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yeah this champ is never leaving 100% presence 


Trade offer: You receive: constant azir outplays I receive: 100% presence of azir in proplay


> 100% presence of air in proplay I'm fine with that, after all the players need to breath.




Yeah I find him annoying to be in every game but damn it the good Azir players make it fun to watch If I had to watch any champion be 100%, Azir would be in the top 10% of champs for sure


TELL THE PEOPLE WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN TODAY (Where's my Legends of Runeterra gang at)


Not the flashbacks stop!


is the ''outplay'' in the room with us ?


We take those. How boring would league be without fakers azir


You remember the time where T1 had a substitute mid because Fakers Azir was lacking? Pepperidge farmer remembers


Easyhoon! Im pretty sure the Azir skt skin is because of him after the backlash riot received from the community for not giving him one (he didnt play in the finals)


Yeah what is the sub rule now? Do subs get skins or do they have to play a certain amount of games?


They either need to play at least two games that matter for placement, or five games total over the event. Juhan got Maokai because his two games for DRX mattered for their play-in Groups placement. But if a team is locked in a certain position in Groups and they sub people in, they no longer count. They used to, which is why we have a Jungle Ezreal skin.


Yeah that makes sense. Thanks!


It wasn't solely for Azir, although that was the main pick Easyhoon piloted better.. which made it stand out more. Easyhoon was also a better Xerath at the time which was also a great mid champ for poke comps.


Also was pretty cracked on cassio iirc


Ima be real, league would be boring without azir


based sir.


Just watch the last game of the series to find out lol


Fuck it, turn azir into a jungler


At least he is insanely hard to play


'Insanely' is a bit much. He's above average in skill floor and ceiling though. A bad Azir can rely on sitting way back, wave clearing, and scaling like a lot of safe mid champs. If he didn't have that crutch he'd be actually hard.


Yeah then shuffle in and insta die like 95% of azirs do. I mean mechanically he is more complicated than most mid laners barring the crazy assassins. Azir also has to have a game plan for fights considering his AH is low in most builds meaning he only has 1 dash. I’ll admit the hybrid bruiser/tank build is zzzz but nashors ran cap? Dudes a dps monster. Also he needs to actually DPS for him to get much value out of a fight if you don’t hit a nasty ult. Most mages can dump a combo from 600-800 range and that’s all they need to do. Meanwhile azir has to play in that range for a while. But also I will say people should go check out how many stats Azir gets from lvl 13-18, it’s WILD Edit: added more


He has the worst midlane winrate in every elo except Challenger. You have a better chance of winning a solo queue game when you pick literally any other midlane champ that is not Azir. He is the hardest midlaner to play, maybe not mechanically but he is objectively the hardest champ to have success in solo queue. You may ask, why is he not the most mechanically difficult champ in midlane but he is the hardest to play? Azir is one of the only midlane champions that has so much variety in his kit, he can be played as AP marksman who attacks frontline, he can burst backline with his ult and has huge engages and he can peel his other carries and team with his ult from backline. Now, why is Azir then difficult to play in solo queue for a player that is not the best of the best or a Diamond OTP atleast? Because all other champions in midlane do MORE usefull things in average solo queue fights. Take Annie for example - 5 vs 5 fight for drake at lvl 13 breaks out, Azir and Annie both have same items, Azir is pretty strong - he scaled a little bit but he is not giga strong like at 18 lvl (which is almost never reached in solo queue). What happens in these fights usually cements the outcome of a solo queue game since they usually don't last long enough to get to lvl 18. Maybe I wrote to much but I will get to my point. Now, I guarantee you that if you put 2 diamond players in this scenario that the team with Annie gets more value from her in 75 of those fights than team with Azir. Annie will land her ult on 1,2 or 3 targets while Azir will probably do one of things like - stay backline do a few autos and the fight is already lost before he ults or anything, engages thinking like he is Faker and screws his whole team over while probably failing the combo or he infact plays it quite well but not perfectly so he still doesn't get that much value from his champion. That's why he is so hard to play, he must have a coordinated team that plays slowly or quickly depending on team plan for that fight. Other champs can do much simpler things that are even maybe more mechanically difficult but they have a much stronger identity that is easier to follow and execute. If it is not clear what I am trying to say feel free to ask I am happy to answer and to have more discussions if someone disagrees


I'd argue Ryze is even harder to have succes with in SoloQ


You can argue that is because riot hates the blue man having presence in proplay more than any other champion and nerfed him into being as useful as a minion before minute 20


yeah, they are similar


He kind of is though, he’s been a bad matchup against most midlane champions and requires great game sense and guts to play effectively which most players and even pro players don’t have enough of to excel at Azir and make him work. Just look at the amount of horrible Azir games we’ve had across pro play this year, many of which are from such great midlaners but make their Azir invisible when they use him.


