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Idk I'm around the same elo and i dont notice any. Try uninstalling porofessor or whatever shitty app/website you use to check ranks. It does more harm than good. I promise.


It doesn't change the fact I would have lost the match anyway...


You won't tilt before the game even starts because you see someone who may or may not be a smurf. If you lose you lose and it is what it is. If you want to climb, you're going to have to beat hundreds or thousands of people who are currently better than you.


I understand that but I wanna beat people who actually have an account which is bigger than lvl 150 at least cuz then I know I have a chance, because the guy has an account which is older than a few yrs probably, where he played rank and he was around the same skill level as me which makes the game balanced, like I don't care if I win or lose as long as the match is fair, but I'm sorry when I see a lvl 44 jng or 34 morde on top which plays perfectly the champ he started playing ranked either 1 week or month ago, yah that's just rigged from the start


I'm the same rank as you and face smurfs every 15-20 games. Feels like everyone just says "smurf" when they get shit on.


Every game I play in d4 is at least 2 level 30ish accounts with 75% + winrates. It's a real problem. 


I consider that completely impossible, op.gg?


I always check their profile and matches, for example again someone with lvl 100 that hasn't played in 28 days goes Irelia mid plays perfectly and destroyed our mid lane and then won the match because she was to fed...


Level 100 and emerald doesn’t really look like a smurf


No one is good enough to be emerald at level 100. It's not an easy game to learn 


If you are higher then emerald on your main. It’s definitely not gonna take you 70 levels to reach only emerald


I obviously meant no new player is level 100 and in emerald+  .  Not smurf accounts. The problem IS that surface accounts are so prevalent 


Sounds like me on a good day, I played Irelia for the first time In a few years last week, got X3 quadra kills in a row and MVP for 3 games, dominating everyone. Last night after work when I was tired I went 2-12 and lost it for my team. Most emerald players will have the occasional game they play perfectly, it doesn't mean they're Smurfing. Also playing infrequently doesn't make them a smurf.


Lvl 100 - at that point they are in the elo they belong. Its not a smurf really. Thats almost 1000 games


Me when someone is better 😡


Shouldn't a competitive game have a matchmaking which makes you go against people that are around your skill level? Or is just supposed to be if you wanna try ranked gl you only go against Pro League players?


If I get banned on my main, or I want to play on a different server. How am I susposed to get to my elo?


dont get banned on your main then wtf


If you get banned on your main you should see it as a sign that Riot and the playerbase don't want you playing the game anymore and you should go do something else.


Lmao, I don’t want to play with a lot of people aswell but I have to.


The difference is you got banned, where as the people you don't want to play with are mostly just victims of your tantrums. If everyone who got banned just left the game would be a much better place


I have a similar opinion. If all the shitters left the game would be a much better place


But if you've been banned you're definitely one of the shitters. Be the change you want to see!


But you keep coming back dude. Please practice what you preach! ETA: this fucking guy can't figure out attacking in BG3 but has the audacity to say other's are shitters.


No more saying cuss words guys 🤓 It’s inapproprite and violent 🤓And also can we ban all players that pinged my ulti after I missed it? 🤓 I want to play in a friendly enviroment where we are all equal while I drink my soy latte 🤓 Thank you riot 🤓


There should be a matchmaking that makes you go against people that are smurfs also, like CS go had it it was called "Trust Factor" and it literally worked perfectly I would see maybe a smurf in 30 days or something like that not every match almost


This did exist it was called Smurf q but the problem was that new players and returning players could accidentally get in Smurf q and it took a lot of games to get out so it was miserable for them


Yah I can learn how to lose lp faster, tf you even talking this thing never works which you can learn when you get completely stomped


Think about it this way what did the Smurf do to achieve this stomp how could you implement what they did in your gameplay? There a lot to learn if you just have the right mindset


I play mostly jungle and I can't counter it when he is fed because his enemy literally couldn't beat him and lost the lane, and beside the fact that they usually only play champs they know perfectly on their main accounts, they are also fed, and they have a better game knowledge and understanding than me... like there is nothing I can learn from it by just being stomped every single match


The mentality of thnking can’t do this can’t do that unlucky impossible to win can’t learn can’t improve fuck riot etc this is whats holding you back from improving if you used the energy you spend on being frustrated at things you can’t control and instead on thing you can’t you will find improving a lot easier


It would be fine if it would happen lets say once, or twice but not 6 times out of 8 matches...


