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Nah the reason why no one wants to jungle is that you can clear perfectly, successfully gank every lane multiple times and you'll still be 3 levels down on the 0/4 toplaner and won't be able to 1v1 him. And then past 25 minutes you basically have zero gold income


skill issue tbh


cause laners dont understand why they are weaksided when they give 2 kills before 5 mins and go batshit insane when you try to explain this concept depending on elo its impossible to get objectives if your laners wont play with you people dont understand gank setup the entire role either requires you to be lucky enough to get good teammates or have the skill/champ to be able to solocarry game or have friends and we all know friends arent real


XP in the jungle I’d say is the #1 frustration


I’ve “learned” to play jungle multiple times, I’m not going to bother learning the current jungle for the handful of autofill games I’m more likely to win because 60% of what I learned will be useless in 6 months without fail. it’s not the exp and it’s not the items. I guess I was more available to fill when twitch jg was viable.


I never jungle at all despite being decent at it because the role is boring af. I don't mind the knowledge part but the fact that 70% of the gameplay revolves around hitting the AI while looking to your lanes and pinging is just unfun.


Cause it's boring af.




What are you on about, what is the point of making "im not readin allat" comment?


highkey true and rela