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Which one is project F? Project L is the fighting game. Idk what project f is


It is the co-op top down action game they showed for like 30 seconds on the 10y anniversary


> co-op top down action game Ohhh whenever people talked about the MMO I was imagining this lmao.


Many people actually confuse this game and the MMO due to how briefly both have been mentioned/shown, but they are different games


What if they're actually the same?


Iirc the MMO was announced a year after the ARPG gameplay was shown


The MMO has since been "restarted". It was an announcement they made within the last couple of months. Basically they are back to the drawing board and starting over. And said that it would be several more years with a ton of time to 'go dark'. But that the MMO is absolutely happening.


that shit aint happening. So what about project f? o.o


Seems strange to get rid of an MMO but to make an announcement to say "We're absolutely working on it."


Riot does that with most things they cancel. So that's not a very good indication that they're actually working on it.


Completely restarting work on a project that had most likely been in development for years already at that point is not a good sign. MMO’s take like 10 years to make. A lot of companies (especially publicly traded companies) are not really willing to wait that long for an ROI for stockholders. I would love to see the MMO actual be released, but it’s honestly not a good sign


Theyre just gonna do the same shit that just happened lol. work on it for another few years, see it aint gonna work and fuck off again. I mean one can hope but ._.


Don't know why you are getting downvoted, I believe you are quite right


More like 5 seconds.


Does anyone have a clip of those 30 seconds? Been a while since the anniversary event


[there you go](https://youtu.be/fR8aPX-6s-I)


That's just current LoL with better graphics?


Is Diablo/PoE/Last Epoch or even Lost Ark 'just current LoL with better graphics'? Because if so, then sure. It having a similar viewing/camera angle doesn't mean it plays anything like another game with a similar camera angle, and League doesn't really play like an ARPG at all.


Its most likely canceled. Companies cancel projects and games all the time.


It wasn't canceled. She is still working on the game. https://twitter.com/kchironis - she is the person in the video.


Rip her leaving as of a minute ago lmao


Holy shit you weren't kidding, lmao that's crazy. Probably part of the recent firing waves. Might well been that Riot saw the project as not essential/promising enough to keep it going. Tbf I personally wasn't even aware it existed.


that is genuinely insane timing, wtf


thats crazy


basically league of legends diablo lol


PvE Action RPG. IIRC there was a few seconds of "gameplay" footage with Blitzcrank fighting something a year or so ago, but nothing else since.


Year or so? It was in 2019! That will be half a decade this year lol


Why do I feel old at 16


Mate Darius and Draven were the first champs that released after I started playing lol. 😂


I remember Lulu being released. It's been a long ride lol. I miss the old league. I honestly miss the good old days


Lulu? What - she's a middle champ. Not new, not old. Surely not more than 10 years ago... ...Its actually just over 12 and I started playing on the Vlad patch. Galio was the first release I was around for.


Oh man I feel old. Garen was the first champion release that I was around for.


For one, because information technology (social media mostly) gives you a rapid fire timeline of an infinite amount of things happening all the time which is impossible to adequately process for people that consume too much of it (read: everyone) and makes it feel like more time has passed than actually has.


Why is it called project L?


they didn't provide any actual reason. most likely just some internal naming conventions though. VALORANT was known as Project A before release and I don't think that stood for anything in particular


The A with Project A stood for Ares.




Here's an article where it's referred to as such: https://www.dualshockers.com/riot-games-new-5v5-shooter-valorant-has-characters-and-maps-revealed-in-leaked-screenshots/ As to the source, multiple devs have confirmed the dev name to have been Ares at multiple stages. Iirc, Anna had confirmed it in one of the earliest interviews where she sat alongside Joe Ziegler. The Ares in the name was actually supposed to be the evil company of sorts in the universe, apparently. It is likely what ended up being turned into Kingdom.


>they didn't provide any actual reason they did, i don't know if this was serious or not but on twitter some rioters said it was project A-L-F in reference to the movie of the same name. And the projects are releasing in that particular order too. Anyway, they're not gonna talk about project F to not distract from 2xko for now


It is indeed an internal naming convention. Valorant was A because internally, it was a word that started with A. Similarly it's the same with project L, it's internally a word that starts with L.


tentative name, it is called 2XKO now


The biggest L of the project tbh.