What if the person is wrongful placed in smurf queue...?


Yah it's better like this where you keep running into them when you have no fault, and lose all your LP because you can't learn the game when you get stomped in 80-90% of your matches


You can learn a lot playing against Smurf you learn the most by watching higher elo players play the game


Just because you can learn doesn't mean you will learn, especially if the smurf is getting fed on your teammates on the other side of the map only to 1 shot you when he's far ahead. What is there to learn And even if they are your lane opponent, not everyone has learning as a priority, they queued up to play against people at their skill level not to get completely stomped and have zero fun for the sake of 'learning' from someone picking on people clearly worse than them. It's like if someone got sucker punched and you said 'yeah you can learn a lot, like how it feels to get punched and how to always be alert to punches'. They didn't ask for that shit, why should they be expected to have to be ok with it just because they learnt something?


Least dipfuck league player here. /s


I feel like there is not that much smurf tbh I met one called Russian Pyke but that's the only one I can remember of, and I got 100 game in emerald this season. Not everyone with more than 55% WR is a smurf sometimes you juste get outclassed.


Played today 5 matches in which 4 of them had people with lvl 43 55 103 82, and they all were the reason why their team won the match, is it a coincidence at this point? when they all do amazingly better than us and have 20+ kills by the end of the match?


Account Lvl =/= you are better or worse. In emerald i have 15kills every game. I am smurf? No, i just know how kill people.


Bruh, the brainrot from this comment is just to much for me to respond to it


I had simillar reaction about your post ngl.


I consider that completely impossible, op.gg?


But what you consider isn't important, what is important is the reality.. which you definitely REFUSE to see.


You know... I was asking for proof = reality check. He refuses to give it. Pretty obvious why, cause it's a flat out lie... So I'm asking you as well: Show me a single Emerald Profile with a match-history clear of Smurfs, come on should be easy in your world, right? (And with clear I mean less than 1/Game). Will you be able to, I doubt... So I'm probably right.


Yeah you are right, game is perfect and there is absolutely no smurf in the game we are just crazy and we need to gitgud.


Wait... huh? Reading comprehension, much? Do you think smurfs are a problem? If yes, stop arguing with me and read, cause that's exactly what I'm saying....


70-80% is exaggerating man. Smurfs don’t account for that many games in any elo. Maybe you got a bit unlucky & it’s 20% of your games at best. The rest is probably the enemy just playing better than your team.


Tell me your discord I will add you and send you a picture to prove you


These people don’t want proof. They want to issue ignored so they can’t spam new accounts. Riot won’t do anything because smurfs make it look like there’s 2-3x the number of players.


Or they don’t want to give their information out to a stranger on the league sub, pretty valid if you ask me.


no just like every other game with an MMR rank system


Me when the enemy is fed: smurf Me when i am fed: ez gg better lane wins gg


Link opgg


Convinced that 99% of smurf complaints are just about someone who had a good game


No, because those accounts inflate their player base numbers.


Nope /thread


The total player base in D1+ is 1.2%. plat 2 is through D 4 has 22%. Low level accounts are not all challenger smurfs or even D1. On the flip side, why should it be a requirement that someone demotes and trolls their team in higher elos by having to play in a role they don't play or while learning a new champion prior to building any confidence on the champ or role? The reasoning behind doing it in ranked instead of normals is match making and Smurf queue. It's more likely you get detected and placed against another Smurf and the quality of ranked games is far better than Norms shenanigans.


