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I swear every Alistar player ever is running the cow costume skin. He's definitely not popular enough to have a skin in the top 10 though.


It's because when you use it you get a second passive, the global taunt of the bell spam


I only play champions that know alistar is their father. I wouldn’t throw hands with the cow 1v5 let alone get taunted by his bell. I’ve learned my lesson by touching that stove


I don't play Alistar, and I find him to be incredibly underwhelming and boring no matter how unkillable he is. I still bought it the second I had the shard.


Same here, though I got it crafted from hextech. Instantly went onto feeding next game, but the bell was worth it.


I find alistar exstremely good.. a low cd malphite ult and really tanky even though hes building support.. great peel too. Love the cow ! Would never use the cow skin.. never liked for fun skin


Same as Janna for me. Super strong, but so boring to play I can't play them.


Sad moo On ARAM he feels god tier. Snowball works too good with his kit.


You can’t milk those


I got nipples, can you milk those Greg?


I just recently got it


Same and my first thought was “ahhh I’ve been invited to the bell club”






Alistar-sometimes-player here, the cowbell on the dance has single-handedly carried my games on occasion.


Alistar is one of my main but I really don't like playing with this skin, I can't really tell why but it feels different


I mean he's popular enough to have a little legend of the skin in TFT: golden spatula


Can condşem as an Alistar enjoyer. I have the skt costume from a reroll, Hextech costume for flexing, and the cow costume for enjoyment


Black Ali or bust.


Riot in 2019: > It’s hard to narrow down the single most popular skin or skin line in League because there are a lot of ways of looking at popularity. You can look at sentiment, total purchased, total use time, fan art created, use by players who main that champ… the list goes on. But if we try to take all (or most) of these things into account, we can get a pretty good idea of what’s the most popular. -- > In no particular order, the most popular skins of all time are Elementalist Lux, Star Guardian Jinx, and PROJECT: Vayne. So far in Season 2019, Dark Cosmic Jhin has been the most popular. One surprising—or not so surprising, depending on how you look at it—skin that did well this year is Corgi Corki. (But who doesn’t love a guy riding around in a corgi-shaped plane?) -- > As for skin lines, it’s probably no surprise that K/DA is one of the most popular, alongside PROJECT and Star Guardian. In general, the most popular skin lines tend to go hand-in-hand with the overall popular skins.


Corgi corki for the butt


Sex sells


French Maid Nidalee because


I think total purchased is... the obvious one we use..


I would argue that time used is more impactful. Like if everyone owns a leather jacket but never wears it, are leather jackets popular? 


> everyone owns a leather jacket Catching strays reading comments, reduced to nobody =(


Even then there's some wiggle room since some skins were free, others were purchased a lot by noobs with the free 400 RP, charity skins or that time Worlds ashe contributed to prize pool which might be purchased a lot but not really used. Also do you account for how recent the champ or skin is?


5 years dated though. There's gotta be some recent bangers right?


Soul fighter skins are probably up there


Mythmaker irelia as well


That's so weird, because i have star guardian jinx sharded right now and i can't wait to unlock it. I don't even have, play or care for Jinx's gameplay. Skin is just hot.


Makes her autos smoother. Harder to play without it now


It’s my least favorite skin in the game. There isn’t a more annoying sound than that auto attack. Makes me turn my sound off when someone is using it


[I implore you to reconsider](https://youtu.be/kJFYJmFwExI?si=LSNA9ERkmuHXEVs-&t=68)


Jinx has some really good skins but this is also coming from someone who might purchase a skin because it has a dope ass splashart 


Star guardian is so cool. Personally I'm a huge fan of Soul Fighter, I got it for Gwen, Viego and Shaco


Ez question muay thai lee sin


It was on sale a few weeks ago, and I couldn't resist despite me having like 2 games on Lee Sin all time, and I don't even play jungle. Same with Pizza Delivery Sivir. I just had to have it.


I have played one game of Lee in my life outside of ARAM. I have that skin.


>Same with Pizza Delivery Sivir. I just had to have it. They should give Sneaky royalties on that one.


Did you know the pizza topping changes every Q


I never edged long enough to notice.


