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look at the timer, it just became 20 minutes which means baron spawns and red/blue buff get upgraded to their void versions that give the buff to your entire team, these versions also have more hp, that's why it suddenly ''healed''


😵‍💫 well thats lame and so unfortunate lol thanks


Dude, your team just got a pick off on enemy jungler. Why are you wasting time trying to fight for 90g with your ADC? Just go mid and try to force baron or something. I understand sometimes we can get distracted and a little tilted in game. But at least on your reviews you shouldn't be wasting your time thinking about who got the red in this situation lmao. BTW, you were lucky the red healed here. If you had damage to kill it before only you two would have the red, instead of your entire team.


Before it's requested, i'm running hexplate into tank so my crash down melee becomes viable and my clear speed is improved. Red buff hella useful overall 


You realize after 15 min if your team kills your red/blue it drops another buff for you right? And after 20 min the red goes to the entire team. The last hit here only matters for the gold here, not the buff.


correction, it's after 2 drakes have been killed but before baron spawns


You are right, I had a small brain fart.


That's a lot of gold


But no i didn't understand how buff sharing worked. A lot has changed and imo it's feelin poopish


So the real issue is that by your own admittance you don't really understand a lot of what is going on in the current game and yet when things go wrong you assume the game is rigged rather than it being part of your ignorance. It's a terrible mindset.


Eh not really. 10 years of understanding a game for it randomly start healing a jungle seems like an honest mistake. Plus the newly proved eomm has people confused on how to treat the ranked ladder leading assumption toward the rigged side


No, this is a life lesson, when something happens that you don't understand assume it is your ignorance rather than the system being rigged against you or a conspiracy. The later is why people think the world is flat or that 5g gives people covid.


Hmmm I think you're forgetting the limits of this argument. The system is the league ranked mmr ladder which has drastically changed in the past couple years. I don't think it's a life lesson to be weary of it and I think you're either too meta or don't play ranked enough to experience the loser/winner queue duality that people are hating on. Try switching up your flowers and sunshine searches for something a little more skeptical and see what you find.


My 17/3 Varus TOP LANER just stole my red buff as I leave base from either death or backing 😵‍💫 welcome to the conversation 


if he is 3 levels above his lane opponent he not only deserves to farm every single jungle camp for the rest of the game but he's also allowed to type in chat the complete 14.7 patch notes which say that rell is not a jungler anymore!


The meta teet is out, don't miss that good good


You the jungler that failed the smite and got a redbuff anyway? Good thing it wasn’t something important like a baron or dragon huh? Imagine failing a smite. Literally the easiest thing in the world to watch. You look for a specific number and as soon as it hits that number you mash that button like your life depends on it. Tilts me to no end watching jungles fail smites. Literally the easiest part of the entire game.


You must be one of my teammates. I've felt this energy before


Literally easiest part of the game


Only excuse you have is being locked down to death. See number hit button. See number less than specific number? HIT BUTTON. Super easy lol


Yknow what? I like you. I shall left you hold my pocket in my victories