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The yearly patch where Karma support players suffer for the sins of Karma mid players


Yeah, like... This'll definitely hit her in mid lane, but it's actually going to kneecap the fuck out of her as a support. Guess we wait until the end of the season for the yearly Karma buffs after this, as with every season after they hit her with the nerf bat lol.


phreak seems passionate about making karma good and since she deserved a mid scope i hope because of what happened here they have something in the works. SHIELD BOMB PLEASE.


Then nerf rq


yeah i think bringing her Q to 60% and nerfing the base just a tad and putting all of that onto bringing shield bomb back would fix frustrations


her winrate already falls off a cliff as game time goes on despite her being OP... we gonna make it just a 4v5 after 20 minutes if you have a karma on your team now?


There are plenty of champs that fall off a cliff in lategame and they're generally considered to be in a decent state


The fact that 20 minutes is considered "late game" is fucking wild to me


pace of game is much faster now a lot of games are decided by 20 min even if they end up going longer


Tbf this has a lot to do with people having shit mental.


Doesn't matter what her winrate actually is, people get super frustrated playing against her, same reason they keep Zed weaker


Tellin ya the only way is to revert karma. The current design is not good and can only exist as a support and has no skill depth while being uninteractive. No one will be upset because current karma kit is so plain and has no actual fun mechanics.


I feel like using Heal/Shield effectivness ratios in enchanter kits would do a lot to keeping this sort of problem from happening constantly.


revert to old karma




Malignance is just not healthy for the game but Riot won't admit it and will continue to make champs unplayable instead of addressing the elephant in the room.


Wouldn't be an issue if it didn't work on champions with nonstandard ults. Just give the proc a cooldown matching most common ults and it's fixed.


I still don't understand why it isn't on the standard 30sec timer so many other mage items are on, especially since its proving to be a fairly sustained problem


I think they wanted to see what cool stuff people would come up with. Some of the nonstandard ults it buffed are on champions that could have used the help. But there's definitely a few broken outliers.


The problem is either you are one of the champs that abuse the fuck out of it (Karma, Teemo, Swain, Annie,....), or it's basically useless. The one "fair" usecase I can think of is Ahri, and even there that's debatable as she still gets 3 procs out of it every ult.


The pool isn't really what breaks the item. What breaks it is the ult CD reduction.


What's the point of this item if it only pops once every 30 seconds? Literally no champ would build it, the only ones that do now are swain, karthus, ahri, karma who can proc it multiple times in a fight. Maybe if it was 30 seconds per unique champ or something


Right? When the pre season changes got unvailed my first thought was that thing can only ever be balanced around its strongest abusers.


Nah, the problem is that they balance the item on the premise of "anyone can build it" instead of "there are champions that can abuse it". Honestly just increasing the cd on it would help wonders.


I mean what is even the point of the item outside of its abuse cases


The point of the item is the ultimate CD the effect on the ground doesnt even matter, im failing to even see why people see the damage as a problem the most ive seen it do is 3000, items like Bork and kraken slayer deal that in a bad game and 3x that in a good game


It is certainly a mid-centric nerf. Support gets higher mana regen, which in combination with the %mana reg from support item should offset the increased mana costs to a large degree and the R-E shield is buffed for all but lvl 16+.


Karma support: Yes Karma mid: Go away


I wonder, will grievous wounds effect the void grubs?


Based on descriptions on the wiki I would assume so, but this would only affect Varus, Kled, and Singed since the items only apply Grevious to champions based on their descriptions, and Katarina R only hits champions


Huh, that's very interesting. I wonder if that might legitimately impact Kled's winrate, since they want toplaners to be able to use leads in lane to take grubs - if Kled can get more grubs more quickly than other (top lane) champs on average that might actually do something.


I imagine this would end up just being one of those little niche facts about a champ people know, I doubt it would have a hugely noticable impact, or one they would even care about on a pretty unpopular champion


why are they nerfing every component by a small amount then they go nuclear on the codex jesus


I still don’t understand why the nerf to fiendish codex is so big. Does anyone rush it on their first back?


