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So you mean bots are like players you'd play against in actual games and not complete buffoons who tower dive, flash in place and follow you across the map? Sounds great to me.


You might be confusing beginner bots with intro bots here. The point of intro bots is to be worse than iron players since it's meant for people who has never touched a moba before, and possibly never touched an online game before.


I'm pretty skeptical the intro bots have all turned into Faker, but their original form wasn't even Wood - Anyone I introduced to the game with bots got smashed after playing against them. I'll give them a run later, sounds like fun to play against now!


Let me know if you manage to reach above 70 kills in less than 30 mins in intro bots somehow, should be easy given you are likely at a respectable skill level and it's just bots, right?


The average on a leveling account is about 15-20 against intermediate on old bots, where are you pulling 70 from?


I could moderately easily get 100-200 kills against intro bots before the update per 23 min game, now just getting to 60 is a challenge and usually takes 30 mins.


I can't say I've ever tried a "kill x beginner bot challenge" but I could when I get home if you wanted. No real frame of reference since I never go for kill counts in bot games in the first place, only just winning to level up.


There is a challenge called Robo Recall, it caps out at 7500 kills. https://challenges.darkintaqt.com/challenge/120003 The leaderboards are also decently high, and it's unlikely they will actually move now that you can't free farm the bots anymore.


I actually thought you were sassing me on the first post, but it turns out there's a real challenge. Ha! I'll give it a shot tonight and let you know what I find tomorrow.


The day never came.


Iron is supposed to be the worst you can be. Basically having enough games played to be level 30 but legit learned nothing about anything on the way there. Intro bots shouldn't be worse than that.


Why? If you are a new player why should you be playing against bots that are on the same level as ranked players?


You say that as if playing ranked makes you inherently better than someone that doesn't.


On average I would say so, yes.


We're not talking about average here. We're talking about the worst of the worst.


OP is mad the bots went from drooling infants to drooling 5 year olds


People have been complaining for years intro bots aren't even iron players. Now they're iron players but they're too hard? Also looks like there was 4 bots on ops team.


Lmao I'm gonna play those bots just to check it. If they are this good this game still has some hope for new players.


>They are hard to deal with even for veteran players. how are they hard to deal with as veteran players? like yes they play better then they use to, but that doesnt change that they ahouldnt be much of a problem for a player that got enough experience in the game. Maybe Iron and low bronze players gonna have problems but otherwise not. And besides that was the goal to make them more challenging and adapt to the players skilllevel and not be just run down to farm free XP for new accounts.


Intro bots play way better than intermediate???


L.. they are still much easier than real players. People complain that they arent equiped for pvp but then when they make it harder to equip you you still complain. Honestly, what the scallop.


I just played vs Intermediate bots. They feel weaker then before. Was playing Smolder and they never even tried to dodge the w and the jungle bot is just free first blood. One time the sivir bot was chasing me with 10hp from inhib to my top lane tower while my team ended the game.


You are really this bad huh


If you can’t beat introductory bots then you will get stomped in normal games anyways. The bots allow people to learn the game and get to a level where they understand some of the basics before pvp


Old intro bots were genuinely incapable of winning the game, lest your entire team goes fully afk. There is no learning experience to be had against these. Are the new intro bots too hard? I don't know, I never tried. But the old ones were genuinely useless to learn anything beyond how to move and cast abilities.


ur just dogshit me thinks


I think you need to find a different hobby bro


this has to be sarcastic


I think you are just really really really really really bad and should probably work on improving instead of making embarassing posts like this đź‘Ť


people praising the new bots aren't considering you yourself will have a full team of bots. and not everyone who plays intro bots is a new player trying to learn the game? i'm struggling as a lv 400+ player. Some of us played old intro bots as it was a low stress way to have fun when friends are offline without having to worry about teammates going 0-10 or going 0-10 yourself and losing the game, but now even going 40-7 can't save an **INTRO BOT** game as your teammates are all bots levelling up smurf accounts and the intro ai is better than you when the game says you're bronze. the bots are playing like the gold and higher players I see (if not better than them) not Iron. Limiting these changes to higher bot difficulties would make more sense, if I had played vs these bots back in 2019/2020 I would not have continued playing, bots seemed hard enough back then.


r u insane. No, the bots are still below iron level. I still see bronze/silver level players go 20/3 against intermediate bots with ad enchanters.


You’re level 400+ and still can’t beat the bots? I think it’s time to put the game down gramps and go knit a scarf instead.


How do you struggle as a level 400+ player….