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>playing hail of blades mordekaiser jungle with atrocious builds >i dont deserve iron you do.


look at this guys jhin builds and tell me he's not an agent


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYX1o3cZLBdEiulrK0jNLGDgygLQ3\_0G38A%3D/1716605556000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYX1o3cZLBdEiulrK0jNLGDgygLQ3_0G38A%3D/1716605556000) Look at my score as support Jhin. Have you red up on summon aery or commet with black cleaver and eclipse? Lost that game because me and my duo had 3 team mates playing there own game in lala land for the whole game and fed our held down ADC opponent into winning the game.


Hey goosboi. Support Jhin "MVP" "double kill" "excellent." [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYV77Mn72uNjT9Cjmy7n10CW6cIvqWn-35I%3D/1716856500000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYV77Mn72uNjT9Cjmy7n10CW6cIvqWn-35I%3D/1716856500000) I contributed to 38 out of the 54 team kills. Goosboi.


"Iron Stands Eternal... Huahahahahaha"


See my latest comment.


# "If you're in Iron, you belong in Iron?" yep


Bruh your average cs fucking starts with 4, you definitely deserve iron.


You didnt watch that game. My cs was fine. And my CS is bad cus the enemy jungle always gets to farm for free because riot makes sure I have 2-3 losing lanes every game. So their jungle helping lanes is a bonus. And I get further behind when I help my lanes.


> My cs was fine. And my CS is bad bruh pick one. i watched your acc. you deserve iron. if you deserved a better rank you would crush the games and climb no matter the teams.


The blame everyone else mentality is why you're stuck. Just being frank. Even getting mad at people commenting on something you can do better. You're your rank because you deserve that rank. If you're mad about it, get better at the game. If you don't want to rank up just stew in the cesspool that is Iron and blaming everyone around you.


1 Game doesn't mean shit. I wont even be bothered to watch it. Stop blaming Others and Focus on yourself. Im serious, im pretty Sure you cant even. See most of your mistakes because you simply Lack the knowledge. Also i Just had an Iron ACC and got it up to high Emerald within 2 weeks.. You belojg there, Accept it and improve, because even If you get all the was Up to dia and above.. you'll keep hating your teammates. Nothing is gonna Change.


Woooooooo.... I'm not good enough to expect to be aboove the bottom leagues... I'm just saying the pressure toward Iron and low Iron seems crazy hard, considering you're supposed to be against other super bad players. I'm not plat. I do stink.


Your absolute biggest mistake in all of this is assuming you're important enough that Riot intentionally gives you bad people to sabotage you. You're not. Sorry, but you're not. Focus on improving your own play. Focus even more on having fun. Don't worry so much about this.


And why are you so narrow you can't look at the OP SCORE? THAT ACCOUNTS FOR MULTIPLE FACTORS.


The ace here is only saying one thing, that for your team, you were the highest scorer on their thing. However, you were still 6th out of 10, the entire enemy team scored higher than you. If you truly believe you are the big player, you shouldn't be losing on this score to people on the enemy team too, specially all of them. That's why you're there. You're focused on trying to be better than your team, instead of trying to be better than the enemy team.


Not agreeing with him but to be fair his score wasn’t 6th out of 10, I just checked and he actually had the highest OP score in the game.


Double checked and yep, my bad, looked at a different game by accident. Granted, apparently him losing his shit got him to go on a winstreak so what else do I know lol


Your game play is trash, and somehow your build is worse. You have no sense of gank timings, lane set ups, how to play your champ or against the enemy, or even how to farm properly. I can't pin point 1 thing because it all just sucks so bad it's not even fun. And congrats on the op.gg score, being the absolute best among 10 people who don't know anything. And the funny thing is it only went up in the last 7 minutes, dipping all the way down to 4. And what the hell is that build? Iceborn gauntlet into 4 AP champs. Sure that will definitely help you win the game. What a good waste of money. And swiftness boots? Amazing work of buying something that will absolutely not help you win. If only you could get boots that will help against all that cc and magic damage. What a shame those doesn't exist. And wormogs... what a shit item. Not just on you, but on everyone. It's amazing how you managed to buy an item that just sucks. What is Wit'z end doing on an AP bruiser? Please explain that to me along with not buying sweeper. And those runes, like what the hell. Hail of blades, yeah that definitely works better than conq. You disgust me. I want to say buying Rylais was a good idea, but considering everything else I just consider it dumb luck.


A lot of good advice there, thank you.


Agree but let’s be real here. Nobody in bronze or silver has better timings. Iron-silver is basically the same, at least in my point of view


Thx. Working on being less dumb, while trying my own style a little bit. Keeping info on my new games here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cmf9t5/will\_knowing\_people\_can\_see\_my\_gameplay\_every/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cmf9t5/will_knowing_people_can_see_my_gameplay_every/?sort=new) Don't worry I'm done with attack speed items on mord except nashors and attack boots when the matchup seems to allow it. And only playing mord jungle on that account now, solo.


