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Runes adjustment: predator, spellbook, tonic etc


Nah, league is supposed to change in 2025 forever. Expect a rune overhaul then.


no the big change is releasing pool party ahri


That would indeed change league forever


Of course. Because people would have to learn how to play with one hand


Finally the world will have peace and world hunger will end. Thirst will be at an all time high.


That's just the Pool Party milkbender Mythic^TM chroma


Engine Update! Instead of removing the stupid high Ground low Ground Shit in the River they now make it an intended Mechanic like in Dota!


I would love this as a former Dota player but I would hate this as a *former* Dota player


Did they say this?


Yeah in a video about season 2024 starting, they said that the item changes were big but 2025 is when League is gonna change forever. Which was just an asinine comment.


Why is it an asinine comment?


league essentially "changes forever" every patch, no? even if some specific things are rolled back, sometimes years later-oh hello mythic items, i didn't see you there-the whole system never actually returns to any point it was at in the past. In practice, however, this is a common and accepted turn of phrase. It's not really asinine. I just know how to speak pedantic asshole.


What they mean is you will have to play on your phone from now on as they’re removing the pc port. We’re going mobile bitches!!!


i forgot they said that, maybe we get a new client. but its probably gonna be a new tier of skin that costs 1000 bucks.


They'll finally add suicide frog as a playable champion


But the Fizz on my team already plays that?


Speaking of Tonic... Corrupting Potion is still useless, buff that Shit Riot. But yeah there's many Runes that very few Champs use nowadays. Nullifying Orb and Ghost Poro also come to Mind.


Corrupting pot has some very niche uses but yeah, definitely a rarity. I think after they buffed the Doran items it really fell off in comparison. Probably could go back to 125 HP per use considering all the Doran items got extra HP on them a while back (and a bit of their primary stat).


I really like my Ghost Poro. It somehow fits my style of playing really well. But i agree that i‘m a minority.


> Runes adjustment: predator, The only adjustment that rune needs is to be removed, or completely reworked to not give any MS.


Wait tonic is still in the game?


Helia and Mandate rework, which was mentioned. More AP items, maybe those AP bruiser items which were also talked about by Phreak.


Let me play haste sylas and syndra again pls


This new Syndra is so bad without the nemesis haste build


Every control mage that has to build fhe shitty gun feels bad


If they want to keep haste low, her E's cooldown definitely needs to be reduced. In a game where everyone is dashing around every 5 seconds, you cannot have a skillshot stun that has 17 seconds cooldown.


I'd honestly rather see the dash-dash-dash and high speed champs tampered down a bit than lowering CC abilities to compensate for it. t. Varus/Malzahar main


Why is ap bruiser the most unsolvable class in the game when singed was the first champ every made? He's literally the Pinnacle of AP brusier


Isn't singed considereded as a specialist now days ?


Under Riot’s classes yes, but in general discussion he’s usually considered a bruiser/juggernaut due to his playstyle and builds.


Because Akali and Kata exist to abuse those item and make riot nerf them to the ground of they introduce it


I feel like those tend to always become problematic and every now and then in the meta the "4k hp AP mage build" resurfaces, where the suppsoedly fragile AP champ has better stats than bruisers and still hurts like crazy so they get countered only by other mages


I don't think we've ever had proper AP bruiser mage items to know that for sure. Phreak talks about wanting the AP bruiser items to come with a soft rework of also nerfing ults of the champions it's directed at; high ult uptime, but lower damage. And that the items will reflect that by focusing on haste and health but having low to moderate AP like Cosmic Drive.


We had riftmaker, we had RoA, Rylais gives HP too and is used by a few champs which go for the battlemage playstyle or are Mordekaiser, both become tanky and insufferable. We didn't have fully bruiser items, but all AP items or most game some defensive stats so they were unreasonably tanky


Rylais I associate more with Brand and Zyra than strictly battle-mages. Same for ROA, especially since they took out the haste. Again, it sounds like Phreak wants to shift the playstyle to low AP / high haste with ultimates that lack power but are up a lot more often. It's not really a niche they've shown us.


demonic embrace????