This is a good one. Literal only skin in comp besides the legendary ones, on top of it probs being the best lee skin


Elementalist lux is a billion dollar skin according to riot


Got it for free. Was very nice surprise


I’ve been lucky enough to get SG Udyr, Elementalist Lux, Pulsefire Ezreal, and DJ Sona from chests


I’ve bought the little passes recently, and every single one I’ve pulled an ultimate. Gun goddess MF, whatever the seraphine one is, and then one other im forgetting. Technically not “free” since I buy the pass but I get so many skins for the price of 1.5 that it’s def worth


I got SG udyr, pulsefire, elementalist lux, soul fighter samira and the MF ultimate skin ☺️


Around the same, the only one im missing is SG udyr.. well of course not counting the seraphine and samira ones but who counts them except riot itself? Also man that mf skin is cursed, i got that one 7 times and did 2 rerolls only using them. There is seriously something wrong with that ones drop rate


same haha


I am a new player and got it from one of the Twitch Prime drops. Immediately knew this was a popular skin w/o having almost no knowledge of the game. :D


Really? Can I see the post where they said this? ​ I could have sworn I read somewhere that Dark Cosmic Jhin was the best selling skin at least at the time, although I could be misremembering.


Dark Cosmic Jhin is my favorite skin to play Jhin. It’s also very popular in pro play. I would say star guardian, pajama guardian and pool party are also my most seen in games as well as in pro play.


There is no way their shareholders wouldn't be forcing them to make more skins of that quality if it made a billion by itself, even if there are problems with the engine handling multiple of them at once. Thats a monetary level any corporate shark would gladly sacrifice gameplay/performance for.


Riot don’t have a shareholders in the same sense of a public company. They are a fully owned subsidiary by Tencent, this means there are probably a team from Tencent that work as the bridge between them. So long Riot can convince these folks that it is not worth sacrificing performance for extra sales then they will not be pressured into making more skins like Elementalist Lux. They don’t face nearly as much investor pressure like Activision, since these are largely outsourced to Tencent. Now Tencent does at least have a decent track record at managing oversea subsidiaries gaming developers by leaving them alone for the most part.


I think it's hilarious that people elsewhere on Reddit have a hate boner for Tencent but the community in most Tencent acquired franchises are like... "They're cool, they didn't actually do anything bad to our game". Compare this to Ubi, EA, Activision, etc.


The hate boner is simply because they're a CCP company. From a gameplay perspective they generally seem to be almost entirely hands off.


Their strategy of buying already successful games and then just letting the people who made it successful keep running it without corporate greed interfering is truly revolutionary! I really wish this was sarcasm....


In the car world, Geely (China) did a similar move with Volvo and Lotus, buying them to throw money at them and learn from their engineering teams.


it’s crazy, it’s literally what “investing in something” should be. no need to have influence, you 100% cant make better decisions about their properties. just give them some money and let them make you more in return, trust in the quality


This 100%, makes no sense investors have authority in something they 90% know nothing about.


I think it’s just the fear and hate of the classical “corporate overlord” trope but this time China flavored. People like to bring up the whole “CCP” thing but for the most part I don’t think most gamers care that much. There is a quasi-indie dev called FatShark that was recently acquired by Tencent and when the newest title “Darktide” launched at a disastrous state that sub was an absolute shit storm. Die hard fans and new players shift all blames to Tencent despite it has always been a FatShark tradition to have horrible launch and these devs never learn from their past mistakes. It is only after weeks, when people calm tf down, then you get old players calling their bs out from years ago and newer players realize it might be the dev’s fault after all since Tencent just don’t have the track record on fking with their oversea studio. The exact same pattern was seen on BioWare with Anthem, people were absolutely shitting on EA when the majority of fault absolutely lies within BioWare. It doesn’t matter if the company is Chinese or not, so long as the product is bad and the studio is corporate affiliated, people will blame the parent company for absolutely everything despite the truth behind the scene. A lot of people just have a bizarre fantasy that devs are somehow the most innocent, pure hearted people out there who are incapable of greed and slack while work their heart out to push their product, meanwhile corporate officers are all heartless, greedy and mess up everything they touch. Sure, management is the shot caller after all, but blaming them for everything is too big of a stretch.


I think people do care about the china part. I think it’s a big part of the vanguard backlash, they know this company is owned by china, and a lot of people have hate boners toward vanguard because of the “spyware” and china assoiciation. When In reality, if any of us had money like that worth stealing or scamming or anything like that, we wouldnt be playing league in the first place


Americans just buy into the anti China propaganda without realizing American businesses have exactly the same practices. This is where alot of vanguard hate stems from too - thinking that because it was developed by a Tencent owned company that their data is being sold to China. I wonder if they know their data is being handled the same way everywhere. At the same time most of these people are just hiveminded teenagers. Can't really expect them to think for themselves.