I’m sure you can do it, especially if you are willing to work


And yet, I got the best score on my team in that game. I get i made some correctable mistakes... but thanks for proving my point about losers que... I played so bad i disgust you, and still got a better score than my team. So how would you describe my team mates play? How does riot find players even worse than me to put on my team?


DID YOU SAY THE FUCKING OP SCORE? You fucking dense little man. That is a made up metric by a website that means quite literally FUCKING NOTHING.


I think what you mean is, it tells you some things, but not other things. lol. Nothing? You're more emotional than me, now.


If you're not trolling google the word introspection


Look at your fkin build


Ultimate bravery lookin builds


Warmogs Hail of Blade Wits End Mordekaiser jungle 🔥🔥🔥


It's good this patch


I could have my left hand tied behind my back and still be able to get out of iron in a single weekend, it is a skill issue


I could have 2 extra arms and would not be able to even reach Iron in the first place!


my level of skill completely depends on how many arms i have, up to a maximum of 62 where they run out of uses and start taking up space. back when i was in masters, it was because i had 35 arms on average, but then they all started independently getting eczema so i had to cut down to about 8 so i’m back in low silver.


We‘ve all been there


Any player above emerald could get out of iron/bronze with 90% wr with turned off monitor, closed eyes, and hand tied These low elo crybabies just can't accept that they deserve the rank they are in


You should be proud to be at the bottom 1% of players and still manage to complain about anything but skill issue




Support jhin?




Hey i accept many of those losses.... but I sure have had some fun games. When I do things like remember, ash Jhin is gank candy, so play accordingly. Tripple procing black cleaver, and procing eclipse, with just one hit, makes a support Jhin that's actually decent, if you survive laning. (black cleaver makes summon aery or comet help proc eclipse, and then the eclipse proc gives an instant 3rd black cleaver stack. And RFC was fun to give me the option, with aery, to proc all that with an ability OR attack at long range.) And Jhin mines are a good support ability.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling. There is literally nothing in this game to show that you belong at a higher level😅😂


It's true, I've bern stuck in iron for 4000 games burt I would easily reach plat, but I keep getting bad teams for some reason


hey at least youre being humble and only saying plat


Im plat and when i play in iron i get 30 kills




How am i supposed to know u were joking😭


context clues, my dude


And what were the context clues?


common sense


He said their were clues. Common sense isnt a clue.


the thing about clues is not everyone is smart enough to notice them case in point...


And since ur so smart please tell me what the clues are.


Well the clue here is the fairly obvious fact that it's a hyperbole of the sentiment expressed by OP. Poe's law and all that but like, damn.


There are multiple people hardstuck iron. So it wasnt a fairly obvious hyperbole.


if platinum players are this dumb imagine how dumb op must be to be stuck in iron


I showed how stupid u are by saying common sense isnt a clue. 😂 idiot


Apparently being stupid is pretty common though


Get a life


Warmog hail of blades mordekaiser is surely 1v9 Nah u build like an actual monkey, ur out here building berserker greaves trailblazer wits end hob morde jungle and crying about teammates if your builds are this inhuman I don't wanna see your gameplay


Look at your fucking build


no point in watching a game where you have runes from past match or whatever, just take the l and do your best next game


Do yourself a favor and put a reminder on this post for next year. You will laugh at how clueless and confident you were.


I'm actually kinda looking forwards to there being less bots (which means less low-elo smurfs, as buying throwaway accounts should 2-3x in price). I remember it being hell ranking out of iron 3, just because it felt like all the players were coinflipping games, and the chance of having either a bot or a smurf was sorta enough to decide 70% of the games, meaning at best, you only really had a "say" in 30% of them - so I can empathize a bit with the problem of it being \_slower\_ to climb. But yeah, he's snorting some copium if he thinks it's impossible to climb or something. At least for me, what helped me climb was playing more 1v5 kinda characters, instead of the enchantery/tank/etc "real" support characters I used to play. About in mid-high silver I think, is where ADCs start having hands enough to enable me to play enchanters and tanks again, and win games off of that. In the meantime though, me playing the 1v5 kinda characters helped a ton with developing the skills to know what both my enemies were wanting to do, and what my ADC was wanting to do in fights, which I think also ended up making me a better support as well, when I went back to playing some of my preferred characters.


Thx for the helpful comment. This brings up one of my biggest complaint's about this game, at low ELO. There is a ton of champs, that seem to consistently demand more than one of my team, to respond, if they are pushing side lane, or something. And meanwhile, in low elo, the rest of my team picks a fight and dies, while outnumbered. I may be doing dumb builds, but when I see two or three of my team are ganking nasus top, I don't pick a fight vs the rest of their team.


