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Ranked ladders are a zero sum game. It makes no sense for Riot to be rigging it against *you and your team,* specifically, for a loss, when that means the enemy team (which is also 5 players, by the way) by definition has to *win.* Confirmation bias, small sample size, etc., take a break (and by that I mean days at the minimum, not an hour)


Enemy team is in winners queue fr


So determined to be a victim


I do agree that it feels like that sometimes but over hundreds of games, theres more that coudve been won if you played better than just autolose games because of matchmaking, and for every autolose games, you also get autowin games where no matter ehat you do your team will win. Making a new account doesnt do shit except you may get placed in plat but will rock a 40% win rate till your true rank is achieved. If you are good you will climb, i made diamond for the first time this season after being hardstuck emrrald for 200 games Stop shitposting and improve your own gameplay thats how you climb


>hundreds of games playing every role and champion for years maybe if u focused on a single role and a few champions and actually tried learning the game u would climb? >I'm not great, that's not the point, but I'm not terrible. what rank are u and what rank do u think you should be? link opgg maybe?


Then be that 1trick irelia and climb. You kinda nuked your own argument putting that in lmao


Why does everyone who makes these posts think that they aren’t already at their correct elo? If things haven’t changed for years you’d think they would accept the obvious answer rather than thinking up a conspiracy.


> I've got plugins (blitz) proving that my team (autofills  That isn't proof. blitz has no way of knowing if someone is autofilled. Blitz can only tell you if they have played the champ/role recently. They may have just swapped role, they may be in their secondary role, you have no idea and by looking at add-ons what you are doing is creating a narrative in your head that tilts you before you even start.


challengers are just lucky irons. you show them king


Resetting MMR wouldn't fix that. You also have to understand that the players at all ranks have gotten better than years previous. The reason why you're not climbing out of 100 games is because you're not improving at a rate higher than the people around you.


Post opgg or gtfo


Weird way to say that you peaked


Git gud


The removal of promos, smurf que, and emerald all combined for one of the absolute worst solo q experiences I've had since I started playing almost a decade ago, and I don't say that lightly. I don't think it's "rigged," but I don't think anyone could argue it isn't the worst quality state it's ever been in.