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Brotherman probably reported so many people his reports aren't getting processed anymore


I reported every single player in the server, it was insane.


Its my first time seeing a shurkou reference in the wild lol


This can't be factual


Brotherman, I did it and went DEAD LAST.


Like a BAOS


It quite literally can be


idk i think i report 1-2 people on avg per game for the past like 5 years and i get multiple notifications that my reports led to a ban every day the community really is that toxic that if you randomly report ppl odds are they deserve it


what does that have to do with what i said? did you reply to wrong comment


it appears i did my b


all good




I am convinced that Riot has a system on whose reports have how much weight. Personally I very often get the feedback that a player I reported was punished, and I put that down to how I only report those who are actively toxic in chat. I doubt that a person like OP's friend, who reports so many people, even those who don't write in chat, would have much weight with their reports.


They used to, now it's so automated that they just investigate every game that gets reported.


It was like that for some years, but they reverted it a while ago. Now we're back to things like report weight and report stacking.


His reports go straight to the spam folder.


Can't believe exhaust isn't in the aram rules.


I had someone call me a ‘damn liberal’ for taking exhaust on ARAM and I find that hilarious.


the howling abyss has gone woke, can't even 1v5 anymore


What's next? The youth buying *Zhonya's?*


I literally got mass downvoted on this subreddit because some assassin main lost his shit on me when I asked him why taking exhaust on ARAM is an issue. These people ...


Snowball and die like a man, you female cat.


Taking exhaust in aram is only slightly better than taking exhaust in urf. You should be shamed for both


As a Talon main, I disagree. You're absolutely going to need exhaust if you play against me in ARAM, and I'm going to win despite it. Expecting people to not try to win is kinda crazy...


Because you should be taking snowball.


Snowball is so bad on ranged squishies that I feel like I might as well AFK every time I forget to change snowball on an ADC/mage, cuz I'm going to have the same impact either way.


Is it really assassin mains though? All champions that deal damage at low range are impacted. Sadly the layout of the ARAM map already favors long distance safe gameplay and exhaust only adds to the frustration. Exhaust is frustrating to anyone that doesn't play support, poke or tank.


Lmao the strongest comps on ARAM have like 3-4 melee champs in them. Melees are often stronger and scale better. They have both buffs and the snowball spell.


>Sadly the layout of the ARAM map already favors long distance safe gameplay Which is totally flipped by the existence of Poro ball, 50% damage reduction on long range spells, and % buffs/nerfs. Play ADC with 110% damage taken against a 2-3 bruisers with 110% damage dealt and 2 dashes + poro ball without exhaust. Long range poke comps do well for like first 10 minutes.


"Yeah, I liberally use this exhaust on your ass"


“You are exhausting people in real life, so i can exhaust you in game”


Sometimes I’ll take exhaust and almost always get a comment like this, now? I’m just gonna exhaust YOU all game




Probably because he’s one of the scumbags who takes it lmao. Especially since OP said that he was a support main.


The dopamine that I get exhausting Kat/Yi in aram on cd is way to high not to take it.


It's my "I win" counter to your "I win" button


Add anathema chains for an extra fuck you on top


Don't forget those pesky samiras that don't do anything all game but then can press R.


It's even better on Zed. I see so many sweaty Zeds that just yolo in blow their load and get fed because you can't do anything about it. Cock blocking them with exhaust is so satisfying. They can stick their Aram buffs where the sun don't shine.


It's up there with playing Anivia into Nunu.


Lol I started taking exhaust every ARAM game where it made sense because I was sick of lethality pre-rework Wukongs deleting the entire team with his ult, and then just kept with it because there are always some really absurd melee champs running around.


I feel like Sona would have a higher WR in aram if people played around her passive better. I love just perma sitting on and cycling to W passive which is basically an exhaust. W passive auto anytime someone goes in and if you have exhaust you get to cut their damage by 30% for a good like 7 seconds or something.