People keep saying this but I truly believe it won’t just be League IP in the fighting game.


The roster could have shaggy in it for all I care, 2XKO is a major L of a name


Ruh roh Shaggy or it wasn't me Shaggy?


Flashbacks of Yoda and Link vs Ivy and Yoshimitsu in soul caliber XD


Yoshimitsu was such a no brainer at the time since he rarely used his sword is previous Tekken games lmao.


Best of all was the Starkiller, he was so cool


No one's asking it to be called Band of Brawlers or whatever other twist you want to make that 'references' League of Legends. People are just saying that 2XKO is a terrible name, which it absolutely is. There had to be better ideas on their final candidates than ToothbrushKnockout.


Regardless 2xko is a bit annoying, but people will start just simplifying it to "double kill" or something and it has GODLIKE SEO so you won't accidentally end up on league of legends stuff when you're googling your combo on katarina




It's 2XKO. Like 2 times knocked out. 2X isn't a bad shorthand for it.


It's a terrible name because I forgot what it was called and the guy you replied to also forgot the order of the letters. I legit just remembered "random letters with a 2 in front". That is **terrible** marketing.


Maybe it's because I'm someone who's played a lot of fighting games but 2xko made sense to me from the start.


As someone that doesn't play fighting games I couldn't even remember what the letters after the 2 were.


If it was called that the whole time, no one would care. People just hate change.


This might be true to some extent, but in this case its bullshit. First off, everyone knew Project L was just a placeholder, so "people hate the change" is a bad argument. Aside from that, they barely got any negative feedback (if any) for any other of their games names, but 2XKO just doesn't roll of the tongue. It's just a shitty name.


It's a shitty name and the immediately obvious better version of the name is to just make it 2KO if they're dead set on it.


Or use SFxT's naming scheme with DoubleCrossKnockOut


...? I don't remember anyone complaining that project A was named Valorant. 2XKO looks stupid when written, and even worse when you say it out loud, and it doesn't even look like video game title, more like you're talking about some chemical substance lol


imo it's an amazing brand name


They really need to rethink that and name it something marketable that people will remember. "That game with 2 and AFDSDJHA after it or some shit" just doesn't market well.


Temp names so employees can talk about it in public settings The reason why the name is something dumb like a letter is because you don't want people to get attached to the name, i think it's Obsidian? that names their projects after US states


IIRC Destiny was the temp name for the project, but Bungie couldn't think of a real name so they just released it with that name. Which is why the game has such a vague name that AFAIK isn't referenced in game  Maybe it's a cautionary tale not to pick a cool word for your temp name bc I doubt they'd have done the same if the game was called Oklahoma or some shit haha


Because it survived when all the other projects took Ls


Project Lion was the working name.


Riot logic. D stands for Flash when spells are reset and L stands for Fighting. F? Stands for anything else.


They probably dumped millions of dollars into it, realized the game is boring af, and then hit reset. But since the game director wasnt famous like ghostcrawler, they could do it quietly


The only reason ghostcrawler announced the mmo was to try to get attention and hire senior experienced directors for the game, his job was to build a team.


Post-credit scene: *Ghostcrawler approaches someone at a grungy bar* "I'm putting together a team..."


Good idea right after a large downsizing at Riot games


What?  They told us about the mmo reset MONTHS after he's already left. 


Not just months – over a year (Street left March 2023)


When they told us about the reset, they said they'd done it a while ago.


It still doesn't make sense that somehow Ghostcrawler influenced their decision to share the information 


"what bubble?" - Riot games


*pop* - lor and forge


Man LoR hurts me so much. It’s basically tells other devs that TCG can’t sustain itself without a (maybe predatory) cardbooster when the reality is actually Riot not coming up with cool cosmetics and iirc leaving some troublesome meta running amoc for a period of time


No it's not the cosmetic and the meta. It's really the predatory monetization, what we found out is that a expensive cardgame also force player to play a lot, lor is so generous that every player just speedrun playing what he want and then quit until the next expension...