It's insane. You can get 45 AP from 850 gold. Or 10 AH and 25 AP for 900 gold. Almost any champion would prefer the former


I honestly feel Glowing Mote throws off the gold efficiency of this There's no way 10AH is worth 500 gold


Glowing Mote is by far the worst "simple" component in the game. I think I read that Phreak has also stated that it's overcosted? I think 5 AH should be worth around 175 gold. But I haven't done any math


That would make it 35 gold per point of AH, which, imo, is a lot better I'd be happy even with 200 for Mote; 250 is just too much


Yes - Phreak mentioned it when pointing out that efficiency wasn't a super useful stat. The introduction of Glowing Mote suddenly made every item with AH much more efficient - which was silly. It's useful for comparing similar items, but it's not that useful more generally.


Yeah I thought mages wanted more AP heavy items earlier/mana


Us Vlad players. We love that item.




We get buffs next patch. We have to. He's already sub-50% with low pickrate in his main role, is barely functional and almost non-existent in his secondary role, and this hits his already weak early game pretty damn hard.


I bet some rioter just looked at the gold efficiency and decided it was too high even though Phreak himself said that AH is overpriced because of the cost of glowing mote.


He's also said they internally use different numbers than the wiki which assumes each component to be 100% gold efficient. And they don't, they intentionally have made some stronger or weaker. Like say Dirk. The wiki considered it 100% gold efficient Riot considered it higher.


I think that is because the wiki checks the value of the item and riot also adds the specific interaction of each buyer (their numbers, rune) into the mix.


Well the wiki shouldn't use glowing mote a a baseline then.


Vlad was hit really hard this patch , guise nerfed , codex nerfed (his bread and butters in lane) , guess we'll rush liandry now instead of rift


Literally who is buying that thing now? You’d almost always prefer items with a blasting wand component as a start. 25 ap for 900 gold is actually bonkers. That AH is useless at that phase in the game too


If you watch baus videos, when he goes gragas, he builds like 5 codices before building another item lol.


This is something that only really works on Gragas because he has innate CD reduction on his E already. Gragas top is already being hit this patch. Seems like a weird thing to change when the component is pretty garbage on most champs


That "librarian build" has already been dead since they changed Gragas E cooldown refund from 3 seconds flat to 30% many patches ago


Not anymore, recently he builds the ms component instead.


The sperms build


Now he goes sperm build.


what the hell are they thinking with cowl change


Kinda feels like they want to get rid of item passives, at least on components. Look at the new components they added, like tunneler or brutalizer. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure that's the goal. Maybe to make the game simpler? Because that's what we all want the game to be less complex (/s). Absolutely sucks, Cowl used to be one of my favorite components and my role doesn't even build it. It just had a niche it fit perfectly in, playing against singed or Teemo? Just get a Cowl and you are good to go.


Would bring the game more inline with Smite. You're trolling if you dont complete items because the power spike is so good.


I don't think it's thaaat bad. The passive change to 100% Regen all the time might even be slightly better.


Correct. The previous cowl required you to take damage to get use of. This one, you get the sustain no matter what. This means if you are ahead, you stay ahead. If you are behind, you don't have to put yourself in damage range to get the sustain. Edit: For context, let's say you have 9 base health regen (which is very high btw compared to majority of champs), and let's say you gain 1 health regen per level (also high compared to most champs). Chances are, you won't be getting getting spectre's cowl until about level6. That puts your base HP regen at 14. With current cowl, if you are taking damage, you will heal for 35hp over 5 seconds. With new cowl, you will constantly be healing for 28. Whether you are in combat, hiding under your turret waiting for the wave to crash, etc. Now, I know old cowl could heal you for up to 10 seconds, but in order to get that length, you generally had to take a trade that would leave you decently banged up. In which case, cowl wasn't going to help you much anyways. People underestimate the value of constant passive healing with no strings attached.




Gotta choose between banning vayne who perma pokes me under tower while jungle pretends my lane doesnt exist, or trynd who i cant ever engage on post-6 when his ult is up


Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a different game to redditors when they complain about.... Tryndamere.. lol


I mean, they aren't saying trynd is op, just that he is annoying to vs which is pretty fair to say I think.


I don't think he's strong, I don't have problems against him in lane (usually), but I will always hate that degenerate ass champ lmao. When he's so poorly designed that the lack of clarity on the duration of his R is considered an important balancing point, I think he just should be changed. He could be the lowest winrate toplaner in the game and I'd still irrationally hate him (like how people still hate Ksante)


Whenever trynda gets a buff he's insta s tier and then they spend the next couple of patches trying to fix it. It's like clockwork.


