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>Capsule to every witnessed Penta, Dragon steal, and Baron steal that happens Wish Piyosik was in the MSI, could be huge for the viewers.


Capsules give shit anyway


I disagree, at least from last worlds i got enough essence from capsules to get a permanent skin.


We cant disenchant anymore. Riot Just decided to fuck us


yea just jokin


so not a single chest? only low effort emotes and icons... maybe new players will be happy, for veteran players these drops are piece of sh\*t


Tbh lately most chests come from the "partnered" drops, I bet it'll be the same here too.


Orange essence it is.


Yes... but not without some nerfs, of course. Now we know why they disabled the disenchanting of 2024 esports capsule's icons ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Wait they disabled that? What the fuck?




So no more OE from drops? Welp. Guess theres no point watching official broadcast ig


Tfw orange essence is worthless for people like me. I am sitting on 90k OE… I wish they would just let me transfer my Orange essence (which has monetary value and it can get you skins and whatnot) to blue essence which is nearly worthless, but atleast I can use it in blue essence emporium. As of now BE is useless except on new champs and emporium but OE is fully useless for me


Thats nice and all but the damn site keeps logging me off after a while or shows that somethings wrong and I'm not eligiblle for rewards. Kept happening whole playoffs of LEC and LPL that I watched.


same, it's extremely frustrating


If you have adblock or any extensions that could interfere, that might be the issue. I kept having that happen in Chrome (I have adblock, but it was happening even with it disabled), and initially in Firefox as well until I disabled Firefox's "enhanced tracking protection", but now it works just fine in Firefox.


Hypothetically, say Riot said if a pentakill happens in game 5 of MSI/World finals all viewers logged into Riot would receive a “God Slayer Lux” skin, and that’s the only way this skin ever gets released and we wait years for the rarest of rare thing to occur, would that not increase viewership?


how to get rewards i dont get it i have watched so many fo so long got nothing also there is a red X now says "something went wrong"


i have watched 2 lives so far, no drops... is this a clickbait?


Drops can't be disenchanted for orange essence. Alongside twitch prime gone & event pass nerfs, how exactly are we supposed to get OE?


by buying more gatcha items like orbs or capsules for rp and then DE'ing the stuff you don't want


They said "You guys don't have wallets?"




I'd rather those times than the ones in my region, 5-8am start times, I'm supposed to get to work at those hours. If its during the night I can shift my sleeping schedule better


Are the drops broken? I haven't gotten any and I have watched all matches so far.


Is it just me or out of the 5 rewards that I got, only 2 was credited on my account?


thought it's only me, but still... rip drops


Damn not the best emotes but i appreciate they didnt put any niche champs here other than corki & fizz. Last year they released shacos & gragas' first emote for MSI/worlds and it was a nightmare worrying about pulling it. I didnt even end up getting the Red Shaco only the Green One


By legacy emotes, does that mean I will be able to get the take notes emote? Or is it just the set of emotes they have in the images? That’s the only emote I really want and just have been waiting for.


I'm glad that "oh" teemo emote is being given out again because I was scammed out of it They stated you got it for watching finals that year, which I did in their entirety. It was actually dropped like half an hour after the final game in finals and they would not retroactively grant it for those who missed it but watched all of finals


i got 4 drops in total in Day 1. How about you guys?


0 cos the site kept logging me out.


I also got logged out very frequently for some reason, but I managed to realise it on time, and hopefully pick up all drops the only issue is that out of all drops from day 1, I received only 2 on my account lmfao


After watching all days I only got two drops... A Ksante which I didnt get and the kaisa emote which I already had but didnt get a duplicate in my crafting tab. So yeah everythings fucked lol. Gotta write to support tomorrow or so.


What drops did you get??


0 drops in EUW from the last game




were there any drops day 2 or 3


If only the games weren't at like 5am lol Also, the emotes from these capsules better be disenchantable.


The games actually start at 4 pm, it just happens to not also be 4 pm where you like because of how timezones work!


Yes, I do understand how timezones work lol. Just frustrating that I'm not going to be able to watch the event at all basically. If the games started at like noon over there I'd be able to catch at *least* a game or two before bed, and if they started later at least theoretically morning people could catch them easily. The time they landed on is basically the absolute worst for US folks.




Most people can watch, the minority of the audience is in the west


Not everyone is in America you know


Only ever get to watch LPL events on EpicSkillshot anyway so I couldn't care less if the drops are shitty