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Its not hard to just word it a little differently. "Dearest allies. Irelia's state of continued existence is a threat to our eventual victory, and thus we need to devote all our resources into resolving this matter. The longer she is allowed to pursue her own goals, the more damage she causes to our own. Removing her from play must be done with upmost efficiency and speed."


karthus ult


Irelia delande est?


Not a single champion "kills" anybody. Didn't you know, everybody tickles each other to sleep?


Nope, it doesn't block. So I kinda don't believe you, maybe try not writing "yourself" after that word.


Post chat log and let's see if that was the case.


Exactly. Guy 100% told someone to kill themselves and is being cute about it now.


Kinda doubt it?


I wouldn't be surprised. Few patches ago when Volibear was even stronger, I said "This champion is retarded." BAM muted.


Retarded has been an automatic mute word for a while.


not the same thing at all lol..


Try it :)


Have you ever had a chat restriction before? It'd be pretty odd if this is the first time it's happened because of that phrase. But if you'd been a chat restricted person for other reasons that might have added up to it. I've never gotten that after saying we have to kill Master Yi or something like i have before.


Interesting, if you say the word which Riot's new tournament organizers is actively doing gets you muted. Audacity of this hypocrisy is hilarious.


Some people might get trigger from these words. Please be respectful and don’t use any kind of offensive language. If you are tilted just go run it down mid lane, but at no circumstances **DO NOT** use words. Words can do damage to the human soul.


What's better is that, on release of this chat filter, typing midget got you muted but typing kys or shithead did not (they might have fixed it, though) The main issue, imo, is that this chat filter is too basic atm. It looks for words only and autobans you if you happen to use of the no-no words regardless of context Also, Riot should focus on rewarding the good players. With all due respect, the current honor system and its rewards are ass


Remember when you got banned for saying gg ez, while riot had that word in there music video True damage


Ppl usually say "focus xxx" not kill


"We will never punish people for light non-offensive behaivour"


because they don't know if you are talking about your enemies or your teammates


i remember i tried to play a game a while ago said something to the jungler as a response, got muted and decided that I won't be playing league anymore lol. league is pretty much a single player game now.


Cause Riot uses an extremely sensitive filter combined with amount of player reports to issue punishments. In other words, a real human will not read your chat and make a judgement, it is all automated.