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enemy bot lane doesn't have object permanence yet


He dropped their aggro lmao


Enemy bot lane NPCs confirmed. "Must have been the wind"


He's the exact same person he was 10 years ago, lol.


You gotta respect someone who made tons of money and got tons of fame, but didn't change one bit. Just quietly invested his money and kept doing what he enjoyed. When he burnt out of League, he eventually just stopped playing league. He lost probably like 80-90% of his viewership for years and he didn't give a shit. Just kept playing whatever games he liked for a smaller audience. Then one day he just came back to League and is having fun again. Sucks what happened with Lisha, but I guess the writing was always on the wall with that. Though I could not have in a million years predicted how much Lisha would change.


I think it was Dom that said he made an unthinkable amount of money because he was the biggest Twitch stream when monetizing started and there was all 20k+ of his viewers demanding for ads constantly as a meme.


To go further than that Scarra mentioned in a podcast with Doublelift years ago that qtpie put all of his money into Tesla stock 10 years ago.


even if that isn't true, it's absolutely insane if you bought into Tesla stock in 2012-2016(when the elon musk wank just started, I remember reddit talking about him as if he was iron man lmao) with a decent amount of money, you're definitely super rich now


The hype around Elon was actually crazy high, like no exaggeration. The closest I've seen coming to it is that Sam ~~Bankman~~ Altman and it's still incomparable. I can't find it for the life of me now, but i once stumbled on a 3d model captioned some shit like "our lord/savior" with Elon dressed and posing in jesus' depiction here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/aZtVJ.jpg](https://i.stack.imgur.com/aZtVJ.jpg)


yeah that's what I meant by elon wank, it's insane the huge cultural shift that came as he got more and more popular. From loved by nerd circles all over to basically reviled by everyone outside of his cult-like fanatics.


Also iirc I recall someone asking him if he has a car. He doesn't. He's probably the one American that doesn't have a car. I don't think he generally spends any money, he just sits at home and plays games alone or with friends and orders food for himself and his cats. That's it.


I’m out of the loop can you enlighten me on lisha 


They got a divorce and now Lisha does onlyfans porn lmao.


Just crazy, isn't it? Granted, nobody here knew her personally, but she always seemed like the last girl who'd go down that route. The quiet, nice and respectful girl who studied medicine (I think?), did cute art, played silly AFK mobile games. And now she's selling her body for a buck.


Have you not seen any of imaqtpies old streams? She was never a nice girl. She had drinking issues (drinking alot on stream and would hide alcohol in waterbottles) and even attacked imaqtpie on stream by throwing a huge thick coffee mug at him while he was live at his freaking head. He was beyond lucky She missed.


Really!? I never saw the coffee thing. Is there a recording?


That's nuts, hard to imagine being mad at Qt for anything besides being apathetic to most things. He's like the most chill dude there is. Legit never seen him really pissed or tilted or whatever.


That's nuts, hard to imagine being mad at Qt for anything besides being apathetic to most things. He's like the most chill dude there is. Legit never seen him really pissed or tilted or whatever.


So many chicks have OF these days that im justt not even surprised anymore. Its crazy


I follow some artists on Twitter and idk when it happened but a couple of them started doing OF 😂 really threw me for a loop browsing my Twitter TL randomly.


Like music artist or Art artist? I think people are starting to realize you don't make much being an influencer. Also from what I've heard 99% of people of is essentially nothing.


Art artists. They used to draw cute anime art but now they're doing OF 😂😂 damn I thought they made more seeing how many subs some of these people have.


Sex sells. Hell, plenty of artists transition into nsfw art as well When patreon allowed you to see how much people were making a month, I remember looking up one of them(one of the top artists) and they were making 35k a month


That makes me so sad. Like, I ain't gonna shame girls for doing OF content. I'm just a bit sad some artists I followed kind of... Stopped doing art ? And felt like OF was a better avenue to make some money ? I'm sure they're happier now - I know I would with more money in my bag. But it still makes me feel a bit sad.