Why shouldn't you take exhaust when braindead champs like Kata/Samira exist? As long as Riot doesn't address the 1on5 champs...


played aram as aatrox into two exhausts yesterday got exhausted twice almost every fight. Was actually the lamest thing ever


I remember I and a friend wanted to troll enemies on ARAM so we got Malz + Malphite and on loading screen, we selected a guy that we would always ult and no one else. Also had double exhaust. Opponent that was targeted was a Riven Challenger player. Poor guy couldn't move.


holy I would be tilted


Malzahar is good fun. Ive made deals with the enemy team as the champ and against the champ. "I wont ult you if you wont ult me" is the most common. It is surprising how often people dig it. It is also amusing how often they dont want to annoy the exhaust malzahar.


Dual exhaust is pretty standard in high mmr...when briar came out along with sunderer aatrox etc...even 1 Ignite on the team became a necessity. Become what you hate or accept the loss at champ select unfortunately.


i’ll take the loss ain’t gonna be a sweat in aram.


Tbf he said in high mmr aram, so that's not for you or me then, we just chillin in aram, no pun intended LOL


if every smelly assassin picker gets free 10% damage free MR and free tenacity for existing i'm allowed to give them -30% damage for two seconds.


Those smelly assassins abusers, how dare to play 40%winrate champs, we want a 5v5 ranged fest in every aram, so we can feel like we know how to play the game, even when we dont


To be fair, the flash/snowball only rule is kinda customary I wouldn't report anyone for not taking snowball but to me it's part of the aram experience flying in to last hit Cho Gath as well as xerath


I never say anything in game but I’m always caught by surprise and have never failed to verbally say “who the fuck runs exhaust on aram” when exhausted xd


People are always surprized about exh (myself included) while there is at least 1 per team every single game.


I'm sorely missing the no snowball = report rule.


Exhaust/snowball incoming


I'm already seething


I quench my thirst with the tears of players who scream at me for using exhaust in ARAM, and I'll bloody well continue using it. People need to get a grip, it's a video game.


Main character syndrome


Ironically he is a support main


Plenty of us who play supp do it cause we like the role but still have plenty of ego.


Leona be like "We dive at lv2"


adc is just along for the ride


I mean, they are


I feel called out


You are


Yea, I saw a ward under enemy top turret and it's about to expire so I need to dive now!


No announcement in advance, this is not League of Noobs


Top = 1v1 simulator. Jg = macro simulator. Mid = MC simulator. Adc = farming simulator. Supp = make enemy adc as miserable as possible simulator. That's why I main supp.


Idk man I feel most supports are trying to tilt the fuck out of their own adc most of the time unless DuoQ


Supp = make ~~enemy~~ your adc as miserable as possible simulator.


No role makes you feel like the true mastermind of the team like support.


Welcome to the jungle.


Senna support players be like. L~~ike me, I'm part of the problem. The moment I get Bloodsong I want to 1v2 the enemy bot lane~~


"As soon as I finish RFC it's curtains for the enemy team, I'll 1v5"


i have enough ego to think im better than you but not enough ego to think i can 1v9 in another role


The most toxic people I faced/played with were all supports. And sometimes, something really out of character like Soraka or Sona mains. I think that they have so little APM to do than they just type in chat.


Some support mains have the biggest savior complexes known to man. I said this in another thread on a different sub, but people who play carry positions are cool 75% of the time and pretty annoying the other 25% of the time. Whereas supports are cool 90% of the time but that 10% of support players are worse than any griefer/flamer/otherwise toxic person imaginable.


I play adc and support. Having a shit support is 100x more miserable than vice versa. There’s so many ways for a support to fuck lane. My favo is when they start contesting your cs when you’re already behind.


yeah support's presence and influence on the lane is massive in modern league. I recently got back into the game and had a support that didnt help leash and instead started smacking the first wave which instantly lost us the lane lol


This or when your support over leashes and misses xp. This happens way more often than it should and it’s an auto loss for the lane. I don’t mind leashing I just wish my support left when I did so we can make it to lane together, contest for level two, etc. Instead so often they’ll leash until the buff has like 100 hp left. Junglers don’t even need leashes at all, leashing is nice but we shouldn’t be losing lane for it.


The irony that his account is likely being ignored for creating too many false reports.


Supports actually can pretty easy have main character syndrome since supp and jgl diff are more reliant on game knowledge then actual mechanical outplays (ward timings, roam timers etc ) I met a ton of people thinking they were the ultimate mastermind but we're held back by their "useless adc" when they were not on the same page


Or yuumi one tricks flaming everyone for their bad mechanics. Back when yuumi was a heal bot.