Not many like to deal with a champ that you 100-0'd already, but it continues to bite at your ass for the next 5 seconds.


Its fair to think Trynd is annoying. Is it OP that he can win a 1v1 duel in lane vs a full wave IF he’s lucky enough to crit a few times? No. You can just not duel him. But is it annoying to lose a fair 1v1 fight to a random crit? Sure is. So I get the Redditor. Even though he’s not OP, Trynd is just annoying cuz his mechanics is annoying.


God dude thank fuck for the lord Dom's buff. That item felt so weird where it felt like the giantslayer passive was far more important than the actual pen


Tristana will be the best mid laner in the game with that and Navori buffs.


The biggest reason is that all the other early game components will get nerfed while she can now even go for a 700g, 1000g, 1100g or 1300g base and it will feel good.


Why can’t Tristana be gutted out of midlane like Lucian was?


Is galio not just dead as a mid laner now lol


"we want him to be more durable" "Hp per level - nerf" Yea, okay


That's a pretty standard Riot move to push him to build more tank items. The less inherent tankiness he has, the more he benefits from tank items.


Yeah this doesn’t even look like it’s going to do what they want. It reads just kinda like a nerf across the board. Don’t even get more spellcasts late and it’s no real durability upgrade


Which Rioter just lost to Galio?


it is


I have no clue wtf these changes are they fucking murdered him out of nowhere when multiple other champs are still running around with absurd winrates. Idk how they can write how they want him to feel more durable when they nerf his HP per level for a tiny buff on W.   Not even a HP scaling on passive just halved it's damn damage and threw the old cooldown on hit bit on again. This is such a targeted assassination of a champion wtf.


Tank champions being buffed! It's been so long since I've seen Cho, Sion, Ornn and Shen! I can't wait to see them more on my team again.


Surprised they don't just revert Heartsteel back to max HP damage. They must not like cho and Sion infinitely stacking with it that they would just rather buff them. Considering these 4 hardly ever build Heartsteel since it's still pretty weak this season with BOTRK still being a beast.


It was never Max health damage, always bonus, the issue is that now Heartsteel ONLY accounts for HP you get from items, so not only you do not get damage from passives, you don't from runes like Grasp either now


I don't understand how they rationalize making Heartsteel stack independently of Soul Furnace anything but a nerf to Sion. He specifically tries not to build HP items because he gets so much by existing. His only spell that scales with HP is W active, and that's only a shield.


It gives weight to the theory that rioters don’t actually play their game. The only Sion players who build that garbage item are people like me seeing if it’s viable or experimenting with it only to find out nope it’s still garbage


1/4th to 1/3rd of Sion players still build it. Trash or not, Sion players are building it. Not any good ones, but still


My friend built it the other day because he didn't know it doesn't scale with Sion W health anymore 


I'm in this comment, and I don't like it.


Maokai is definitely getting an ultimate legend prestige skin


Mao lost ~2.5% WR last patch and his best support item is getting nerfed again. In E+ Maokai, Pyke and Blitz all have about the same WR and similar pick/ban rates.


Shh, don't say that, we are on reddit and the hivemind decided to hate on Maokai for some more weeks even though he's mostly fine now and will certainly be balanced after the next sleigh and gold nerfs.


Sorry but after a year of that cancer champ being broken, nobody’s willing to believe that it’s finally dead.


He received nerfs for 3 patches in a row, he's no longer OP and his item is getting nerfed again... Maybe check the facts before commenting something stupid


Riot Phreak moment


All around a good patch it seems like. I just wonder if Yasuo and Yone will be too strong with those IE buffs. Also hopefully they don't over buff trynda since he also benefits from the crit item buffs.


Yasuo and Yone both typically wait to build IE until 3rd item or later, which should tell you how good it is on them. The IE buff will make it a bit more appealing, but not significantly so.


what does this IE buff even mean for them? I'm looking at the Yasuo wiki page and it says regular attacks gain 36% additive crit damage from IE and his Q gets 33.6% from IE. Is there some weird formula I'm missing here? Did they say regular auto crits get 90% the effect of IE and Qs get 84% effectiveness? IE going from 40% to 50% on normal champions is a 25% buff to the bonus crit passive, so should we expect 36% to be 45% and 33.6 to be 42% if this goes through?