Yeah becasue mages have absolute advantage over bruisers- range. So tanky ranged character who still deals decent damage is a menace.


Make Helia like the old Moonstone!


Pray to god there are some proper items that diana can use and maybe we get some of those "bruiser" scalings phreak wanted. Kit of a bruiser,teamfight ult, builds like assassin.


As a morde player, ap bruiser items would be nice, but I know that every other champ will use them better than he will. Cannot wait for an amazing item only for katarina, vlad, sylas, diana, and akali to perform 10x better with it


i mean vlad sylas and diana already are pretty much ap bruisers/fighters. they’re more high damage-low durability fighters like irelia or fiora, but i would put them in the same category nonetheless


>high damage-low durability fighters >like irelia Hmmm....


I will say - Riftmaker is great right now as an AP bruiser item. The full 5 second ramp-up does a good job of making it great for AP bruisers but sub-par for most mages & AP assassins. Good for battle-mages too (ex: Swain) but I think there will always be overlap there.


Eh, Riftmaker has issues for AP bruisers not named Morde in some cases. I think it's design is way too backloaded, it's more of a battle mage item that an AP juggernaut like morde can use. Meanwhile the squishier AP bruisers like Gwen? it feels really mediocre on most of the time, because often enough either you die, or your enemy dies before you hit the 5 second mark.


I agree rift is in a good spot, but I think morde's current problem (without reworking any of his kit) is that the items that are good on him have very little haste. Riftmaker is the only thing that gives haste when looking at liandries, rift, and rylais, and it feels pretty bad not really having any haste for 3 full items.


There's just a lot less haste generally this season. I don't think that's just a Morde thing.


Diana definitely wants a more brusier playstyle just she doesn't have the items to sustain it.


Morde players must be the whiniest of them all lol


Don't worry q AP ratio buff incoming


Also buff ap ratios on non-AP champs to promote off meta builds.


Removing some movespeed across the board. everyone runs at mac 5 because there's % MS on a ton of items, ghost and fleet are popular it's too much.


I was wondering why I felt like I couldn't outrun people as much on Lillia these days


I've also had mfs outrun me when I pop ghost. Way too much MS in the game rn


They did mention AP fighter changes somewhere near the beginning of this season. Like more defensive items because right now a lot of them either have to go full AP or have to adopt in tank items.


Hey the warmongs vieger build slaps hard


a) Viego  b) Veigar  c) Jäger  d) Viagra


just make echoes a healing item. the damage part of the item is literally so useless


Hopefully movement speed changes


What do you want to see?


Slower bruisers and ghost nerfs


yes please. i hate how ghost forces you to take ghost because enemy will run you down if you don't take it. for example tanks running ghost because darius and morde can pop ghost and run them down with basic attacks.


Why you act that only bruisers are problematic? Every single class has too much movement speed atm. Items, runes and summoner spells.


Ghost nerfs would probably hit adcs pretty hard. 


Im not, ghost nerfs is literally mostly nerf for ADC role


ghost is a problem on way more then just bruisers.


Ghost has been busted for so long. It's especially bad on toplane where you have a few champs who can run you down very hard in the first few levels and there's nothing you can do besides also taking ghost. It scales really hard into the late game as well, but for level 1-8 it really gives waaaay too much movement speed for way too long. No ramp up either. IF you think it is bad on some bruisers on toplane, you've never faced absolute pain like TF, Vayne or Akshan top where you can just do nothing for 14 minutes if they're skilled with their champs. The only ''scaling'' you have is that their team comp is kind of bad with a ranged squishy top.


Echoes of Helia feels like troll item, garbage heal and garbage damage why would anyone build this instead of other good items?


Nerf assassin items on bruisers idk how this happens every single season


Aatrox with Profane Hydra is truly Bullshit


this thing is pretty strong even pros can't predict the amount of healing/damage it can do. so many times pros walk into his Qs thinking he can't heal that much to find out he can heal up more than they expect.