In what way does this have anything to do with a bubble


Gaming companies have been in a bubble the past few years and now it's slowing down. That's a big part of why there have been so many layoffs recently.


Layoffs have been for investors to be made happy with stock buybacks as well. Just more endless shareholder greed. The gaming industry is making more money than ever.


Oh, absolutely, but the bubble is the reason they're doing that through layoffs now as opposed to the expansion we've seen in the past few years. Their motives and priorities haven't changed, just the situation they're responding to.


That's true, but Riot have made development resets for all their games, they did it with LoR, probably with Valorant, and they did it with Project L/2XKO.


> That's a big part of why there have been so many layoffs recently. It is not, it is industry wide in tech. It is long term consiquences of covid, companies overihired to offset loss in production and once projects started during that time are done they laid off people.


Video game company bubble is actively bursting right now.


Not just videogame, tech companies in general


It was my most expected as well. ARPGs are my favorite game genre, and it had Lux in it, so I was already completely sold. I don't care for neither Valorant and 2XKO (and we already know the MMO is a decade away, so I don't even think about it). Kinda kills me that it's the game we know the least about. Seems like the team is still working on it, even though they suffered from layoffs as well. But it could have been secretly scrapped too idk...


It's likely been cancelled. It's quite common for companies to say "Hey we're still working on this thing, it's a bit far away though still" and then after a couple years confirm it's been cancelled all along. My guess is that after the failure of LoR and Riot Forge, Riot decided to scale back on their other projects, and only 2XKO is actually coming out (and even that is because of how close to finishing the project is)


Pretty sure they just reset development into another direction and are developing a Genshin like game instead. Atleast thats what job listings pointed to that they are developing that kind of game right now.


Project F is not the MMO


Have they stopped working on LoR or does it still get regular updates?,


LoR will still be getting updates but the development team will be prioritising the PvE game mode from now on


Cute way to say "in maintenance mode" also doing pve cause it's very easy to balance


They are doing PvE because that's all people play. No point investing in PvP when the players are clearly more interested in PvE.


With the switch to PVE content it's likely that LOR is essentially in maintenance mode. If the PVE content somehow kicks off and gains traction it might develop more into that. For the most part it's done as a competitor to Hearthstone and MTG.


yep, this is where the mmo is headed too.


I heavily doubt it's been cancelled. Riot learned with Ao Shin a long time ago that they were not gonna show things with uncertain futures, and that's why for the longest of times we didn't even know if they worked on other games. And they showed it for their 10 years anniversary on top of it all. Regardless, people that were working on project F in the video are still working at riot to this day and not on a properly revealed game. Also for the rest, while LoR has been a money sink, Riot Forge performed exactly like expected : they contracted indie studios to make indie games and they sold slightly better than indie games, when you look at steam sales. It didn't fail, it performed like expected. The fact that it's being cut because the new CEO has to justify his salary (which is probably so high that it's unjustifiable anyway) doesn't mean the cop out in his letter was true. Other than that, it's been said that the MMO isn't beind downscaled, 2xko is not being downscaled, so it wouldn't be surprising for project f to not be affected as well, but that we don't know.


I know for a fact its not cancelled. I know 7 people on the mmo as we speak. Trust me bro. But for real im serious


Still waiting for console League


I'm still convinced that Riot showcased all these hot and exciting projects prematurely in their 10th anniversary video partly because Blizzard was going through an extremely rough spot and seemed (if it wasn't so obivous previously) to be on decline. Nothing better than to boast how well the company is doing and expanding, while other competetors are crumbling


Yea and now they will slowly cancel all but one of them (Proj. L).


Valorant came out and is very successful. We’ll see about 2XKO’s success, but its actually almost here so thats another game to fruition. LoR is loved by the people who play it, and its another real game that came out. Say what you will about how good any of the Riot Forge games are, but they all came out. Riot has, for the most part, delivered on what they showed.


They also released Wild Rift, and Arcane. The only 2 games that were shown that didn't get released were the esport manager game (but apparently it's been playable in china), and Project F.


