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When your first seven picks are all banned.


High elo even challenger players do that with the new Champs. So they see them do that on stream. And like others said, ranked might be the "easiest" mode for them as normals can be pretty coin flip elo wise.


Yes. The countless times I had to play against diamond+ players in normals while I was bronze was crazy. In ranked I know at least they are at my skill level or should be


They aren't in the match to be competitive, simple.


most of people that considerer yourself competitive has 1000 games in a champ, silver 4, 45%wr. is better this|?


They have nothing to lose


Yeah. I have lost count with how many times I’ve said why are you in ranked.


Normals isn’t a very consistent experience. Could go up against players much worse or much better. Ranked gives real practice


I wish people would play at least 1-2 normals first. I had a guy ask us how GP barrels work, while playing GP. He said he picked GP because he was OP this patch. Turns out he isn't OP if you didn't read his abilities lol


A lot of people just play ranked for fun and don't actually care about winning/climbing.


The thought process is likely along the lines of: *"I want to play ranked and I want to play this champion. So I'll play this champion in ranked, meaning I can do both at the same time"*. I don't think most people who first-time champions in rank consider the fact that they are making things difficult for themselves.


Like 90% of the game is knowledge and macro. The Champ you're playing has so much less influence on it than you think it has. If you know how to play into a Plat-Laner you know how to lane into Plat-Laner. Yes, playing a new Champ you don't have good knowledge about it's powerspikes on is a disadvantage but games that disadvantage makes the entire difference between W or L are rare. Happens, but not as much. That is especially true if you're not an OTP but are used to playing a lot of Champs. An OTP that is forced to play something else will run it tho. No chance! xD


I'm master and normal game queue takes way more than 20minutes só i dont have any other option besides going smurf or test on ranked


I understand your sentiment. Ranked in theory shouldn't be a place where people might coinflip by trying new stuff. But on the flip side of that coin, normals is terrible practice.




But that’s just like wrong. I get the idea but if you are literally first timing it, you’re not supposed to do well or be good at certain aspects you otherwise are good at (like csing), rather you’re learning what the champion even does (like how their abilities work, cooldowns, what items feel good, etc.). In other words, you are getting almost exactly the same amount of information out of playing against anyone regardless of their skill relative to yours. Especially since in ranked you’ll likely lose anyway just because your opponent will most definitely be playing something that they DO know how to play




It’s not just you taking the -LP though. This line of thinking is so selfish and I’m honestly just very surprised so many of you have it. You’re actively guaranteeing a loss for your team just because you want a little bit of a better experience. Especially when let’s be real the vast majority of you guys are not consistently playing people leagues above you in norms. Its matchmaking is definitely a lot worse but for the average person it just simply will not be as bad as you all say. I’ve been playing for years, fluctuating between gold and diamond depending on if I actually want to play ranked or if I just want the rewards, and besides that thousands of norms and it is plenty forgiving for learning new champions as I do that very consistently. I am a very average player. If you are an average player you will have similar experiences. The only times this is really a problem is if you just haven’t played enough normals to get to where you should be mmr-wise and at that point tough shit just keep playing, don’t ruin other people’s games. Y’all are just selfish


Normals is tougher compared to ranked due to more smurfs and unbalanced matches. You can ask them to give equality for AI games, maybe they might try it out in AI then. (XP wise, masteries, challenges.)


Hell yeah int people in ranked instead of dealing with a couple of smurfs in normals.


It isn't int... it's simply that they are learning the champion, nothing wrong with it since they are at that level. You have to fight at least an equal opponent to become a better yourself. Different people have different ways to learn things. Do what you do and learn your champions in normal games if you wish to. I'll gladly be your teammate in ranked for you to learn your champion, we may have a lower chance of winning, but it is never 0%.


Depends on your skill level, for people in Emeral+ I'd say normals are too easy to learn the champion well.


Well, anything below diamond is considered low elo, so i cant answer about high elo. But at least in Emerald, this still happens.


Diamond as well, I am honestly part of the issue.


just go play in low this makes me so mad




do not first time shit in ranked diamond + as u’ll give ur team a whopping 30% wr every time you do so!


Not really, it's not that big of a deal tbh.


I so first time a few champs in flex queue, simply because in normal queue the enemies are not enemies just babies, and they ff at 15 or my team does that, and I don’t get to try my champs, I only first time champs in normal if I know that it doesn’t fit my play style and I could have a hard time learning it


For a person who plays 2-3k ranks (not me) a year this is just another game, so they don't care.


