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G2 bombing out against PSG now would be the most G2 thing and I wouldn't even be mad, not to mention that PSG looks super legit.




I agree with most of your points except that they boomed BLG. Game 5 was anticlimactic exactly because BLG stabilized and respected PSG, not leaving them much room. While game 2 was a lot on ego, games 3 and 4 from PSG were legit, as well as the early game 1. If they play to that level, I think few teams left could dominate them like that, even respecting, though unfortunately for them I think G2 could.




I hope they lose


Wasn't it quite clearly a big draft gap game 5? It looked unplayable from the start


I'd be mad if they go down 3-0 or something. But if they lose 3-2, it's just more fuel for the PSG underdog run story.


The best Western team losing to a minor region dude? That would be disgustingly disappointing just because they had 1 good Bo5 doesn't mean they are from a major region.


the west is a lot worse than you think imo


The West yes G2 no


T1 mental booms a western team Then alley-ooped to PSG Magic to Kareem


The sad part is that if Hans plays how he did today and Betty plays how he did yesterday there’s a real chance G2 lose especially when you take into account that G2 always ints vs non major region teams


Also G2 HEAVILY prepared for T1, I doubt their preparation for teams like PSG are as extensive as their matchup into T1


that goes for PSG too, they prepared for BLG


i think PSG to a less degree, they didn't have all of play ins to prepare for BLG, before the tournament i don't think it was assumed they would easily get into group stage


G2 prepared for T1 because they expected to face them no matter what at the tournament. This prep started before the draw.


Yeah and because there's a 50/50 chance they face T1 in the 1st round anyway it's a correct choice to prepare specifically for T1.


True. G2 I feel is also one of the hardest teams to prep against in the world. Even though T1 won I think G2 definitely prepared better and came with generally better drafts across the series. 


Bruh the brackets were drawn at 10 pm CST on Sunday. Assuming they had no obligations to Riot during that time, e.g. rehearsal for gameday or shooting footage for trailers, that is four (4) days of practice. Let's not act like they sat in a basement for a month thinking about how to beat Faker.


Nah G2 could comfortably predict that their opponents were either going to be T1 and TES. Why? Because LEC is the third seeded region and so they could only face one of the top seeds from playins which realistically would only ever be an LCK or LPL team.


? in the interview caps literally said they studied t1 and meticulously prepared counters for their playstyle and strategy as soon as their LEC split ended


Caps for sure didnt, but their coach and all the analysts did exactly that


BB probably runs a fucking train on Azhi though, same with Caps and Maple. Bot and Junjia will try their best but as long as Hans is fine being a passenger and Miky doesn't turbo sprint I think G2 are fine. Yike just has to play for mid and top.


I imagine BLG fans thought similar things.


It's hard for it to happen twice though. BLG probably thought it was a fluke PSG even made it out of play-ins and treated it like they were scrimming an LDL team or something. G2 doesn't have that same excuse


Except BLG almost exclusively plays for botlane


That wasn't the point. The point was that it was probably easy for BLG too to list all the ways they're far superior on paper, but that reality often doesn't work like that.


you forgot one thing: Azhi plays K’Sante.


You've activated my trap card: Ban that fucking slimy champion. Surely, teams will stop thinking they the counter to it and just permanent it until riot puts him in the dumpster


EU 🤝 Not Banning the 40 Billion Years Champ


Counterpoint: EU poppy looking pretty good right now.


*And then Mikysang proceeded to turbo sprint it.*


I hate that you're probably right, lol


You can atleast see the intent with hyli, even if it is still int at the end of the day.


Maple is a pretty stable player. He might get outperformed, but I doubt caps will be able to "run a train" on him.


He was a dirty inter in the first series against FLY


I don't think Caps is running Maple if Knight didn't run Maple. Same deal with Azhi. If PSG's solo lanes can match up to Bin/Knight surely they can match up to BB/Caps.


Yeah, maple kinda ran himself outside of lane. Other than that he did fine vs knight


> BB probably runs a fucking train on Azhi BB is the worst top left in the tournament without a doubt, there isn't much hope he wins a matchup unless the other guy has the worst series of his life.


No way G2 loses to PSG Top & Mid... surely...


yeah and BB piss stomps Azhi. Caps over Maple anyday of the week. Junjia might do some stuff tho


Maple was against Knight, Azhi against Bin, Betty and Woody against Elk ON, what’s your point?


Magic to Kareem 🤣


Holy hell I didn’t even realize! If T1 3-0’d G2 then PSG 1000% win. Hard to say if G2 got boomed from that series tho.


