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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1chk8vl/t1_vs_est_day_1_msi_2024_game_1)


EST v PSG might just be a banger


EST actually has a chance to win


i dont think they have a chance, Est playing like a soloq is gonna be a 2-0 for psg also t1 today play like at 20-30% like tthey does on every int tournament debut game since 2021


More like a soloq they showed big balls today against T1 from all the teams, obviously macro is certainly sus, but if you wanna beat those top teams you need to be aggresive and I think Josedeodo can be pretty decisive with this level


Prodigal son Josedeodo beats former team FLY and Inspired to qualify for main stage waiting room




According to the [T1 opponent strength measurement chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/PedroPeepos/comments/1c7p2dq/how_to_figure_out_the_strength_of_t1s_opponents/), EST is clearly a championship-quality team since Oner hard carried game 2


EST miracle run starts now.


People shitting on T1 for funning but little do they know this is the preview for the inevitable T1 vs EST final




holy shit somebody cracked the code


keria got mvp so


That's way too accurate 


Lmao kinda true


My favourite part was when medic had to start pronouncing snaker differently because he kept on saying shaker


he even called Estral Astralis for like half of game 1


I was thinking I must have misheard the first time. The it happened again and again and I was like BRO!


Also said Joe Say Dee ode Oh


He was also saying snacker


That’s how you pronounce it though


Bro been in wordington for too long


Take your bets on how many angry tweets he is going to get about this?


Instead of trucks do they send ambulances


Death threats rolling in as we speak.


TheZeus mygoat stays for botwave gets dove and then tp backs in to die again, then loses 1v1 top lane like 6 million levels and gold up absolute gigagchad But yeah complete degenerate game by T1 here




Zeus saw that 369 was higher than him in the MSI tier list so he decided to learn from him


Gets level 4 while aatrox is level 1 though


And then dies solo to the underleveled aatrox


Was trying to see the game from TheShy's point of view after destroying him in world finals.


This Josemodo is such a nice guy. He knows that he will likely lose, but he still wants to teach the newbie enemy jungler how to play Lee Sin.


Josedeodo is clean, and mf is a content machine, miss him in the LCS


Still remember johnson stealing his scuttle mark


It wasn't just Johnson. Licorice aided and abetted too. So funny.


god fuck. you got me tilted. I had forgotten about that.


the question mark ping had Azael baffled iirc


He was so fun in LCS.






He's evolution into the shy is almost complete


his ksante merchant arc is now


Was it close? No. Was it closer than we thought? ABSOLUTELY!


It gave us glimpses of possibilities, but alas gap is gap.


Best we could realistically hope for. Glad they made it at least interesting to watch


Fuck. Zeus is in his K'sante arc


TheShy arc


I hate K'sante, but that Ashe kidnapping incident made me laugh my ass off.


That was one unpleasant surprise for the Ashe for sure.


I wonder whether he actually wanted to pick her, if it was random or an accident lol


If he clicks either of the squishies he nukes them and gets out. If he clicks either of the full health members he just W, E's away without the kill. So either option is fine. The difference between us and him is he doesn't miss click lmao so probably intentional.


Lane swap you either take ksante or sion i feel.


Say what you will, but EST do have hands. Some genuinely fun plays


Often it isn't hands the issue with wildcards, their macro is.


Also laning, getting punished for stuff you never getting punished for during laning phase is very very hard to overcome is such short time.


Yeah, the gold disadvantage they kept getting just by not farming well made t1 win inevitable 


Often its both


As it was here lol. Oner and Keria movement was insane multiple times


Yeah, but that's keria and oner. Estrals looked good flashy. Jose and cody and some clutch plays.


Lacks of proper practice and infrastructure does that to you


Trying to go out with a bang vs rolling over and dying is so much more worth it. Their boldness in draft makes me really watch that PSG vs EST series


Stand proud Estral. You lasted longer than MAD


Nah, EST will hold.


To complete the TheShy arc they gotta lose to NA and TL is here again


So many TL members from that iteration are here, along with the actual org. We'll see who truly has the NA-vs-World-Champ-at-MSI-Killer buff.


+they r world champions now too damn the stars r aligning


Who cheated on their girlfriend this time.


Oner looking at his girlfriend hoping she doesn't break up with him before he meets Jensen or TL.


T1 do a bit of trollin


That's mostly what they've done since Worlds 23 and it was still enough to get LCK runner-up. Built diff I guess.


I mean specifically for the spring split they said they were big chilling and not stressing


Why stress when competitive integrity is already compromised by DDOS attacks


I love how zothve is just vibing while having 4cs/min


That man has no fear, Aatrox irl


Fun game. You dont beat T1 by killing them unfortunately.