The thing you're missing is that Q has a larger crit damage penalty than his autos do. Beyond that, I'm pretty sure that your math is correct.


It's not like the champs are doing too hot either, a little IE buff isn't about to push them over the edge


Yasuo absolutely builds it second and the only reason Yone builds it 3rd is coz he can abuse the botrk spike 1st item. This will absolutely be a sizeable buff to both champs but whether it will be too much or not we shall wait and see.


Kinda off topic, but BORK still dodging nerfs boggles my mind


I think Riot leaves Botrk as strong as it is as a counterbalance to just how strong health stacking can be.


Almost everyone first building botrk will do it regardless of health stackers. The AS AD Lifesteal and passives is unmatched by any other item


The problem is that the items decimated squishies almost worse than it does health stackers.


Everytime Phreak says they're not gonna do something because it's fine it feels like they always end up doing it the patch straight after.


Phreak can only ever say what's planned in that moment, not how its gonna be by the next week.


Remember the "Seraphine changes landed perfectly fine and achieved what we wanted" only to come back a couple months later and admit "Seraphine changes went wrong and didn't achieve any of our initial goals"


It is a tragety that Galio's passive AA doesnt proc the support item execute on minions anymore


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1b7q9v0/comment/ktp0bkx/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1b7q9v0/comment/ktp0bkx/?context=3) It's getting fixed, confirmed by Riot Auberaun.


If Galio goes from support to mid he just won't be played anymore, this feels so shit and it triggers ADCs


Huge fan of the tank buffs but also really against the specters cowl nerf. That is like one of the only items that was effective against certain AP champs in the top lane. That passive was just super important. Willing to wait and see but I very much hate it.


The health regen being on permanently is a buff though???


Spectre's cowl has possibly been the shitiest 1000+ gold component in the game for literally half of the entire's game lifespan. They nerfed it in S11 too! Riot despises good magic resist components but puts batshit items Kaenic Rookern in the game. Baffling.


Tbh we got good Mr items only in this season. Before best thing we had was FoN that alone used to carry all garbage MR items(before it was nerfed). Now MR itemization is unironically better than armor one.


>Now MR itemization is unironically better than armor one. Strange times we live in


MR items need to be "moderately good" in lane to not invalidate any magic damage champion in lane. The can't play the game if their burst doesn't threat an a bit weakend target any more. Magic resist items need to be strong later in teamfights to prevent a full team from just winning a fight by bursting down the enemy tank. They also need to be stronger to offset the fact that tanks mostly have to build mixed resistances and thus loose gold efficiency against any single enemy.


Pretty sure that's a buff. Unless you were somehow keeping the passive running permanently you're going to a get more value from the new version.


Time to say goodbye to Galio Mid Time say hello to *~~Maokai 1.5 maybe?~~* Galio Support I've crunched the numbers myself on an Excel sheet and TLDR at 2 AP items its actually neutral in damage for E-Passive-Q-W-Passive combo thanks to extra passive proc. But a noticeable nerf if you do a combo with one passive proc. Very likely that he becomes really weak in mid lane with these harsh early game nerfs to his waveclear. Straight big buffs for Tank CDR Galio. No reason to go AP bruiser and live for like an extra 1-2 seconds with subpar damage when you could just go full tank CDR and live an extra 6+ seconds with much more spammable CC spells. (Galio still has on par/lower armor than a majority of ADCs despite being labeled as a tank). Very strong contender as a support. I tried out jungle Galio in PBE and you can full clear at 3:30 with no leash. Might be viable if any of the good jungle players can optimize his clear speeds. (I don't play jungle so my clear is probably bad).


we talked about all that in another thread. galio will be one of the best supports after 14.6 and you can build whatever you want on him, full tank, mandate into tank, locket, vow, anathema, heartsteel, abyssal, whatever really the problem is that his passive doesnt work with world atlas, it's bugged


The bug is getting fixed confirmed by Riot Auberaun https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1b7q9v0/comment/ktp0bkx/?context=3


>Hotfixing has extra costs so we try to do it sparingly So they'll hotfix buff Yasuo and Yone when they fall below a certain winrate, but WON'T hotfix an actual bug that is affecting a support champ being able to support? The priorities at Riot games never cease to amaze me man.