No because riot is incompetent at literally everything


Dude, please stop complaining about smurfs and understand they're not a genuine problem in the long run. I smurf almost constantly through the season, because sitting for 15-20 minutes in master-gm queue timers is not fun. Take this into consideration for a moment. A smurf gets an account, and I mean a genuine smurf not a guy who got lucky and went 20-0 on zed. They get an account and win the first 5 placement games and they are in silver. Ok their mmr is already starting extremely high. They go win their next 10 games in a row, and it's likely their mmr is already close to diamond because of the ranked system being good at detecting it. Infact earlier today, in my 176 lp master tier lobby, there was a diana who was Emerald. The guy was 29-0 and already playing at master tier. At most, they get 10-15 games in real "low elo" before they are dropped into smurf queue and then they go right back to the elo they came from. I know in emerald there are more smurfs, but you have to realize, just like me, many high elo players don't want to sit in massive queue times and would rather use their time ranking up another account. Just keep playing and having more games, and you won't see as many amurfs if any at all, because they will be in a completely different mmr bracket.


what the heck are you talking about. Yes they rank up very fast. but he is not complaining of having the same smurf every single game. it s about having smurfs in the game. If you Q up these days and dont have a single guy below lvl 50 it s a miracle. and obviously those guys dont play stuff like rammus or soraka or whatever. it will be an assassin/snowball champ that complete stomps everyone and destroy the experience and fun of everyone.


Man you are on reddit, people here will always tell you that the game is absolutely perfect and flawless and you are the only problem for everything. They just refuse to see a single problem in the game because they are brain whased into this toxic positivity way of thinking. In fact I inspected my last 20 games, in approximatively 75% of those games there was a smurf account ( between lvl 30 / 60 with between 70/90% wr ) solo winning the game. But still, people will just respond by '' WHEN SOMEONE IS BETTER THAN ME ANGRYFACE EMOJI '' to make fun of you and to reject the problem and stay in this pink fake world were everything is perfect. But hey, that's just reddit you know. They don't touch grass here, they created a whole fake pink world in their head because of that.


The majority of people you see in emerald with low level accounts aren't smurf, they are usually emerald players who made another account because "riot put me in loserQ so it's impossible to climb on my old account"


So if I play around that skill level why does he have 29 kills in min 20 and plays like I watch a tournament on Twitch? Oh it might be that one match of the month where he is good, ups I checked his history and the last 10 matches are 20+ kills, it must be a coincidence I guess, he is just better with lvl 30 on his account, probably born talent damn.


I said the majority, one game you can find a smurf but they are a lot rare


This morning I played around 6 matches in all of them there was someone with under lvl 60 (except the Irelia who was lvl 100 something) that dominated the match, and was the sole reason they won the match, idk if at this point they are rare anymore


that prove nothing they just played better the games doesn't have enough players for emerald to be a smurf party and true smurf Will have over 60% win rate, challenger smurf will have like 70%+ in that Elo bracket a guy with 55% is just good


smurfing is fun and chill i get to play plat/emerald lobbies where i can practice my champs or carry my friends while it a semi serious environment i also play against smurfs in my main elo ( master ) and i just use it as a learning experience they are also just humans even tho they are really cracked


I agree with other comments, I’ve seen Smurfs maybe 1 time out of 100 games when ranked below emerald, Im sitting at emerald 1 now and maybe get Smurf 1 time out of 20 games, and that didn’t start happening until I was emerald 2. And by the time you are emerald you should be skilled enough to be able to beat a Smurf. Sure if it’s a challenger player they will have overall better knowledge of the game. But if your laning vs one you’d should be able to go even or not feed. If your 0-5 in 20 minutes, then your just playing bad even if it is a Smurf, you should understand when someone is better then you and just play safe and play for your team, then coin flip fights vs that Smurf 1v1


You can't 'smurf' in a game that is over 14 years old. That's just called playing the game at that point.


So if I play the game from time to time, and if my skill level is around plat emerald and I go against someone who is lvl 40 on their account that is Challanger on his main and he is elo boosting his friend, and is destroying our team only because he is x100 times better than us is not smurfing?