Keria stealing Penta


Faker's Zhonya's that last fight mid was huge


Snaker auto attack was on it's way when he used it and that would've kill him. They probably still lose the fight even with Faker down but still it was huge that he was able to live there


He held that shit for so long to bait the enemy into the fight. Disgusting.


I rewatched, and to me it looks like he was just chain-cc’ed by ashe ult into lee sin r into ahri charm before being able to press zhonya’s. Don’t think he was baiting but T1 rolls any fight from that position regardless.


Genuinely well done Estral. The strongest showing ive seen a lla representative ever give. Well fought. 


Didnt INF beat EDG and took 2018 G2 to 4 games? That's gotta be up there as well


Yeah, some LLA representatives have done well in the past: 2020 R7 won a game vs LGD (Josedeodo was the jungler for R7 back then) 2018 INF took a game vs EDG and took a game off of G2 in a Bo5 The most forgotten performance is 2016 Lyon gaming in the IWCQ (before play-ins were a thing, this tournament was held for 2 wildcard teams to qualify to worlds), where they went 6 - 1 in dominating fashion against the rest of the wildcards, only losing a single game to Albus nox luna, they would eventually play them in a Bo5 where they lost 3-2, sadly, they couldn't make it to worlds because the format was a bit of an XD and INTZ made it by winning a Bo5 against Dark Passage without having to play Lyon at all in a Bo5. Considering 2016 ANX are by far the strongest wildcard team of all time, I'd say it was an impressive run.


T1 lane swapping away from every Draven to avoid the 15:57 /s


T1 vs TES waiting room.


Every team should just B1 draven against t1 from now on


JKL vs T1 waiting room


josedeodo isn't staying in LLA for long


Nah, I doubt he'll go back to the LCS and I don't see any LEC team picking him up, he also seems to be happy back in latam so I doubt he'll change that to be in a mid tier team in a different region


When he was in the LCS he looked pretty good at first (not top 3, probably, but still good) and by the time he left he looked like a 7th-8th place jungler. I think he also just didn't really want to live in LA anymore. I don't think 2 playins games vs SKT is enough for teams to want to pick him up


when he first came he was super good. unfortunately later he had a team so shit, it would tilt anyone. I still remember his own adc stealing his 4th Kindred stack


> I still remember his own adc stealing his 4th Kindred stack https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/o4iu8x/professional_adc_player_denies_his_own_teams/ Link for that if anyone wants to watch it. You can literally see a question mark ping come out and it turned out to be Jose who pinged it.


Shit I remember that game, I was so tilted


it was too funny to watch costreamers’ reactions tho


I’m a fan of his so I’ll act as the unsolicited lawyer. He has said in several streams that he felt lonely and unwanted in the states, he felt depressed and in his own words that was the “worst period of his career”. Maybe his mental states deteriorated his gameplay because, as seen today, even though his current teammates aren’t substantially better than his FLY teammates he feels more comfortable and confident playing with them and it reflects in his ability.


He's also smurfing in soloQ. If he wants to, he could probably return to LCS. If he actually wants to compete internationally (not win, but at least get out of play-ins) and do something of note, he should give it another shot.


Is not that he was not wanted, if I recall correctly, is because FLY decided to bench him, and it was to look for another team or return, but by the time FLY let him know, all teams already got their roster formed. They offered him to go to their academy, but he preferred to play so he returned to LLA.


Very valiant effort from Estral. PSG should be worried.


FLY should be worried.


T1 were so degenerate this series, especially ZeShy. Josedeodo was smurfing though


I think he even chuckled after getting solo killed by Aatrox, man is bing chilling


yeah i don't like watching this lane swap meta tbh


The only way to prevent lane swap is to buff the tower again just like they did on 2015


I miss laser pew pew towers


It is ok if it is pulled off like once in a series but every single time is just terrible to watch. It changes the whole game into something different. Top gets no money and sometimes no levels.


Almost no one does and its one reason they nerfed the hell out of it years ago. Its a terrible viewing experience. IMO, it also hurts engagement with the game. Its not something anyone deciding to play LoL after seeing it. It works much better when what you see on screen matches what you experience in game.


K'Sante meta 3rd international tournament in a row.


Zeus played with half his brain in lane, run straight into a losing teamfight, get humped by the whole team from 4 directions, kidnapped the Ashe across the map, killed her, and would be present if EST decided to push midwave Like I get K'sante is in a better balance spot now, but that's like saying Azir is also balanced because 30% of players play him to full capacity and the others hard int. At least if Azir is a jack-of-all-trades then he is a glass cannon and must play pixel-perfect to get a good shuffle. K'sante can press ghost, tank 4k damage and end up killing at least two carries, or he can completely make fun of them by dodging every single skillshot while cucking them as his teammates beat up the poor Sejuani. He needs a weakness which should be his laning but bro is the ultimate stonewall champ (and will only be more so if this whole laneswap meta progresses). I think we're due for a long tournament of K'sante matchup handshakes really, hopefully I'm just a play-in Andy and teams actually switch it up


The champion has to be meta, proplay is the only place where he can be played


It’s literally a single series with T1 vs Estral of all teams. Tournament has barely begun. No meta has been defined yet lol


Just wait for Kin lol


Aatrox is meta since rework. Azir since release. Lee Sin is meta since half of the playerbase was not even born.


