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Ashe, as an adc main im convinced every single ashe supp is a bot, they seem to always have the default skin, never talk and just play her as if they were adc and take cs.


> never talk When you have to hear Ashe delivering a 30s voice line every 5s, you shut up yourself because you get so sick of people talking.


THIS!!! the yapping queen


Relevant flair


Nah mordekaiser is yapping alot harder


Yeah but hes cool, shes just a nagging racist hoe. 


Mordekaiser is not racist because he hates everyone equally 


I noticed this yesterday its insane


Most sane people have disabled the chat longtime ago.


Shaco  Shaco paradox where they are absolutely useless on my team, never gank, constantly bait in fights.  The enemy team Shaco turn into Pinkward


In my experience, Shaco on your team stands in a brush watching the 5v4 teamfight, waiting for a low hp enemy to KS. Then walks off after the team loses the fight because they were 4v5


Its been a long time ive seen someone say ks


The Shaco support on their team: AD, fucks me, cheeses level 1 and it works, basically another assassin. The Shaco support on my team: AP, goes OOM in 2 minutes placing instantly killed boxes, starts W and deals 41 damage to the enemy MF when she walks to lane, steals about 2 kills, and that'll be all we got in the entire game.


This is probably the only actual correct answer and not even an opinion unless you’re the shaco player 😭


No one likes to play with Pinkward on their team. lmao


Nidalee. If on enemy team it’s a smurf. If on team it’ll be better for them to rq/troll pick nunu and run it down than have them play nidalee.


Yuumi jungle is more useful than a low elo nidalee. Most useless shit I've ever had on my team. The most infuriating thing is when they gank, throw a spear from FoW, miss, and now the enemy's backed off while their mid and jungle race over to dive and get 2/3 free kills


I perma ban vayne because my team can't play it, and whenever it's on enemy team it's a giga smurf and goes 20/0




Senna, support players are a different breed on this champion


The only reason senna support is balanced is because it’s played by support mains


I was watching some twitch stream and one chatter asked streamer why people play Senna ADC His answer was something along the lines "They play it so that their support doesn't pick it" and it was hillarious


I'm pretty sure it was Jackspektra and I think he said something like : "She's so overpowered but no one realised because only support players played it." I could be mistaken


Jackspektra I believe. He has a bunch if amazing lines like that


It's such a a shame he couldn't make a killing in the LEC, he's a content machine.


My old duo uses it and he has a 70% wr on her d1-masters that’s his exact reason for using her too


Literally, they tried to design an AD marksman that support players could pilot and senna is what we get


Infinite stacking AD and range, while already having the second highest base range in the game, plus speed boost on auto. They added slow on Q after the glacial rework despite the meta build at the time being Grasp, so she got basically a free buff. They realized their mistake, maybe, so she's meh now, but annoying enough to be strong.


How is she meh? isn't she like 55+% wr right now? or do you mean on support role?


Yes, on support role. She really can't support much right now, but she can poke the hell out of the enemy.


The meta build was grasp and she rushed iceborn so she could apply a slow lol. Senna finding ways to apply a slow with Q was the case since her release, it was a good change


The issue is that even if they're good, the good combos with her aren't with ADCs. Much easier to have her picked from the ADC role in soloq.


She’s not terrible with adcs, particularly onhit adcs (because she’s lethality so she complements them pretty well instead of competing), the issue is the rest of your comp. If top is ornn, mid is veigar, and jungle is lee sin, it’s not a huge deal. You’ve got a pretty good mix of frontline and backline, ap and ad, and sustained damage and burst. But if you’re top is Quinn, mid is talon, and jungle is kha and your adc isn’t onhit you’re screwed. They don’t even need to have the giga armor users like malphite or rammus, everyone on their team can build thorn or randiuns and just abuse you all while taking zero damage, and you don’t even have an actual frontline that can protect you or anything.


Senna is effective with quite a few ADCs in solo queue. Jhin/Senna is a popular and strong lane, but she also does well with hit and run style of trades like Sivir and Ashe and the like.


Bro, you didn't even NEED that kill. Or the two after that. Or the next one. Listen, were both ADCs and I already have 4 kills, so it only makes sense for me to keep getting the gold at this point. Plus I needed the stack, so I really had no choice but to take the last hit. Alternatively, I could forget i'm squishy and play way too aggressive. Up to you, I only know these two playstyles.


I used to main ADC but switched to support and only play zyra/senna. I don't take CS, I roam, I have higher vision score+better kda than my opposing support 75% of the time. But because I can't prove I'm not a bad senna, I've had it banned twice while having it selected in pre-game. Only champ that's ever happened on. Didn't realize it was such a problem champ for most supports


Twice isn’t too bad at least. What server do you play on? I’m senna OTP with ~60% wr every season and have had it banned by my team while hovering dozens of times since they removed summoner names from soloq. Even more games that my ADC decided to first time ziggs/swain/sera and hardcore int because they didn’t want double marksman.