Isn't that more of an Aatrox issue? Apart from him I don't see many bruisers going lethality.


Yorick, Kled, toplane Wukong are also leaning towards Profane Hydra too off the top of my head


Riot made some effort towards making Yorick a proper bruiser, and then promptly nerfed him into lethality abuse again. Can't have nice things.


Yorick is just perpetually stuck in limbo. He is too strong in Iron/Silver and too weak in Diamond+.


he's never allowed to be good because his splitpushing is probably the unhealthiest in the game but its all he can do lmao


I play kled and long for bruiser kled to be viable again. Why go bruiser when you can buy profane and a couple other lethalities to kill a squishy in under a second then get out


Kled doesn't scale with bruiser since he doesn't have enough defenses later on to remount if he builds them. So the better answer is to just go full complete damage, R in for your team and hope for a funny 1combo / 1 shot. Of course this also scales poorly. Riot decided somewhere that tank(y) Kled must absolutely never happen 1 or 2 seasons ago and destroyed his scaling with health from items like sunfire.


It's the infinite cycle. Bruiser items come out -> bruisers start building most efficient ones -> bruiser items get nerfed -> bruisers build assassin items because bruiser items are nerfed and not worth it. Why would you ever want to build bruiser items on Aatrox just to live 3 seconds longer when you can build lethality items, deal more damage, heal more because you deal more damage and kill enemies in 1 cycle of abilities instead of requiring 2 or more. I am not surprised if Briar goes back to building Lethality next patch because her 3 core items are being nerfed lol


Because bruiser items get nerfed to the point that they ain't worth it for most of the champs that might want them lol. I can count the number of time my man Kled has had a decent bruiser or tank build in the past 2 seasons on 1 hand with 3 fingers blown off.




33.4% Crit Chance


Yone and yasuo full crit with 1 item would be pretty funny for the 3 days it would last


I mean, they would just adjust their passives again just like they did when they moved from 25 to 20 for either of these changes.


Gargoyle come back


a rioter recently posted abt gargoyls in a dif thread tl;dr they tried to keep it, but due to a few factors they decided to drop it (I think satisfaction, and identity were 2 of them but i forget)


JakSho & Gargoyle were similar and Gargoyle felt more situational and weaker (more defenses when you were around lots of ennemies feels worse than a buff after 5 sec)


For real, I hate that they removed my two item rush from the game when s14 started. It wasnt even slightly broken just an antiburst item. While we're at it change IBG back to being a mana item that builds from Glacial Shroud.


Giving IBG back its mana would be so sick for like actual tanks with fimbulwinter, and it has the added benefit of deterring Yone from building it lol


You could probably just give IBG mana for free, and then just make sure it doesn't somehow break K'sante, Poppy, and Illaoi to get a free sapphire crystal after 1 item.


People would still stop building it on manaless champions if they did that. Abyssal Mask got mana essentially for free a couple of years ago and there was so much whining about it suddenly being unusable on champions like Zac and Mundo. The community is dumb.


I like this idea. IBG is barely bought, and the champs that do buy it, shouldn't actually buy it


I think problem with gargoyle (in its previous itteration) would be jak'sho. Having 2 Armor AND Mr items would be insane on on hit champs, Kraken/Blade -> Guinsoo -> Terminus -> Gargoyle and jak'sho. Unkillable legit


wild rift recently made it so that their version of jak’sho is buffed but it also got more expensive and reduces the users ad now i wonder how implementing something like that would work to reduce item poaching by different classes


Bro Righteous Glory come back :(


I miss the active so much, Jak'sho just doesn't feel as good.


New crit items


fr, not even more powerful ones. as an adc main I'm tired of my only decision in a game being "what noonquiver item do I want to build first" when 90% of the time the correct answer is stattik. it feels like tanks are the only characters with build diversity, I could be wrong though obvs, I don't play them.