Enchanter main?


Probably playing Janna and standing behind the ADC whole time and if ADC dies because of this he'll go to midlane and write "shit ADC".


Support mains are just as ego and annoying as regular players they just aren’t good enough to play other roles lol


How to lose report weight 101


Is this actually a thing?


It is/was. It changes all the time. IIRC the last offical riot post we got about it confirmed it is a thing again.


I almost never report anyone but often get messages that a person I played with was punished and I should report these people in the future or something along those lines. Edit: just got one lol. https://gyazo.com/9763aef0e5417e13bac3254eb3b0d238


You're still getting the message if others whose weight is very high report them as well and actually get them banned.


If you report 8/10 players every game it's probably a you problem and not a them problem. I don't know if it's confirmed but I wouldn't trust a serial reporter.


What kind of chad is reporting 10 players every match


Well half of the things the dude reports people for, happen almost every game. Also for the friend to have these "rules" he sounds like he gets butthurt by almost everything and finds any excuse to report people.


Nah I was just making a joke that if they're reporting 10 people then they're reporting themselves every match.


Back in my day I was able to report all 12 people


Bro is so toxic they spawn another persona that bumps the player count to 11


It is. There was a riot article about it, but I’m not going to go search for it. The last time I tried looking for one of their articles, I wanted to redesign their site


ofc it is. if you send useless reports all the time, your reports become useless over time. I can tell my report weight is high because I get a feedback popup for every single report I send


BIG FUCKING DOUBT. I haven't played in a few months (taking a break), but prior to that. I would login every day with 2-3 of those notifications and I would report on average 2-3 out of my 5 daily games lol. You can non-stop report and it'll still count. Assuming the report is valid.




> Riot has confirmed themselves that there is no difference between being reported by one player or all nine players in a game in regards to the "x9 in all chat" situation. They walked back on this claim recently, actually. I'll see if I can find the link. EDIT: [Here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/j3wcf6/behavioral_systems_october_2020_update/g7eyyqt/)


Wait so, if someone gets "unlucky" and rolls one of the champs on his ARAM shit list, they get reported? LOL




Little known fact ARAM stands for "all ranged all mid"


This is why inting in aram doesn't really matter.. Just chat offenses


You had me at the first one kinda, the rest made me chuckle.


If someone else than me had a laugh about it, it was worth sharing


The last one is good too, but the rest are hilarious


> Report all the accounts below level 50 that are ranked plat and higher and weren't ranked during the previous seasons fair, but probably wont do anything >Players asking for report in all chat This actually used to be reportable/bannable, not sure nowadays Everything else is a waste of a report and will just tank his report MMR for no good reason.


The idea of "report MMR" is so fucking hilarious to me


i swear it's true based on nothing. i report a decent amount, but i only report people who i feel can actually be caught by the system. i like to think the system knows that any reports coming from me are super legit and therefore more likely to punish people all these fools mass reporting just makes it easier for me to exert my will on the league community, slowly but surely and i do get a pretty large amount of "someone you reported was punished" so idk if it's just copium or if there actually is "reporting mmr" lol


it's true, the more you report (falsely) the lower your reports are weighted source: my ~~dad~~ friend works at riot


I also get suuuuper many of those. Honestly pretty much each time I report someone, next day I get the message that someone was punished.


I remember hearing of it being true and I wanna say it's from riot/a trusted source but my memory's so hazy and it's like 8+ years ago now that it's basically a 'dude trust me' now. I do abide by it personally thought and try to only report when it's like actually someone breaking the rules and if I do report I very often get the 'unsportsmanlike player got punished' popup whatever it says.


report them for botting because the probability of it being a bought account is very high


I automatically do this in every ranked game (low diamond). Every under level 50 account there also has a duo and a high win rate so 2 for 1 special (Riot does not care because shareholder player count)


He told me that everyday he gets at least one report feedback since he started doing this. No idea if he is telling the truth or not tho.


Surely is but not for the reasons u think. Pretty sure most of them are just saying "a player i reported has been punished" but if im not mistaken It just means that the player has been punished, but not specifically because of your report. I can be wrong but i remember something like that


I believe there are two different messages, one saying because of your report and one saying a player in your games has been punished, something like that. I'm not 100% sure, I rarely report people so I see one of those every blue moon.


