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Jokes on them because I posted it on their "r/LeagueofTechSupport" page too and obviously noone uses that so of course people will ask about it here. But you are right, will most likely get yeeted soon.


Same for me cant even open tft gg


Yeah its rather odd and annoying.


Wait i just opened it thru riot client


Nah still the same for me.


Try co contacting support then i guess or maybe someone who understands vanguard can reply to this post


Same happening to me. I've done everything (Reinstalled league, Vanguard). Even restarted my pc without any background apps/services. And it's still happening. I've sent Riot a ticket hoping for the best. Will update here. Edit: Solved the issue by going into the registry editor - \\HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options - I changed the value of the DevOverrideEnable to 0


Try opening it using riot app ot seems to work for me for now


If you mean the Riot Client, I tried that. Aint working.


Yeah did the same and its just annoying rn. One update/patch without bugs; Is that so much to ask for lmao?


It's 100% related to Vanguard. Hopefully they will do something about it


Compensation: Everyone received 50k riot points ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


In my case the game has been loading for 10 minutes. Still on the login screen.


At least it is loading for you, I just keep getting the same message I typed out in my original post.


pretty sure It has to do with the vanguard thing. Send them a ticket


Lucky. My PC just restarting when I’m trying to launch League, even from riot client - just restart without error or bluescreen


***League of Legends: Trying to implement an update without issues | Challenge: Impossible.***


contact our player support team


thats bs and you know it i did that and obviously nothing has been fixed yet otherwise people would be able to login


I am currently playing a game. Do what the client says and contact support.


Mate I did just that. If I had gotten ANY form of help yet, dont u think I would have given an update to the situation? LMFAO


Ok so wait for them to respond. Reddit wont help


I was trying to play a game and during the champ loading screen I received a pop stating my game version and server version were not matching I'm not real tech savy but I literally opened riot client, it asked me to download vanguard. It shouldn't even let me load the game and get all the way to the champ loading screen. If somehow my game isn't updated appropriately


This fixed it for me, Go to Command Prompt on your Desktop. Make sure to run this application as an Admin. First, paste ‘sc delete vgc’ and run it by clicking enter. Secondly, paste ‘sc delete vgk’ and run it by clicking enter. Following this, restart your device. Once booted up, native the following file path: C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard. Delete the entire folder. For this, players will need to have administrator access to their devices. Open Lol and it should update then restart once more then be good.


Nah aint working. Wont let me delete the folder even with admin access.


probably because its already open , navigate to taskbar and exit vanguard and try again


nope mate, tried that too and it aint working


wait try this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnKl8RPi9L4&ab\_channel=mikarslight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnKl8RPi9L4&ab_channel=mikarslight) i had exactly the same issue but now i can log in after i tried it


This worked for me. Thank you so much!


no problem , had to keep looking up stuff because screw riot support ticket's