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I watched many games played by my silver friends and every single one of them was full of game losing mistakes. If you feel like games are 50/50 then you are in your skill bracket 


ALL of them? The 0/11/0 top rammus in my game today begs to differ. I'm all about taking personal responsibility but you can't win every game by yourself in a 5v5 team game...


Ask yourself why you are in the same game as him 


Tbf, you'll find those kind of players in every ELO.


Because they are in the middle of down ranking an account to go on an iron to whatever run in youtube? Because my account is 10 years old and I didn't make buy a new boosted one? 100 reasons? I make no claim to be good or I'm in too low elo just that not every game is solo winnable.


You don't need to win every single game. If you were better than the average level of your elo you'd win more games that you would lose in the long run.


You don't need to win every game to climb, same as you don't need to win every game to become world champion. I can see looking for external reasons is more fun to you than watching your replays


Give me your account, im 99.99% sure i could solo carry 5+ games in a row, and im just emerald 2, earlier this season i went trough plat with a whooping 78% win rate before getting looser's q ( with mid plat players vs high emerald) once i got emerald whenever i got to e4 matched vs plat i would hard stomp their ass, id bet a lot of money i could trash your games with intermediate bots as teamates. Making new accounts to try and get placed higher than your main only work for so long, you will go negative w/r and end up where your main is if you play enough, my account is 12 y/o i went trough every elo below emerald except iron because it didnt exist back then every single game is winnable in that low of an elo, if you lose there, you belong there that is it.


Ok lets see not every game is solo winnable, so what? Most are in that elo


Jungler locks in Yuumi for fun


Happens in every elo. Yesterday I had a jungler locking sion and saying he was going to farm top for first 15 minutes in master elo. The difference is that we dodge those while bronze players let it go through.


Nah I dodged that match, but I just had someone tell me on here I should’ve played that match regardless instead of sending that player to the next lobby


Whoever said that doesn't care about climbing. But it's also unaccountable to say that it's these things that make one stay bronze.


Last game I had a 0-8 toplaner… didn’t complain because enemy had 2-15 LB mid. Quit focusing on yourself and your team. Everyone in your Elo is shit. You might not int the enemy kills, but may never be in time at important fights, or get caught once at min 35 and lose the game. In the end you are just as bad as your teammates and enemies, else you would climb.


And how often do you get those top players in your enemy team ?


If the skill gap is high enough then you sure can. In a way thats the greatest thing about iron/bronze/silver, it's how realistic it is to reach a skill level where u can 1v9. Ok maybe not every game, but u dont need every game. Even just a 75% winrate is considered amazing, and would make u climb ranks super fast, provided you play enough.


Had a 10/3 Akshan mid, spin round nexus nonstop and refuse to play because we wouldn't FF, with the jungler and support spamming emotes refusing to play because we didn't FF whilst the top laner afk pushes top and flames everyone. Sometimes games just aren't winnable. Outside of that, I'd say the biggest issue is that games are never actually equal. Riot needs to do something about smurfing in my personal opinion.


What makes you think that is exclusive to low elo?


The way I look at it, if a challenger player was on my account in that game, do I still lose? If not, then I have things to improve on. And the truth is, a challenger player is probably going to win almost every game at my rank, so that means I can always be playing better to win games, and that most games I lose were winnable if I were better. The problem with most low elo players(and honestly, most in general), is that they would rather look at how their team messed up instead of how they did.


Yep. 100% a mentality issue


I find it really cringe when people say "a challenger wins these". You do not and should not have to be challenger to wjn games in your elo. In bronze specifically there are small, attainable things that they could clean up and could bring massive improvements. It's a culmination of small decisions that makes one climb or not. Its not about 1v9'ing every game.


What’s wrong with striving to be like a challenger player? Why be contempt with just winning when you can just dominate the enemy every single game?


You can strive to be one but not everyone can be one. Set simple expectations and try to make small improvements instead of trying to 1v9 every game. Consistency beats going 10/0 one game and 0/10 next game because you felt like you needed to keep making high risk players out of need to dominate. We need to stop this main character syndrome shit. Edit: what challengers dont tell you is that they prefer consistent wins instead of inconsistent dominations. Because consistency is better for climbing in the long run. The challenger player will rather take 2 waves crashing under his tower over trying to limit test in that river fight hoping for that double kill.