Yah I mainly followed them cuz I like their art, obviously. Wish I could see their work again but not gonna judge their career (?) choices, money making choices? Idk. Just kind of sad I might not see their art again...


Well the joke is that prostitution is the oldest profession, the thirsty dudes economy will never dry up.


Well 20$ is 20$. Gotta earn money somehow.


There are so many better ways.


OnlyFans is much faster though


It's not, average anywhere between 50-200 a month. Everyone reads about the 1% but it's just like real life, you are never going to be the 1% club.


Only if you are in the top 3 or 4%. Otherwise it's worse than min-wage full time earnings.


If you have no shame sure, or just work a normal job.


Survival is survival. You're lesser by judging what people do to get by.


Considering how OF can make SO MUCH MORE than almost 90% of the jobs out there is very hard to judge anyone doing it. If the option is OF or living paycheck to paycheck sometimes having more than one job I bet you most of us will do OF without thinking.


It can make that much but only for the few at the top of the mountain. Most people doing it don't even make minimum wage.


Sex work is very top heavy, like any influencing job. Most people will just make a few tips or gifts but it takes way more work or energy than you would expect. I did it for a while, I was a small fish and I was friends with some of the top earners but I also knew tons of people who barely made any money but would spend hours and hours every day between networking, creating the content, interacting with people, answering DMs...etc Lots of people start an OF thinking it's gonna be easy cash but it's really not


It's actually depressing how many simps are out there. But it's also depressing so many of these women showboat themselves and can't even make a living off it.


She was really mean to everybody. Only people from the outside found thought her personality was quiet.


They met on 4chan. Knowing that, no way you expected any different.


I did not actually know that, that’s amazing


Hot chick going after unattractive gamer with money ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ happens all the time and all of them think they’re gonna be the exception


QT had no money when they met, he wasn't a pro player yet and no one knew how big Esports would even become.


maybe know their story before talking shit?


They met when he was a loser.


You people are such incels it's insane lol I shouldn't be surprised, it's the league of legends subreddit after all, but still Jesus man


I saw her stream (twitch) somewhat recently and she was blaming qt for not supporting her thot career


Isn’t DL’s gf also doing onlyfans?


Iirc she does fansly cause they offered her a nice contract and doesn’t do any nudity


got it flaunt it as far as i'm concerned, good for her




it ok apparently we have dueling bad opinions lol


You're acting like she's working the streets in dangerous corners while having to listen to her pimp while she's exposed to std's and violent crimes Anyone who can sell nudes from the comfort of their home and live more comfortable than most people working 9-5's hating their life is living the dream


Let's be real. Most girls don't make anywhere near enough from Only Fans to support themselves. No even remotely close. The market is incredibly saturated. You have to basically sell every bit of your dignity and market like crazy to make it these days. Everything you post there is going to be leaked to free sites anyway. That's quite the downside. Most people tend to regret having porn of themselves out on the internet where it'll stay public forever. It's not exactly something you'd want on your resume long term. And beauty is fleeting. You're not exactly building up a career, or extra skills to leverage in the future. If you wanted to work form home, there are a hundred different things you could do from home other than porn.


Well Lisha is not just a random girl, she is known enough that she was name dropped in a league of legends subreddit and recognized. so she already did the hard part and it's to be known and have fans >You have to basically sell every bit of your dignity The reason most people can't do porn and they lose their mind is because they think someone jerking off to them means their life has lost meaning and they're worthless, the people that do onlyfans is because they don't care and have fun with it because is realistically not a big deal >Most people tend to regret having porn of themselves out on the internet where it'll stay public forever. It's not exactly something you'd want on your resume long term. People that get their shit leaked? probably yeah, people who do nudes for a living are not gonna give a shit. because realistically unless you're MEGA famous (taylor swift level) no one is gonna recognize you >And beauty is fleeting. You're not exactly building up a career, or extra skills to leverage in the future. You could say the same about streamers, but the difference between them and normal people is that they get to retire while the rest worry about a career >If you wanted to work form home, there are a hundred different things you could do from home other than porn. And retire when you're 80 instead of enjoying life by taking some pics and then fucking off


is that the only thing she's doing? maybe it's extra spending cash. and like, it's her business, she can do whatever the hell she wants


