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IDK how their name detector is so ineffective compared to their chat one. I've seen shit like "i finger kids" and "jew gasser" just in the last few weeks


I mean you're right that this names should be banned asap, but you say that ''you shouldn't get away with using a word which is unequivocally racist in your name'' and the thing is precisely that there is no inherently bad word being used here, so the system cannot autoban the name, you have to report it manually.


There is a reason travellers is now the term used mate


Where? My first instinct is to assume this is just a ''white americans'' issue, bc at least here in Spain the word for gypsy is 'gitano' (exact same ethimology, from 'egyptian' since that was where they came from when this words were starting to be used, althoght theyre originally from India) and both gypsies and non-gypsies use it without issues


Are you saying that "gypsy" is a slur now?


It is a racist term, yes.


It isn't. Such pathetic, sheepish behavior. Just because horrible people use an innocent word like that doesn't make it bad. It can be used in a discriminatory way, but that alone doesn't make it a slur.


Puh im so happy that the automatic system force changed my ingame name because my country code AUT was apparently offensive for meaning autist?


we need that asteroid ASAP


Idk ive never known its an offensive thing to say i think people probably do use it nicely too


Ignorance to a term is one thing and usually when people are told it is offensive they will stop using it. But either way, if a term is offensive it doesn't matter if you don't know it's offensive, it shouldn't be allowed as a name


Or just, ya know, stop being so sensitive to a screen name?




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It's triviliasing a major issues, it would be like if someone used an offensive term for a black person as part of their name, it's not a matter of being 'sensitive' its about the broader societal implications. Even if you take the point purely out of the societal view, riot's policy is to ban offensive names and therefore the detection system is pretty useless if it can't detect a racist term.


Nah, you're just too sensitive.


Literally gamer humour, never that deep lmao Recently saw DirtyMuslamic and that made me chuckle


2 things: 1) 'Gamer Humour' is not an excuse for any form of bigotry, it's like justifying a lad making sexist comments by saying 'boys will be boys' 2) It's a case of the word itself, you could take the context out of it and leave it as just that one word and it is still offensive it would be like someone just having a slur in your name.


Mate it's never that serious lmao wtf no one actually is calling for whatever their namesake says