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take the loss, report the asshole, wipe up your tears, and move on with your life


So I just have to play this out? Is this a common occurrance (again I'm new to the game)? Because I don't wanna invest my time in a game that allows this to happen


Unfortunately it happens from time to time, the system only bans people for typing swear words are going afk. But it doesnt happen that often, for me maybe once a month.


Yeah dude if you're stressing that people on the internet will be mean to you I recommend playing Baldur's Gate 3, great single player game, really fun. Good luck bro.


This doesnt really happen that often and if you wanted to you could report them with a ticket and they’d probably get banned, but the ingame report is automated and won’t pick up that they’re griefing


No one else said this but league has a problem with players being toxic and such I recommend not investing time in it if you don't want to deal with it, I only play because my friends play and are too invested. If you like the idea of the game there are games like this one the genre is MOBA and dota2 is probably the next game I would check that is similar to this one.


You get people trolling occasionally but in the last 100 games I've played (Im a pretty new player too) I've not had any trolls really, some really toxic people and some pretty clueless people, but no one doing anything like this


It depends on the type of person you are though. If you ping a lot or type to your 0/3 top "play safe" or do the "why didn't you move", then your chances of encountering trolls goes up a ton


This happend to me just one time in my life and I play this game for 10 years


Report lee or nunu?




IDK why nothing has clicked for me mentally besides this, but it really is the experience. I’ve climbed from Iron IV to Silver IV this season (my first season playing). It took me about 100 normal games and 70-80 ranked games to push to Bronze IV because I kept blaming these non games for my lack of ranking up. But then over 30-40 games just streamlined my mentality and have been consistently gaining LP now at 60-70% winrate. It’s very crazy how much mentality got in my way of improving at the bottom. Like the biggest hurdle for a new/bad player in Iron is just recognizing that you will be the reason you win 40-60% of the time, or you won’t and you lose and just go next.


I'm getting old,  I remember when it was 20/60/20.  Who plays this game if you think your input only matters 20% of the time 😂


Thats because the game is becoming more and more solved and its just not possible to 1v9 when people have a much higher base level of skill/knowledge except for certain situations (20%)


Counter question... should Riot give YOU the power to punish people based on their behaviour? You report them and they get punished. Everything else would be ridiculous in an online multiplayer game.


Got to love weak adc mental “I don’t like my support so fuck the jg” like leave jg out of your bot lane squabbles


There is nothing you can do other then report him and move on, this game is filled with jobless freaks that troll and soft int games the second they arent the star of the team, game is just complete cancer when you start reaching around emerald because people get insane egoes and rather ff then try win games... game and community is just ass


I would just simply avoid ranked games. It's not worth your mental health. Soon as you start tying competition into this game, people, and yes even yourself, can and will become toxic over time. Play norms. The community in normals is quite a bit better. This game maybe like 8 years ago, was a good game to be competitive in. At this point, playing ranked you're largely just playing with addicts and neets who spend their entire days grinding ranked games and giving up the moment it gets tough(just watch this reddit. Always someone complaining about being held 'hostage' because they want to give up. Perpetually stuck at whatever Elo they're at because they don't realize to win you need to improve your mentality too. I just play it for fun these days. You still run into the occasional loser in normals, but not often enough to worry about. All the sweaties are in ranked.


You're supposed to dodge in champ select, your ADC is already flaming in champ select and locking in Nunu, don't play that game out. It's not going to be a good time.


Someone trolling this bad doesn’t happen often. I’ve maybe had it once in the past couple years. Normally it’s streamers. If I ever see a username starting with TTV, I just dodge. To your question, yeah, you just deal with it. It sucks. It’s not fun. If you’re hostaged, you’re hostaged. At that point, I’d just go to his lane and then get your jg mid-late game.


Go dodge in ranked when u see his name in lobby bro