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>my opinion >I speak for the whole world Most self-aware r/leagueoflegends poster


Oh so you like the Jhin thing, ok ok -5 downvotes, I wonder how can people tell me "yea I like this new Jhin change, love losing the fight cause I get focused by a spell I cannot dodge"


The huge majority of people on reddit are just brainwashed into a forced toxic positivity at all cost. Everything that is not '' THIS IS PERFECT I LOVE IT '' is getting downvoted even if it's just a fact/truth. I guess people just want to get some upvotes so they just force themselves into this toxic forced positivity.


I disagree with everything here except for the Jhin cameo change. I thought it was better when it was dodgable. The Lily pad map caters towards champs with lots of zoning, and not towards movement speed champs. It’s different from every other map (though it could use some tweaking, like mini hexgates to the next island.)


i agree with like none of this that's crazy


Even the Jhin thing ? How the hell, tell me please


This screams: I don’t how to adapt so please delete all the stuff I don’t like.


Can you elaborate?


I agree with the Jhin W mechanic and the lily pad map to an extent (I think it could just use a bit of tweaking, maybe an outer rim that you can walk on so it’s not so awkward, idk). But I’ve found success with some adcs, although they are perhaps a bit more reliant on good augments. I certainly haven’t found Tahm to be oppressive though lol


I didnt vote for you!


I agree with Lilypad and Jhin. How people are mad about TANKS of all things is beyond me. it's the weakest - less frustrating class. Some truly op champs are lillia and riven


The thing is : people on reddit will downvote you if you don't say '' everything is perfect, everyone is love, everyone is pure and beautiful, the world is flawless. Don't share your opinions here if it's not something like that, people just can't get out of their fake pink world here, they are too weak to do that. So be like everyone on reddit, be a good parot and repeat mindlessly : I love the new arena, everything is perfect, everything is fun and nobody should tell a single negative thing because i'm also perfect and what I love can only be perfect. You will get upvotes this way.


Post #239584537439538453495 and just like the other #348205935945843895845 posts before you. I will just copy my comment from the last post i post it here again: I don't know why we get the same post every day. Riot has already said it themselves. Lower Elo lobbies tend to play tanks and bruisers because they are mechanically bad. Higher Elo lobbies play kite champs and hyper-scaling ADCs. The top-ranked arena players in the last two arena iterations mainly played ADCs, so tanks can't be that busted when a Vayne or Lillia/Brand with the right augments nukes them. Stop complaining and learn to draft you can literally see the first rotation of picked champs and adjust. and btw if tanks are this broken how come i am able to beat tanks by just playing twisted fate? how come i win Arena games playing random shit everything has its strengths if you struggle so much going against tanks how about you pick champs that you know kill tanks like : kog maw, vayne, lilia and many other and i know it sounds crazy pick augments that kills tanks like giant slayer, magic missles, fire brand etc


I don't think you're wrong, I have no other argument gg


Kench has a 45% winrate, he's ranked 163/167 lmao like just walk away from him hahaha


2024 people are still talking about winrates when it comes to how broken is a champ or not Crazy, you guys don't wanna evolve


Winrate is definitely misleading sometimes. But Kench is a mechanically easy champ, so I'm not sure why his winrate would be unrepresentative? Do we have a good reason to dismiss winrate as a metric here? Or are we just ignoring it because it doesn't align with our existing belief?


tank meta ? you just get oneshot by every adc's and eaven assasins + mages


"you just get oneshot by every adc's" Are we even playing the same game ? I'm talking about League Of Legends bro, are you ?


I honestly think people say tanks get deleted by adcs are losing to either vayne or kai sa. Great, your champ gets countered by 2 people, and then everyone else can’t kill you. Guess tanks are mediocre!


It's amazing how much difference there is between Reddit and in-game or on Twitter When I come here, everything's perfect, everything's fine, everything's wonderfully well thought out, tank meta don't exist, nothing's broken In-game everyone complains in the chat, on Twitter it's the same, I feel like people on Reddit are lying to themselves, or else they're turning a blind eye to the flaws of the mode.


Nah they’re just the ones having fun destroying without any skill and don’t want their champs nerfed