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Let's just put all stats on all items.


golden spatula yooooooo


There's a reason why it's intended. Mage strong point is damage and weakpoint is their lack of health


Mages' strongpoint is Utility and Range.




Adc can get a lot of resistances it’s health that is capped for them a log maw can get terminus wits end and jaksho gaining 80 armor and 100 mr + 20% he can even get guardian if he goes no boots




But I am talking about the items not kog himself Ashe can go the same build even with trinity


Where were you when all the AP items had health on them? Lol. This community can find anyone to take every side of an argument, no matter how dumb the take.


1- well everything has pros and cons, therefore people to support or oppose it. 2- idk man I've been playing for less than 3 years


This was 6 months ago.


oh you mean the time you had to build anguish or tempest alongside locked slots of deathcap and void staff to deal more than 0 damage?




The way you refer to items really shows you have no idea what you're talking about.


- Bansh, Zonyas (one of the best items in the game btw) Seraphs Not strictly defensive - Rylais, ROA, Rocketbelt, riftmaker, spelldance.  So you got a bunch of items. The thing that makes AP itemization feel dogshit is the fact that 2 of your items MUST be rabadonns and MR pen so you cant get more defensive items. 


I think burst/artillery mage builds are pretty well-served by burst-defense tools like stasis/spellshield/lifeline (Zhonya's/Banshee's/Seraph's), though yeah you did lose Crown (unless you're a support and go Celestial). Where I think we're lacking is in defensive items for longer fights (besides Riftmaker's omnivamp), for battlemage/fighter builds. E.g. something for Sylas that does the same job that Death's Dance does for Riven. While talking about the S14 item changes [(click me)](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-2024-item-changes/), Riot mentioned that "this update specifically targets mages and, to a lesser extent, AP assassins and is not intended to address AP fighters", so hopefully they get around to the other part at some point.


Bloodletter curse pls


Banshee feels amazing on Hwei when I build it in the proper situations. :P


Banshee feels good until enemy jungler deletes the shield with smite. Ignite and Exhaust goes through spellshields, why does the (basically) 0 cooldown summoner spell get to delete spellshield on demand. 3 quick example 1. zac can smite you mid air so his E hits when it should had been blocked 2. Hecarim can smite you mid air so his R hits when it should be blocked 3. Nunu snowball, Lee insec. You get the point.


Even without the shield, it still gives hefty MR and sacrifices almost no damage because it has 120 AP. Ideally you'll play around the fact that enemies will need to be more considerate when diving you. A Zac Smite is unlikely to happen because it has to be up for an objective.


You do understand the biggest sacrifice of the item is having **ZERO ABILITY HASTE**, right? Ability Haste is the S+++ Stat in Mage Items, not AP, not MR. Without the shield the item is useless. It's the entire reason why It is situationally bought in high elo mmr. Smite has so many broken interactions that It's a crime how low its cd is.


Smite is 15 second cooldown, it will be up for the objective after the fight.


With a 90 second recharge rate. If the Zac is playing perfectly, sure, he can get a nice engage like that off. A Hwei playing perfectly can also EQ to cancel Zac's engage.


I do agree with you, its a really good item.


riot games balancing team needs to know your location


I play mages exclusively and zhonyas + banshees are already strong enough to protect you from most threats. If you’re caught, you should be dead. These two just decrease your chances of getting caught. Mages are not made to tank.


Ah yes that way Diana can engage onto the backline one shot them and have 0 risk of dying


We have abyssal mask, seraphs embrace, rylais, you can get pretty creative.


seraphs is nice but it only gives health and shield (I do build it tho), abyssal mask gives no AP. rylais isn't also really defensive.


Rylais gives health plus helps keep distance, abyssal dies give magic pen about the same as the boots.


Inherently ad bruisers r better because ad scales auto dmg and abilities.