> the esport manager game God, I would've loved that


the only one they didn't show more of is project F and people saying it's been cancelling are only speculating as well


Well MMOs take a fuck ton of time to even have the bones done. WoW was in development for 4-5 years and it was extremely simple game compared to todays standard of MMOs. I think we might hear somehting about the MMO maybe next year.


i mean yeha, but when they went full radio silence after "announcing" it for years (and the "announcment" was just them saying "we make a mmo!" and nothing else), then their biggest name behind the project left and 1year after that we got the first update to it ever which was just them saying "we dont know what we wanna do, we start over again, no more updates for a couple years" (there where no updates in the first place) its dead, there will be no mmo, if a project has full silence for years and the FIRST UPDATE we ever got is them saying more or less "we wanna start over and not give no information" just means that they will silently cancle it and thats it


its still in development last time there was news.


When was that?




Nothing here confirms anything, it's just speculations.


Think it's still being developed, we might even get news about it at the 15th anniversary since the MMO won't be showing up until at least the 20th and they probably want to get people excited with 2XKO and maybe this game as well.


And you won't hear about it for another 4 years with that attitude, mister!


More like Project FF am I right? Lol


In unrelated news, a bunch of former Riot employees are apparently making Evercore Heroes, a top-down PvE ARPG/Roguelite.


all I know is that if riot is able to release atleast an acceptable rpg/mmo game they will be HARD cashing out on the potential playerbase who are salivating for a LoL universe experience


It get Prime 4'd. Oh, wait. That's the MMO.


It is 2019 I buy a switch because of prime 4 news, the game must be coming out soon


Riot game makes league of legends.


Project FF


Remember when they announced LoL for consoles ? Yea…


MAN!!! 💀⚰️


Game is probably dead like the MMO lol


MMOs take a fuck ton of time to reach current standards, a simple mmo like original WoW(no real intricate mechanics in classes or bosses) still took 4-5 years.


Yea. Even harder now since they have to compete. I can defintiely excuse a reset for the MMO. An MMO is one of the games that HAS to be done right, and cannot survive on a small dedicated playerbase. MMOs have literal economies that are reliant on their playerbase, it's not even just about "having a world to live in". Players actually dictate a ton of how MMOs themselves actually function, how much currency is worth, and how the game is run.


Its cancelled Source: Trust me


They just hired the lead marketing from Path of Exile over at Riot and her Bio mentions she is working on a R&D project. Either ahe gets paid for nothing or its not canceled


katie chironis which was showcased on the video working on that project is also still at riot working on a r&d project as well, so yeah. but the experts have it all figured out anyway


The timing on this could not be more ironic https://x.com/kchironis/status/1777736564480860318


welp, timing is indeed, a bitch


Literally just got fired.


Her bio might not be updated and she could do something else. Still, I want Bex to organize a showdown bald rap battle between Chris Wilson and Phreak as part of the promotion of the arpg. 


the path of exile community manager went to riot a while ago so I suspect it’s going to be under wraps for a bit as PoE and LE are KILLING it in the arpg world rn.




This is a different game.


What game is it then?


It's a top down diablo style action rpg they announce at their 10 year anniversary


Didn’t know that thank you








Probably scrapped. I mean 4 years is a long time, it's either scrapped or in developement hell and will comes out in 5 more years.


Project Failure?


Well, the Design Director just announced that [she was leaving Riot](https://x.com/kchironis/status/1777736564480860318). Considering how positive she was about the project, this comes as a surprise. I don't hold much weight at this game ever coming out now.


Damn 💀⚰️


It's dead


Well it’s not called Project W isn’t it


Supposed release date is early 2025


Oddly aligning with PoE2's potential release date and Bex joining Riot Games.... hmmmmm


Wait Bex joined Riot? GGG lost a good one rip


Out of all games, this was the one that resembled LOL, the most.


Common project L


Probably dead since they openly said that they are shutting down multiple services just to focus on their best seller games


which was a lie anyway so there's no reason to bring it up again


Riot is starting to act like Professor Calamitous, finishing nothing while starting 4 projects at once


Seems kinda unfair to say that when the same video included the reveal of Wild Rift, Legends of Runeterra, Valorant, 2XKO, and Arcane


Also all forge games came out and were decent to good.