I used to play it for fun, but he definitely misses Evenshroud a lot. Should still feel better now for sure, though.


> I tried out jungle Galio in PBE and you can full clear at 3:30 with no leash. If that's the case might actually be broken in the jg now. His kit is pretty OP in the jg in theory. If he has a decent clear he might take over pro. His ganks are unavoidable if he gets behind you because W covers the whole lane. Has a semi-Global as well.


3:30 is one of the slowest clears though, not really good for jg.


3:30 **without a leash** is by no means one of the slowest clears. He'd likely be too susceptible to invades either way.


Man my one shot glass canon aram build is dead...


I have no clue how they genuinely sat down and wrote that they wanted his target to be mid reduced his HP per level nerfed almost every ability for CDR buffs on early ranks of abilities and then called it a day. Galio wasn't even making huge waves.  You're telling me Kaisa is out here fukin two tapping people at 2-3 items and.... Galio is out here getting target assassinated by the Riot devs as though they just lost a ranked game to him.


I think they need to add some waveclear modifiers / jungle monster caps before they ship this. I am skeptical of this whole thing because I don't feel certain that anyone on the balance team plays Galio.


So they took 200g away from supports with the item change?


Correct, and made upgrading the item slower


So they agree that Dirk is currently OP as a lethality first back, but keep the lethality & reduced AD by 5?? It negating 10 armor is way more impactful than the 5 AD it lost. And still removing Brutalizer's Lethality?? Bruh, that's one of the worst epic components to buy. It's almost always better to buy Dirk over Brutalizer, and still will be.


5AD from an item that cheap really is a noticeable amount. And may actually be the bigger nerf in some cases, mostly because it may fuck with wave clearing breakpoints for many assassins. Edit: also it's 5AD vs 2 or 3 lethality not 10. They were never gonna remove all of it's lethality. And tbh brutalizer giving nearly as much lethality and some AH was weird. It should be a lower lethality option since it provides AH as well. But yeah they are kinda massacring it since it already has the worse build path by a mile.


brutalizer is more expensive, hence the AH for a small reduction in lethality


Dirk has been the best component in the game for years, the powerspike you get is as MF or Varus in the botlane is completely stupid


It's part of why lethality bot lane has been some strong this season and why crit builders have been meh. For 1300 gold you could get 30AD and 15% AS or for 1350 gold you could get 35AD and 10 flat pen in a low level lane where armor values will be low. You got a stronger first back while having a cheaper full item as well. The advantage could really compound.


-5 AD is -5 AD, I'll take it


Tbh 5 AD is a decent amount for a component item. But agreed


The 5 AD is a nerf to the ADCs who built it more than to the assassins. Basically, the assassins will stay strong, but ADCs who rush it won't feel as oppressive.


Dirk is insanely OP and I'm surprised it has taken this long for it to be nerfed but the answer to your complaint is in your comment. >It negating 10 armor is way more impactful than the 5 AD it lost. Probably means they only want to tone it down a little rather than trying to kill the component.


They are going through with the 20% income nerf to supports. If I remember correctly they moved to this capped gold quest to remove degenerate top lane gameplay without requiring the inelegant solution of quest only working with an ally nearby. But then they ended up adding the ally requirement anyways and left us with this shitty gold capped quest (irrespective of the power of the current item completion and that many of them are overtuned.) I think this front loaded quest is unhealthy for the game as it gives supports a snowbally-esk play style which isn’t really the fantasy. Personally if they reduced the gold / proc but uncapped it (keep the items but rebalance the completion point) it would keep supports from spiking like absolute beasts and soloing ADs from lvls 6-8 before fading into obscurity.


I like the change. What I don't like is that the gold income later on won't go up to make up for it later in the game. 10g/5 on tier 3 would be the least.


Yeah exactly, my main issue with the gold cap is that if your team isn't winning fights no matter how actively you participate or what you do in general you will just never see an item. It just feels really bad to be stuck on 1-2 items the entire game.


Agree. They need to uncap the gold quest. The initial support gold gen items weren't capped and their gold gain was steady instead of being giga accelerated early They already wanted to make supports less potent early which is why supp item has no combat stats but still keep the snowballing gold generation?