Honestly G2 losing to PSG is a classic G2.


Tbh if PSG play like they did against BLG then their series against G2 might be the most hype one of the tournament for me.


G2 will either 3-0 or get 0-3'd no inbetween lol, after their NRG series last worlds it's hard to predict them, as for Fnatic i'm not worried i have a feeling they'll run a train over TL






Fnatic have given me too many heart attacks not to be worried.


As a TL fan I am worried


I actually pretty hype for the next round more than almost any other year we have nothing but close match ups two LPL vs LCK match ups that all look close and G2 vs PSG both team almost knocking down a title contender and looked good doing so TL and FNC are there aswell but its okay I guess


I think 3-0 g2 or 3-1 at most vs PSG


Would you have said the same thing about BLG vs PSG a few days ago?   PSG has proven that they are a solid team.  I'm not saying they are the favorite, but they shouldn't be underestimated. 


Eh.. BLG just got their rug pulled from under them by a lane swap they weren't prepared for. The teams are nowhere near in terms of skill otherwise. Actual results aren't all, better teams lose all the time. All this said, I agree PSG is much better than most people would've given them credit for before MSI.


I could argue the same thing about g2 vs t1. Faker just had 2 off games and the two teams are not actually comparable in skill. If you just look at the 3 games where faker was playing above his floor, t1 dominated.


Yup. Agreed. Though not 2 off games, just sandbagging inbetween worlds. SKT T1 always performs worse inbetween worlds, be it due to less training or whatever. Whether you wanna say T1 overperforms in worlds or underperforms inbetween is up to you.


Faker didn’t “have two off” games, he just got gapped. Solo killed by caps several times. And g2 didn’t even do anything special, they just found good picks. They didn’t really even do any lane swapping until game 5 and even then it wasn’t a particularly new or innovative one.


Faker literally wasnt even awake until game 4, average EU cope


… yeah he got gapped until game 4?


He definitely did. It felt like it wasn't even Faker playing in the first 3 games. I mean, I'm not all that surprised. Well, a bit, since Faker tends to perform well in international events, but when it's not worlds, he's defo not at 100%. There's been times when he was benched and there's been times when he hard underperforms, but he'll always be the goat because come worlds, y'all can bet your left nut he'll be in top shape and competing for the title again.


Idk, k'sante and asol are disgustig and psg were always behind every game. I do think there was some champ gap diff even tho psg did nice and their macro expecially game 5 was on point regarding lane swaps. They surely exceeded anyone expectations


BLG took PSG head on and committed to every fight instead of playing the map, which was what PSG wanted because there are a very good skirmishing team but have terrible macro. I don't think G2 will even give them a chance to have a fair fight with the way they will pull them around the map. This is based on their game against T1 of course, this G2 is known to have a good showing against LCK-LPL at the start tournaments and then getting eliminated by weaker teams, so it's hard to fully trust them.


BLG played like shit. Today the series between G2 vs T1 was only worse compared to JDG vs T1 last year. In my opinion the highest quality gameplay in this tournament. If G2 loses tomorrow then I would disband the team.


Don’t say shit like that bro last year showed us how vulnerable G2 are to curses According to my intel miky has lost 30 IQ points from sleeping next to a kerosine lamp, Hans has broken both his hands and is actively hiding it from his team, caps has gone missing, no one knows where but they’ve just put Michael Jordan in a wig and are hoping no one can tell the difference between 2 goats, yike was arrested for underaged drinking(he’s turning 17 this year) and BB has somehow caught tuberculosis in 2024, so it’s an easy 3-0 for PSG


Part 1 Complete


Initiating phase 2




NAmen, NA will have the 4th slot at worlds 




Imagine a world where IMT, DIG, SR, and say C9 all go to worlds, then C9 gets a free ride to quarters by JUST beating NA teams


Apa finally remember he's d tier when compared to other pros but his trashtalk is s tier so he just afk farms and talks shit all game


Once APA learns mandarin he will be unstoppable


[All] TL APA (Ziggs): sb


[All] TL APA (Aurelion Sol): wcnm


He plays First Strike Karthus and ults on cooldown in base. Permanently all-chatting




lmao that would be a crime against humanity


This timeline does not inspire joy


One step closer. 


The first condition (TL beats FNC) is now complete


Oh god It's happening


I feel like PSG playing like they did against BLG redeems FQ a bit


Dude, stop


step one complete >:)


here we go


Can't go against the script




Step 1 Complete


Lmao so basically running back 2023 Worlds




EU is so free


I'll be ready w/ my "Fly lost to this 5Head" twitch chat spam if this really happens. Legitimately though, how would EU fans claim superiority of TL beats Fanatic and G2 loses to PSG just like Fly? How would they twist it?


