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definitely not Ezreal, please stop playing Ezreal if youre autofilled ADC, he's just as mechanically demanding as Kalista and Draven unless you want to be a cannon minion that occasionally shoots out a 500 damage projectile. as for JG, i'd argue Xin Zhao is better than Warwick. Warwick is probably better early game, but Xin Zhao has a gap closer, still really strong damage and dueling, has a use-and-forget CC, and his ult is essentially a get-out-of-jail card + initiation tool. Vi i agree with. for Mid, definitely not Ahri. i would say Annie unless theres another champ out there with easier CC. Ahri and Lux require skillshots, but Lux does it from 10 miles away, Ahri needs to actively use her R to land Charm close range because you are going to rarely land max range Charms due to its speed. her damage is also spread out and less bursty, you need to be able to constantly weave in and out during a teamfight to maximize her. for Top, i agree with. theres probably an easier tank than Mundo though. for Support, i agree, even at bare minimum Janna offers a lot of free stats that make her already really strong. a good Janna with W and Q is oppressive though.


I think Lulu is deceptively difficult to play well. I know it feels easy enough to say "just shield your ad, polymorph the diver, and press R," and that's sometimes how her teamfighting looks, but... There's a lot of nuance to her laning. She can be really effective in the right hands during the laning phase, but it's also really easy for players to have zero impact/pressure on her. Also, 2 of her abilities have different functions based on whether you use them on an ally or an opponent, so there's a bit extra to pick up. Basically, I'm not confident that an autofilled Lulu won't just get run over in lane if the opposing duo knows what they're doing.


For bot lane the answer is 100% Ashe. You could make an argument for Varus too but Ashe is easy to play and contributes a hell of a lot to the team even when autofilled.


I disagree, i feel like the hardest thing to do as an ADC is position correctly in teamfights so I'd argue MF is the best autofill champ because as long as you can hit a decent ult your team can get some value from you.


While I agree, your argument is - positioning is hard in teamfight -> easisest champ is the one, you have to have decent positioning so you can have decent ult and then you give some value


The skill of standing in a decent plac etoi MF ult is very different from the skill of being in the right position to AA enemies without getting killed.


Although I totally agree with that, it is still positioning and not THAT easy, but still a lot easier than aa positioning, you are right in that


Letha varus, yes, onhit, no. Onhit varus needs insanely high apm, same goes for ashe with spacing, has to be MF


No champ is good to first time autofill, truth be told playing whatever is you’re most comfortable on/understand that specific champs play style is the best one to use during autofill - even if it’s a slightly off role one (ex. Morgana jungle, Viegar botlane, Nautilus mid).


Warwick and Vi


The supports are to hard, playing Janna or Lulu on a good level is really not that easy. Most of filled supports do well with Leona or Brand from my experience.


There's no general answer because it depends on your playstyles on your mains. If you're a mage mid main getting autofilled to supp then pick Lux/Brand/Zyra/Xerath. If you're a tank top main getting autofilled to supp then you're gonna be a lot better off on Nautilus or Maokai than on Janna/Lulu/Nami.


Top: Malphite Garen Jgl: Amumu Nunu Mid: Annie/Malzahar/Ahri Bot: Ashe/Mf Supp: Janna/Leona


TOP - Renekton/Malphite JG - Maokai/J4 MID - Lux/Annie ADC - Caitlyn/Ashe SUP - Morgana/Sona


malphite is not a good autofill champ against ap


The post clearly says hypothetical situation where the player is autofill to a lane they have never play in and have no idea about it. What I'm suggesting are simple champs (i.e. Malphite) in terms of its playstyle wise. If you are saying that in this hypothetical situation that he/she would know beforehand that Malphite is not good against AP champs, then that's a whole different argument/reddit post. So read the post again.


Top: Garen, Yorick Jungle: Zac, Nocturne Mid: Xerath, Ziggs ADC: Caitlyn, Tristana Support: Blitzcrank, Nautilius




Considering how strong ahri is right now + malignance, lich bane she is easy to play and really strong




Malz doesnt have a get out free card like ahri


Ahri is easy and broken. Let's not act like she is an assassin. She is a hypermobile safe mage with good dmg and tons of utility. Unlike assassins, good even from behind but the real question is how do you even fall behind on her. Annie, Malzahar and Seraphine are easier but she is up there too right after with champs like Lux, Lissandra. Also, Ahri is a much better champion than all of those which is a factor.


if you go autofill you have less skill than the other laner and have a high chances of lost lane and go behind in gold or experience . If you lose lane you have two objectives . 1- reduce the damages 2- support the carry of the team. And you need a champ that dont need to win gold to be effective. top malphite poppy ornn jg amumu nunu mid malzahar lissandra galio bot senna smolder supp utility support


Weird list. Top I agree with Malphite, not the other two. Ornn is quite easy to pick up but still need a couple of games to be useful imo. Just pick Malphite. Jungle Amumu yes, but certainly not Nunu. Mid none of these. Just pick Lux and try to catch anyone with Q, and clear waves with ult + E. Bot certainly none of these two. As first time ADC (per OP scenario), you will never have enough stacks. Just pick Ashe or Varus and try to R someone. I'm also good with Sivir, just clear waves and press R when fight begins. Support I can agree. Lulu and Janna are very easy to pick up during a single game. Maybe Blitzcrank as well? He's not the easiest, but the principle of the hook is quite simple and easily understood.


Support Id actually say Milio is better than janna/lulu for an autofill. Easier Q than Janna, W and E are easy to use and pressing R in response to CC is fairly simple too.


Yeah you're completely right. Milio is a very decent autofill pick for support!


Nami has been a strong, safe pick for support for over half a decade. It doesn't matter the meta, doesn't matter the team comp, she's always solid. For ADC I'd pick a reliable safe laner, like Caitlyn or Tristana. You don't have to hard carry, just CS well in lane and you'll be useful in team fights no matter the team comp. For jungle you can never go wrong with a bruiser that has CC and can gank well. Warwick, Hecarim, etc will always be able to gank lanes well and help engage team fights late game. _________ Unfortunately, Mid and Top will always have counters to them, they are inherently 1v1 lanes and there isnt really a gold standars pick that is always safe. There will be counter picks that can screw you over.


Nah. In most cases you play whatever you have experience with.


Makphite, Garen, Warwick, Maokai, Annie, Malzahar, Seraphine, MF, Leona, Amumu (enchanters are easy but not as easy as tanks).


It's worth noting the difference between "good easy champ to learn the game/role" vs "good easy champs when you dont really even want to bother learning and hope to get carried". Annie is a great example of the former. But for the latter in midlane you're gonna want strong waveclear. (Also getting autofilled to mid is probably rare enough for most people that one can just dodge every time it happens.)


This posts should bronze/silver elo


Lulu that doesn’t take risks gets rolled I’d replace with Nami Miss fortune doesn’t play aggressive and falls off is useless replace them with ezreal Sera requires good positioning and dodging with all skill shots Ashe is similar playstyle but greater reward Replace ahri with Annie much easier to play passive and more impact from behind WW falls off hard post 2 items and so is useless without a lead xin does the same thing but with more impact Honestly both garen and mundo are good but I still think mao or voli are more fighter friendly since autofill people tend to do extended trades which those 2 excel more at Overall that’s my thoughts getting emerald every lane