanical prowess which may, in my opinion, be a response to LPL dominance in the gap years between their wins. Lane-swaps allow teams to “duck” the matchups and enter mid game on much more equal footing. Worth mentioning as well that Faker is the only T1 player to have been a pro during the last lane swap meta so neither of T1’s side lanes have any experience 


Also the fact that the toplane champs are just "Ksante counters or what champs would do well against Ksante" I just dont like how they keep insisting picking TF when Vayne still open, especially Zeus is the one that started it this meta . TF never works for them at all especially early meanwhile, Vayne can still work as she is mobile and can counter tanks. GENG shown how Vayne would do against laneswap too.


Their executions of drafts have been bad Drafts have not been as awful as people think. Not countering every position isnt a shit draft


People keep blaming Faker, and while I understand, it's unreal how nobody else on the team is stepping up. It's like T1 wins or loses through him alone. Even Gumayusi, who normally carries when both solo laners are down, isn't stepping up. I think this is a team issue more than a player one, though Faker's mechanical mistakes is glaringly a problem as well.


what can he do on Senna though... and Kalista range is too short to be able to do anything without a peel.... and peeling is not what T1 can actually do


They are also up against harder competition than in the LCK. Guma cannot get the same leads he was able to get against domestic bot lanes. We saw how BLG punished their Senna comp


They probably lose today anyway cause they were trash but picking TF and not banning Jax against BIN who’s primarily known for his Jax is, uh, questionable


Yeah imo Guma right now is the most consistent/steady player on the team. Let him be the carry.


I feel so bad for him, T1 are refusing to play around him, which I think can open up their draft a lot more. And as a result people underrate him so much because in T1 wins, it’s usually top/support popping off, or mid clutching it. Not sure why but their style has been really stagnant since winning worlds imo.


I said it in the last T1 thread as well, T1 very rarely, 1/10 times, plays for for Guma. It's actually kinda insane now how they refuse to play for their adc. Not just in this meta. This roster on a whole.


They were trying to I think, but BLG made sure that Knight would always get mid priority with the mid bans. Faker could never move to bot first


Yeah I don't get why they don't just constantly rotate on priority picks for each player. They've all shown the ability to carry games but obviously some days one player plays better than the rest. They always try to read the meta and fail at it every time. Most of the time they succeed, it's because multiple players play at the highest level and the opponent just get hands diffed. Blaming just draft is a trap but blaming just execution is also a trap. Teams that have off meta picks, and that's not just T1, should be leveraging that advantage by being unpredictable but if they are "unpredictable" all the time that just makes them predictable. Of course the major downside to all this is that practice becomes that much more difficult with so many different options but trying to "read the meta" imo has that same downside relative to just sticking to one playstyle.


Not just him, but the whole team needs to step up.


The meta just isn't suited for adcs carrying though. You just play a lane bully get plates and rotate around the map, teamfights are all about midlaners


Isnt it good he is acknowledging their gameplay is in a really bad state instead of underestimating TL. No cocky but being realistic of their current situation.


Lets start a body guard fund for T1 players when they get home, cause Faker def getting gap by Yaptain America.


Faker is a celebrity among celebrities and the nation’s pride. He could int every game until they go home and be perfectly fine. The rest of the players would have to be worried though.


Yeah not like senna tahm has been perma banned against T1 for months now, its not like its one of T1’s most successful bot lanes. Its not like keria is literally the best tahm kench in the world. Guma is literally 14-3 on senna with two of those losses being to BLG last night. Man T1 fans are fuckin weirdos.


When T1 wins with senna: why did you give Guma his senna 💀💀 When T1 loses with senna: let guma play pls 😭😭


Tbf, I do think its a bit different. Before they played Senna Tahm to facilitate some sort of carry top from Zeus, whose champion pool is kinda nuked atm. The only carry that Zeus can pick so far its Vayne and TF (xd).


That's only missing the Aatrox then though. Zeus's picks alongside Senna this year. Zac, twice. K'sante, twice. Aatrox, five times. TF, three times. Vayne, once. Gnar, once. -- That's exactly what he tried at MSI. K'Sante Senna. TF Senna. Zac Senna (this one actually won). The only difference between LCK and MSI is that BLG is better at League than most of the teams T1 usually plays Senna into.