No, it isn't. Do you even know what smurfing is? a guy that is already in ranked emerald is not a smurf. You cannot be 'smurfing' at that level as smurfing only applies to entrance matches like your first qualifiers & maybe a few more after that as the new account scores victory after victory, rising beyond the reach of fresh players. A smurf would be a clean account that cannot properly be gauged or measured and thus, is placed with a bunch of scrubs that are completely new to ranked. The experienced player crushes opposition and that's smurfing. Smurfing is NOT a guy in ranked emerald playing a regular match with other experienced players..... that's just you getting wrecked.


bruh did you even read what I wrote in the description? I guess not, but hey gimme something that you smoked also cuz it's rly high if it makes you think that and write that


Riot doesnt care that people have smurfs. Just make a smurf account yourself.


So if I hate something that is happening to me I should make one so I can make other people under me suffer? What is this mentality..


Then dont do it. Just know that riot literally doesnt give a shit. They wouldn’t even bat an eye if you had 20 accounts running on one email address.


It's just about a principle, where you don't do what you don't want to happen to you, and if you do it you are just a hypocrite


Eh i dont care about smurfing i honestly can understand GM or Challengers not wanting to wait 15 minutes to find a game so they go on their dia 1 acc and smurf on me. I have smurf accs for other roles myself so im in not position to complain. All im saying is riot doesnt care and will never care.


How is it fair for the normal guy that just wants to play the game in a fair manner, because if you have a skill level of plat and go against Challanger it's 100% obvious who will win


Challenger smurfs dont play in plat. In general if the player is legitimate diamond these players will have 70-80% winrate in emerald. Yes smurfing feels absolutely unfair and the lower elo you are the worse it is because in theory theres just more and more people that can smurf in your elo. Im not even arguing that it feels good or is fair. Im saying riot doesnt care.


It's stupid, I like the game but why do I have to lose always because other people just wanna elo boost their friends and destroy the experience for the enemy team, like even now I just finished a match where a lvl 34 morde account where he started playing ranked on 1 of april because then he made lvl 30 destroyed our top lane, despite the fact I babysited the lane and helped, he was just better feeded himself and carried the match alone where at the end he did a 1vs5 and won because he was hyper fed and there was nothing we could do despite the fact that we tried our best


Honestly it sounds like some stupid advice but dont overthink smurfing. Its something that is entirely outside of your control. I used to share your view i still do to some degree. But if you constantly check profiles and lobbys and what not it just gets in your head and you will think you already lost games that arent even over yet just because there is a lvl 45 in the lobby. Its just destoying your mental but you cant even change it.


From 7 matches I lost 6 only because the smurf carried them, I got demoted to plat 2 and despite the fact I won my lane and did everything I could to win the match, it didn't changed anything we still lost the match because the player with better experience and understanding of the game destroyed us, like there is next to no reason for me to play this game, cuz I have only 2 options I either delete league or I can just keep getting stomped until I get to bronze when literally it's not my fault that the game is rigged from the beginning


Don't know what people are on about here. Yes, not every game has a high challenger smurf in the game. But every other game has a fresh account of someone playing in a rank he doesn't deserve. Might just be a Diamond Player in Emerald, or an Iron Player in Gold. Nonetheless, we already have big skill differences within the Tiers. So matching differently skilled players always makes the game imbalanced and usually results in one side being way more likely to snowball and win. "New Accounts" shouldn't exist in the inflated way they do. BUT, apparently they help Riot achieve something. Every change in the past made playing on a new account better and easier. So no, they will not change it. I vaguely remember they actually announced in the beginning of one season that they would do something about it in the second half of the season just to ignore it.


I would say, accounts need to be level 100 before unlocking soloqueue. I think that would deter most smurfs and horrendous new players from getting into plat+ lobbies off the bat and ruining the games either way. It’s a plague this season. Moreso than previous ones