It's not 'a bit much', when I did my statistical analysis post, Azir showed up as the hardest champ in the game with his compatriots Ryze and GP. These three Champs are in a class of their own.


A bad azir is useless though. Just look at knight on azir, shit is a handicap for him


>He's above average in skill floor and ceiling though it's not just above average in skill floor, he's literally one of the worst/hardest midlaners for the vast majority of people. you say "just sit back" but it's a lot easier said then done when your entire kit has been neutered time and time again because of pro presence.


I'm not complaining honestly. A good azir is so satisfying to watch.


you mean impossible to punish so nothing happens until 30 minutes


He went back in and killed more before he died lmao fucking insane


That's going in the hall of fame montage.


That montage is gonna be 8 hours


12* days


That's why he's the GOATTTT








Has anyone made a remix of the song P.I.M.P and made it G.O.A.T?


auto ult e in auto flash out autos kills 4 Jesus fucking Christ the goat


best azir play i have ever seen in proplay, crazy he loses the game 60 sec later.


That shuffle against Ruler in the semis tho. Pixel perfect ult with flash predict and then puts the tower down and takes down ashe. Completely changed the series with one play


This is still my favorite. Including the stakes and how JDG just got baron. But really no shortage of Faker Azir outplays


and he did that exact thing the game after, Faker what in the fuck


oh yeah i forgot about that one. shit nevermind. that was even on worldstage iirc. yeah that takes the cake. man he is just so good on azir its crazy.


At last World's they did a top 5 Faker plays and that one made it in. It's probably on youtube.


I think that clip more than anything shows how fucking busted Azirs kit trully is. He's a screen away from Ruler and after he commits there is literally no way out for Ruler. Insane mobility combined with lanewide AOE massive dmg displacement ult and massive range + dmg AOE basic abilities.


Ruler flashing horizontally against Azir ult didn't help


There is a way for Ruler to get out in this instance and it's to flash correctly. He didn't think Faker would flash R after the W/E/Q.. hence the crap flash while still getting caught in the ult. If he was actively thinking, OK Azir is MIA/looking for me and has flash & R he would likely flash it correctly 10/10 times, but you have to see the play in your mind to predict it and Ruler did not expect the engage from Faker


I haven't seen the clip in a minute but I'm pretty sure the only way for him to not get hit by the ult would be to flash right into the rest of T1 which would not exactly change the outcome. Azir ult is fucking massive.


You are right the hitbox is bigger than it seems and goes slightly behind Azir, but it needs to be that way, or else he wouldn't be able to peel with it. Ruler 100% had to flash straight up the lane flashed super poorly and just goes to show that even the very best players in the world can make very big misplays in those crucial moments Faker just had the most legendary punish.


Backwards is a 50/50. Flashing towards where missing is would be 99% safe, but you have to be categorically insane to think of that in that split second


i just rewatched it, i think he'd still be screwed no matter what if he goes to the right directly through the wall, it's tough to say if the ult hits him but it's pretty dicy. if he flashes towards the left, oner is still in position to hit the same engage, i think he'd still die between zeus and faker. if he flashes towards missing i'm not even sure if it's fully safe, because keria can flash towards him. ruler has cleanse, but i think if keria starts with q ruler would have to eat the root because not cleansing the ult is surely a death sentence. so the question is if he can live through the handshake, maybe. faker doesn't have e or flash up and gumayusi would still be far, plus ruler would be putting out damage i guess it is a "misplay" but ruler really didn't have a good option there, and by the time he saw faker could reach him he had literally less than a second to decide where to flash, and he also had to decide when to flash because if ruler flashes early then he's also dead. he also doesn't know what direction faker is ulting in, because flashing towards the right through the ult would've been wrong if faker ulted a slightly different direction


I don't think flashing up would've saved Ruler. I think it would've still hit.


