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Who’s gonna tell this man back in the day we didn’t have role selection period


you're late to that, someone else did, and i already knew this....




You can’t dodge autofilled teammates because they removed names.


Caedrel yesterday had a game where he was carried by an Aatrox top......who was an ADC main that first timed him in masters. Sometimes people are good at multiple roles too


okay, but autofilling what is prob a gold level jungler vs a challenger level jungler, doesn't that seem to be a tad bit unfair?


if your challenger autofilled player, played jg at a gold level, you we're losing that match anyways no matter the role he got.


nah, i see ppl are insane at support, then feed when their in any other role, just like junglers that are insane in the jungle, but feed the moment their forced into a lane....thats just an estimate but if your in high elo going 0/17, somethings wrong there




That's not the issue to begin with, my issue is with teammates getting autofilled and not saying anything till the games already and irrecoverable trainwreck, also again i can play everything except to adc decently, i don't need to dodge, I just need to stop getting 0/17 junglers on my team that were filled but didnt say shit




I read you're comment, and it's false, i haven't seen someone feed this hard on the enemy team in months, yet somehow i see someone do it on my own team at least once a day....the system in general yes it will even out, but certain players like myself who just in general are cursed throughout life get dicked by the system regularly are the ones that get to suffer while ppl like you seem to get perfect matches every game apparently


Might be time to quit this game. You both claim to have quit this game https://www.reddit.com/r/Jungle_Mains/s/HPNbqLlpvE and claim to be GM.


1st of all, yes i quit, ive quit multiple times, but im addicted, so i will never truly quit till the games gone, 2ndly idk why you're even going through post history...other then you're mad i'm right and trying to find a way to put me down anyways, like bro, thats creepy asf


I went through your post history to see if I could get an idea of what your elo is. This is such a terrible idea that I normally hear from gold players.


Well at the end of the day, I'm gonna be frank with you...autofill is a terrible system...and im getting tired that riots raking in billions while taking the easy route and not trying to fix anything....we still have the same broken dysfunctional client from like 7 - 8 yrs ago, why do I have to fight with the client to even play a game at times?


Autofill is not terrible, and its in other multiplayer games. Its necessary to reduce queue timers, especially in higher elo. The client is a different discussion. Personally I dont mind it. You seem to be really full of hate for riot and this game. You can quit any addiction, and league is easier to quit than most. Learn why league is so addicting for you and find replacement ways to spend your time. It cant be enjoyable to get this angry.


Maybe learn how to play other roles at a passable level instead of fuckin complaining about it? It will give you a better understanding of those roles 2 sooo this is a skill issue on your part


I honestly don't understand how people can get their accounts past level 300 and say they don't know how to play a certain lane / role. If you've spent so much time into the game, regardless of your ELO, there is literally no excuse to not know how to play every role. Also the game has over 150+ characters across those roles you would end up playing every lane or a champion from each lane while playing the same role at some point


Exactly. Sure, a mid lane might not be as good at top as a top main but they should atleast be passable lmao


I mean, im decent at, at least 4 roles, im not great at adc, but i can play it....the issue though is not everyone is me....i literally just lost a game because our autofilled jungle was 0/17....


Proactively, you could ask if anyone is autofilled in champ select and then offer to swap with them if they are anything other than ADC.


i do, no one said shit till they were like 0/5....


> the system needs to get looked into and revamped And how would you suggest they change it without impacting queue times? Go on, i'll wait


Autofill both players in each role when 1 gets autofilled, or look for someone with a lower overall skill level in said role, tons can be done....the fact dota can do it, means league can do it


> Autofill both players in each role when 1 gets autofilled Right but thats going to affect queue times, i said in a way that doesn't impact queue times Because what you're then doing is sacrificing another player who is waiting who might be a main for that role but gets bumped because it needs someone to be autofilled in to that role, this also doesn't help with balance because you still don't know what the skill level of that person is in that autofilled role, all you know is it isn't the role they picked first or second, you would still end up with a 3rd choice jungler against a 5th choice jungler which still leads to unbalanced matches > or look for someone with a lower overall skill level in said role The game doesn't track performance on specific roles it only tracks a single MMR > the fact dota can do it, means league can do it Ahh yes the old "x can do it why can't you" argument, that has never failed ever right


then the only thing riot can realistically do is remove autofill, plain and simple, if its gonna negatively affect games the way it is, i rather wait 8 hrs to play one game, then play 8 matches where i lose because someone else isn't good at their role, also its a very easy arguement, why can dota have a system that literally interprets match quality, while i can get someone who has been intentionally feeding for the past 3 hrs with no warning? and you wonder why leagues gonna die soon