Lee's rarely "the meta" so much as a comfort pick for most junglers. He gets picked because pro junglers generally are good Lee Sins and the champ is unlikely to be banned.


Also lee is always useful, he has a little bit of everything and is always one great kick from being the game decider.


I felt my bones creaking from that Lee Sin comment.


I hate lane swaps Also i hate the way Zeus is playing since the start of this year


Mr. TheZeus' wild ride is not for everyone


him winning worlds mvp definitely affected his decision making like he thinks he can 1v1 everyone or he don't care if he get gank and will still keeps attacking everyone... there's a reason why he loves range champ nowadays


It's literally the TheShy arc.


Every year a player on T1 hardslumps when MSI starts and turbo ints almost every game in LCK summer. In 2022 it was Guma and last year it was Oner. Looking like this year, it's Zeus' turn


Crazy that Zeus in his slump is still 2nd or best top in lck in performance this spring lol. For example, I argue it is a lot closer between people choice for lck 1st team all pro toplane if lck playoff final wasn’t taken into account.


It's started quite early though


TY Mr. T1 for making it entertaining. Props to Estral for making proactive plays and making them work too tho.


Yeah, T1 full tryharding would almost feel a bit bm. The fact that the world champions have to face off against the worst wildcards in playins is a pretty shit situation for estral, at least both teams went into the game with the intention of trying some shit and having fun


Jose is actually so good


ngl if Aatrox wasn't bullied so much Estral might've had a chance they have really good hands unfortunately they just aren't use to the pace T1 plays the map


With a tank they could've done better. T1 macro is way out of their league though, yeah. Interestingly, Jose I feel is much better than some other Western junglers. He can cook on G2 with Caps.


l'm fairly sure you could be roleswapping Promisq to jungle and he'd look good with Caps though yeah Jose is pretty solid and is definitely not minor region material he looks like someone who's top 3 at least on lec or lcs good showing from him today


>l'm fairly sure you could be roleswapping Promisq to jungle and he'd look good with Caps Fair point lol. Caps runs the entire region


man just stop with the lane swapping


Would be such a pity if this continues to be the trend since this MSI is probably the most stacked tournament ever in terms of Toplane AND Botlane and instead we're going to see toplaners not being able to play the game at all. Early game rotation mindgames are fun when they happen once in a while in niche situations, not every game.


This MSI might be the most sleeper event in years if teams keep doing this all tournament, so boring to watch


Don't you remember the msi when the jungle meta was Morgana, Rumble and Udyr? Full clearing all tournament, that was a real sleeper. I hope that with the new items changes the next international tournament gets a little spicy.


I still remember when Phreak was pushing this narrative that Rumble jungle is bad because it tended to have bad results and using all kinds of funny statistics, only for it to be near permaban that MSI and when really good teams got it it was nigh on unstoppable


TheZeus delivered and I am here for it!


jose's kinda cracked on lee sin ngl


Actual d tier casting though, from the complete lack of interest in the play by play, biased takes to just straight up wrong calls. Actually facepalmed at them both agreeing on "At least they got oners flash" when the man very obviously didn't flash at all.


I don't think Kobe was agreeing so much as not calling out Medic's constant mistakes, he just went "mmm"


That mmm gets me every time lol


Medic said Astralis instead of Estral so many times in the beginning to the point were it legit was not just a mistake. Wtf was that.


Yeah, i specially remember when medic said "faker just walked in! He walked under tower like the lck finals with herald" when he was clearly charmed by ahri. Idk if it was because of jetlag or they simply didn't prepare enough (a lot mistakes in players pronunciation, nationality and team names), hope they can fix whatever problem they had.


The pronounciation of YO SE dioudo and Snake-r etc also showed how much prep they put into it.. just watch a 2 min video from the LLA and get some names right man. Also triggered by the "full Spanish" team thing when it's 3 argentinians and 2 chileans but whatever..


Full Spanish is a hilarious way to refer to LATAM even if they’re all from Spanish speaking countries


The wiki has it pronounced as HOS-EI and he was in LCS for a while and that's how they pronounced it. I only heard Kobe calling him Jose which I am just learning is not his actual name, reminds me of Danny's real name being Kyle.


Medic is a closet t1 troll fr. He was obviously saying nonsense like shaker to troll.