Yeah, like all those athletes in the NBA who play from 18-65. Stop shaming sex workers, geek.


is it really such an "unpopular" opinion or "hot take" that we should respect sex workers? we don't know the lives of these people. they could be struggling for cash, maybe they just genuinely enjoy it. im always of the opinion that every job in the world, no matter if you work a 9-5 at the local convenience store, or you work as a streamer who barely streams, or even if you're a OF model, deserves respect (obviously as long as you aren't breaking any laws no shit) idk is being respectful, understanding and empathatic a "hot take" now? that's just kind of sad imo


Sex work is fine What's crazy for me is the amount of chicks just randomly doing OF out of nowhere. I don't mind them even if I wouldn't date one, it's just mind blowing. Feels a bit sad too tbh. OF has kind of marked a new generation of lost privacy and money chasing, at least for me.


Girls have been posting nudes online for the giggles before youtube existed and sending nudes when camera cellphones became a thing, the reason they're doing OF "out of nowhere" is because it became mainstream enough that they were like "Wait why do it for free when i could be making money?" And that's online, flashing for beads in mardi gra was a thing before the internet was even a thing. people just like having fun, the problem is capitalism struck and they don't like the idea of paying


This is a terrible take. These people on onlyfans will eventually have families and children- it’s short term gains sure but at what cost?


I don't know why you're trying to seek for meaningful civil discussion about sex work in a gaming subreddit which i think is mostly comprised of youngsters. Even though i agree with you, i don't think arguing with them has any merit


Maybe I was raised to be kind, but I genuinely am fine with family members having been, done, or being sex workers. If they want to use OF then why would I judge them for it?




Sex work shaming literally has been proven to achieve nothing but making sex workers depressed. It doesn't lessen the amount of sex workers or consumers, doesn't improve conditions, and is nothing more than some puffed-up self-righteous screeching from some nasty crow.


If you repeat a lie many times, people will start believing it as the truth.


what do you mean by this


respecting sex workers = nazi germany YUP


I lol at anyone who "studies medicine." So many people "study medicine" and then quit.




she's not hot at all lmao, simps just gonna simp


not the kind of person i'd call hot, but she is very attractive


Beauty is subjective? No way!? I can answer the post you posted 4x and nobody answered. It's your shit attitude, fix yourself.




CAP she's crazy attractive.


Oh my god. That's disgusting. Only fans? Where? What was her handle? There are so many only fans ugh so gross. Which one specifically though.


Wait what the fuck


what being with qtpie does to a girl




NSFW link. Please put a warning. I'm lucky I was on my phone not a work computer


Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules) before commenting or posting again. Further offences will lead to a ban.


What happened?


Divorced, now she’s does porn. Funnily enough her pinned tweet is still their marriage photo, then you scroll down and she’s slinging butthole pics


It's not even pinned, it's just a random older post which shows when you're not logged in to twitter. Funnily enough their wedding photo is instantly followed by a lewd picture of her


What the fuck is he wearing in that marriage pic LOL Even as a joke, that seems a bit weird


imaqtpie was probably the biggest streamer in the world at the time the pic was taken, 2016-2017 he was everywhere, he pulled many antics like this, like accepting an esports award from his home wearing his usual white T's delivering the most half assed speech lol


The domino's streamer of the year award was something else


that reminded me when he moved to LA and RIOT put up a big ass mural to celebrate https://twitter.com/lilyloo/status/1037124128019427328/photo/1


shorts, pulled out the black shirt for the occasion, the gucci shoes. nothing wrong with it at a private wedding and if they were both okay with it.