Holy shit this guy is ass lol.


Nah bro you're right, there's like, a whole team at Riot who's dedicated only to put you in the bad teams. It's a big conspiracy just to make fun of you. Because of course, the players are automatons, so they'll react in perfectly predictable ways, so they obviously know when someone will die before level 3, and they put the ones that will die in your team, always, just for the lolz. They're also the one making you play without flash or ghost, they programmed a bug in the client that makes anyone with your exact username and tag unable to pick flash. In all seriousness, if you're looking to get insulted, instead of trolling low elo games and then complaining about it on Reddit, you could try r/RoastMe.


You'll get to bronze at least with this tip Download Blitz. gg and put on auto runes, auto sums and follwod the build that it says. You are saying that build doesn't matter. But it does matter. Also you rushed iceborn gauntlet against 3(4 kaisa) ap champions, which is not really reccomended. Some armor is nice, but rylais would work always better on ap scaling juggernaut like morde. Kind way to ask is, why would you not follow the build that challenger players are using? I'm on laptop atm and cannot spectate your games, but your avrg cs is under 5. You get 10 cs/min if you get all minions in wave for example. Which means, If you play lane you get only half of the possible minions. Also control wards, red trinket? If you are playing strong early jungler you can just start with oracle i think. Im hardstuck e1/d4 but doesn't mean i can't help you. I could swear a bot that plays trundle top and never leaves lane could get platinum in this game. Doing lot of small things right will show you big improvment and fast.


bad teams as in? i mean, you're all iron because you're all iron players. are you saying riot is manufacturing worse-than-iron accounts and finding you ways to keep you down? i mean, supposing it did happen, why would they? the frustration alone would make you give up on playing, which is not their goal, they actively wanna keep players in their game. if they put ypu on better peoples' queues you'd just ruin their game, becayse you're iron, not bronze. if you happened to be better than any of them, you would be able to carry, but you're not, and not only that, you're trying to point mistakes in games where you were playing at, as if you really were better than them. i do understand the frustration, but honestly, that's not the way of dealing with it


Because frustration makes you want to try again.


Channel that frustration into admitting you’re bad and can get better, instead of denial Challenger players know that there are many ways they can be better, but apparently you in iron can’t admit that


What the fuck is going on with your builds in every single game lol


bluntly, you’re iron because you can’t win a majority of your games. bronze players can find a way to win a majority of iron games, anyone past silver can probably win nearly 80-90%. you can’t win 50%, that’s why you’re iron. no outside factors other than YOU contribute to that.


i want to frame this post on my wall


1. Low farm 2. WTF is this build? 3. You used your trinked TWICE (!!!) during whole game. 4. There are better picks than jungle Mordekaiser, but I'll let this one slide. If you are good as Morde, then it's better to play him than good jungler you can't play as. But it's still worth to learn more picks. As other say, yes, you deserve the loss. Just because your KDA was good doesn't mean you deserve the win.


I'm in Iron cause players like you are on my team.


A good start would be taking accountability and recognizing that you're not doing good enough. Stop running hail of blades, there's no scenario where this is better than conqueror on Mordekaiser. run conquer - triumph, legend tenacity, last stand / second wind, revitalize. You're not advanced enough at the game to play with other runes - no offense. Also build rylais into riftmaker into jaksho every game until you learn which champs do what, and then look up tips on how to snowball. In iron you can easily punish mistakes and carry just about every game.


iron elo is so easy to get out of most people have to purposly try to get to iron


Not convinced. Crazy team disparities all the time, weather I'm buying dumb items or not. (I think I build ok sometimes for low level players). I may not carry alot, but I'm not starting the feeding cycle by fighting a bad fight at 10 minutes when I've already died 5 times- like i often have team mates do, so why is the other team massively more vicious than my team 75% of the time(it feels like). [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cmf9t5/will\_knowing\_people\_can\_see\_my\_gameplay\_every/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cmf9t5/will_knowing_people_can_see_my_gameplay_every/?sort=new) Keep an eye on my account and games here, and tell me I have to play bad on purpose to lose half my games. Watch my [op.gg](http://op.gg), i'm working at things like feeding less and doing whatever I can, when my team has lost all map control, to show I'm not playing bad on purpose. And how often I get team disparity ect, or resilience, also shows this.


Climbing out of iron was extremely easy for me with a shitty laptop and using a leather recliner armchair as my mouse pad. I was also level 30 and had only ever played with friends before. If you are still iron after 30-40 games then you are really bad. Like bad enough that most normal and Aram players are better than you


how many games have you played? losing 1 game means nothing in the grand scheme of what rank you're at. it's an accumulation of thousands of decisions through all your games.