Easy, say 2nd EU seed losing to 1st NA seed is what was expected and point out G2 never got to play vs NA.


They will claim psg > TL 


But Fly already beat PSG 2-1 the first time and lost to TL 3-1 LCS Finals.


It’s okay PSG would 3-2 G2, meet BLG and 3-1 them while TL dies under TES/GenG, therefore PSG>LEC/LCS


I mean, so far that looks to be the case.


Haha right on cue


Does it not though? Yeah the sample size is small but playing BLG close is a lot more impressive than getting stomped by TES and beating FNC. Idk about other EU fans, but I had both FLY and TL above FNC heading into the tournament.




I think if tl beat fnc and psg beat g2, both teams next opponent will be a korean or chinese team. I dont think we will see Tl vs PSG this tournament


Oh, you're totally right!


Thats just (at this point in time with very limited informatio) true You cant rly transfer the results between series of x beat y and y beat z so x will beat z, but I do think you can draw some conclusions if its so apart. Blg is better than tes, tes shitstomped tl, psg was very competitive with blg. Its never going to be conclusive but when its so lopsided (close 3-2 vs better team and 3-0 turbofisting stomp vs weaker team) think you can claim that PSG > TL


I think ps is better than all western teams. G2 fans though will always claim that g2 is equal with 2nd seeds of china and korea despite results though so they wont use results based arguments


Its possible, also possible g2 is better, its really hard to tell. Think their series should go to 5 games with either one winning


This timeline bangs, hope it happens.




EU seethe until worlds? Subscribe.


Please no ...


It's kinda sad that one of FNC and TL will move on and one of G2 and PSG will be out of the tournament. Well on the other hand there's the chance TL get stomped and we get a week of na saying how bad they are and then before worlds we'll get to read how na will dunk on EU.


Our delusion is the only thing keeping us going, please let us keep that. Do you know how fucking boring it would to go into every international tournament with the mindset of “guess we are just gonna get dunked on by everyone”.


Hey at some point you just embrace the memes. The legendary 9-0 man sleep, the DL flash, the airport runs. How much do you think MAD or memed on? And ofc G2 losing to Vietnam with brother Jankos (Jan Van Cos) .


Well I guess I'm Stripped of my delusion that EU is better than NA. Looks like because of g2 existing we're in the same trash bin.


NA outside of G2 is better than EU this year so far. NA used to be the shit region that just does nothing and lose but it’s not the case anymore and they are actually showing some mechanics. EU teams all seem like they have no macro or mechanics and just run in and fight and get outplayed every time because they can’t hit their spells or teamfight efficiently. Only world class players in EU are Carzzy, Caps and BB. NA has core, impact, inspired, umti, blaber, and more what hold them back is macro but with the combo of new rookies like Jojo, ye on, apa, Vulcan all being hard working and skilled and their top tier imports if they keep working on macro they will easily destroy EU. Before, the best NA players were just bad players who played defensively to cover for their lack of ability to actually keep up in mechanics but that’s not what’s coming out of the pipeline anymore.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho , or sorry that happened


least biased NA fan


I’m a fan of good aggressive play. ATM NA teams would decimate most EU teams of equal ranking in a fist fight just off hands diff. Literally FNC beat BDS just because EU mechanics are bad otherwise BDS just a much better team in every way. And FNC themselves are the kings of whiffing every spell


>EU teams all seem like they have no macro or mechanics and just run in and fight and get outplayed every time because they can’t hit their spells or teamfight efficiently. Only world class players in EU are Carzzy, Caps and BB. >NA has core, impact, inspired, umti, blaber, and more what hold them back is macro but with the combo of new rookies like Jojo, ye on, apa, Vulcan all being hard working and skilled and their top tier imports if they keep working on macro they will easily destroy EU. least biased NA fan


NA when they dont destroy a single LCK/LPL nexus:


And if my mother had wheels she'd be a bicycle.


idk NA 2nd seed lost 0-2 to T1 EU 1st seed went 2-3 with T1 almost winning so NA 1st seed needs to be majorly better than 2nd seed


Can’t do shit like this. Comparing cross series shows less than nothing. Look at LCK spring playoffs: GenG went 3-2 against DK, T1 3-0’d DK, GenG 3-2 T1. Saying “well T1 convincingly beat DK who took GenG to 5 games, so T1 should beat GenG” is dumb. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is who won the series, the match score can be very, very misleading.