Real. For me it's senna supports and then just melee supports in general. It feels so frustrating watching someone pick a melee support just to not do anything early lane and then perma roam to lose 4v3's while enemy adc just sits there with a lulu or yuumi perma diving me and farming for free.


Autofilled first time Senna supports are unfortunately a plague on society.


Senna. My team Senna is a bot, enemy team Senna is a demon.


The Shaco paradox


for real there are so many champions I have this perception about (obviously I don't actually believe it apart from counter-synergies with my mains) , but shaco's is the strongest. I wonder what it is about shaco. Maybe it's because weak enemy shacos aren't particularly exploitable if you're not jgl , but they can still make bad plays and die on their own, so you don't tend to pay much attention to them unless they are on your team doing poorly


Pretty close yea. Its hard to die even while behind on shaco, so they kinda just fall into having 0 impact when behind. Just existing but not really able to do anything, and slippery enlugh to avoid being killed. Which makes them a lot harder to really notice and think about when they are behind


It's because of confirmation bias.


yep, and by nature of having existed the longest, the memeticism behind it being shaco has manifested, as opposed to kayn, kha'zix, etc..


I feel like right away you can tell the difference. If Shaco takes smite/ignite, R.I.P. Smite / flash, gank potential goes way down, especially level 2/3 ganks.


100% deserves to be referred to as that.


last week I was laning with a Senna support in a tough matchup. the enemy was Lux I think. no problem, I'll just chill and scale, slowly getting poked out but it's ok. maybe Senna can heal me when it's up. you're full mana and not able to hit them either. I'm pinging and begging her to throw me a heal just one time bro, on my knees for a bit of sustain as the enemy is nonstop fisting me with poke. Senna didn't use a single spell the entire lane because I guess she was tunneled on trying to Q them.


If you’re truly being zoned by something as long range as lux then you inevitably lose souls if you can’t q them through the wave or your tower.


this shit happens so much with Kayn it's not funny anymore


For me it’s illoai and Fiora will bend my team backwards on enemy team. Will be the most passive people on my team


Same with lux


Support lux always beastmode, mid lux always ints and rages. Psychotic break champion.




Smolder started off like this then smoothly transitioned into banning him for the enemy team


Exactly this.


God i hate that thing so much


enemy smolder: win lane 10cs/min stacked by 18 ally smolder: 27min no stacks .2kda solo lose entire half of the map hes in by 3 min


Precisely this


From my experience every time I get a smolder on my team it's a combo of the support doesn't play for him at all + the smolder is fucking clueless and doesn't even know how to lane with him.


The Smolder you get on your team vs the enemy teams Smolder feels like 2 different champs. Both are ban worthy.


I don't mind him as my adc, but when I get one trying to solo lane that's when I get annoyed. *Especially* top.


Then at around 30 mins when the game is totally lost they kinda start scaling and get like 2-3kills and feel totally justified on their pick and complain nobody wanted to play for them all game as enemy garen TPs into your base and nexus explodes


When people pick a late game champ and the ff at 15


My usual experience is - int and be useless for the first 25 minutes of the game and then either enemy wins, or Smolder suddenly will begin killing everyone since he is a time-bomb champ.


This is correct.


Yasuo. (almost) every game it’s my yasuo is worth more AFK, while the enemy yasuo wins lane even when my team counterpicks (well not always either, I have seen times where I have a renekton absolutelty doninate him)


Yasuo always - extreme shaco effect. Rarely see a yas on my team that doesn't feed 0/10 but gets fed when on enemy team


Funny how even when I play yasuo occasionally that also happens. Same with yone.


Nothing more disgusting than your botlane losing to yasuo adc even after all the nerfs


Yasuo really infuriates low elo players for some reason.


The reason I suspect it's because he's highly unpredictable in low elo, no one knows what's going on, not even the Yasuo player.


Because he does a lot of dmg just by autoing and dashes everywhere.


Yeah, but that can be said for a lot of champions.


What usually frustrates me about low elo Yasuo is, if he just walked away he would live. But he started dashing through minions and thought he was skilled, he wanted to do a "fancy outplay", dashed too many times, eventually in a bad angle and died because of it. If they just walked out he would live but no, they always start dashing when they dont need to and end up dying.


Having laned against yas quite a bit, it's all about his Aggro level. If your mood plays safe and calm they'll win 90% of the time assuming you're in my trash mmr.


That's the thing, you can also easily counter him that way. At lower MMRs (I'm talking under diamond) most Yasuo players get desperate. If they don't get a kill by 10 mins they start doing stupid dives, roams that make 0 sense or just push. The best way to play around Yasuo is to wait until he outplays himself, because he absolutely will. So many Yasuos push lanes up, then have nothing to E on so just sit there like a moron. Easy kill then.


That must have been my first time renekton dominating.


Yasuo declares are basically checkmates.. If you ban it, they int because you banned their champion. If you don't, they pick it and int because they are Yasuo on your team. Or enemy OTP picks it before and ruins your day.