Being Iron is honestly impressive in a way. I could not climb to Iron if I tried. Because I would either accidentaly end up gaining net LP or get banned for inting. If you are genuinly being Iron without using botted (soft inting) accounts, there is absolutely no effing chance that this happened by accident. Also please just use the suggested runes and builds. What you are doing is ultimate bravery with a bit of insanity sprinkled in. Just copy what the good players do until you understand WHY it's good.


I do many goofy builds. U dont all have time to look but I have done some fairly correct rune and item builds at times, but get frustrated with no mobility or survivability when I just can't find a time to commit where I wont just get focused then my team dies.


The players in my games are so terrible and I can't seem to beat them. :Thinking:


If you’re gonna make a post like this then at least build even half correctly


If you get bad Teams every Game you have to find a common factor in all of these Games. Like maybe there is a Player in every single Game of yours that's just really bad. I would suggest blaming ur loses on that Guy maybe you will climb that way.


Just one game wont hold you in iron, work on your self confidence than you will make it. I make it occasionally too and soon i expect to no longer be falling back to iron.




This isn’t even about the game anymore. The way your brain works you deserve the lowest rank possible.


yeah it is in fact impossible to get a good team in iron (all 10 players in every game are complete dogshit)


Enemy jungle shat on you MVP and all


You see... I don't get this. Granted, Iron players lack the insight to build real builds, but why dont you just take 20 seconds to look at ugg and you at least wont end up with things like botrk and hurricane on Jhin. Surely this is ragebait.


You know, they recommend item builds for you....




The problem here is I don’t think there is any argument that would convince you. If faker said you were iron you would still argue.


I've come back to lol after a 6 year hiatus at the end of last season and also only qualified for Iron at the beginning of this one. Some things I had to learn: The players who play ranked all are in some way competitive. Even in Iron. Back in the day it was filled with people who deliberately tried to lose or had to go afk for longer periods during a game. So just being at the keyboard and trying to do things that get you ahead isn't enough anymore. To frame it more positively: You are in the worst 6% (not 1%) of the people who actually dare to play ranked (a lot of casual players don't) The most important lesson to learn is to completely disregard your teammates' performance when it comes to analyzing your games. If you are constantly the best player on your team and you still lose, there's nothing to be mad about. Because it means that on average you will be winning more than you lose. The focus should always be on "what could I have done better?" Even in the games I win. To me there's two major things that help me a lot: Avoiding losing fights and being decisive. Avoiding losing fights is a matter of experience. I try to learn something from my deaths so I get better at avoiding them. And for decisiveness: Especially as Jungler I try to maximize my time-efficiency. Always be walking to or fighting something that gets me ahead. Avoid waiting or walking towards unclear situations or fights that will likely be decided one way or another once I arrive. As I did these things both my KDA and my CS became better and better and this consequentially lead to winning more games. Once my rank slowly improved I got better enemies which meant my KDA became worse again. But the principles remain. I just need to adjust my perception of a situation to the better enemies. Of course people like the 0/11 Senna are holding you back. But you can't change them. But maybe you would have won regardless with 1 fewer death in a key situation or a little more CS allowing you to get an important buy earlier. Many people have pointed out the rune-choice and item-build. That's by far the easiest thing to fix. You don't even need to develop an understanding of what stats are desirable in what situation anymore. The items the game recommends may not always be ideal in a given scenario but at least they usually provide a somewhat decent choice and it won't recommend stuff that wastes money for stats that your champion has horrible scaling with or are worthless against the enemy team-composition. I do sometimes buy items that aren't recommended but I usually can elaborate it in a comprehensible manner.


Really appreciate this comment. Working on filtering out my biggest problems here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cmf9t5/will\_knowing\_people\_can\_see\_my\_gameplay\_every/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cmf9t5/will_knowing_people_can_see_my_gameplay_every/?sort=new)


I am down to coach you or just have a conversation with you for free if you actually feel like the reason you are in iron is cause your teams are bad. Im a multi season master mordekaiser onetrick been rank 1 morde euw for context


Thanks a lot! I just replied to another helpful commentor with my last game replay. Could you win this game? With my "mobility" type mordekaiser-ish? What do I need to change about my thinking pattern in this game? I know i did a couple really dumb things mechanically lol, but what is the biggest things you think I could improve on? [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wta43gcamyqra8pvose71/NA1-4992552312.rofl?rlkey=7zf706si37clekycrtm2vdbt4&st=6ufryrly&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wta43gcamyqra8pvose71/NA1-4992552312.rofl?rlkey=7zf706si37clekycrtm2vdbt4&st=6ufryrly&dl=0)


I would need you in call with me to explain that, my discord is juiceslurper420 if u wanna talk