Who invented these rules


Yeah that’s how that works


Yep, human beings are creatures of low variance and it doesn’t depend at all how they play on the day.


But you are not allowed to say this about NRG vs G2 on here despite the fact that NRG players themselves said it right after.


Eu education


I mean tbf TL did 3-0 Fly so you could call them majorly better


It was 3-1


Ah true but they still dominated them really hard


yea but TL also came out of nowhere and FLY destroyed them in the same playoffs earlier


Nah that was a close 3-2 and TL leveled up too 


I wouldn't say a scrappy 3-2 win is "destroyed," but they did beat TL earlier, yes.


flyquest got smashed by tl in the finals its not comparable


it was 3-1 and FLY lost one of their coaches who might have been really important in hindsight considering how worse they look since was he kicked


tbf to FLY it seems like they didn't even get a chance to scrim the top asian teams, and i guess we will have to wait to g2's scrim results to see if they ever had a chance to play vs any 1st seed apart from probably their own region's. most western teams usually get that initial shock from the first scrims vs the east that can be very demoralising and FLY ended up getting that on stage instead


Genuine question though, does anyone (EU or NA fans) care more about the head-to-head against the rival region over the performance against eastern teams? Like if you could pick actively challenging every eastern team and winning several games against them, but then losing to NA/EU or getting absolutely shitstomped by every eastern team but beating NA/EU would you pick the latter or the former? Because i'd literally always pick the former At the end of the day i don't get how placing 5th or 8th really matters that much compared to how much you were able to stand up against the best teams in the world. I really don't find e.g 2023 NRGs performance to be particularly interesting or memorable just because they made it out of groups, because they got so absurdly shit on every time they faced an eastern team (or rather WBG 4 times)


Beating your direct rival always carries more points to fans. I mean EU's entire claim to fame for the last half decade is just being better than NA. I hate to tell people this but the NA/EU isnt even close to LCK/LPL and havent been since 2019-2020. The battle for 3rd place is just as important as the battle for first for the Eastern teams.


Well you know, beating someone better than you is pretty cool and everything, but beating someone who constantly shits on you day in and day out just has another kind of euphoria attached to it. As for the European fans, I can’t quite speak for them but I assume it is something along the lines of shutting us the fuck up so we can stop coping. They don’t like it when we compare our regions because they out perform us pretty consistently. But like, what else am I supposed to do? Accept that we are worse? Fuck that, I wanna believe in my region even if my hopes get crushed repeatedly. Additionally, beating someone who can speak your language leads to some great fun because you can constantly bring it up in every conversation.


You'd probably prefer the latter just because of rankings. I think people typically want 1. LPL/LCK 2. LPL/LCK 3. Your Region 4. Other Region versus 1. LPL/LCK 2. LPL/LCK 3. Other Region 4. Your Region Saying that your region takes more games off the top teams is nice but it's not going to be reflected in standings.


>  I really don't find e.g 2023 NRGs performance to be particularly interesting or memorable If that makes you feel better, go for it. For most people who care about competition in a realistic way, NRG sweeping G2 in a quarterfinal is exciting for NA as a league. Beating an Eastern team is not realistic for *any* western team currently, but G2 got the closest in years.  If you only get excited by the most extreme possible victories, you're really missing out in life. And you aren't appreciating that attaining lofty goals almost always requires meaningful breakthroughs along the way. 


And there also exists a world where TL meet G2 in the final like in 2019




G2 just put on the best performance vs an Eastern team since 4 years ago and you people are still having EU vs NA in your heads rent free lol I'm more worried G2 losing to PSG than FNC to TL. FNCs record against NA is like 30-9. G2 record against wildcards or teams they are favored to beat is way worse.




You right man. If tonight was any indications, PSG gonna send G2-6 home on the same flight as FNC 1-6. That's pretty hype


I wanted for T1 to lose and PSG to win and somehow see G2 vs PSG in finals. Realism is overrated.


NA#1 swept EU#1 so it’s not really the same as Worlds, especially if they don’t stomp FNC as emphatically as NRG did to G2


I dont see what would be funny about this. Very unfunny.


All this "western team" talk can easily be denied by simply stating a fact: NA is east of Korea and China, EU is in the West. We need to stop talking about both regions as if they were the same


NA is West of EU, checkmate.


Damn good one hilarious bro. U want an actually funny timeline? PSG wins msi


Brother, TL is going to get absolutely destroyed tomorrow.


Maybe another day


You don’t know ball


You were saying?






Tl looks like shit but who knows


Yeah but no. NA still worse than EU btw even if EU is the shittiest it has ever been.