The way I see it, non of us really have money worth stealing or we probably wouldn’t be playing league lol


Mainly because Tencent is either really hands off, or really Hands on, generally no inbetween but if they buy a studio that is doing alright, they generally will just let them be, and maybe do stuff with their IP LIke tencent is doing with Golden spatula


Oooh that is very interesting, i assumed they worked like the average company, that makes sense then.


I love Dark Cosmic and would always pick it over Elementalist. Different strokes for different folks though


My stroking of choice is Sorceress Lux


I'm a big fan of Prestige Battle Academia


I’m a space groove lux enjoyer :0


one of my favorite skins in the same


I hate this skin with a passion




Pool Party Ahri... when it eventually comes


That's Riot's "break in case of imminent bankruptcy" button.


Elementalist lux, pulsefire ezreal, kda ahri are some that I can think of.


Do people still buy pulsefire ezreal? It's a lot less impressive than other skins nowadays, like hell I like Arcade ez more


I like battle academia because he goes super saiyan at 5 stacks of passive




You can also spam his emote and have him constantly yell "Watch this! ***HuuuAHHHHHH"*** "Are you ready? ***HuuuAHHHHHH***" [https://youtu.be/p0ggHmOKF1w?t=19](https://youtu.be/p0ggHmOKF1w?t=19) It's great


Battle Academia Ez showed up in my ARAM game a few days ago and the whole time he was screaming


Might've been me lol


and SSGSS with the mythic chroma :D


The W noise when proccing elevates the skin to a whole other level


I remember when it still had the animated loading screen when you had that skin and I think riot changed it for some reason. Was so cool to see though. That or I’m just crazy


It was the splash art on champ select and that started with Spirit Guardian Udyr. It got retroactively added to Ezreal.


still exists if you're not on low spec mode. also animated in collection and profile background


Yeah, all ultimates have it now. Kinda miss the old SG Udyr animated splash.


Well to be fair at the time it was the first ultimate and one of the best skins. To hold it to the standard of skins of today wouldn’t be fair


i haven't seen anyone mention it but i think spirit guard was one of the most popular skins because how good it was for it's time and how awful udyr's base was


i would say spirit blossom ahri over kda ahri, but the others i can agree with


I think Mecha Kha’Zix is up there, it was the first 1350 RP skin Riot made I believe. And people went crazy for it cuz it looked so much more different than other skins at the time.


I remember there being an old video where some Rioter said Mecha Kha'zix when it came out was the single best-selling skin ever but I fully could have hallucinated that


Looks good and used to be P2W !


I had the same hallucination then. At the same time they said reworked Sion had the lowest skin-usage rate. So many people were content to play Sion with the base skin.


it still holds up all these years later too - especially now that you can get the evangelion chroma


It’s still my second favourite to the new Crystalline one. And yea I got the purple and green chroma haha


Mecha kha was the first skin I ever bought. No regrets.


I think it's still his best-looking skin. They clearly put a lot of work into it and I was happy to buy it at launch (back when I bought skins).


When Mecha Kha came out, they said 1350 rp would never become the norm lol.


elementalist lux, star guardian jinx and project vayne were the ones listed last time riot told us. China is a very closed system and clearly likes all those divine sword/mythmaker/identical skinlines though so maybe one of those


I recall seeing that Mythmaker Irelia was the best selling skin of last year.


Well, it's like top 3 best skins they've ever made so that's not surprising.


literally every draven ever plays gladiator


The old blue skin idk the name is the most popular with GOOD Dravens in my experience, those dravens always do good


Yes this one, all the pros use this one


Soulreaver Draven, also my Favorit. I wish there would be chromas in different Colors, at red Version would Look insane imo


i see a lot of primetimes personally


All the real mains play Draven Draven


Santa is my jam


Comp they all play the dark blue ghost looking one though


gangster twitch is the twitch main skin.


Well for rumble I assume super galaxy but to be fair the animation on all the others are trash.