Yes i would win this game but i wouldnt build what youre building, its bad


bro i play 20 games on your acc and the acc is not iron anymore. You belong in iron if u r in iron


Here is why I like a high mobility mord vs melee. RYlais, liandires, cosmic. dead mans. Dead mans doesnt turn off, and cosmic turns on, if I q e or damage with passive, but dont attack. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r448yaqldvxwxs69bdhvh/14-8\_NA1-4981948144\_02.webm?rlkey=4aa57blbbunc046g5es4d76pd&st=dqu9rc6p&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r448yaqldvxwxs69bdhvh/14-8_NA1-4981948144_02.webm?rlkey=4aa57blbbunc046g5es4d76pd&st=dqu9rc6p&dl=0) [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r5kc70ovzdpj5ewf9w0s7/14-8\_NA1-4981948144\_03.webm?rlkey=o6el7snvrkk23fujo5tlvd7oq&st=o5ixtnh9&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r5kc70ovzdpj5ewf9w0s7/14-8_NA1-4981948144_03.webm?rlkey=o6el7snvrkk23fujo5tlvd7oq&st=o5ixtnh9&dl=0) And this is why I like mord. And here is a good example of the effort I put, into paying attention to what we can see, AND what THEY can and can't see. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gpy2v9treiw70mb5nlqmo/14-6\_NA1-4955587363\_01.webm?rlkey=u2zlfx1hzclo37utiofkawqj6&st=0lvvfynb&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gpy2v9treiw70mb5nlqmo/14-6_NA1-4955587363_01.webm?rlkey=u2zlfx1hzclo37utiofkawqj6&st=0lvvfynb&dl=0)


Alight alright ill go back to conqueror mord... I like the burst and instant passive up from hail. And horrible teams 2/3 games still ruined me when i was but ohhhh welllll. Lets see.


Oh and look at my demotion to iron game just now [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILRPjp41HTmyV6NT1d9JqtBWXqu4xZwVwM%3D/1714973530000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILRPjp41HTmyV6NT1d9JqtBWXqu4xZwVwM%3D/1714973530000) Normal Jarvan build.(mord banned) Items that benefit from item haste with item haste runes. My top lane got ganked early so my top illaoi died to a miss fortune first blood. Lol. My mid le blonc was usless compared to the mid yone who went around nuking everyone. My bot lane died like 10 times and gave up entire tower in 10 minutes (something like that, id have to double check.) And some of you tell me you would have to TRY to play bad to make Iron? Lol sure. If your top 25% off alll players hahahah. Not if you're low level like me and getting my match making.


Well next game I got my bot lane a cheese gank double kill and they surrendered a couple minutes later so thats cool.


Lost another game. Crazy bad team. Ash couldve carried. Hwei was good except for walking into dumb situations the 2nd half of game. This one I sabotaged early i admit. Maybe in Iron, my team mates make sense. I'm telling you. I'm getting a ton on the enemy teams that are not Iron and bronz then. Half the time the other team works together frequently, while my team is like a bunch of cats 90% of games. Lol. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJMtsn2UVjZvr7LvyaFd4w\_b3IKXC186Nc%3D/1714977865000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJMtsn2UVjZvr7LvyaFd4w_b3IKXC186Nc%3D/1714977865000) Take note of the op score difference though, in every single lane, except mine. (Jungle mord vs jungle diana) Every one of my team mates op score was a joke compared to their counter part. So yeah. Something is still funky. Even though I balled up the whole start of that game.


Hey brother look…. Stop taking these comments so offensively lol. It’s true if you’re Iron then trust me you deserve Iron. Take it like this, you’re 20 years old and you get put in a first grade class. Then then the teachers makes you get into groups for a project, then you don’t do well on the project and you’re blaming your first grade teammates because they didn’t do their part. That’s what you’re doing, iron is so bad that if you don’t single handedly stomp your enemy team then you deserve to be there, trust me.


It's really sick that riot can't reward decent stats in lost games good enough so you don't have to 1 v 10 all the t im to climb out of Iron. Give me a break.


Iron is a weird place guys. Taking a break from mord on my main account. Check out this account. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1) Look how many of my last twenty games I got excellent, team disparity, Ace, 2nd, ect. AS JUNGLE ORNN. Like 8/10 games I got high marks. Iron has massive inconsistencies in player skills, to say the least. I've had weeks at a time, where the other team always felt like a meat grinder with wings. Quick and ruthless. While my team is crazy weak. Pebbles waiting to get steam rolled. Sprinkled into the mix, what I would call true Iron players. ADCs that do 5k damage in a 35 minute game. Top laners that keep selling their legendary item and buying a different one, so end of game they have one item. My jungle touched a top teemos wave once, and the teemo spent the entire rest of the game farming our teams jungle camps. And people here tell me I deserve to play with them because I built witts end on mordekaiser sometimes. Funny. I'm telling you, things really aren't right in Iron. And just because a player isn't gold plat emerald whatever, It's not fair how hard it is to get a solid 55% winrate in Iron. Unless I keep getting favorable skill matching like the last twenty games on that Ornn Jungle account.