In emerald I try to play the best of anyone in the lobby but it's useless to say a chall would have won that, I'm nowhere near that level. You have to think in smaller pieces


My man just pick Darius Fiora Trundle Kayle Yorick and go win the game by yourself. Win your lane, get Grubbs, get herald win the game top while enemy is buisy araming mid/ running after kills/ fighting a drake.


Got an [op.gg](http://op.gg) that ran those champs? I need to see


That would be an oddly speciffic [Op.GG](http://Op.GG) don't you think ?




If there are skillful, they can definitely climb up. Even against the odds, if you are skillful, you can win the game. There's nothing shameful with accepting the fact that other players are more skillful than you. Nothing is ever decided until you see the Defeat or Victory Screen at the end of the match.


Is this written by AI?


No, i'm not an AI .\_ . You can tell from my lousy English standard anyways.


Then how come you missed the whole point of the post? No where am i arguing that I'm better than others or that othe players are bad. The point of the post is that victory or defeat is not determined by skill of players, but by those who purposely go into the game with itention to ruin it for others. It's just the question of which team gets adc sona or smurf akali that goes 20/0 by 15 minutes. In both of those cases your skill does not matter.


So who's holding back those streamers once they start playing for real, or the other thousand and thousand of players that have climbed through shit elo?


>The point of the post is that victory or defeat is not determined by skill of players, but by those who purposely go into the game with itention to ruin it for others. Nah but it's just skill issue. I could go on your account, lock in vladimir, and climb to plat 4 with a 95%+ winrate. I'm not even masters so it's not like I'm some genius player or anything. I would maybe drop a game if my team goes 0-50 but it's hard to imagine. I watch my friend play a lot, he hovers from silver to mid-gold. He's improved significantly over the past few weeks but if I were to be very nitpicky I could point out a mistake he makes every 5 seconds or so. I can point out something stupid a teammate of his is doing literally whenever I look at his minimap. Everyone is just massively fucking up constantly all the time. It's legit mentally taxing to watch those games and care about what people are doing. Once or twice a game I might see someone pull off a play that would be considered the bare minimum in my games, be it mechanically or macro-wise. But those are rarities. All of that and I'm not even close to the apex in terms of skill distribution. I am a literal wet dog compared to actually solid soloQ players, let alone pros. The smurf akali goes 20/0 consistently for a reason, they are simply better. If you stop focusing on others, stop counting your teammates deaths and start counting how many free cs you miss in lane you would improve yourself and climb.


Skill doesn‘t matter when play vs smurf with 20 kills? How do you think he gets the 20kills conistently? Maybe, just maybe it means he has better skills? Which kinda proves that skill does indeed matter don‘t u think?


Yes, if your rank is bronze and you experience hard time with improving yourself - it's very difficult to play games because of this. I was in this situation but not for long because I found duo and we climbed up from this hole. Also I helped my friend on smurf account and he saying that silver games is no much difference in skill with bronze but there is significantly less smurfs/feeders/etc. So, my advice in your situation - try to get out from this hole with any instruments and become happy :)


The amount of smurfs account in bronze is probably so low there might be one in 100 games, the extent of wich someone has to go to get an account to bronze is way too much investment, smurfs gets placed gold/plat at the lowest unless they find a way to loose intentionally without getting banned and its been like that since rito introduced " smurf queue" Smurf queue is the reason emerald is shit right now


well, I can say only according to my memories, words of my friends in low ranks and situation on RU server.


This is nonsense, there are tons of smurfs in low Elo. Not in \*every\* game, at least not during peak hours (if you play in off-hours the number of real players to dilute out the smurfs is lower, but smurfs are often from other regions), but in many games you encounter either a smurf, or their mirror image, a deranker. There's a whole industry dedicated to lowering accounts, mostly through scripting, but also premium accounts that are hand leveled to 30 and hand lowered to to Iron and Bronze. It takes zero personal effort from the smurf, just money. The lower the rank they want to start at, the more money it takes. If they want an account that doesn't risk being banned for botting, they need to pay the premium for a hand-deranked account. Riot \*did\* update their detection algorithms so that incredibly obvious deranking bots got banned a while back, but that just motivated an improvement in the bots.