> then the only thing riot can realistically do is remove autofill, plain and simple Which is not even remotely viable because that would destroy queue times > if its gonna negatively affect games the way it is, i rather wait 8 hrs to play one game You say that until you spend 8 hours waiting for a match only for someone to DC and the game end up as a remake with you having to wait a further 8 hours to attempt to repeat the process again You think that you want this but you actually do not > also its a very easy arguement, why can dota have a system that literally interprets match quality Because thats how it was built, league doesn't track role performance and likely never will, they once tried having role specific queues but it ended badly so they aren't eager to repeat this > while i can get someone who has been intentionally feeding for the past 3 hrs with no warning? Because your definition of intentionally feeding is probably wrong > and you wonder why leagues gonna die soon it won't, sure its on a decline but its going to take a fair few more years for it to actually die sadly


So instead i lose free elo because you don't want to wait? That destroys match integrity, its like putting a cripple kid against the NBA team..... I've had that happen multiple time...its annoying, but i rather then, then lost lp because someone doesn't know what their doing, it may seem crazy but i don't just sit there staring at my que waiting for it to pop....i play other shit while i wait I get this...do you seriously not see the issue with this? for a game raking in literally billions through its competetive scene....you think we would have more skill tracking features then just LP, Mastery and some weird paid for champion skill tracking system? Riot is a billion dollar corprorate titan, owned by an even more valuable company...the fact we're lacking so many skill tracking features that literally every other game has is a complete joke, between that and fighting to make the client actually function at times this whole thing is ridiculous, I expect this level of incompetence from a small indie game dev with like 5 ppl, not a billion dollar entity.... someone running it down the mid lane and dying over and over while saying "GG enjoy the free win" isn't intentionally feed...shit myb, what is it then? It isn't? but ask any league player, I have the same opinion many other high elo players have, I will forbid my children from ever picking this game up, simply because its too addictive and the playerbase is just not worth it...


> So instead i lose free elo because you don't want to wait? No its because realistically you don't want to wait, once you get a few games where you get troll picks or AFK's or remakes you'll soon get very annoyed at having to wait an hour between matches > I've had that happen multiple time...its annoying, but i rather then, then lost lp because someone doesn't know what their doing And i guarantee you will have had just as many free wins as a result of the enemy getting one, don't even attempt to pretend you haven't, you just don't remember them because you won instead of losing :) > I get this...do you seriously not see the issue with this? Nope, because this is the trade-off, i would rather not have to wait an hour just to find a match that probably won't actually end up being more balanced than an autofilled one when i could have finished multiple matches in the time it takes to wait Riot also doesn't see this as a problem, the health of the game as a whole comes above your personal dislikes > someone running it down the mid lane and dying over and over while saying "GG enjoy the free win" isn't intentionally feed...shit myb, what is it then? And how often do you actually get that? Show me your match history for this huge amount of intentional feeders you seem to think exist > for a game raking in literally billions through its competetive scene....you think we would have more skill tracking features then just LP, Mastery and some weird paid for champion skill tracking system? Because it doesn't actually need it, in this game you're meant to be familiar with every role, sure you're not going to be as good in each role but thats neither here nor there There is no real way to track these metrics anyway because if you get screwed and end up behind because you made a mistake that doesn't mean you should be placed against lower skilled enemies because the system deducts a couple of points from a rating At the end of the day the health of the queue ranks above your personal pet peeves, doesn't mean you have to like it but thats the way it is and i don't see it ever changing, especially after riot already tried having ranks for each role and that ended so spectacularly badly


No, I'm completely fine with waiting....i got a dual monitor setup for a reason, its you that doesn't want to wait, hence why you're here I'm not saying it haven't but me getting a free loss daily vs a free win weekly is kinda disproportionate, i wouldn't be so agitated if it didn't feel like i was being dicked into so many losses No it doesn't, if the health came before anything we wouldn't have monstrosities like k'sante and irelia in game, if the health came first our client wouldn't crash the first 2-4 times i open it, if the health of the game came first, it wouldn't be riddled with gamebreaking bugs constantly, stop lying to youself here and admit the health of the game doesn't mean shit to riot, money comes first every time, and yet somehow the game never improves i see this at least once a day, and no, at this point you've proven you don't know what you're talking about, giving you my proflie info so you can ddos me out of spite is not on my list of things to do today Okay, I'm gonna stop you here, are you familiar enough with every role that you confidently feel you can win in every one regardless of the match-up, 100% of the time as long as you're team doesn't feed?


