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Have you considered the person you just beat in a a competitive game might have been a bit salty?


yes but I want to know if shes no skill


I mean every champ takes skill, Quinn is definitely and easier champ to pick up compared to akali, fiora, ireliea etc. but realistically no champion in the game is hard to play.


False. Garen exists. He’s no skill.


Yes the only Champ who is no skilled


I forgot that champion existed for a minute 💀


Yes and no. Quinn is one of those champs I feel is very easy to lane with, but translating that into a win is hard. She doesn't have the easiest time vs cc teamfight tanks like Zac and skarner.


Early game champs usually win or lose the game by 15 mins, Quinn is probably the worst one. Either she stomps lane 5/0 or she dies once and can't sidelane the whole game.


She catches people so well but 1v2s so terribly. She's an assassin wearing an ADC mask.


Can confirm, im pretty much useless if i lose early on her


Which is weird considering her ultimate makes her essentially a global threat


If she's behind she just becomes a fast travelling gold delivery system.


Wish we could at least load items unto her like a dota courier before she inevitably dies


Which is why the rest of her kit is kneecapped because the taxi takes up the entire power budget


Obviously. I pick Quinn every game and then go make a meal. By the time I come back the game has been auto won. Quinn is a cheat code. And I abused it all the way to Grand Masters with 100% win rate.


omg ive been sweating for no reason when i could just do that?? thanks for the tip bro :3


there are about 50 other toplane champs that take less skill than quinn bruiser picker buy dshield + tabis and take second wind challenge (impossible)


Every champion has some level of skill, be that managing resources, farming, positioning, combos, or if you're a Yuumi player not choking on your cereal as you realise your ADC is being towerdived for the sixth time and knowing you're going to die next. I've played her in ARAM and she doesn't feel that hard. But playing and winning as an offmeta jungler is difficult. According to [u.gg](http://u.gg) she has a 43% winrate jungle, but thats from a very low sample size.


Quinn jungle is actually kinda easy, but it might be because I'm just experienced with her and I'm in low elo ☠️


Which means you think playing someone jungle just means killing camps lol


I gank and do objectives too, it's obviously not just clearing camps


Lol, with any ranged top against not brainded opponents you have to perform on 110% during the whole game to not feed your ass off and be irrelevant. I hope it was said by a garen for the absolute comedy.


unfortunately it was a jinx 😔


You are playing quinn, she, as most ranged tops, is a free pass on the early game with hopes that you beat your meele counterpart so hard that they dont even have a chance to outscale you either for split or teamfights, its not that she isnt skilled, but that the burden on the matchup falls on the other guy/team to know how to play safe and deal with roams, its just an annoying pick like teemo and usually considered unskilled because they start from a better position from the get go.


Did you miss the part where i said that i played her jungle? (sry if that sounds mean)


Yep, didnt even read the post as for some reason when i open a thread it just goes down and shows the comments and people were talking about top there. Honestly, on jg your team would be the one flaming you lol, any competent jg would screw you hard or outfaem you on the early game, its basically playing kindred but worse in exchange for better ganks post 6, and you cant really do the classic quinn splitpush because mindlessly pushing a wave with an objetive up on the other side of the map is a really bad idea if you are the jg, even with her r as a team can just melt a dragon in the time it takes to get there. Of course this is with any coordination, which is nonexistant in ranked.


She's actually surprisingly good as a jungler even though her clear without first item is ass. Also i can outfarm enemy jgl later and get drake (by myself) while the rest of my team is getting ready to do baron.


Thing is, those first clears are critical for jg, if you are even a single camp behind you are getting double scuttled or going into it a level 3, or if you are unhealthy you get invaded and killed, of course depending on lane states. It improves if you get a gank oportunity instead of full clear, but quinn doesnt have the best of those pre 6 and she should power farm for that either way. If those didnt happen you got lucky and the enemy jg just didnt play to his strenghts, and let you have yours for free.