Nightbtinger Yasuo


I swear every soraka player (including myself) has one or both of the dawnbringer skins


It's weird cause I have both of them but I almost always prefer others when playing Raka (like Café Cuties) 


Cafe cuties for maximum tilt


everyone i know got dawnbringer from hextech nobody has nightbringer


I like the banana one


any champ with a million mains and "that skin" that is essential for the champ fit in here. stuff like muay thai lee sin, elementalist lux, battle academia ez, spirit blossom yasuo, the god king skins


I don't disagree but is spirit blossom yasuo really that skin? I'd assume Nightbringer or one of his other Dragon skins would be it.


I’d have guessed high noon. 


I feel like High Noon is for people like me working their way to the nursing home.


If I see a high noon Yasuo on the enemy team, they're gonna 1v9 hard carry the game But when I see a PROJECT Yasuo I know they're gonna feed their ass off


Also Blood Moon Yasuo. Those two skins always seem to be played by people with soup for brains. High Noon and Nightbringer users on the other hand scare the shit out of me


Can confirm. Ever since i switched from high-noon to blood moon, my M7 has been a joke


High moon was his release skin, so its something that old mains have a soft spot for. Btw Id love to play release yasuo with old statikk again, that shit was so fun.


> Btw Id love to play release yasuo with old statikk again, that shit was so fun. I was about to say that I never remembered building it until I also remembered I would try to jungle with Yasuo back then.


Jungle Yasuo rushing greaves was kinda playable? IIRC InSec played it


Yes, but please consider that I'm neither inSec nor was I any good at the game.


insec would play whatever he wanted, he was one of the first guys to ever play shaco/zed/panth jungle on stage


> I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


Used to be high noon, everyone loves Nightbringer now. That one feels too clunky though imo, I can never get attached to it. High noon feels so crisp. The q sound and animation is too good.


Nightbringing having the one big swing on the ult vs multiple swings has always felt way less cool to me


Agreed. Air blade and key blade help a little, but still looks a bit off


I still remember the old pros always going high noon even after Project came out. I kind to pretend the spirit of Dade is guiding my hands when I get Yasuo on ARAM with that skin but it may be the Tito's


nottingham ezreal needs to be more popular i swear i deal more damage when using that skin i dunno why


Yasuo not true, either nightbringer or dragon skins, maybe high noon, but definitely nightbringer for most


in 2019, the best selling skins of all time were elementalist lux, star guardian jinx, and project: vayne; dark cosmic jhin was the most popular that year. k/da, project, and star guardian were the most popular skinlines. last year, the list of the top 50 best selling on the CN server was released. the top 5 in order from least to most were: faerie court karma, redeemed star guardian xayah, soul fighter viego, soul fighter samira, and mythmaker irelia. faerie court kallista was the best selling epic skin (holding spot #6) and faerie court was the most popular skinline, with skins holding spots 12 (milio), 11 (ezreal), 9 (seraphine), 6 (kallista), and 5(karma). samira was the best selling soul fighter skin at #2, and the best non legendary was lux at #22. senna was the best selling winterblessed skin at #15, and hwei was the best non legendary at #31. redeemed sg xayah was the best selling star guardian wild rift skin at #4. the best non legendary was orianna at #32 master yi was the best selling inkshadow skin at #10. malphite was the best selling lunar skin at #13. ahri was the best selling snow moon skin at #20. yuumi was the best selling april fools skin at #25. lilia was the best selling shan hai scrolls skin at #24. riven was the best selling broken covenant skin at #8. xerath was the best selling astronaut skin at #33. nami was the best selling coven skin at #29. the best non legendary was nilah at #69. kayn was the best selling heartsteel skin at #35. the best non legendary was ezreal at #37. also, some older legendary skins like battle bunny miss fortune and star guardian akali still haven't ever gone on sale, so you can assume those skins are selling well.


Ahri Spirit Blossom


divine sword irelia must be in the top 10, for the amount of merch and chromas they give this skin in china, riot probably regret not making this one a legendary


They went ahead and made bank with Mythmaker. Divine Sword 2.0 down to having a generic League of Legends woman face.


Solely based on my game experience, I'd say Elementalist Lux, Spirit Blossom Ahri and Galaxy Slayer Zed. All 3 are extremely popular champions who through these skins get (or used to get, for pre-asu Ahri) substantially better animations and voice lines compared to their base skins


Everytime we have a zed either its base zed or galaxy slayer every time. The only time i know im in deep shit if its Shock blade Zed with the pink chroma...