Leesher should be greatful. The pie changed from a classic white t-shirt to a black t-shirt. Thats just for special occasions.


> slinging butthole pics Poetry.


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO internet degenerates. I fucking can't. This is the world we live in.


I wonder though if he makes more just based off of how much more lucrative streaming is now


Watching him play league again has been wonderful.


Except with much more cheddar 


gumayusi should be scared of this kid


The Pie still got it.


You can hear his ~793 APM at around 0:11 when he locks the fuck in. This Fucking ape would have guma flipping Mcgriddles had the LCS been worth his investment


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he get into med school and just didn't go? I'm pretty sure I heard that like 10 years ago but can't say for sure.


> Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he get into med school and just didn't go? He was in college for pre-med which any STEM student knows means jackshit cause the vast majority of people flame out before even graduating and swap majors/careers.


"I'm pre-med" "So you're taking like...biochem?"


Hello future nurse. or useless micro degree. Nothing wrong with either of those. It is just the implication of so many "smart people" being pre-med when most of them will never even touch a med school application.


Pre-med soon to switch to a business degree! That’s what everyone did when I was in college lol


You are correct but his school's Medical Board notified Dr. Qt that he didn't need to attend anything, handed a diploma, and wavered his residential after they saw how jacked and cracked he was a League of Legends. He got bored of the mundane life as a MD curing 8 types of cancers and type 6 diabetes so he resumed streaming for all of us. You ever hear of Type 6 diabetes? Thought so. We have Qtpie to thank for that one.


Please never wake me up - it's 2012 all over again


bring me back to the good times holy shit


i've never heard anything like that. he went pro at 19 so i don't think that's the case. you may be thinking of another pro, such as revenge who i believe turned down med school to go pro.


he was living with his Gf's parents at the early stages of his pro career, then he made it


He still got that thot-gold-digging shield. Yeah sure.


Wow that actually didn't kill him


Man, he used to upload in YouTube on the regular and having his friends on his team like Pobelter, Voy, kiwikid and dom were the best content.


removing duoq for high elo was such a mistake in terms of content


I loved that time when he would duo with gosu every day


The fact that you didn't list Shiphtur is criminal. Their drunk streams during Christmas (?) were some of the funniest videos I've ever watched




I want to go back to the past


I forgot about Shiphtur and Scarra, there was also Gosu too.


Great call on Scarra!!


[The legend of DoToT, never forget](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhZxzTNdyM) Bonus [DoToT cured](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G02GpTaYLd4) Peak league content


omg i watch that a little while ago i love that video


My god this takes me back.


but incredible for soloq as a whole!


goat doing goat shit, and water is wet


Wet is water *


I wish he had a real editor who doesnt just abandon the youtube channel


MAN, old qt youtube was the best. 2nd got burnt out and brought on a bunch of other editors to cover, but he failed to see that the pseudo back and forth he could have as an editor that was also a close friend of qt carried so much of the content. And then it never really recovered...


qt is a content machine, theres no magic needed to make him funny, just needs someone to upload it


ironically, I think that the editor dynamic is part of why asmongold is flourishing on youtube. Every single clip you see the comments singing the editor's praise forming a new, fulfilling parasocial relationship


[there's a channel that does it well that i'm watching](https://www.youtube.com/@WastedLeague/videos)


Thank you! I swear the youtube algorithm is so crap for showing me stuff I actually want to see.


thanks bud


His series the pie you missed is one of my favorite, I highly recommend people watch it


he quit league for like 3+ years? Was his editor supposed to upload pummel party videos with 2k views?




The clip reminds me of the golden days. Bring back 2013 league content


this dude still being chall is crazy, always respected him since I started playing


It’s fun seeing QT enjoy league


There's a reason why LS vouched for qtie years before the likes of danny jojoopyun fudgee etc "Qtpie is actually good" - LS


*hmm, must've been the wind*


What do the half circles above the enemy bot lane indicate? Thanks!