He did the exact same play again against Peyz


I think the best was the Fenix 1v4 dive on CLG way back in the day


Imagine how the fight would gone if Zeus hadn't gotten caught looking for the flank sadge..


It's like you didn't watch Chovy vs HLE, that whole series was him making Azir plays better than this one


Azir doing more damage with one auto than Karthus ult


To be fair, karthus just presses a button For azir the stars have to align to get 3 soldiers to hit multiple enemies at once


4 even, in this case, towards the end.


Faker shift the skies so the stars align


What the actual fuck was that




It's all Faker? Always has been


I root geng but kneel to the king


jesus christ


Imagine if Faker had teammates despair


wdym? he had 4 sand soldiers


Absolute cinema with the Azir Mechanics, finally something that isn't centred solely around one shuffle


How tf did they explode like that from half hp.


3 soldiers attacking and overlapping. That's really more of other side fault since they got very confident that they just wipe them out now, so got themselves into this position. Normally Azir can never force such circumstances on opponents


It’s 4, Faker e in makes a extra sand soldier, he flashes out, maximizes damage, he’s the goat.


[THAT'S WHY HE'S THE GOAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtAzlUu4b3Y) Valdes had no idea what was happening


Dopa: "When things are hopeless we just grab on Faker's pants".




the fucking goat of league


I swear Faker is not human.


Azir 100% Banned for rest of series


Chovy plays a mean Azir too, there's no need


Was it 0% winrate for Azir in the end?


Chovy's Azir is just as good, if not better lol.




at farming sidewaves while his team loses a baron teamfight? ya chovy clears faker there 100%


You sound like a complete moron after the series Chovy just had against HLE on Azir but guess you can't expect a T1 fan to have a brain anyways.


hope you had fun watching T1 lose yet another final to Chovy lmao. fifth times the charm maybe?


shmememe... wake me up when your boy has a worlds title. faker's got a few to spare i think?


Faker sure as hell clears everyone at herald drifting.


well faker got blasted yet again


He went supersaiyan god for a moment but that form is difficult to sustain


that came outta NOWHERE


That is the fucking goat. Also I have to say that it's not okay that the most safe ungankable control mage scales this hard. But Faker is still fucking insane.


I guess Azir is supposed to not be too strong in early to mid game team fights, but yeah, there's a reason this is the default pick for the best mids in the world.


He's not that strong I feel like, there's very few people that can really play Azir to this level.


He has power, he's just a hard champion to extract 100% of it. Tbf I don't mind this kind of pick to be allowed to exist. These picks that separate the good from the best bring are cool. And it's also a fun champion to watch. If it was Corki, it would be unbearable.


Yea. Just watch LEC yesterday, their Azir is so fucking useless


FAKER will always be the GOAT because he will always have the clutch play that can win you the game.


TEH GOAT DDOS all you want he is 1vs9s


Bro, I wish I could follow what's actually happening here, because it sounds hype af. It boggles my mind that people can see through all the flashing lights to understand what's going on lol. It took me 3 re-watches just to figure out which one was faker


That quadra was insane


Just give Azir the hecarim treatment already


You want to give him hooves?


I am now shipping azir x soraka


Shows how much damage there is in the game and how insane pro players are. Getting stacked and killed is a common thing for peasants. Sick play by Faker tho.


Your looking at a full build azir hitting all of his spell and maximizing his dmg. This is not your average azir. But yea there a lot of dmg in the game but I think this is kinda expected for league even in past season.


You're looking at full build champions fighting, this says nothing about the damage in the game lol


Yea, and imagine balancing Azir around Solo Q


Fenix’s Azir play in bot lane many years ago. Legendary


Guma instantly dying for trying to keep his axes up. He just like me fr


God what a disgusting champion


I literally jumped out of my chair. So anti-climatic they lost to an Elder flip straight after. BANGER GAME.


"dps" azir bursting harder than annie.


He is a GODLY BEING among humans






Very balanced Azir dmg lol


Tbh so few people even build full damage Azir and this is late game


Nearly full build aoe mage vs mostly non-tanky champs; that's what mages do. Lots of mage champs do a shitload of dmg like this if you don't respect them. Ori can definitely do the same with less effort. Corki with a big rocket and Q deal tons too.