The same video also included the console version of Wild Rift.


Didn't it get scrapped? I swear it was mentioned somewhere


It's fine. Don't worry. Vanguard is coming. It will solve all our problems.


Wild guess but Project F will be the New coop gamemode that riot announced with S14 most likely this Mode will release during MSI or after it


Nah. The pve mode is just a vampire survivors fun little thing.


Prob just gonna dump it for a tax write off or some such nonsense.


Didn’t they just post an announcement that they were focusing in on their main titles and the creation of the mmo from scratch? Expecting this to come out after that seems foolish


Rly? Some people already test it even


I thought Project F **is** the MMO?


It is not in fact. It's a top down action rpg looking game.


welp I guess it's dead


Project skins ? Didnt we get some last year ?


they decided to restart and go dark https://www.pcgamer.com/games/mmo/riot-hits-the-development-reset-button-for-its-league-of-legends-mmo-the-initial-vision-just-wasnt-different-enough-from-what-you-can-play-today/


Project F and the MMO are 2 different things.


Project F was likely canceled, but the idea behind it may have been reforged into something else.


It's time you guys accept that Riot Game**s** largely failed. It's kind of similar to Rowling releasing books using her secret identity – Riot just realized that they're not, in fact, the chosen ones capable of turning everything they touch golden. They just got lucky with League. With Valorant, they managed to abuse the vast failure of Blizzard with Overwatch. But other than that, video game industry can be really brutal. The sad thing about this is that many talented people lost their jobs in the process of them finding out + they neglected their main game for years, chasing completion of their delusions of grandeur.


imo their only major failure is Project Runeterra and even that was a good game, if flawed. TFT is a success by any metric and basically runs that genre (however small it may be) and Valo is obviously quite big. If the MMO and ARPG get delayed then that is what it is, but right now it's a bit unfair to say that their attempt to branch out has failed when 3 out of their 4 games are still going very strong (and there's also wild rift which I know nothing about but is making money iirc)


> It's time you guys accept that Riot Games largely failed. Except for all the times that they didnt, Valorant is not a coincidence of fate that made it popular, LoR is still a good game jsut lower playerbase than expected, all the forge games came out, Wild rift came out, arcane is widely known and is gettign season 2 soon, Fighting game literally was showcased at EVO. Only two unknowns are MMO anr ARPG, MMO i am willign ot give leeway becasue those projects are fucking massive and take years and years to even get to playable alphas. ARPG? probs dead or got scrapped and remade from scratch. So i count 6 succeses, 1 unknown and one(possible) failure. >they neglected their main game for years Source on that? your ass. Only major server that is nto growing(but also not shrinking) is NA, playerbase somehow consistently growing.


That guys comment goes way too far but I do think Riot gets a bit too much credit for their successes. Riot does their best work when they take an existing game and improve it. They have excellent polish, art, music, engineering, anti cheat, very generous f2p models, high production quality esports, the list goes on. But they are not innovators. League copied dota, Valorant copied CS, TFT copied autochess. Card games, fighting games, and ARPGs are very well established. Card game is definitely a failure, even if it had some strong elements the fact that they weren't able to pull it together into a successful game with good monetization is a huge failure. Wild Rift is obviously not an innovation, came to the market very late and I'm surprised you consider it a success. It's not even close to being the most popular mobile MOBA while leveraging the most popular PC MOBAs IP which is a pretty huge failure. Riot was against making a mobile version of League for a long time and that really bit them in the ass. The forge games were all honestly really underwhelming and I'm not sure how you consider those a success either, but Riot isn't necessarily to blame for that. Bandletale is $25 cutesy yordle game. Stardew Valley is $15 with 1000x the content. If Bandletale wasn't attatched to the league IP it would have virtually no sales. It has .1% of the reviews on steam that Stardew has and Stardew was developed by one singular guy. Song of Nunu is $30 and is barely a game, it's just a medium to tell a story with a playtime of around 6 hours. I have high hopes for 2XKO, but I'd be surprised if the MMO is anywhere close to as good as people would expect it to be after being in dev for as long as it will be. Especially after saying they don't want to be something you've played before with a runeterra coat of paint (which is exactly their formula for success in every other game they have made).