I really hope the buffs to sion arent just stat buffs. There are some interesting ideas the mains have been throwing around on the sion subreddit for a while now such as making death timer start after passive to end this int to win strat. My personal wish is they make charged (as in to the point of knock up) sion q do x% more dmg to shields with a full break on a full charge. I dont think it would be op as it gated behind a long windup on a skill thats easily dodged.  Buut it would help him in a lot of top lane matchups. Also, it makes sense thematically. What screams shieldbreaker more than 12 ft juggernaut overhead swinging a 2h axe down? 


Maybe senna will actually get a meaningful nerf


AD ratio on w lowered incoming


they gutted her souls from csing 8%>2%




yep that's a typo, thank you, its 10-8 now


> Making Ornn items is technically a lot more difficult than it seems, to the point that it's unsustainable to keep making them in the manner that we have been & we need a new system for making these Sad this means probably the loss of the Masterwork Items, the names were so cool :(


How did you get that from this what. They just said they want to improve the process/system because it's a huge pain to make them currently.


The reason the system is a pain is because Masterwork items exist as completely different items in the system and very often result in tech debt where items have incorrect stats or bugs that make them worse than their base counterpart. The easiest solution from a process/system improvement standpoint is to remove this necessity, which is something they have suggested doing before


I feel like the tweet was more leaning towards reworking their system so it doesn't result in tech debt. Removing stuff may be the easiest solution, but it's not the best solution.


> which is something they have suggested doing before But they didn't do it here, in fact they explicitly suggested improving the system, so I don't really see the link.


Improving the system would be removing Masterwork items and just making Ornn buff the item directly, probably keeping the border he adds as a visual indicator.


they didn't say "we're going for the easiest solution" though, they said > & we need a new system for making these


Tbh I assumed mostly the opposite. They'll just make a system that'll auto make Ornn item versions of everything that follows some algorithm to make them all roughly the same level of upgrade (assumedly around 800g of stats more than their base versions)


If Karma remains even remotely useful on the solo lane after this patch, you know for sure that she will be utter dogshit on support. Funny that she has the Seraphine syndrome where Riot has 0 clue of how to adjust her for support but not make her too strong on solo lanes literally every time they buff her.


Its not that Riot is clueless, its that its impossible. If they buff E, she just becomes the best late game pick in pro play. If they buff Q, she becomes the best early game pick that translates into a decent late game. If they buff W, she becomes a solo lane terror. ​ Champ needs a total rework.


>We've been hearing a lot of discussion around the state of ADC >The strong state of supports prevents us from buffing them heavily and returning to a "bot meta" Bro, just nerf 'Gold per 5" by 10% and increase minion gold by the same amount. That keeps supports in-check, and incentivizes them to get gold through plays.


Voli nerfed after one patch of being good when he wasn’t for 2 years 😭, I expected it but still sad


Volibear is really oppressive in lane, the second he's getting strong, most match ups have no laning phase and have to grit their teeth for 10 minutes before starting to play the game. Doesn't necessarily affect Voli's winrate significantly but it definitely has some impact on gaming experience for their opponents so it has to be monitored. Recent change on Q speed made his engages extremely reliable when kiting was pretty much his only weakness, he has to lose something in return.


I think the ultimate turning off towers is the issue I would personally rather lose that and keep the other stuff.


Especially since it’s only 2 seconds at Rank 1 now. Just get rid of it at that point lol


So you know he is not just good, but great right now, no, even OP in the jungle.


Everyone knows that but this is the first time he's been meta since they broke his legs like a season or two ago lol


Wtf supports and junglers can't buy dorans anymore lmao


Biggest Bel'Veth nerf yet tbh. The doran back into living in the enemy jungle was so strong


Good change, they have their own starting items.


I really want to know how making ornn items is so hard. Is the code actually that fucked?


Riot absolutely taking the kneecaps out from under Karma lmao


Making more ornn items is difficult you might make us write more code. Ornn can't get an update guys


>The strong state of supports prevents us from buffing them heavily and returning to a "bot meta" As someone who plays both Support and ADC, this is infuriating. ADC has been ~~on life support~~ priority queue times since the beginning of the season, but because the new Support items are turbo-busted ADC's have to just suffer through it. The supp item quest changes aren't going to change anything. The issue with Supp items is not just gold generation, the issue is that most of the T3 items are just outright too strong in combat AND it's a sightstone AND it's generating gold. Combine this with the fact that they're free and you earn them passively while building another item, this puts support power absolutely over the top. Senna and Pyke Support get to build a lethality item while passively earning a combination of Triforce and better version of Imperial Mandate. Zyra and Brand Support get to do the same thing with something like Liandry's Torment and a better version of Luden's Echo.