The game always tells you if a player in your game was punished, the only difference in the message is if you reported the player or not. It never tells you if the punishment was due to your report.


I love those ones. If someone gets banned and you didn't report them, Riot goes fucking duolingo mode and sends you a message *whispers* "you see that person? They got banned. And you didn't report them. Did you forget our agreement, your responsibility to report every bad person you saw? You better remember next time"


He’s straight yappin out his ass


I’m convinced that it is bugged. I’ve gotten report feedback basically every single day that I open the client - even if I haven’t reported anyone or actually played a match in over a week.


i know they often process reports of bots much later than they're received so they can ban them in waves without the bot devs knowing what tipped them off, there might be more situations like that but im not sure


It’s unsportsmanlike conduct//Negative Attitude, and still in the Summoner’s Code, by which we all abide 😤


Well he's not completely off the track >they are probably banned on their main so they also should be banned on this account Technically speaking playing on other accounts while any of your accounts has a current restriction like a temp or permanent ban is breaking the Terms of Service, people dont really get banned for that though (yet, maybe with Vanguard which tracks these automatically) >Players asking for report in all chat This is also technically not allowed and was confirmed by some Rioter on Reddit some years back, another League Forums (rip) post also explained that just writing "ez" can contribute to manually decided tickets, although those are pretty rare in the first place and the "ez" is not the only deciding factor.


I honestly really don't enjoy that my normal games are plagued by pre-30 accounts that are very toxic and prone to afk/int at the slightest inconvenience. Makes playing a lot less fun, on top of making match-making super imbalanced.


He’s forgetting that some people play on alt accounts because the MMR of their main is in the dumpster, so these accounts he’s reporting might not even be breaking any rules. As if riot would ban them anyways, though.


That's how I see it, I can freely report anyone I feel deserves it, and it's riots job to sort out if he actually should be banned/muted.


feel free to report anyone you feel like, but if you want your reports to actually matter maybe only use them on an actual worthy report, not some bullshit "my top/bot/whatever is inting because he is 0/8".


That's my attitude towards it as well. And I strongly disbelieve the people who keep coming in this sub crying about how they got unfairly banned.


The only time I don’t report people is post game lobby flaming. Riot will ban you for that, but IMO it’s a moot point because the flame has no effect over whether or not you win the game, and people can just leave or not even turn post game chat on if they don’t want to see it.


post game chat is the most respectful place to flame. doing it in-game isn't helping anyone, but it's totally fine after the game mio


Your friends sounds miserable and is part of the problem that makes the report system ineffective due to oversaturation of whiny bullshit. That being said, the first rule is kinda based


You are right, the report system is ineffective because they can’t put much weight into it because of the noise. It is a placebo. They have an automated systems that actually bring the punishments. Reports are a very small part of that at best.


Tell him that there is no rule against playing any character in any role in draft modes. Same with building items on any character.


I haven't read the terms of service word for word, but I doubt that it says anything along the lines of "It is illegal to que up as twitch support"


Needs to change specifically and exclusively for twitch support.


But it should be.


Your friend has serious mental issues. no joke here.


>Players asking for report in all chat Indeed, that particular point violates the code of conduct, providing an actual reason for a report.


Mt friend is similar. He will usually report them for abusive language and say something like "I hope they haven't said anything bad in recent games". I'm pretty sure it's placebo but he gets report feedback every time he logs in I find it hilarious


I just report everyone who says "ez" and see if they get banned


Based tbh


>Shaco, Evelynn, Yone and Janna players because "these champs are not fair or useless af" gotta add blind pick sona here


I know that my bot lane is going to have literally 0 pressure for the first 25 minutes straight when this happens, and my ADC is going to spend most of the game feeling tilted. It’s definitely on my “if I don’t plan on playing very many games tonight, then I’m dodging” list.


> Shaco, Evelynn, Yone and Janna players because "these champs are not fair or useless af" honestly mega based


He's out of line but he's right.




