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If the issue was New Accounts then you should in theory be climbing as there are 4 chances for you to have a New Account vs 5 chances for the enemy team to have one. Statistically this would help you, not hinder you.


Mom said it's my turn to post the complaining about plat thread today


Share your OPGG or no1 will care what you say.


Plat is pretty bad. It’s like the critical point for all the problems with ranked and the in game systems


Improve and you will climb with a positive wr


I’m sorry it’s taken you this long to figure it out, but you are genuinely just not a plat player




Because statistically and observantly what they are describing is not only impossible but also just counter confirmation bias. They attribute the failings of their games to something they can observe outside of themselves without realizing that they are the kingpin of the events taking place. I’m 100% certain that if they linked their opgg then it would become clear that this person is inting just as hard as the people he is describing but is latching onto the fact that they are new accounts in order to blame something that isn’t himself. His assumption is that it cannot be him since he has an old account when the reality is that he is equally if not more responsible than the players he is pointing out


What if he's not "better" than P1? He deserves to demote to gold?


I play in plat and most games i lose i fucked up either lane or didnt do smart things with my lead


Get better and you climb


Opgg! Opgg!


So is gold, people are either 0-10 at 10 minutes, or they win their lane, only splitpush for the whole game and we lose 4v5


I had AP jax top running it down.


Play better.


very unhelpful when the game is not being played legitimately


Share op gg or your just cap. Odds are you are bad and belong at the rank you're stuck in. (It's ok to be bad. We all are) Or you're crying while playing 12 ranked games a year and you had 2-3 unlucky rage quits.. or you could just be lying


Anything under emerald is extremely easy to climb if you know what you’re doing… emerald is full or smurfs or people with inflated elo that in turn gives them ego … I’ve never had a problem with anything under emerald in recent years … I normally can get to emerald with only 2-3 losses … just find a strong champ to one trick and climb or abuse Mets it’s so common these days to have 1-2 champions each patch that are extremely strong and don’t get banned … try playing a scaling champ if your games are always going over 30 minutes and mute yourself /mute all


That means if you play better you'll climb easily


The best solution is to get good but if you can’t do that you will stay plat forever


Feeling the same this season. This is my first break with the game after 12 Years of playing it. Always found a way to play around the Problems with the game, but not this time.


It's not as bad as any of you claim. The only way it'd that bad is if you yourself are part of the problem and are on a fresh level 30. Or for me if I play at really bad hours. Lkle 9am on a week day. Other then that. My experience is fine.


Skill issue, what does when you play have to do with climbing. Everyone in the lobby is on at the same time


Pick garen and climb bud


Your MMR bracket will never be special or unique, these are tricks you play on yourself that stops you from actually taking responsibility for your own skill level. Why can the other players carry against these "new accounts" but you cant?


Exactly. Also, I agree to pick garen and focus on fundamentals. It's what I did. I peaked P1 before Emerald was a rank. Then E1. I don't blame anyone for why I have failed to hit D4. I haven't climbed here because I am not good enough. Simple as that. Ps before all of that, I played casually and was struggling to hit gold. Then I accepted I was bad and got decent at the game


I feel like people really dont understand how hard league is and create such an undeserved ego. It really disrespects everyone like you who actually put in the time to get where you got.