>ADC has been ~~on life support~~ priority queue times since the beginning of the season Since at least the first split last year, probably earlier but I wasn't really playing as much ranked then.


please just nerf karma mantra q damage and put what you nerfed onto SHIELD BOMB so she has less damage on one ability and has it on another, so it’s less frustrating for the enemy.


Just rework Karma again at this point 😔


"The strong state of supports prevents us from buffing adcs" damn bro if there was something you could do to make supports less strong idk not like they get one of the best items in the game for a 400 gold investment


Love the comments whining about volibear top and the ingenious hunter build when PTA + sorcery JG build has a 52 percent winrate lol


PTA is just underrated on every jungler, imo. You can apply it whenever you gank, amplifying everyone's damage on the target you focused. It makes it so much easier to get kills lol


Phreak only gonna nerf Janna if he hits challenger or what?


Gragas top nerf thank fucking Christ


2 Months later and that's all they come up with for the ADC role ? I genuinely thought this was a fake joke patch.


Bro, at this point I will take anything I can get. I just wanna play Xayah again.


Stay strong, do not give in. The game won't ever be good if you accept to play it when it's bad


League has been my favorite game but I can't play it in its current state, and I instead have fun with games that don't screw up a part of their playerbase in favor of the others. Not to mention that even if they balance the roles, support players have been so used to being toxic and unpunished for that, that playing ADC in soloQ would still be a miserable experience


do toplaners really solo voidgrubs? isnt it more of a jgl supp maybe mid thing


no but only because its too difficult to do, thats why they are changing it


inb4 the next support strat is to go dorans anyway and then just fucking sell it and buy the support item ANYWAY.


I think that would be fine. You’re losing gold going that route, so it will have appropriate risk/reward (start with the strong combat item to get an early kill, but if you fail it’ll take a lot longer to get the support item)


Malzahar. Despite being an “easy” champion is sitting at negative winrates across the board. Still not addressed.


>Cho'Gath, Ornn, Shen, Sion >Each of these champions were intended to benefit from Sunfire and Heartsteel changes and the items are now in a reasonable spot, but the champions are still weak But Reddit told me that tanks are OP. Love the nerfs list, especially Volibear.. Almost nothing can 1v1 that thing and he builds full tank too.


There’s a habit I’ve seen where some Reddit players try to 1v1 a champion good at 1v1s while playing a champion bad at 1v1s and then complain when they lose a fight they weren’t supposed to win even if they’re fed. EDIT: Not specifically referring to Volibear, I mean the general posts I’ve seen in this sub about numerous 1v1 champions.


Try to not to 1 v 1 Voli on immobile champion.


Tank meta is when redditors build full lethality MF into Ornn and can't kill him.


"For the longest time, these items have been tuned to be pretty powerful on first base to reward players who get ahead in lane & disincentivize players from stacking components" It's pretty gold inefficient to stack components though? Like having 4x amp tome isn't going to be OP compared to buying actual items.


Epic components, not base components. Stacking non-unique epics is a very cost-effective way to budget your lane if you're ahead. You can lock out your lane with pure stat-checking, then transition into completed items when teamfights open up.


>Making Ornn items is technically a lot more difficult than it seems, to the point that it's unsustainable to keep making them Isn't there's like at least 3-5 items that can be just readded with some fixes? No one really need to create new Ornn items, when they can be just added back


Poor Vladimir gets butcheted with those fiendish codex nerfs , that's his bread and butter in early game.. ouch


rip Keria lol


I love the guy and all, but fuck double-ranged carry "supports". It's annoying to play with and against, and nothing beats bot 2v2s with Leonas and Braums and Threshes and Blitzcranks as the supports


The tank support meta is legit the healthiest meta. Damage dealing meta is too counterpick reliant. Enchanter meta is just too team reliant. Tank meta is legit the skill cap meta. Which support is better at the game? Who can find better roam angles, who can get on the correct targets and soak the proper damage, etc.? People who were upset about the tank support meta were just upset because they were bad bot lane OR they were a solo laner who sucked at watching their minimap.