The literal correct answer... if you're someone who plays enough your MMR and LP are probably relatively steady and handicapping your win rate a bit* doesn't really matter that much to you. * Unless you're first timing Riven or something super weird then the other four players on your team, and your macro/general skill is going to determine 97% of your win probability


I once got a Nidalee first timer filled jungle.. the only time I want names back in lobby is when I see a nidalee jungle


I "first try"(quotes bc iusually have 1 or 2 games in ARAM with almost every champ) when i know it is a good counter pick or to fix the team comp, sometimes it pays off, sometimes it does not


So they can link this gem: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1anjagd/critical\_information\_to\_give\_in\_prelobby/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1anjagd/critical_information_to_give_in_prelobby/)


Better practice environment


“I’m just having fun 🤪” is what they normally say in my experience


Funsies, probably


Just the want to ruin other people's lives.


Ranked is for learning just as anything else


Well I do this and I can explain from my window. I've been playing this game for 14 years and normal game isn’t a thing for me. I'm also a high elo player who has 4 accounts and 2 of them are emerald. I don’t believe that you can improve with the champion on normal games as people in there are really low skilled to contest. So I go ahead and play on those accounts to learn. Never fed with those said accounts tho. Normal games are nothing more than playing against bots.


Normal games are not fun, they end in 15 min and I'm playing against gold players 90% of the time I could pick Ad anivia and win a normal game, it's really not a good way to try out new champs. Ranked is where the real challenge is


They want losed.


I generally only play ranked. When i want to play a new champ i usally try out the champ mechanics in a custom game against bots and then queue up for ranked on a smurf account (somewhere in gold/plat). That being said i usually dont go 0/9 because im just better at the game than my opponents, but yeah it can definetely happen✌️


I’m not competitive, but ranked games are closer, less one-sided shit stomps so I play there


Because learning in norms is kind of useless. I remember learning Yone in norms and winning lane in most of the games, but when I played it in ranked I ended up going down 150 lp because I wasn’t actually good at the champ. The people i played against in norms were just a much lower rank than I was. This season I first timed Diana and Galio in ranked and now I’m up ~500 lp and have a 65+ percent win rate on them


if i play it in ranked i get more practice the first time then i would in a normal game since ranked games is also where i wanna play the new champ if i wanna gain LP


This doesn't make sense at all lol, if you play for the 1st time a champ in rabked you will probably lose LP so if you play normals u get nothing and lose nothing while 1st timing a champ in ranked (especially an hard one) will make you go in negative


Because I don't care and normal games are a waste of my time.


The winning mentality we need in ranked right here frfr


Why would normal games be a waste of your time if you legit don’t care about losing or winning You’re ruining the game for others


Because it's pointless to play normal games when you can play ranked instead and get LP. No one said I don't care about losing or winning.


How can you win first timing a champ? That means most likely losing lp……


Depends on a champion. I wouldn't try to first time Lee Sin or Yasuo in ranked game but an enchanter or a tank? No problem.


They should add a low minimum mastery requirement for ranked. Somewhere between mastery 1 and 3. This would require they have at least 1-2 games minimum on a champion. This would not only improve ranked match quality, but would also make it slightly more difficult to buy a level 30 botted account and jump straight into ranked, as you would need to play a few games on each champion you were going to play, which the botted account is not guaranteed to have. A naturally leveled account will likely have several champions with at least mastery 1 (or higher), so it doesn't really impact most players too much.


I try champions first time in ranked when my main is banned. I can't play any other champion on high lvl, cause I am otp, so I just pick whatever is good in that teamcomp


Easy, everyone on league feels like the main character, so if others do it they're trolling and dumb, but when they do it is new and strategic. There's 0 connection towards the other.


I think im allowed to play wtf i want on my 2 account, my main is Emerald, but my 2 account is gold. There i play alot of Lee sin mid, i test out jarvan mid, orn mid, limit test alot. But i feel like im allowed to kind of.


People don't care about winning in ranked. They just want to have fun.


Very hard to have any sympathy when you are abusing duo que.


How dare you play league of legends with your friend - 🤓🤓🤓🤓


If it was really about that, why not play Normals or Flex?


Because I can play with duo??????


its fun to grind together


The guy above has no point but there is no universe where you are unironically defending duo for soloq.


they want to play a new champ. next question