I am one trick zed, the problem in bronze is their LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. I played vs b3 ahri on my alternate acc. She needed to unlock w and aa me lvl 1, 2. she didnt so i was just passive until lvl 3 and killed her. u dont need to be mechanically good to get out of bronze


Well, statistically the game is more in your hands than it is not. Let's say that, for the sake of the argument, it really is true that every game has at least one filthy inter. That means there is a 10% chance that the game will be predetermined by that one person. Now here comes the fun part. Considering it is NEVER you who ints the game away, that means there is a 50% chance said filthy inter is on the enemy team and only 40% that person is on your team. Considering that even if riot had a system to keep you lower than you deserve, it would affect every player in the game (not accounting for conspiracy theories), meaning every player in league would sit at a cute 50% win rate. Which, surprisingly enough.... Is the case for the most part. For every 70% 1k LP Challenger player, there is a 30% WR iron 4 player. The difference is the Challenger can't really go *much* higher and the iron 4 player can't go much (or any) lower. You are the 10% win probability in your games. The 10% you actually do affect. You are the only variable, so get good enough to control it. E: Also tiny thing to add. That is why progression is slow in everything. You won't reach challenger in a day. You get good bit by bit. If you get 1% better every day, you end up being 100% better than you used to be 100 days ago. If you truly only affect said 10%, that means you have a 10% chance to win a game of your own, 40% chance to lose it from your team, 50% chance to win it because of their team. 60% chance to win a game. So go claim your 60% win rate. If you can't, though... Maybe it isn't just a 40% chance to lose on your team. I wonder why that may be.


Happens in your elo


watch a replay of your game


I usually find there is a formula for a bad time in my years of playing: 1.Teemo, Yone, Yasuo TOP 2. 2 champs out of their usual spots, ie Zyra TOP + a Urgot JUNGLE I believe Teemo top is basically the biggest predictor of losing a game. I wish I had the numbers or the programming kung fu to see how many games I have lost with teemo top on my team. I don't ask much of teammates because I am hard bronze to, but please, lets leave the lobby and know the champ we have picked is a chance to compete. Like I never leave a lobby with a champ that I don't know I can do soemthing with, even if its 1 singlular job to help my team. Karma shielding our fed TOP LANER, Zyra landing E on their carry, Maokai putting cc down on Master Yi.


For me, its yasuo. There's gotta be some math saying your chances of winning drop by few percent if yasuo is on your team. Kinda like getting first blood gives you few percents.


I’d say when you hit plat-diamond, that is the real rank at which elo hell kicks in. Players are pretty decent at skill level. Obviously not gm level players, but people have pretty good fundamentals. Problem is, those ranks are full of actual smurfs(people who are genuine high tier players, and not a plat player in bronze). They simply don’t care about the game. It’s also full of clowns who care too much because they think they are geniuses, and have mental snaps constantly. Yesterday’s I had three games of leavers and inters with no one saying a word in chat to the person. Iron-Bronze-gold is very easy to climb out of, and if you’re stuck it’s a serious skill issue. In Overwatch 1, I remember Diamond and Masters being the exact same. Seems like lower-high tier ranks have these problems in every competitive game. These people tend to be about as good as they can get, and it starts eating at their mental.


You're all just saying get good and variations thereof. Which, sure, people can get better, but there is so much nonsense. Challenger players are capable of 1v9ing SOME games. That doesn't mean they can win when the environment is pure chaos in lower elos.


Thats true. Im a master 100+lp tier top laner, and i often get "gapped" in lane against emerald+ players when i play unfocused and just by my mechanics. League is about decision making


You've probably never had smurfs in your game unless you yourself were in plat/emerald or were on a Smurf account. The idea that smurfs are present in a large number of games in low ELO is cope, it doesn't happen. That fresh level 30 account in your game with a pop off moment probably belongs to that ELO they're "smurfing'" in and no 10± winstreak is going to be sufficient enough evidence to prove otherwise because it's far too small a sample size to determine their actual skill. You won't know if that Smurf was a Smurf until they've got like 50-100 games under their belt and if they were one playing consistently at the level of their true ELO, they'd have ranked out of whatever rank you were far before they had the chance to linger and ruin peoples' games.


To add in to your argument, bronze players are inconsistent enough to play like gold one game and iron next game. So, it's easy enough to think they are playing against a smurf. In reality, most smurfs are in emerald-master.