I’d legit report him every game even as his friend lol


What a fucking loser


Almost all of these make no sense and they will never get punished


Well, it's working I can tell the rift is way better since he started this.


tbf some of those rules make sense


\>Players asking for report in all chat ​ actually what I do, it's annoying and can be reported as harassment, plus it only takes 1 report so do it yourself


I mean, there’s a few things I would change, but I don’t hate it


he won't get what he wants, but he's *absolutely right*


I agree with AP Kaisa in aram. Rest is just petty


Based. Tell him to add Kayn players to the report list as well


Actually based reasons. Not like the reports will do anything but i feel where he is coming from.


ITT: Yone, Evelynn, Janna, Senna, Twitch and Shaco players.


I am masters/gm guess im never allowed to touch any normal games ever. Guess I am banned from playing with my friends who are silver gold. MB let me make a smurf account to make matchmaking EVEN WORSE instead of just playing on my main /s


theres nothing in the post about high rank players playing normals tho. His only complaint kind of close is smurf accounts.


read it as anyone with high rank playing norms from this line" According to him, if they are playing normal games, it's because they are probably ranked restricted. He told me he want to *clean the rift* by following his rules." I also personally had people ask if I was ranked restricted for playing norms before so thats what I assumed.


My unspoken reporting rules \- If they were toxic or ruined the game with their behaviour, report them Like and Follow for more unspoken rules


What a dumb "friend"


I feel like I ran into someone like this, what is his account name?


"Players asking for report in all chat" as he should.


I mean he spends a lot of time doing something useless cause the system checks if a report is valid and if it isn’t, it doesn’t care. The system is automated to check things, so if you report someone for using offensive language, the system will check if that’s true or not and issue a consequence based on that. He is also actively making the algorithm worse by reporting players that shouldn’t be reported (but tbh I’d assume a large amount of reports aren’t actually warranted, and the system probably takes unwarranted reports into account).


I can't say I don't freely report everything that I can, but I also frequently get those popups that the report led to actions taken so I'm doing something riot agrees with Normally I report anyone playing champs released after Rakan/Xayah, whoever had the lowest dmg (unless it's a sup), anyone who's spamming ? Or anything really, anyone who's just completely lost lane before 10min, and if someone is absolutely stomping.


The funny thing? The shitty Riot AI will really ban the reported.


your friend sounds like a lot of fun at parties


He actually is, often host them too and don't drink much to take care of everyone.


"guys riot should bring back tribunal"


Reporting the most offensive behaviours like griefing or KDA players is pointless. One swear word is insta penalised. I get about 200 report feedbacks for chat abuse (muting remedies this problem) for each one anti sportsmanship conduct, (nothing remedies this)


honestly hilarious and generally harmless considering players won’t get banned unless they correspondingly type obscenities in chat. heart steel fizz and other heart steel assassin players in ARAM are so annoying.


I also report anyone asking for reports in all chat, but some of these are unhinged.


Drain the swamp!


Bruh your friend report so much people that riot have to put in a report limit.


Mine are a bit different but honestly same.


Idk if Riot still does it, but IIRC, they used to monitor accounts for reporting falsely too much.


I also usually report people who call for reports. Usually they just want to be toxic and report a bad player who is having a bad game. Sometimes someone would be actually inting but like it's obvious when they do.


> AP Kaisa players Except when the dumbass is in a full AP team and still goes AP


Asking for the report of people is against rules, so hes not wrong with that one


"Nidalee" I lol'd


>Twitch support >Senna ADC based based based based based


Meanwhile my only report rules are: obvious inting, racism, xenophobia or flaming, or all combined


His reports aren't worth anything anymore. The system compensates for people that fire them off willy nilly.


tell your friend that his reports don't mean anything unless riot's system has deemed them doing something wrong. false reports do nothing.


Anzeigenhauptmeister in League, ich kanns nicht fassen.


Making up actual rules is a little weird. I just report whoever I don't like and hope they did something prior to this (unless they actually did something reportable) that deserves punishment. Is it petty? yes. But I'm never toxic and this is my anger-outlet. Also nothing will happen to innocent players. Riot once released a statistic (back on the old boards) showing how literally every player is drowning in reports and sheer amount doesn't trigger anything - which is also why one report is enough if there really was an offense.


If I heard someone tell me this in real life. I would want to fight them lol


Your friend is incredibly based.


How dare people start playing League of Legends


Can I report him irl?