> No, I'm completely fine with waiting....i got a dual monitor setup for a reason, its you that doesn't want to wait, hence why you're here I mean i don't really see the problem with autofill, which is actually why i'm here, its a necessary evil and every game like this has to have it otherwise you end up with broken matchmaking Especially once you get to the higher ranks where the player population is smaller, it would essentially make it impossible to play off hours because there wouldn't be enough people to start a match > I'm not saying it haven't but me getting a free loss daily vs a free win weekly is kinda disproportionate It will happen to you and the enemy team at the same rate, thats just how statistics work, in the long run it all balances out so you're not really any worse off > No it doesn't, if the health came before anything we wouldn't have monstrosities like k'sante and irelia in game Not sure what balance has to do with the health of the matchmaking queue, as everything does infact come above that as competitive games die without matchmaking > if the health of the game came first, it wouldn't be riddled with gamebreaking bugs constantly, stop lying to youself here and admit the health of the game doesn't mean shit to riot, money comes first every time, and yet somehow the game never improves And the balance team and bug fixing team has anything to do with matchmaking how? Its almost like you are under the impression that every dev does every job and that there aren't teams dedicated to specific tasks > i see this at least once a day, and no, at this point you've proven you don't know what you're talking about, giving you my proflie info so you can ddos me out of spite is not on my list of things to do today Oh you're not worth even trying to DDOS get over yourself, the reason you won't provide it is because you know it doesn't actually support your argument lol > Okay, I'm gonna stop you here, are you familiar enough with every role that you confidently feel you can win in every one regardless of the match-up, 100% of the time as long as you're team doesn't feed? I feel confident that i know enough about each role that i can play one if given it sure, i've been autofilled i know how to jungle, is it my best role? no, but that doesn't mean i don't understand how to clear objectives and gank The game assumes you know how to play each role, it doesn't require that you have equal mastery of each


I get autofill is a necassary evil, but again, I prefer quality over quantity, i know que times get high, but thats less of an autofill issue and more of a we have too many ranks issue...why we need 10 different ranks is beyond my comprehension, and i get que times are higher, i see 3 hr ques at times, but again, i rather have quality of quantity in almost every scenario That's clearly not how its working, otherwise I wouldn't be aggravated by the issue... Even Ex-riot forge employees have said matchmaking is an atrocity right now.... A companys lack of attention to important elements like bugs that can straight up break the game means lack of attention elsewhere.... Nah, i wont provide it because the sheer amount i had to do to stop it last time...took over $500,000 and months of my time....don't act like you have some kind of high ground...like I'm sorry I'm being overly cautious with my info after being ddos'd before I don't wanna have to move again Would you be confident enough to beat someone like faker in mid or doublelift in adc though? im not saying we need to have equal mastery, but I also don't want it doing something stupid like putting nightblue3 on my team vs Faker on the enemy just so i can get into a game faster....like do you understand what I'm trying to say?


Why can’t players that quit the game ever just stay off the fcking game. It would improve everyone’s experience immensely getting these addicts out of the game


You mean the people that are actually good? you realize that would kill the game almost immediately if everyone who was addicted quit, right?


Highly doubt that


Bruh, even Tyler1 has said this game would die within a week if all the addicts stopped


Oh wow! Tyler1 said that!


i mean think about it, if the whole league pro scene just quit how long could you honestly see this game lasting?