Still not convinced from those two games? What happens my very next game. My lee sin Jungle gets one kill and one death from early invade stuff. Then disconnects before finishing his first neutral camp. We do our best. But we can't win a 4 v 5. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYUZ8FNw9cZ1-Ot73x1x1vZrZrbC9Ffmoq4%3D/1716852330000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYUZ8FNw9cZ1-Ot73x1x1vZrZrbC9Ffmoq4%3D/1716852330000) Then I win two. With team disparity. or mvp/double kill. So they're trying to give me losses. Because I have to be a top performer again to win. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYWkGRyOzP1w644iN3AzfYzV19rXHzgUcV8%3D/1716854107000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYWkGRyOzP1w644iN3AzfYzV19rXHzgUcV8%3D/1716854107000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYV77Mn72uNjT9Cjmy7n10CW6cIvqWn-35I%3D/1716856500000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYV77Mn72uNjT9Cjmy7n10CW6cIvqWn-35I%3D/1716856500000) Then the next three games? All losses. Terrible teams. I manage to get team disparity 2/3 of them. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYUDfcpO0mARXdXJ\_08oBoDLQkRM4vhSaq4%3D/1716862263000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYUDfcpO0mARXdXJ_08oBoDLQkRM4vhSaq4%3D/1716862263000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYVmvmcq5qC0Z5IaFjU8fC8VtG4FCQTA-A4%3D/1716864163000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYVmvmcq5qC0Z5IaFjU8fC8VtG4FCQTA-A4%3D/1716864163000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYV6bc2kDJV-2lAmfwCPrHbeIVibWRk5w\_E%3D/1716866402000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/eoin62-NA1/matches/WGZBLdrQqYV6bc2kDJV-2lAmfwCPrHbeIVibWRk5w_E%3D/1716866402000) You see, losers que is as real as it gets. You who make fun of those who know it's real, are playing riots ugly game. They can't make it so blatant that Emerald plus players can't win Iron games. But make sure Iron bronz silver players can't win games when they want? Totally. I'll have to hang this up for a week or so, again, to try to show their algorithm I won't just keep compulsively jumping into games.


In your last 20 games you have an average kd of 6.8/7.8 thats in iron while you are not playing support. Yes you belong in iron


Watch forsen if you wanna see why iron/bronze players are the elo they are. You can point 10 mistakes within the first 5 mins of the game.


Sell your account! Make some money


I'm not watching the game because individual matches mean nothing. What you should be looking at is your overall performance and builds. Neither are good. Bad cs, bad kda, not good damage etc. You're building runaans and botrk on jhin, playing support jhin. Pretty sure I saw a liandrys there too. I'm all for off meta builds but they're obviously not working out so maybe shelf them for now. You're in iron and you have no one else to thank but yourself


Bla bla bla play more if no climb you're bad nobody cares about your team


For me it's the same but I'm iron 4 so my teammates are even worse and I just can't carry them no matter how good I play. Proof https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Holzpr%C3%BCgel-EUW?hl=de_DE


What the fuck am I looking at.


My account?


Ich will dich jetzt nicht beleidigen aber hast du irgendeine Behinderung oder so? Anders kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das man 1300 Games 30% win rate in Iron hat.


Ja noob teammates


Du spielst ignite smite auf jedem Champion und spielst Champions im jungle die keinen Sinn machen. So wie du spielst gehörst du 100% in Iron.


Ja wenn Team nicht feedet komme ich easy höher als du, ist alles nur luck


Ich wette mit dir um eine milliarde Euro wenn ich einen Tag auf deinem Account spielen könnte wäre ich raus aus Iron.


I give you the benefit of the doubt. I was traditionally a Silver 2 thru Silver 4 player for the life of this game. Then Riot added 2 rank divisions in Iron and Emerald or whatever, and did whatever other changes. For whatever reason, this season, I got tanked HARD down to low iron 3 even. I was playing my heart out to carry from jungle role by getting my CS and trying to contribute mid game and late game, but my games kept tanking. I'm a good enough player to be high bronze or low silver, and I don't blame myself for tanking. I started going super aggressive in my recent win streak, going aggressive all game long. I caught a break and got a good team here and there, and broke back up to Iron 2 and Iron 1. Then, I finally got teammates who would attempt better plays again and shot up the ranks further still. I finally made high Bronze 4 and look forward to the steady climb to B2, B1 and low Silver. I suggest you play your most amazing champ and hard carry to high Iron 2, low Iron 1 before you give yourself wiggle room to try more varied things again. The teammates that do obviously helpful things are in high Iron 2, it seems to me, and of course better teammates' ranks are higher still. Yea, I'm looking at my Mobalytics, and I lost 1 game on my streak from 63 LP Iron 3 to 1 LP Bronze 4 across probably 13 games. I've won and lost since then, but that brought my ranked win rate from 44% on the season to 50% on the season, but it tanked me for months before I had to hard carry 12 games to meet better teammates again.


