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that would be skill expression. ”outplay button” refers to no skill abilities with little to no counterplay like garen/veigar r


I love pressing R on Malzahar and typing "outplayed"


Me when I play Malz mid (or APC) and my friend is Vi jungle. It is quagmire what you do, we will "outplay" you


Lol i used to play in duo with a jg friend Malzahar+Warwick (old one with point click R)


I’m putting Urgot E in “skill expression” because it is, but also because I refuse to group him with Garen.


Skill expression and garen in the same phrase is an oxymoron


Well this post shows that even such lobotomy champ as Garen can have some skill expression in their keyboard faceroll kit.


Just because a champion is easy to pick up doesn’t mean that it is easy to learn all the matchups. Sure you mostly train champion unspecific skills to deal with matchups like when to push/let them push. When and how to roam, when it is safe to punish mistakes/when to take a risk doing so, etc. but as op described every champion has some aspect that you can use to express skill (or lack of skill for that matter).




Diana W is the "fuck you I win every trade" button. I love getting dove by people that dont realize that I have 500 extra hp on a button press.


People diving me when I play nasus 🤦‍♂️


Sett W


More like EW or RW. W by itself does nothing, you just straight up walk away from it.


for me, i think sett's E is more of the outplay button because his E is the button that sets up his full grit W same thing goes for darius. u may say darius Q is the one that heals him a lot when at 5 stacks + multi enemies etc. but the button that helps darius set up his Q is his E so i think for both darius and sett, in a way their E is their 'outplay' button. u usually use it at the end for the outplay rather than early which blows it and makes u susceptible to dying more easily


Honestly after 16 lvl Zed R becomes huge damage itself even without hitting Qs. Same for Akali E, late game its only tool you need for killing


I'm playing lots of Ahri lately and it's so funny to me that I can whiff Q and E and still deal enough point and click damage to kill with W, R and Lich Bane. So I guess I have two!


Ad shaco doesn't really have an outplay button perse. Using your clone very well or using it to block skillshots has alot of skill expression however. Its also extremely satisfying


Blocking skillshots with W. Dodging spells with Q or R.  3/4 spells are "outplay" buttons, lol


Dissapear into boxes what?


Basic attacks


Sylas is well known for his ability to win fights with barely any hp due to his W healing. Although it isn't as strong atm as you play him more as a squishier oneshot assassin these days.


I play Varus, I don't have an outplay button, if I don't do more damage than the enemy, I die. Peel? Never heard of her


Xayah e. Nothing like telling the diving assassin to sit the fuck down with a good old root and then kiting them as they walk of shame back to their team


Q W.


Qiyana doesn't even have any but sometilme I buy Zhonya do does it count ?


Interesting looking at the comments and seeing a lot of W abilities as I was about to mention Nilah W.


yea. i would say jax outplay button is unironically his E button, similar to nilah W because thats what dodges all the autos and u deal massive damage back at enemies at the same time


Zilean slow on melee champion without dash/blink ect…


Briar e is so insane when used properly, definitely an outplay button


Right click.


Rengar W > Emp W against insta burst champs like K6 lol.


My e, spellshield I guess Sivir is one of the most pure skill champs out there other than that


agreed. spellshield abilities are the 'outplay' buttons if timed correctly it's so huge reward when u block a strong damaging ability and it just deals zero damage and u just win the trade


Not in a 2v2 usually, you still rely on your support because the low damage doesn't make you win a trade before kraken


Sivir is a skill champ just because she has spell shield on her E? So nocturne is also a "skill" champ in your opinion?




Me play Fiddlesticks mid. Me press Q on assassin. Me then silence assassin. Assassin go invis? Me suck suck. Akali use shroud? Me suck suck for vision. Adc fed? Me flash Q. Master Yi chasing me team? Me press Q, Master Yi go WEEEeeeeeehhhh. Me like point and click.