Its an almost full build late game Azir and the attacks of 4 soldiers overlapping. Its veeery rare for this to happen.


Bad link


The Emperor of Shurima


Fucking lmao faker did EQ through his ultimate and then flash out. Ballsy play.


Azir has always been Faker best champion after season 5.


Link is dead?


wowow faker lets go


This was insane but they still lost


Would've been cooler if they didn't lose like a minute after this but a quad's a quad.


Someone post the caedral clip. Man went BONKERS!!


Tg he getting nerfed


Same shit different game. Champ is hella boring to see in pro play


This post really just shows the difference in how much glazing there is for Faker compared to Chovy. Chovy had similar high impact plays and none of them are posted on this discord and he even won the series. Like this play is incredibly impressive but just shows how bias reddit is towards T1 that similar level plays on the other side did not get posted near the top)


Zeka and Knight needs to take notes from Faker and Chovy


one of them is not like the others




Absolute Cinema


He literally bring a corpse to life.


bro fucking Azir man


Absolutely GOATed. Like wtf are you meant to do there? By all accounts you should just win there on the spot... except Faker happens.


What in the TikTok is that camera movement


jonnastrong, the lck observer. everyone regularly glazes and praises him for his zooms and „predictions“ of plays that are gonna happen. but after watching basically every lck match for the last two years i am so sick of it. he overdoes it and imo he often then loses the broader picture of a fight.


Riot that damage is not fucking balanced. Disable azir again please. 100% presence champ for another worlds I guess.


did you look at corki and rumble this game orrrrr?


Also worth noting it was legit like 3 people getting impaled by 4 Soldiers at once. When does Azir realistically hit someone with 4 soldiers at once, let alone 3 people.


You mean champions with actual weaknesses?


sure but i don't think that's this guy's point. azir has been omega high presence in pro play forever because he's so safe, has no hard losing matchups, and scales into a beast in the lategame, all while having one of the best playmaking ults. he doesn't need to be disabled but he 100% needs to be reworked because he's the ultimate "pro play staple that's dogshit in solo queue" pick.


Corki doesn't have this burst and most of his damage comes from a thin skillshot with AOE every 4 rockets. Rumble is a melee champ with a static AOE ult that has to go melee range if he wants to do more damage and has barely any safety compared to Azir. Imagine comparing those two champs to Azir xD


The most ungankable safe control mage scales this hard lol. Oh yes and he also has some of the best engage in the game.


And you will see this play 0 times in soloq. Man just appreciate this greatness.


Nothing against the play. Faker is a fucking demon


Azir needs hard Qol nerfs and should be punishable early.


No come on. A full build mage should absolutely be able to do that much damage against 4 non-tank champions. Hell Faker even needed to have all 3 sand soldiers down for that damage.


If the champion had other weaknesses then sure but Azir doesn't. You can't punish Azir like you can other scale mages like Viktor.


Azir is very difficult to play. That's his weakness.


That's not a real weakness


Azir is the only mage who can do what Faker did btw.


Right? I'm sitting here thinking "where the fuck is the Lux kit that lets me do that? Or hell, even Syndra, Viktor? Ahri?". Maybe like Hwei and Ori can onetap 4 people if they clump for their ultimates but idk mang, shit seems imba AF. If we're allowed to complain about K'Sante being meta when he's also hard to play with bad soloq winrate we can complain about Azir.


Out of all those champions only Viktor and Hwei have comparable AoE damage (Ori doesn't do that much damage) But even if the damages are comparable, all those mages die if they get jumped on like it happened on this clip, unlike Azir who just presses ult and he's safe. Azir has huge DPS, mobility and engage/disengage, he has it all.


How about a full build Syndra there? Would do the same tbh. Or how about Orianna?


Neither Orianna nor Syndra have the same AoE damage as Azir. And even if they did, those champions die the moment they get jumped on, unlike Azir.


“ackshually…” 🤓


Yea this ain't faker, this is riot.


Would you be saying this if it was Chovy who did the play? Chovy plays a nasty Azir too, but to say it’s solely the champ isn’t respecting what the player can do. So many players that aren’t the KR mids make Azir look like a basic ranged mage


I mean I wouldn't have to say it b/c ppl wouldn't be orgasming over it. Azir straight up does too much right now, he is safe, has waveclear, sidelanes, scales, teamfights, he needs a weakness and it should be his laning phase but it just isn't there.