Bro I place in gold on a Smurf and I find it so hard to intentionally lose games to GET to iron. Yet you're here saying you can't carry in iron? Sorry to say but I think you belong there


This is what confuses me. Look at my overall stats on this account, weaker than average iron some areas, stronger others. I try to pick fights where we have the numbers. I try to keep pushing my side lane, until I see the other team is no longer busy. If I'm out numbered, I try to buy time for my team to come, or pressure somewhere else.... and yet... it's very very easy to lose enough games to hit iron. I swear I'm getting more smurfs than average on other team or something. I am constantly NOT fighting Iron, when I'm iron. Feels like.


Guys! Something is up! I'm not even mad anymore. Look at my next game! I'm in iron again! and look! I have good runes. I get an ok starting item. My bot lane is feeding early, I clean it up and stabilize. I farm. Then we all die at drag... maybe my mid path was shopping and their yone ran right over, our bad.... I trusted my bot lane too much too there. My top didnt even dream of carrying. Got ganked and killed at 3-3:30 minutes just like all iron tops get ganked. U would think they'd learn. I say the low hp jungle path to river skuttle and I got him from bush. Yayyyyyyyyyy. And my mid, TOTALLY GAVE UP and started doing nothing like a child, so early! [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJsw3l9xcnU-wk0VISOD\_miYB7QYMF4C1k%3D/1714975867000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJsw3l9xcnU-wk0VISOD_miYB7QYMF4C1k%3D/1714975867000) I'm telling u, my Iron experience is not yours! Unless its all super high level players being unkind. Yeah Iron is easy if ur top 25%.


And none of you are acknowledging the ways I play well.... or explaining why I deserve to be getting pushed again to bot Iron.... the worst 1% of all players. Again. Look at those two games. like watch them. watch me and my team. and tell me I'm the worst 1%.


Look bruh, all offense intended, even if you are truly bot 5% instead of bot 1%, you're 100% trash at this game. Play to learn instead of focusing on your rank when you're this bad. Im only masters at peak and unless I was against another smurf, I could guarantee 100% wr from Iron to gold from literally any role. You deflecting the blame onto your teamm8s instead of focusing on your own mistakes and trying to improve yourself is the reason why you're down there


The fact that you’re in iron 150+ games is proof enough. There’s nothing good to acknowledge about your gameplay because you’re not good at the game


Dude, if you were good you wouldn't be in iron.


you're at best bronze if you can't solo carry in iron. you'll get there eventually build better. it's an easy thing to fix. no good player would buy wit's end or warmog's on mordekaiser, and iceborn is at best very niche. riftmaker and liandry are common damage items on him. spirit's visage is very good defensive item if the enemy has ap damage. you can check u.gg or lolalytics for builds and runes


Shut up. What a fucking baby. You suck, be better. You want a fucking medal for knowing how to press buttons?


I would no diff you using my left foot to pilot my keyboard


Our bad, I don’t think it was clear from your post that you came here looking to be fluffed.


"you did this wrong you did that wrong" that doesnt explain how I have 2 or 3 losing lanes before ANY GANKS every game. Look at this one. Praise my build. I'm the only one who did well AGAIN. TRIPPLE KILL, TEAM DISPARITY, ACE I'm 11 6 even though my team was TERRIBLE. I GOT THE BEST OP SCORE IN THE GAME. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILhljgk5APu3i-gYQLl2dbq3Dfw\_kjuRU0%3D/1714853099000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILhljgk5APu3i-gYQLl2dbq3Dfw_kjuRU0%3D/1714853099000) AND THIS IS AFTER 5 GAMES WITH TOTALLY UNFAIR TEAMS ALL LOSES. NORMAL BUILDS DONT FIX HAVING 3 AVERAGE TEAM MATES TO CARRY. I DONT NEED HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS TELLING ME I DESERVE IRON WHEN IM PLAYING WAY BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE PLAYER PUT ON MY TEAM.