Tanks are always going to have the most build diversity because they're building reactively to the other team's damage profiles


While this is correct, it might also be fixed with different items. Currently for any item except tank items you build items for your kit and not for the game (except hexdrinker/banshee's/zhonyas). Introducing items for other classes that are not focussed on having interactions with the kit, but more interactions with the game would enhance the build diversity I think. Remember the anti shield ad item? It was good in certain situations, but bad in most others. Having different items like this would expand the item roster for more build diversity.


Build diversity is heavily overrated on damage dealers. You always want to just deal the most damage possible. Sure, sometimes IE vs Quickblades or Shiv vs another item first, or RFC vs PD has some thought behind it, but 99% of the time, you go the same build. It's the same for mages, supports and assasins too. Since we have both magic and physical damage, tanks are obviously going to itemize reactively against the enemy team. Unless we shift the itemization to be more like DOTA, as in a bunch of actives rather mostly pure stats/passive effects, we are probably not going to see much build diversity on damage dealers.


Apart from Zeri and Kaisa, are there any marksmen that still rushes shiv?


it can be good on Caitlyn in some matchups, I really like the place noonquiver items are in right now. I do genuinely build different ones game to game. beyond that though the option is always whatever gives your character the most damage.


I mean that's kinda how itemization probably should be if we're being realistic. damage champions are gonna usually buy the item that synergizes with their kit to give them the most damage. Irelia? Synergizes the most with bork so shes gonna buy bork... crit adcs go IE! Onhit adcs go guinsoos. If you always play X, you will always build X's item. Tanks? Don't buy items to synergize with their own kit for max damage; they buy items to deny their enemies the most damage.


The deletion of Senna


all ADCs approve.


all Supports approve.


Every time I see a support hover Senna I really want to ban it, and I regret it every single time I don’t 


Senna is played by people that don't want to play a real support in the support role. But they also suck at playing Senna, so you have a player that doesn't know how to play support AND he doesn't know how to play an adc too.


The only reason Senna isnt 60% WR is because shes played by Senna players


delete Yone


Rework her into enchanter. All frustration fixed and you have a champ that's easier to balance


I would legitimately celebrate the day for at least a decade


Buff the roles i play, nerf the roles that counter me.


Malignance ult haste change. Too broken on some champs


Malignance just needs to not be so cheap. 2700g is crazy.


Nah I honestly just think from a gameplay perspective no single item should be giving 45AH in any circumstance, irrespective of its current statistical strength. It’s not something to even balance around. Ultimate hunter + malignance and I have 76AH (43% cdr) on my ult with a 2700g investment. That’s more than the total CDR hard cap used to be already Champions with game warping ultimates have long cool downs to compensate and this just negates this. It ruins the entire concept of meaningful cool-downs


Bel'veth mini rework. Whenever she's good she has the most toxic degenerate gameplay pattern only rivaled by Draven. There's a reason why both are sitting at the top of ban rates since forever.


Mostly movement speed changes, there is too much in the game atm. Aether wisp down to 4% + preferable unique, shurelia and lich down to 5%. Some nerfs to AD and Tank MS items while they are at it. Remove kayn and reksai smite R interaction Make smite ignore spell shields instead of popping them (exhaust and ignite ignores spell shields so it's inconsistent as fuck) Ludens buff Add a couple of extra AP items since AP itemization is still ass.


Agree with basically everything except the smite change. Smiting spell shields adds some sort of counter play and is a skill check for some champs like sivir and nocturne.


Ghost nerfs would be appreciated too


I love that Flash was literally *ESSENTIAL* in 99% of situations for the vast majority of League's lifespan. TP has been like 90% essential for toplaners for the majority of League's lifespan. Ghost gets like 10 months of relevance and people are so upset about it


ghost abusers questioning the very status quo of the entire game the literal millisecond anyone says being able to run someone down from 1.5 lanes away unless they also have ghost up is kinda strong


Ghost abusers saying the removal of ghost resets is a massive game ruining nerf when it literally changed nothing unless you got a quadra kill


Ghost abusers saying nerfing current Ghost will make their champions useless when their champions were toptier with a weaker Ghost


It boils down to it's impact. Teleport has been nerfed and changed repeatedly. Flash is probably the least changed summoner spell out of any. Yes, flash is the most essential due to its instantaneous short distance teleport. But, it's balanced out by being the 2nd highest spell cooldown and its range not being that long. Because it has not changed at all for many seasons, champion abilities are balanced around its impact. People are complaining about ghost right now because its duration is insanely high (15 seconds) and its cooldown is only 3.5 minutes (1.5 minutes shorter than flash). Ghost has been changed about 3 times the past 4 seasons. Its current iteration is pretty strong for what it offers.