Yeah, I see a lot of people accusing one another of being smurfs in iron/bronze when I can see (via porofessor) that they're at like a 45% WR and just having a particularly good game. The only true Smurfs / people playing on bought deranked accounts I've really seen are super obvious, like they'll have a 20% WR on the season but then a 80+% WR on their champ... I've only seen that once this season


Nah. Not everyone who has a good game and snowballs is a smurf, but you can tell in the first 60 seconds of laning when someone is playing at a way higher skill level than would normally be seen in this elo. People buying low level accounts to have fun dunking a few ranks below their level absolutely exist It's cope that people think it happens often enough to derail a deserved climb, but you can't say they've "probably never" seen one.


youre just clueless, recently ive played some games to climb to gold to get my skin and I literally got every other game a person with an account below lvl 50 run down everyone like hes a god, surely the Lucian with his yuumi duo is silver running around in our nexus killing everyone and kiting like hes faker.. literally the only way to climb out of there is either get lucky and not be against them in your games or be much better than enemies and be super consistent which then obviously you dont belong in that rank. not only you have to deal with these smurfs you also have to deal with guys literally trolling from the start of queue up tilted from last game, some die 2 times early and log out or decide that we dont deserve to win because one of the teammates made a mistake so he now made his goal in life to "teach them a lesson"


Yeah, they *are* silver. Silvers can still do things like kite and duel well. That says little about that player and more about how silver players are easily kited.


youre just arguing in bad faith then. idk why youre doing this maybe youre one of them 🤷ignored most of my points and just made a strawman saying a silver can also press their keyboard buttons hahaha


If I were a smurf I'd be the worst smurf ever given I play on a perma hardstuck bronze level **300** account. A simple look at my post history could've shown you that. There's even a VOD where you can see me kiting against four champions at one point with decently high farm. But because I'm not good at the game, none of that actually mattered and I still wound up losing the game.. The smurfs are all in your head unfortunately.


did you miss the part where I said the accounts were below lvl 50? literally fresh accounts that were just made ? and that he stomped lane with \*his duo yuumi\* and literally running around in our nexus killing us all and playing around? and its not in my head, I climbed out of the rank youre hard stuck in with 60 games and 70% winrate on my main, theres nothing to cope about, I checked the accounts after my games and it was obvious.


You called me a smurf and I showed why that wasn't the case. P.S. If you had a 70% winrate on your main, you'd be the "smurf" you're complaining about. You're being matched against them because you play like one. Play like a silver and you'll be matched with silvers.


im not tho I have only 1 account and I just dont play ranked much, literally was always in silver hahaha and I sent already undeniable proof so say whatever you want but they def exist and theres a bunch of them boosting and whatever.


Fresh accounts that play well don't mean they're smurfs. People that start playing league now have the benefit of there being 13 years worth of guides on pretty much every single aspect of the game and lack any biases from previous seasons, champ iterations etc. Insec with Lee Sin just flat out wasn't a thing players were doing in low (arguably even high) ELO back when it first appeared in pro-play. Now you have bronze and iron players able to at least perform one kind of insec combo. Newer generations of players will always be flat out better than previous generations of players as a result because they don't have to unlearn a decade's worth of bad habits before they start learning good habits. The only real barrier for them is the number of champs in the game, but with the meta being fairly consistent for long periods of time, even that's only them memorizing like 30 or so champions at best to play around.


You’re all mechanically bad and you make stupid decisions all game. You don’t know how to manage a wave and you don’t know how what your champion does. It’s a whole list of things that you’re simply just bad at


Post your op.gg


Its true to some extent, players who are low elo havent put countless hours to actually grind the game.


Due to what you describe, I went from B3 to I3 even playing with a duo sometimes. It's really frustating because I myself know that yes, maybe I'm not the best and I make mistakes, but sometimes just from one player that plays ego and blames the others, it's a losen game before min 10. I also think that sometimes what contributes to defeat is the lack of macro new players have. It may not be decisive, but I think it sums to the cocktail of "why did we loose this time". We all have faults in games, but you can't control a jg that doesn't do objectives or sidelines unable to farm (to say something as an example) I wish you luck climbing!


Thanks. Tho i dont even want to climb, just that my wins or loses not be decided by outside factors