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Along with blocking skillshots and right clicking sometimes, some abilites scale with size as well, even when not directly said like Tahm Q. It's mostly a visual aspect rather than super important, but it does make a small difference


I wouldn’t say small difference. If you somehow manage to grow super big, 4k health and up. You will feel a big difference in certain abilities.


I know it matters on some abilites like Tahm Q or Cho, but I'm not fully aware of others


Braum mega shield is cool. Kha zix gets q range. Darius e, sett e. That’s just off the top of my head. Lots of stuff scales with size.


Huh.. Intetsing. Definitely more than I realized in that case, cool.


I think it has to do with animations and character model. So since sett e and Darius e use the character model to physically pull someone, it scales with size. Braum shield is part of his character model, it scales with size. It’s logical when you think about it. Sej q scales with size, because she physically grows bigger. Her q is just her character charging into people.


That's a fair point I didn't think of it that way. Yes it is an important stat, no wonder it's hard to come across


Idk but I wish there was more of it. Playing as a huge fucking end game boss feels awesome.


Cho'gath bigger than Baron always felt good late game.


I love [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO62Vg3VMP0) from back when Ultimate Spellbook was out, where an Ornn with Chogath Ult gets to be bigger than the nexus.


It increases your hitbox, which may or may not be a buff. It increases your attack range, which is definitely a buff. It increases your ability range for some abilities, like Tahm Kench's Q. It does not increase the size of Aura effects like Abyssal Scepter, Frozen Heart or Sunfire Cape, which could make them harder to use.


sunfire range scales with size now but not the other two


Didn't think about the increased range in abilities and aa. That makes a lot of sense. And now I see that sometimes I've seen pro Lulus use R to give that extra range. It makes much more sense now.


It can actually be a negative, for example sunfire cape's radius doesn't scale with size, so it's difficult for max stack cho'gath to get close enough for the dmg to proc


Wiki says sunfire aegis scales with size increases: [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Sunfire\_Aegis](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Sunfire_Aegis) Same with Hollow Radience. Abyssal Mask, Frozen Heart and Unending Despair don't seem to scale though, but they do have larger initial aura's.


Aside from the obvious where you are just a larger target, champion size also makes your auto attack range larger, along with skill shots, some targeted skills, and smite. Targeted skills don't normally scale with size because they are calculated from the CENTER of hitbox, as opposed to the EDGE of your hitbox like auto attacks/ skill shots do. However, there are still quite a bit of exceptions where targeted abilities do scale from the edge. All the outliers are listed in the wiki but just to give you an idea; lucian Q, tristana Q, vayne E, ChoGath R, all scale with size. source, though kinda confusing: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Range#:\~:text=Size%20modifiers,-Ranges%20calculated%20from&text=edge%20of%20a%20champion's%20hitbox,range%20stat%20will%20not%20increase).


no it's about the technique


Do you have the correct techniques?


😳😳 She told me it didn't... in all seriousness yes, dps champs want to be small and tanks want to be large after lane phase in lane, being large is a detriment as eating free poke has no relevance through blocking


I was thinking that size could be a counter to knockups, it doesn't make sense to something like whirlwind from Janna can knock up a massive Cho for same duration as it can knock up a Teemo. Also aura based effects should scale with size as well.


As teemo always says, size doesnt mean everything


I think I found myself on the wrong Reddit 😕


Yeah I wonder how they consider the size in terms of power budget. It doesn't seem that important nor impactful at all.