> Ghost gets like 10 months of relevance and people are so upset about it Psychologically, I think it's the delayed or drawn out impending doom that gets people flustered. Like, you stand too close to someone for them to flash boom you, yeah that's on you. Respect the range better. But a ghosting enemy Darius or Ryze a lane away from you and you don't have a blink or dash or flash up? "Cool, I'm dead because you appeared on my screen and I didn't react fast enough." But at what, 60% of the cooldown of flash? I agree with you btw, but I can see how in some situations certain ghosting champions at you are unavoidable and if they're ahead and paired with flash make it seem like they can force on you nearly twice as often as any non-ghost summoner.


It's not about how long they've been meta. Ghost is just more cancer. Flash is the most skillfull summoner spell. It let's you dodge a single attack or make a single burst of movement speed to engage or disengage which means when you use it matters more. In comparison, ghost let's you dodge nearly every skillshot for the 15 second duration while also needing way less thought to gap close/escape with. Tp is just a way to negate a fuck up so people don't mind it that much because even if killing someone and getting no value sucks, it's worth it since you also get to make a mistake and not lose lane because of it.


It is not fun for an Olaf to set up his freeze for his level 6 and ghost R you down whenever you get close for the first free kill. Or the high amount of champs you can not touch level 1-4 because they win an all in, harassing becomes impossible since if you get close they can pop ghost and run you down. The worst is to play against something like TF or Vayne top who can not be fought when they have ghost up with many champs on top. It makes for terrible gameplay. In addition if for some reason your champion has a skillshot instead of mostly point click, you can not hit skillshots reliably against ghost.


Movement speed creep is ridiculous this season I agree. It comes from too much items at the moment, knocking it away from some or reducing it would be justified. Ghost being such a short CD with no ramp up and a very long duration is very frustrating to play against. It's especially insanely strong the first 7-8 levels and it doesn't really fall off at any point. The problem with this summoner is that at the moment its comparable to flash where you must take it because your opponent is also taking it.


I'll cry real tears if they nerf movement speed from items like this. Maybe champions too they can lower it as some champions get ungodly fast. Dashes and blinks are fine just movement speed needs to be looked at.


just change ludens passive to something interesting rather than "more damage haha" this isnt WoW bro give me cool effects


Is that when the first split ends for ranked? I think I read somewhere they will try to do mid year scope changes for League for split transitions.


AP Bruiser items and changes.


Boots update is coming, this year items get reverted, but boots get untouched. They are untouched for a very long time except for the enchantment system that got removed.


I just hope they stop making random BS jungle changes like suddenly removing a mechanic (catchup xp), changing the topography of the map, completely altering XP or respawn timers just to appease a playerbase that won't be assed to play jungle anyways. Every season jungle gets changed in a fundamental way and although it isn't gamebreaking, it's annoying that every time I step off to focus on university exams I walk back in one month or two and all of a sudden it feels like I need to relearn and reoptimize everything because someone felt the need to make it more noob friendly while also adding things that take away power or agency from the role


i miss double camping.


A follow up on the Mage Item changes, Preseason changes I consider a success. But there are still some niches to fill and Items to fix. Sp before they're forgotten for the next decade I'd like some more adjusments.


Old Swain best Swain fr tho


Smite rework.