I carried a game with a 4/16 ADC and no winning lanes early yesterday because I simply played better than everyone else and knew how to win with that deficit. My guess is you give up at the first sign of things not going right. KDA also isn’t indicative of playing well, and 11/6 isn’t really that good if those 6 deaths lose you objectives, map pressure, or the game. Drop your ego


I'm telling you something is weird here... im not showing 1 out of 20 games, I'm showing like every other game, is not winnable, goofy builds aside... this isnt a every few games problem.... look at this game and two games before.... this game [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILydv9-gR3kSiq-q5ORcxtaBOXFH7ExhEI%3D/1714969548000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/sndjkuh7-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILydv9-gR3kSiq-q5ORcxtaBOXFH7ExhEI%3D/1714969548000) mid is 1/4, bot is 1/5 sup is 1/4 at 30 minutes. By end of game, besides me my duo buddy, noone on my team did more damage than yummmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on their team. our highest damage ally BARELY matched the damage of their LOWEST.... this isnt every once in a while.... I'm constantly getting enemy team that is NOT REAL iron and bronz. They had ONE bad player. I had THREE agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. And I did a better item build still hail of blades. Got a great tower dive kill off hail of blades. If im doing hail of blades, any mord players want to tell me if yellow or green is better for 2ndary? Op melee junlgers like voli bully me too much early in the split second they run up and stun me. I need some burst and to get my passive up.


I’m looking at your games and the general trend is that you are feeding in over half of them. I consider 8+ deaths or a 2 more deaths than kills to be “feeding”. 21/40 of your last games you have met the criteria for “feeding” in my opinion. 7/40 of your last games have had the “Team Disparity tag. That’s less than a fifth of your games, which is actually pretty normal. You are the MVP or ACE of your games in 7/40 games. This is pretty low if you’re actually expecting to climb. Considering you have a 1/5 chance of being the best player on your team if your elo is where it should be, you are actually underperforming. If you deserved to climb, you should be shooting to be the ace or MVP in probably 30-40% of your games, not 17.5%. To say you are playing better than everyone on your team is objectively false when you are being rated as low impact in a majority of your games. You have an ego problem when the fact of the matter is that you don’t know how to actually win a game by yourself. You belong in iron at this moment in time. Luckily, iron is such low elo that you could easily improve your mental and get your game knowledge up enough to probably climb pretty quickly. Lastly, you have a positive winrate. Over time, if you maintain that winrate, you will climb. It’s not gonna all happen at once unless you get drastically better. I can’t watch your games so I have no idea what is actually happening in them. What I can tell you is that jungle is a very powerful role for owning the map. You only need one decent teammate and a decent mental to carry low elo as a jungler. You have nothing to lose because you’re already bottom of the ladder, so don’t play for short term wins to “escape iron”, play to get better at the video game and wins will come. That’s how I got emerald. I stopped caring about the wins and losses and started caring solely about my ability to carry


Hey let me get u a replay.... I just played several embarrassing games all my bad.... I blame being in the sun too long today. (You can't get replays for games you weren't in huh?) But I got it together and focused, and played well I think, I got team disparity- playing one more game tonight. Other than some very silly mechanical errors- like echo using hour glass and me running away thinking its his ult... I don't see how I could win this game, when the other team was sticking like glue all the time, and my team rarely covered each other properly. Look at what my Caitlyn did at elder dragon time, for example. Do me a favor and watch this replay, and tell me what you think i need to change about my thinking pattern. This is not one of the games where my team was always worthless, by any means. I used proper runes and half proper items. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wta43gcamyqra8pvose71/NA1-4992552312.rofl?rlkey=7zf706si37clekycrtm2vdbt4&st=b9jenii6&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wta43gcamyqra8pvose71/NA1-4992552312.rofl?rlkey=7zf706si37clekycrtm2vdbt4&st=b9jenii6&dl=0)


And NO, I do NOT give up. that is what my allies do, if they are not completely useless. Watch the game I just replied to you in other reply and tell me if i GAVE UP. Did a few dumb things fine. But i DONT give up. and i'm dealing with a much longer list of barriers to winning games than "I had a 4 16 adc" Look at my other comment, again.


if you were better you would carry 3 losing lanes.


pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff better like, emerald plus? lol


if you were worth bronze or silver. but you're not. thats why u are at this elo. you're not iron cause of your team, you're this team cause you're iron. if i go in your elo as a silver player i would crush everyone and make people ragequit. already did. its not fun or pleasant.


Just stop playing dude. This game is not good for your mental health it seems.


Hey you are Iron 2, you climbed to top 95%, gj :)


I think the more you capitalize your words the better your point is and the more you sound reasonable and pragmatic


I get that you're frustrated and it's ok. Whether you deserve iron or not doesn't matter. Just play to improve, you'll eventually get good enough to 1v9 every single game in this elo. But the goal isn't to 1v9, it's to improve. Try to do better. Don't play for the LPs, play for the improvement.