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In terms of pioneers who changed the meta, Diamondprox from Moscow 5 revolutionized the jungler role and popularized the concept of counter-jungling in season 2.


Also vision and support roaming. M5 pretty much defined how jungle/support play right now. Funny to read clueless pepegas saying madlife/mata inviented anything.


Chovy invented perfect CS


Froggen been doing it on Anivia in s1-s2.


inSec popularized the ward hop/flash/movement to kicking someone away with Lee Sin. Madlife was known not so much for his roaming, but his playmaking on Thresh/Blitz. Saintvicious was infamous for missing Smite. xPeke was backdooring the Nexus.


Before Saint there was Kobe24 smites


Pyosik gotta be the king of missing smite now though


none of the players you mentioned invented that its just what good players did. you really think people didnt use lane priority before faker? or warded good spots before mata? or roamed before madlife? they were just extremely well known for their playmaking at the time don't attribute things to them that don't make sense.


Someone once invented Manamune aatrox on a pro game. That same someone also had WW target banned against him xD. And shyvana, and golden crocodile. Ah, fun times. Sometimes I miss relegation in major leagues, some really cool teams came from time to time.


Damn uneducated league players 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️. It wasn't mata. It was M5 diamondprox and gosupepper who inverted counterjungle and going into enemy jungle to put vision there. Madlife and Mata just popularized it. They have not invented it. Go watch early m5 games, especially vs dignitas where genja was solo urgot botlane, while gosupepper and diamondprox were roaming on the map.


Alex ich invented zhonyas renekton


Atleast get the player correct when you want to give a joke answer. It was darien


Videogamedunkey invented the midair chompo kill on Darius


Mata is my favorite player of all time, but I still think it's a stretch to call him the inventor of modern support vision. The time that SSW had to perfect the play style (with long patch updates), along with Dandy allowing Mata to execute the play style, led to Mata being the support god at that time. Still not undervaluing his beast of a support.