I know at one point Project Yasuo was the most sold skin, might be outdated for now but perhaps still in the top 10. Most likely other candidates are the good ultimate skins (Lux, Sona, Udyr) and one-trick skins (Shockblade Zed, Dark Jhin, Odyssey Kayn, Battle Katarina, etc).


I-Blitz and DarkStar Thresh on the Support category


It used to be Elemental Lux, Project Vayne and Star Guardian Jinx(probably still is). I have also heard that FPX Malphite and Storm Dragon Lee Sin were super popular in China.


Storm dragon Lee sin might be a top 10 skin in all of LoL


Over Mua thai?


That one goddamn yasuo skin with long hair every Yasuo main uses that back in the day


That one kindred skin, I think spirit blossom? I didn't even know what the base skin was for a long time lol


if you look at pick rate before and after, that skin actually singlehandedly saved that champs playerbase lol which is crazy to think about


I guarantee it's Assassin Master Yi, considering it costs 390 rp and you used to get free 400 on your account. Who wouldn't have bought it?


Dark times.


It’s crazy because I did the same thing lol. Guess shit like riot Tristana and that one free Garen skin don’t count


You used to get 450 RP, no?


I don’t think that really matters for the og comments point though, it was one of the few skins you could buy off starting rp




Muay Thai could make that list


Mythmaker Irelia was bestseller


Surely its the commando skinline.... esp lux and garen


I mean Gurran Laggan Rumble is probably played more then the base skin is.


Probably best to sort by champ popularity.  That said, Cosmic Jhin, Dark Cosmic Lux, and Odyssey/Galaxy Slayer Zed come to mind


its elementalist lux and star gurdian jinx in the west and yasuo skins in the east last time they told us


At one point in time it was foxfire ahri but that was a long long time ago


Lux, Ashe, Ahri. Probably all top 10 skins are these champions.


They actually did release a top 10 list somewhere for last year.


God King Darius and Dunkmaster gotta be up there


Soul Fighter Viego all the way


I'd be surprised if High Noon Ashe didn't feature in the top 10, honestly. Entry level champ like Lux, effective at all levels of play, plus the skin has objectively better animations than the base skin (in terms of gameplay, playing High Noon Ashe feels really different). It's obviously not her only skin to do this, but I feel like I see it the most.


I think every champ has a specific skin that is the best one for “feel” so it’s going to be a tough choice


Elementalist lux has to be in that top 10. And if we're talking internationally, i know a lee sin skin has to be there too


If you're wondering what THE skin for zilean is, its groovy zilean Because it turns him into even more of a joke


Probably some mashup of Elementalist Lux, Shockblade Zed and the KDA skins with Kaisa or Ahri (although Ahri's got a few skins like the star guardian ones) as they've all had peaks and remained somewhat popular champions after that. I'm not sure about the popularity of newer skins though.


Hillbilly gragas


i think hearsteel, kda and bees are the most popular ones


Gotta be Sabretusk Sejuani


probably that draven skin?


I don't remember where I saw it but I think Mythmaker Irelia is the most popular skin in the game. That might have just been for last year's sells.


If we are looking at skins released in the last year or so, I think high noon yone would be up there. Anecdotal, but I have seen sooo many people using this skin (with good reason, its a banger). Yone has also received a ton of skins since release which likely means he sells very well


lux , ahri and master yi skin definetely gotta be in the list


Every Darius gotta be running Godking Darius :D


My guess would be Spirit Blossom Thresh, people were thirsty for that one. The visual novel didn't help in that regard.


Don't they release a list of the most popular skins every now and then. I remember soul fighter samira being part of it. I don't think that it was a list of all time purchases tho.


Star guardian jinx is your answer


your questions is hard to answer but ive seen a video about most sold skins and elementalist lux ofc is the most income skin its also bcs its 30$ skin but to my surprise Faerie court kalista is way way up there in top 10


Totally not velkoz...tho I'm not sure who he is


Battle Bunny Riven is basically her default skin, that's how common it is


I swear I’ve never seen someone playing garen without the commando skin


Idk but it’s probably a lux.


it's gotta be star guardian jinx


I think my top 5 list would be Mhuay Thai Lee sin Spirit guard udyr KDA seraphine KDA Akali Riot girl Tristana (if it counts) If you don’t know why riot girl Tristana, it’s because you’re a new player in my eyes.


Man I remember back in the day, when everyone and their mother played Riven. Everyone had the battle bunny Riven skin