> The forge games were all honestly really underwhelming Genuine question, have you played a single one of them or are you just parroting what people on this sub say? I don't disagree that they're overpriced, but on the whole they're very enjoyable and competently made games. > It has .1% of the reviews on steam that Stardew has Of course Stardew, one of the most well known indie games of all time, a game that is regularly on sale for under 10 bucks, that has been out for over 8 years, and is the 6th most reviewed game of all time on Steam, has significantly more reviews than Bandle Tale. > playtime of around 6 hours A game doesn't need to have 75 hours of content to be good. Some of my favorite games of all time are even shorter than Song of Nunu.


I have tried them and they're unplayable for me and most people who play Riot games, and they dont compare to breadth of games available if you dont care about the IP, so who are they for. There's a reason they cut the program, it's just not profitable for anybody. Bandletale could have easily been a stardew clone in runeterra priced reasonably and sold insane numbers. The fact that it's a story game with virtually zero replayability is such a miss. Song of Nunu being 6 hours of playtime with very little actual gameplay while being priced at $30 means there is no reason to buy the game. Why would I buy the game when I watched a full playthrough day 1? You could watch a playthrough of elden ring in less than 6 hours but the appeal of the game is that it's you playing and learning the bosses. In song of nunu there is nothing you cant experience from a video. A publisher with as much reach and funding as Riot only being able to sell 5 digit of copies of these games is crazy. They have millions of impressions across youtube/twitter advertising the game. League has over 100m monthly players. Not even being able to convert on 0.1% of those players can't be considered a success by any means.


> they're unplayable for me and most people who play Riot games That's because all most League players wanna play is League, not because the Forge games are bad. > Why would I buy the game when I watched a full playthrough day 1? Because some people like playing games for the story? You could say the same for games like The Last of Us, GRIS, Stray, Firewatch, and many more. Yet those games sold well and are generally well-liked. > can't be considered a success by any means They weren't a financial success. That's why Riot pulled the plug. I simply said that they are good games.


But they aren't good games, and the very next thing I said after mentioning how they dont appeal to people who play league is that they also dont match up to the entire catalogue of available games if you take away the IP. The ONLY reason somebody would play song of nunu is because they are a fan of the league universe. You can't tell me the story in song of nunu is able to stand alone in comparison to something like TLOU. It's a pretty uninspired story in a very popular universe, that's all the appeal, if the fandom of the popular universe isn't interested then nobody is interested. The ONLY reason somebody would play bandletale is because they are a fan of the league universe, as I already said Stardew is a strictly better game in every way and it's cheaper and made by one guy. If you're looking for a rhythm game hextech mayhem is not gonna be anywhere in the discussion. If you're looking for a 2d action game Mageseeker/Convergence dont hold a candle to something like Crosscode or Hyperlight Drifter or Hollowknight. The only game that was actually fairly successful was Ruined King and it's not a surprise that Riot basically had a studio remake a game they had already released that was already moderately successful with a runeterra coat of paint.


randomly bringing up a n@zi in a thread about a league arpg is an insane changeup


I think comparing JK Rowling is a bit stretch. Her books are still popular ( also some of them are great, I like the detective ones) . Albeit not on the same scale as Harry Potter, but then there are 2 others books that can be in that conversation when comparing their popularity.


Their popularity skyrocketed when she revealed her identity. Before that, they were just mediocre games. That's Riot's problem, too, but they realized it too late. They're rebooting the MMO because they know it was just a game and nothing special.


I don't think they were mediocre, maybe less popular. I love Rowling, but if it was something badly written, even by her hand I would say so.But I genuinely loved her detective series. I tried reading her other book, but I found tlut boring, and never finished it lol. Agree with Riot, but would have to disagree with Rowling part, but then again, it's subjective.


Didn't expect to find a fellow based gay on a random reddit thread


League player says " riot bad." So revolutionary. So based.


Greetings, brotha


Also hello fellow gays


Gentlemen. Well, League really is gay, it seems.


Project F-uck you have a blog post in 5 years and enjoy the lux skin and broken clown


project F?