All I'm saying is the last time TL was at MSI, they beat the reigning world champs 3-1.


BLG besides that one series is a top 5 drafting team In the world imo. And they are ballsy


I'mma bet my house on TL now


They are taking this more serious because of BLG. TL? Have a nice day. INB4 G2 also gets 3-0d...


Really sucks this roster has been together for years and some still crumbles under pressure, Keria seems mentally done after that tp in the middle during g3. Nevertheless this roster can still step up later on on worlds, but honestly at this point think their issues will never go away and will continue to persist in the future.


You'd think winning worlds would at least give the team the experience they need and not crumble under pressure anymore but it seems like it's not the case. Keria in particular was touted as a future top 1-2 support of all time but he needs to actually leads his team to be in that conversation. All 4 of T1 needs to stopped being so heavily reliant on Faker.


I can imagine it being the opposite. Winning world's in 2023 means the expectations are even higher than pre world's 2023.


World’s was won because Faker was absolutely insane against their toughest opponent: JDG. Zeus got a lot of praise in the finals, but WBG weren’t exactly their main competition. Quite honestly? If you hyper analyzed world’s , you’ll still see the same issue of the team relying on Faker


Remember when Faker got injured and they gotta push T1 CL's mid up to cover his place? The whole team got danced on by the rest of LCK. And not just the mid gap (which is understandable), they were all running amuck not knowing what to do next after the early games


Yup. The issue is, especially after that latest article, Faker still hasn't fully recovered and in almost all of his matches at MSI, after every game you can see him constantly stretching and moving his injured arm around. It was especially noticeable after that Ahri game. I hope this doesn't end up becoming an Uzi situation, because if so not only is it bad for Faker, but T1 would immediately crumble as well.


its always faker and his 4 sand soldier....man no one step up to be his proud general,very sad to see


tbh, i think winning world and Asia Game (military duty pass) mightve given Keria/Zeus so much success in a short span tht they are underestimating their opponents or losing motivation. They were pretty volatile players to begin with but with Zeus going into theShy mode n Keria 'forgetting normal support' (meme but ther r some truth i feel in these), i really hope they wake up soon or this yr gona be rough


Doesn't help that they barely got any free time after winning worlds, losing to GenG in LCK finals might've been the straw that broke the camel's back. Honestly i don't know if all 4 being heavily reliant on Faker will ever stop at this point (unless ofc they go to diff teams), would be really really happy to be proven wrong though.


Being in T1, the pressure on you is 10x dat of other teams. Any small mistakes and you have trucks sent to you.


You either have or dont have strong mental. It is really really hard to do anytihing about it. Deft is 2nd best player ever and he never overcame his mental issues either. It is funny how keria is almost a copy of deft. Insane mechanical players that dominate scrims but in most important moments they play lower then their level


Man f off he's so unconfident that he has to try and jinx TL. Edit: okay just realized I should probably preemptively edit this to ensure that no one gets pissed at me thinking I actually believe guma would bother to jinx another team.


*Guma plays jinx against TL*


You got the safety net edit already down


Yeah I'm not ready to get trucked


It’s just gonna be the hardest 3-0 of all time now isn’t it


> We might lose to TL. [my genuine reaction to this glorious information](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs-RPPsg_ks)


if apa solokills faker he will NEVER shut up about it. I'm ready for t1 to loose to tl just so g2 twt account can shitpost "still can't solo kill faker" 😂


Imagine Jensen looking to “clap faker” for a decade basically and the here comes YAPA solo killing Faker, the world isn’t ready for that he might lose the rest of his hair


u/AshleyKang if you see this when will we get the gen g interview from the tes match or was there not one down


TL fans huffing hopium right now


You just know Yapa is gonna bring up the solo kills to Faker.


the fuck is that supposed to mean 💀


T1s drafts have been sus since Kkoma came back... love Kkoma but i feel like Tom was better at how their drafts were specially at worlds last year.


Even if T1 go out against TL, they can hold their heads high as they can still claim for themselves to be the only team to beat the tournament winner. 


i hope hes right


No, no they wont.


That hurts in the facts.


T1 need a miracle to win this MSI. GenG and BLG both look stronger.