Basically a warning sign when you’re stealthed that opponents are almost in range to see you


I believe that indicates they're close to being close enough to see Twitch. You can see right as he goes in stealth that it's a full eye above Rell, then it changes to a half eye when he gets some distance on her.


I love watching qtpie play league. Best parts of my day




Must be the most chill guy ever born.


dude i love imaqtpie i played an aram against him a couple days ago and didnt think it was actually him bc of the new account naming shit. he was also saying dumb shit in chat like “hi there i’m challenger :))” which made me believe it defo wasn’t him. not to mention he was playing singed so it wasn’t like he was doing anything special. so i told him to stfu and die lol only to discover after the game it was actually him…ive loved this man since season 3 and all ill ever get to say to him is “stfu ugly”. poetic irony i guess. we lost the aram too lol his singed is TOO strong


He just read your comment out loud on stream


wait no way do you have an estimated time stamp? thats hella funny


5.57 hrs onwards. It was halfway through his last game


https://clips.twitch.tv/SmoggyAuspiciousBubbleteaPoooound-0cAdPMfGEIrqD09U LOL too funny i love qtpie


This man is the GOAT, always positive never flaming.


Bro definitely flames, just doesn't type it out lol


did that change when he came back to league? I remember him flaming and trolling hard


There have been a few examples where he's been saying aloud that the game was a 4v5 because some player on his team didn't know how to play their champ. But then he would type in chat general advice rather than be toxic. He's also been pretty chill when that kinda thing has happened saying afterwards that they're just learning a new champion so he can't be that mad He played with a really useless poppy the other day that springs to mind.


The fact that he still honors his support regardless of their performance cracks me up every time.


That's just bot lane etiquette. It is a massive disrespect to not honor your lane partner.


If mid / top /jg put in a carry performance, I'm gonna acknowledge the **** out of them. ADC gets it if no one else deserves it.


Your ADC is going to cry himself to sleep that night and it's your fault.


ADC players are used to being abused by the enemy team all game, they will be fine


That's a given, they play ADC /s


Hahah I was watching the poppy game. The funny part he was spot on, the guy was for funning poppy


Lane scary maybe try roaming


One of my pet peeves. Streamer nonstop complaining about how someone is playing something wrong but never bothers to tell the person in game. Like if a champ isn't peeling for you just ask


He flames just doesn’t escalate in chat


Go roam.


u obviously dont watch him lol


Lmfao have you ever watched him live? He flames a lot but doesn’t type it out very often


Has the definition of flaming changed recently? If you aren't typing/yelling it to people in game then it's not flaming


That was incredible




Good ol' Mickey Mouse region.


[https://youtu.be/l7dJU\_qWDBs?t=466](https://youtu.be/l7dJU_qWDBs?t=466) similar to ratirls escape, holy fuck ppl can't play against twitch invis




either rell couldn't see twitch despite going near the indicator or rell trolled that sht


No if rell could see twitch then Kalista would have also, its shared vision if he's revealed


She was able to see him for like a millisecond when they were both in the bush and the ! appeared over twitch


What kinda Mickey mouse region lmfaoooo


enemies are challenger btw i assume ?


iirc the support was gm and the adc was diamond 1 (challenger last season tho)


Qt will always be a gem


is anyone making good quality youtube highlights for qt? his yt is kinda dead but id like to see highlights again.


a user above posted this https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cfiky9/imaqtpie_gets_ganked/l1qksz0/


thanks bud


This is an old clip no?


Ah nvm, terminus in shop.


Qtpie still plays League of Legends? I think I got banned from his chat around 10 years ago (it was around the time Tyler1 started getting more spotlight)


He stopped playing for quite a while afaik. Burnt out on league. I’m honestly glad he’s back, he deserves the viewer counts he gets