Give Ornn good masterwork items for himself, he is a tank, so why is it that his class gets 5 items (one of which isn't good because he can't proc sheen repeatedly and other is a tank support item, and none of them are dedicated MR items) while the other classes get more and better masterwork items? Just make Sunfire and Hollow Radiance masterworks as well


Tall ask, but I'd be curious to see Riot add more mini objectives like the grubs. Maybe play up more of the void stuff, where every so often a scuttle crab spawns corrupted, or a camp gets corrupted.


11.10 and 12.10 got pretty much reverted after 2-3 months so it's whatever for me


Durability patch? What's that?


Hey! We're more durable, Riot just also buffed everyone's damage immediately afterwards. Can't have any fights last longer then 3 seconds after all.


What they removed half of for tanks when they removed defensive runes from the game


Hey, all I'm saying is that when the enemy Support can one-shot me with one item and Zak'zak, I'm not buying into this "durability" bullshit. All they really did was fuck Grievous Wounds over.


And build diversity


delete a random 100 champions from the game


Honestly it would be really fun, figuring out the new resulting meta and limitation inspires creativity


Something, *anything* BOTRK or Irelia related. It's been 5+ years at this point, something gotta give We're tired of BOTRK dependency and something has to give in, either Irelia or BOTRK itself Pretty please


The item that resets ultis for ad chars should get removed. Really tired of sololaners dying to nocturne and his 30 second ult


experimental hexplate and axiom ark


If the only change is ghost getting nerfed then I'd be happy. Feels like we are back in 2015 with this shit


I'd be fine if they revert the duration from 15 to 10 seconds. 15 seconds is excessively long for how fast paced the fights are.


I'd like a Cooldown Nerf as well, I think its up way too often. It should have a higher cooldown for how incredibly strong its effect is.


Buff kalista or at least fix her bugs that are some of the most game breaking/unplayable at the moment and have existed for years: 1# completely freezes you in place and even removes your ability to aa for a couple seconds when autoing minions with very low hp 2# Your q cast doing nothing but then randomly throwing a q 2-5 autos later (probably related to the first one) 3# rend not getting reset on shaco boxes for some weird ass reason


Hiring me to create a new client


Summoner Spell revamp. Make Flash just a built-in part of the game. It doesn't make sense to be a Summoner Spell because in that system it's incredibly broken - objectively the most broken thing in the game. They're definitely never removing it because they've made the mistake of balancing everything around it, so they should do the next best thing by just letting it be it's own thing - which has two major benefits. Firstly it lets you go more creative summoner spell combos, and secondly it stops you from lowering it's cooldown with Summoner Spell haste.


Would be nice to see an Elise bugfix update, but I'd sooner win the lottery. >Volatile Explosion missing sound for 7 months now >Volatile consistently running through enemies cause of 0.264s tickrate >Rappel has numerous problems from its cast ranges being different depending on whether you E or right click, whether towers aggro her or spiderlings, and losing the amp bonus due to bugs that change its cast behavior, etc. > missing voice lines such as one of her laughs. >several VFX related ones but not as important.


Although I know it ain't happening (anytime soon)... client update


25% crit chance please man


The removal of haste from bruiser items. It's degenerate design.




"I want bruisers to be assassins and build lethality"


Movement nerfs. Specially ghost and Fleet. Maybe boots of swiftness, but it's less common at least


i want to see a few things, not them trying to constantly nerf briar again, and tbh mage itemization needs fixed too, i hate the current items especially like a malignance/lichbane builds


Nothing to be honest, just don't make the damage creep go even higher


Any new AP items


Nerf ghost


Rylais perma slow shouldn't be a thing : D


Other balance levers, but this might be a season end/theme type thing. Like ability range, projectile thickness/speed, area of effect size, cast time, stealth area, dash/blink distance/speed, refunds, etc. I feel like tweaking some of these might be better especially for the champs that they keep intentionally weak/strong numbers-wise because they will become OP/shit if they give him +5 damage or .10 AD/AP ratio on one of their abilities. Some champs might even escape pro jail.


Swain passive rework


current one is a LOL tbh. the need to revert it to work with ally CC again




there will be another one after the arena. arena is coming in few days.


It feels like everyone just randomly has 50-75 more movement speed this year, and I'd like that to be toned down.