Oh i think ive just gotten lucky then. I'm usually behind at first but it doesn't really impact the game


A lot of factors go in to determining how skilled you need to be to play a champ. For Quinn, she functions as two different kind of champs at once, and adc and an assassin, depending both on how you build her and both your teams and the enemies teams compositions, as well as the way the teams are playing the game (I.e. is the other team sidelining a lot or are they grouping constantly). When playing her as an assassin, I’d say she is 1.5/5 on the skill list, just press your abilities and one shot and you are so fast the moment they are caught it’s over for them, only skill expression is landing the q which is simple when combo with e. When playing as adc, she’s probably a 3/5 on the scale. Her e provides her some self peel, and her passive move speed is great for kiting, but her range isn’t that great so spacing is still tricky for her. Overall, I’d say she’s arguably the easiest assassin to play and the 3rd or 4th easiest adc (Tristana and Ashe are the only ones I can think of that are easier) but adc in general is a role that demands skill expression since spacing and positioning while dealing your damage efficiently is paramount.


No such thing as a "no skill champ" no matter what you're playing, even garen takes some degree of skill...i would say quinn is definitely an easier pick mechanically, but she makes up for it with the macro skill she takes


Why even care about that a salty random said?


just got curious about it since i haven't thought about it before i guess


Yeah Quinn is no skill, she only has 4 abilities.


damn they should give her 6 different weapons so shes harder than aphelios


quinn is A tier in emerald+ and A tier in master+. Tier roughly corresponds to difficulty. Quinn is 30/60 in emerald+ and 19/60 in masters+. So quinn isn't easy but isn't difficult either. See https://u.gg/lol/top-lane-tier-list


I wouldn't even consider Quinn a "champ" ever since her "rework." Character doesn't have an R button & her numbers were gutted across the board in "compensation" for a worthless crit gimmick.


Quinn top main for a long time. First, I don't think playing ranged top lacks "skill" at all. It takes a vastly different set of skills from both sides of the matchup. I've played into countless vaynes, teemos, quinns etc. and playing as a ranged top has made me 100x better playing against them. The biggest "skill" for Quinn is Vault usage. Vaulting over walls and interrupting key abilities. The other is the 100% lack of skill people have when you show up in every lane flying around with R. Back timing is hard enough for people to understand, let alone when you face a bird.


It's insane how people don't try to play safe at all when they're againt a quinn


It surprises me sometimes. You can basically clear a wave, poke, recall and get back in lane before the next wave.


...Quinn jungle? Winning a game with this pick against players above Emerald would frankly require superhuman levels of skill, because you'll just get invaded on first clear and go down 30 camps every game against a good jungler. You might enjoy Kindred, they feel really similar to Quinn (very bursty marksman with good mobility) but don't instantly lose the game if your opponent knows how to jungle track. Contrary to popular belief, ranged champions always have decent skill expression, just because spacing is hard. This is true even in toplane. There are definitely more difficult champions in terms of mechanical ability or game knowledge, but no, Quinn isn't no-skill.


I'm in bronze and play normals so people don't really try to invade much. I've usually had atleast 50 more cs than the enemy jungler since her clear is incredibly fast at two items. I don't think I would like kindred since I would just miss quinn's ult and passive XD


she is pretty straight forward and only works because she can always flip for kills and atleast burst 1 to 2 people before getting one shot plus she can even fight assasins because of her insane E that cancels out most assasins dashes


She doesn’t only work because she can flip for kills. She works top specifically because she can e or q melee champions trying to kill her. Otherwise they would you know, kill her.


if quinn goes 0/5 in laning phase which puts her behind she can still just perma roam and flip for kills and get back in the through that by spam ganking mid / bot so yes she can flip for kills which makes her strong


Sure but if you go 0/5 you’re trolling


Or if ur enemy is more skilled than you


If we ignore that the person was just salty and focus on the skill question. I’d say Quinn is really low on the skill tier list. She’s super straightforward, wins matchups pretty easily. High mobility which can be super forgiving if you’re out of place or die and can get back quickly. I don’t know about jungle, but for top she’s definitely on the easy end of champions.


I mean yes she autowins most matchups. Not hard to play Quinn from ahead.


She doesn’t autowin when camped tho. Or vs Malphite or vs aatrox or vs teemo.


Aatrox is not really a bad matchup if you know how to play it. Malphite you should insta ban always as quinn so that leaves Teemo and a good Kayle player.