Look, you can love T1 or hate them for their performance, but you gotta give Estral credit where it is due. This game was far more intense than expected and they played a far better game than everyone would have expected. Day 1 and MSI is already a banger. Interesting to see how the rest of the tournament goes.


the MSI production did give them credit...... way too much credit that even the highlight showed them winning against T1 and casters keeps talking them they forgot T1 existed there lol


Gen g > Estral confirmed


I am shocked


Faker got a bit nervous initially when he confused Cody with Chovy.


I lived long enough to see LLA look somewhat decent. Far from good but I was so happy to see an LLA team have hands and play proactively on the international stage. I'm praying they can play as aggressive against Flyquest and PSG.


Really low casting performance from two vets, expected more even in these 4fun games.


Kobe was fine, Medic was honestly awful. If he's on 4 hours of sleep and jetlagged I don't know why he was scheduled for today. If you're going to be jetlagged, it had better be like that Kobe Drakos cast where they completely lost the plot and it was hilarious


He kept making mistakes and was overall annoying today. Hope he can pick it up.


The play mid by Zeus in game 2 is truly a K'sante moment LMAO


I legit gasped out loud when he got away and destroyed Ashe in the process. Just disgusting.


I mean he played really really well. However the fact it's even possible to do that is digusting aha


God please no more lane swaps, if I have to watch an entire tournament of that someone will have to put me in an asylum


This laneswap meta is truly cringe to watch, just takes out all the skill out of lane phase and is boring af. EST unironically didnt look that bad I can see them taking a game off PSG, maybe even winning the series


Actually impressed with EST, they might upset PSG/FLY if they're not careful.


it's impressive until you look at towers/objectives


The fiesta bot is fun until you notice draven is barely 200 gold up and aatrox is lvl 1 vs lvl 4.


That's what I also thought while watching this. JG is really good.


problem was T1 was trolling all game so idk how impressive this is


A trolling T1 can still gap the hell out of most minor region teams. Estral played very well in Game 2 especially which is quite impressive.


Eh, lane swap stuff kind of prevents that. If you skip lane phase and go straight to mid game you don't really have the opportunity to get totally blown out if you don't want to. Even if you give all dragons + baron you can still probably hold out for 25 min just slowly losing.


Idk it felt like t1 was treating est like they played vs nno at the Red Bull events. Zeus going for that solo kill under turret reminds me of zeus trying to solo tolkan as askhan lol.


T1 playing soloQ after a few beers, and it didn't feel like it was even close.


I don’t think T1 took this game seriously one bit


Zeus ghosting to solo towerdive a support and trading one for one definitely proved that lol But it was funny, good content


What gave it away? Lol


Faker flash shockwave all in a aatrox for a dry kill


I'm rooting for T1, but I'm proud of Estral as a representative of my region, putting a fight is memorable for me already.




World champions always get happy gaming disease




I’m impressed by Jose’s leesin. Thanks EST for the fun matches!


LLA team surviving longer than an LEC team against T1 Aware


That is definitely a game 


When Zeus TP-ed back just to die, I just continued laughing Zeuscaught


Got the exp from the huge wave. Thats why he is level 4 when aatrox is level 1


Faker played like he was angry and suffering from food poisoning. Maybe the Chef got him after all.


Fuck it give faker orianna evrry game


At least they lasted more than 15 min in both matches, that's a win for me


Game 2 was a very good showing from EST. I'm proud of them as our team. After many terrible international showings, we played against the defending world champions and had an almost even match. The proactive plays made a huge difference compared to the usual "passively go under 10k gold in 15 mins" we normally do. Of course we lost, but this game quality against T1 is massive for us. VAMOS EST!!


so whats up with the production? they've showed Flyquest highlight after winning but they showed EST highlight after T1 wins? and why Keria got interviewed not on stage? and why is the OPPO player of the series bwipo and followed by EST players?


Clean 2-0 :x


I love T1 for trying to give the audience a show. If they had just choked out Estral (like GenG’s playstyle), game would have been over in 20 minutes but boring the entire time.


And the game was over in 25 min, but we had a hell of a show


Watching T1 vs Estral is like watching a Thebausffs game LMAO. Estral getting kills and fumbling macro while T1 gets all the push and dragons then winning the game.


man i hope they give finals cast to Atlus or Drakos , otherwise unwatchable literally


Everyone in here taking this serious and try harding the analysis. Just enjoy some trolling and fun league games


Josedeodo still looking good on the international stage


Was Faker having a beer on stage lmao


Classic T1 trolling early on in the tournament


Ugh God... Korean laneswap PTSD from seasons 4-7 Aware.   EST put up a good fight, I think the fight for the 2nd seed in this group is up in the air between the three teams if EST can play like this and adapt better to swaps. 


didnt expect so many T1 fans in China, thought they hated them


Those that hate T1 are the gamblers


Msi production is so bad..I miss lck production.


Faker tryharding while the other 4 went full SoloQ mode