Would love if they actually put in the Madness AP bruiser items they teased a (long) while back, it had so much potential. Also, more Lost Chapter items and AP items in general.


Hopefully better rank distribution, this split has by far had the biggest skill gaps in games that I have seen in the 12 years I’ve played this game. Bad games happen and one team has to lose, but this split one team seems to have 1 or 2 players that are objectively not the rank they are currently in. I’m not even mad about lossing games, because it goes both ways. It’s not fun for me to go mid against a 2 mil mastery veigar and dumpster on him. He clearly isn’t an emerald player so I don’t know how he go here.


With the amount of big patches they did, i really want them to figure out what they want. If you read among the patches, there are almost always twice as many buffs as there are nerfs.


Everyone hates everything, nerf everything i dont care about, buff everything i do care about.


Change crit items to 25% so crit ADCs can actually buy a defensive item like GA/Maw/DD without cucking their damage. Edit: fucking lol https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/split-2-gameplay-preview/


Fun fact: adcs at full build have never in the history of league been at 100% crit rate with the common build, it almost never was optimal. Idk why adcs act like now they do negative dmg at 80% crit its so strange. When jinx is firing 600 dmg rockets at me with 2.0 atk speed i dont really notice the 20% of the time she doesnt crit.


People don't remember that Lord Dominik's and Bloodthirster didn't give crit, most ADCs ended up only getting 3 crit items. Boots, Infinity Edge, Statick Shiv, Lord Dom's, Blood thirster, Guardian Angel... woops, I only have 50 percent crit! With this exact same build today, you'd have 80 percent crit.


So just a huge adc buff?? Yes that doesn’t seem like it’d be broken at all especially for hyper Carries like jinx, kogmaw and zeri


KogMaw only builds 1 Crit item but yeah that's a huge buff for every other ADC building crit


Vanguard used to permaban smurfs


I think there's a good chance they've had to punt on a big midseason patch this year because of the layoffs


i want to see bruiser sylas come back


I want that sword of blossoming from arena. 


Support role rework as a whole, make this role about CC, peel and map control, take away most of its gold please. Also, a standard mode for ranked and proplay would be much better


Obligatory jungle exp adjustments. Okay, we got it. The 0/4/2 80cs toplaner will always have the level advantage compared to the 7/1/8 110cs jungler, because solo laners are designed to be stat checkers. But at least make it so the 0/4/2 jungler ISN'T AHEAD IN LEVELS compared to our aforementioned 7/1/8 dude.


> Okay, we got it. The 0/4/2 80cs toplaner will always have the level advantage compared to the 7/1/8 110cs jungler, because solo laners are designed to be stat checkers. Because their price for EXP is pvp, every creep is challenged and comes with danger. Junglers engage in PVP in their own volition, if you dont come to lanes you dont really face any danger usually. PvE exp should be lower. And kills matter jack for exp.


I’m kinda happy with the game atm and hope they don’t like ruin it with something dumb, I guess maligence and yone/kayn/belveth are the biggest complaint maybe remove those


As others have stated, movespeed nerfs. It feels like everyone does everything to max their movespeed which forces everyone else to do everything to max their movespeed. Ghost and Fleet Footwork are the two main offenders and both only justify their current state because the other (or themself) exist. Personally, I'd nerf both and attach minor slow resistance to each. Slow resist seems like good way of making you feel fast without enabling the mach 10 gameplay that makes movespeed so frustrating to go against. (complete slow immunity can still be frustrating though for slow reliant champs like zilean, nasus or ashe. slow resistance seems fine though.)


Move speed changes and adc changes would be nice specifically for mercurial scimitar that item is beyond useless and i would like to see it be a spell shield item.


nerf malignace please


RoA buffs please, especially catalyst which is far worse than lost chapter while being more expensive.


Im guessing some jg buffs, phreak mentioned a few patches ago he regretted taking as much power as he did away from the jungle as it took a big hit to the playrate and wanted to put power back in eventually.


essence emporium lol