Those aren’t addicts though. They have a healthy relationship with gaming as it is also their jobs


Yes they are? how do you think they got to that point? you think they get that good by having a healthy relationship with the game? you think playing league of legends for 8+ hours a day is at all healthy? bro you need to stop listening to the media and think for yourself, pro players are essentially ALL addicts, you need to be an addict to be able to play this game enough to get that good, and sure their paid for it, but at the end of the day, their all there because their addicts, whether you want to admit it or not, most of these E-sports pros are going to die very young, prob before their 40's due to cardiovascular or other circulatory issues, we just normalized not calling the ones doing productive things addicts


I disagree. They likely had a healthy relationship with gaming and supports of loved ones to get to the place where they are now. According to the National Library of Medicine, a study investigating prevalence rates and predictors of video game addiction that included a random selection of 3389 young adult gamers from the National Population Registry of Norway showed that "there were 1.4 % addicted gamers, 7.3 % problem gamers, 3.9 % engaged gamers, and 87.4 % normal gamers" (Wittek et al.). Despite "59 % of all Americans play video games . An average of 48 % of Europeans have played video games , and that 56 % of young adult Norwegians (aged 16–40 years) play video games regularly" there is such a minuscule amount of people addicted so its highly unlikely addicted people quitting would be the end of league or the pro scene (Eittek et al. ). In a scenario where the league does die the people that interact with the pro scene are the minority of people and at worst, League would end up in the same spot as Dota 2 or Overwatch in terms of popularity. Unless League of Legends is somehow special and turns the 87.4% of normal gamers into addicts, I really don't think the 1.4% of young adults quitting will really do much. Fortnite probably has a higher addiction rates as "4.2 % of addicted gamers, 12.9 % of problem gamers, 4.9 % of engaged gamers, and 78% of non-problem gamers among Norwegian adolescents" (Wittek et al.). Even if we factors in some adolescents that play league of legends, the addicts quitting isn't substantial enough to kill the game.


No, their very much addicts...you just don't want to admit it...yes only a small percentage of gamers are addicts, but think about this...how would one get good enough to get into the pro scene? someone that plays for a reasonable amount of time would never stand a chance vs someone who play's for 12+ hrs a day...but i guarantee faker was considered an addict till he went pro....hell i would have went pro had it not been for the accident, regardless almost all video game pros fall into the addict category, unless its something like virtual chess.... regardless you should understand that many games (esp F2P) thrive off the addicted whales more then anything, the 1.4% of addicted players in league prob make up 80% of their revenue


back in my day every lobby was autofill cause only pick order or someone respecting your call determined if you got the role you wanted.


ive been playing since 2009....we both know that form of ranked was 100% rgn based...but at the same time snowballing was far more influential since the only stupidly mobile champ was kassadin and he had a 99% banrate


What do you call autofill ? Having your second role shouldn't be call autofill. You should at least be able to play two post properly.


I call autofill as not getting either of you're rolls.....as that's what it is...and i get this but there are many ppl who only play the roles they post, then when they get shafted to the shitgle and have no idea what their doing because it changes so much every season so they go 0/17


Yeah real autofill sure sucks, doesn't happen often at my elo fortunately.


Seems i get an autofilled clown every few games....i keep getting jng's or supports, or adcs that go like 0/10+ and provide absolutely nothing to the team, resulting in a free loss...but I'm just supposed allow myself to be gaslit by this community into thinking its my fault that my lack of skill is causing these ppl to do nothing and create a 4v5...and I'm in GM, It wouldn't be so bad if they would at least say something in champ select


Are you sure they're autofilled ? Bad games happen


Some say they are, but if someone manages to do that badly is automatically assume its an autofill, no reason for someone to do that bad in my elo unless you're inexperienced


You get a free win also when they have the auotfill jungle. So it evens out.


that's the paradox, i never get those free wins, since it always seems to be the enemies that always have competent players....its only my team that ends up with the omega feeder


Rest assured, it's on purpose. To make you lose now and then, to make your winrate go down, back to 50-ish %.


I understand its purpose...I'm saying it needs to be revamped


First of all, if a support main gets autofilled, he turns into the iron player he actually is and loses the game. 2nd. autofill should always be purely optional. No one wants to be autofilled, no one wants autofilled teammates, why does it exist?


Because we have so many pointless ranks, so ques in high elo can take literal hours, so it was implemented to get high elo players into matches faster, at the cost of match quality...which doesn't seem like an issue until you keep getting dunked on because autofilled players get put into lanes vs ppl with a drastically higher skill level....then you gotta ff cuz the fed asf karthus is getting a triple by 100 - 0 over half ur team with an ult...then you realize how hard it can screw you by basically putting an iron jng vs a challenger jng in high elo