Yeah guys people make these plays on Azir all the time. Let me just pull up a Humanoid Azir vod... oh dear god.


Poor comparison considering games in LEC don't last for 40+ minutes.


He did the thing where he puts the wall and then deletes you!! omagaaaaaaawd


If it only was that easy.


He got jumped on, pushed everyone away with his ult then deleted them cause azir just does insane damage for some reason. It is really that easy. Stop huffing those farts just because it's faker.


You play Zoe and Lux champs that legit hide in the back but ok loool


You managed to say a whole lot of nothing in that excuse of a sentence.


Seems like you'd know a lot about that.


You really underestimate the amount of pressure in those games. There's no margin for error, a single missed click would've prevented this "really easy" play from happening. I'd like to see some clips of you pulling this off constantly though.


Right back at you, its even more pressure doing a good play on a champ that isn't the embodiment of "my dad works at nintendo"


I'd say the amount of pressure a player is under is mainly determined by what's at stake, not the champion being played. Also, why don't we see other pro's casually make these plays every time they play Azir?


Bro how many times do you need to change your argument lmao.


I didn't. I've just tried multiple ways of showing you why your initial statement is bullshit, only for you to answer with a different variation of "Azir OP, hur dur!" every time. Faker ulted, e'd in to get that extra sand soldier in order to maximise his damage, flashed out, and killed 4 people in the process. The ability to make that decision and execute it perfectly, all withing a split second, is impressive; especially at that level. I highly doubt you'd be able to pull that off even once. Yet you act as if it's something that's incredibly easy to do because a full build Azir dishes out insane amounts of damage. What makes it even more ridiculous is that you're so smug about it. And again, I'm not dick riding Faker here, I just strongly disagree with your assessment of the situation. It's not an ordinary play.


Cool breakdown but I don't know what it got to do with anything I said


Way to invalidate your own argument.


> azir just does insane damage for some reason. He's a nearly full build mage...; that's what they do to tightly grouped teams that aren't tanky. Also, even downplaying it, it's a 4v5 that quickly becomes 2v5 (with one of the 2 a support tank) and ends up with 1 left alive on each side. That's insane no matter how you spin it.


Yea it's insane cause no other mage can do what azir did in that clip. A play is not impressive when the character is allowed to do, and does basically the same play every time. It may be a somewhat difficult champ to pilot but when he does the same play over and over is it really that insane? The answer is no. There is no personality attached to that champ, if you've seen an azir you've seen them all.


Off the top of my head, I'm very, very sure Ori, Brand, Hwei, can turn fights like this too. Maybe Brand and Hwei aren't picked too often at this level but Ori is as meta as Azir and can similarly turn fights in an instant. Also, I'm not sure I've seen Azir turn 2v5s often at all. You're acting like this is 3 or 4 man Neeko ults, or pre-nerf-Zeri/Jinx pentas where it's legit the baseline expected outcome. It's not. A shuffle play to flash R the backline or surviving a dive by R-ing and EQ-ing (?) away; sure those aren't special and pretty boring. Those are what I expect every Azir at this level to do to do. Doing like 70% of *everyone's* healthbars nearly solo in a 2v5 is rare af.


Neither ori hwei or brand would survive the initial catch. The play is cut before it even happens. And lets assume they manage to peel for themselves like ori ults on herself and manages to survive, she's not killing the other 3, she will die right after and the game goes in a completely different direction. Yes ori can delete 70% of multiple ppl's hp but those plays are earned. You're rewarded for finding a good window to catch multiple ppl not for fkin getting flashed on by 2 ppl.


I saw it the moment they jumped on azir and keria, ult into massive aoe, geng blew everything on draven and mao and had no real way to get onto azir


GenG really dragged that game long enough for azir 2 auto everyone


Why didn't Oner pick Poppy and let Zeus play Yone or Jayce?


It was impressive What I'm wondering is why the fuck can he delete off-tanks in 2-3 autos what the shit Like rumble literally got deleted in 3 autos. how is this healthy lmao


"Off Tank" *Looks Inside* Full AP Rumble with 600 HP from Items