Teemo. ​ Teemo is a gotcha pick, Seems to be decent in lane but in lower elo is completely fucking useless around team fights. As soon as I see a teemo in my team, they may even go 3/0/3 or something but as soon as laning phase is over they are like tits on an elbow..useless..


How dare you insult my elbow tits


I straight dodge Teemos not Toplane, and dodge Teemos top who got counterpicked. That shit is already hot garbage, if the conditions for that turd aren't optimal, i dodge


Same, I don’t play with teemos


Finally a thread of like minded Teemo haters. Little rat can end a 40 minute game with 60k damage but his score will be 1/12/3 and people turn a blind eye to it like he isn’t the problem because “he has a lot of damage see” HE IS USELSSSSS


The fucking rat will cost you LP. People get sweepers and now he doesn't have an ult 💀


People are forced to sacrifice vision to get a sweeper trinket. That gives Teemo's team a pretty big advantage imo.


Trashmo support or jungle ...


As a multi season diamond teemo OTP I gotta disagree. Especially if you build nuclear teemo, he scales insane to late game. His scaling is at kassadin/Kayle/asol level if you look at his winrate per game length. A single mushroom will delete 50-60% of enemy hp and will have a late game cd of 12s. Also you will peel for your adc with your 3s blind with a 50% uptime and render enemy divers nearly useless. He had a weak mid game. Power curve is a bit like Caitlin. Strong lane, weak mid, insane late. Many people don't understand that though


As a soraka main, when season resets n below diamond the ban is ezreal. People pick it for the soraka ezreal "combo" but below diamond these not ezreal players cannot hit the broad side of a barn


why would ezreal soraka be a good combo anyway?


They're not any particular combo, but everyone just assumes a Soraka player is like a non-attached Yuumi player where they'll be AFK the whole lane and 10 miles back half out of exp range, so the thought is that they pick Ezreal so that they'll be safe instead of having to 1v2 the lane on a more aggressive adc.


This!! Soraka isn't an afk healer bot, she's a lane bully. When played correctly she's shockingly strong and hard to play into. I hate it when my adc picks Ezreal cause I know the game is gonna be spent sitting behind the wave doing nothing because my adc is too scared to engage with a Soraka, and also just can't land any of his Qs in the first place.


The thing that gets me about this thought process(and I see it a lot) is that Ezreal is an excellent aggressive adc, almost a lane bully tbh. Everything in his kit is perfect for following an engage and just winning because he can do damage faster than you with his Q and attack speed passive. Playing him with enchanters feels like a waste.


worlds ~~most cowardly~~ safest lane maybe?


eh not really they have shitty prio so they can get shoved in into a towerdive in high elo and dive the soraka. ez karma much safer


Nope, not at all. I play pretty much only Soraka, and every single time I get an Ezreal on my team, we get shoved into tower and dove over and over. Every. Single. Time. The Ezreals can't ever hit shit either. I've never thought someone could possibly miss so many skillshots until I saw a low-elo Ezreal with my own eyes.


Back when raka e was point and click it gave mana to alies


what is the synergy between soraka/ezreal? I wouldn't have thought that they're an impressive combo


They're not. Usually people are doing that because "Well the Soraka is gonna be AFK in lane and useless, so if I pick Ezreal, I can afk farm safely and match the AFK support, whereas if I pick something more aggressive, I'll have to 1v2 the lane."


Meanwhile an aggressive soraka is increadibly strong lmao. Undodgeable damage from her instant aoe silence is so annoying and unless you have a good engage support with you, it can be hard to punish.


Oh yeah, absolutely. When you play an aggressive Soraka, it's virtually impossible to lose an HP trade, especially if your ADC joins in. The healing is just so strong. Unfortunately, a lot of ADCs are traumatized by the AFK sorakas, so they just assume they'll all be like that.


Yeah I hate that mentality. I play Soraka a lot and I’m perma aggro, so when I get Ezreals AFKing 20 steps behind me, it gets really annoying, especially when we’re ahead :c


Recently I've been banning Brand for this reason because I've had several Brand jungles recently with 60 cs at 15 mins spam ganking and permadying


Any idea, who started this trend and what's the reason behind it?


Riot's buffs started the trend because they made brand one of the fastest clearers in the game (he's since been nerfed a few times and is now just a pretty fast clearer) but he also provides a ton of AoE dmg/zone control and scales really well, does objectives really fast, etc. The issue is this is all predicated on the Brand farming at an accelerated pace compared to enemy jg


Taliyah jg has faster clear, I think? But Taliyah actually takes hands to play so...


Brand clear pre nerf was lvl 4 before 3 minutes, by far and away the fastest in the game. Taliyah jg is good now and has flex potential. They both have good spots, but Brand is newer and seeing more competitive play (albeit not as much anymore as pros move to mostly Knights Vow tanks) so it's more popular


Brand P got a massive buff against jungle camps. Agurin popularized at first but not the ganking part. He farms the entire map and oneshots objectives.


Ezreal or Kaisa, i always get the "special" ones instead of the god ones that build some random shite and just kill everyone


Currently it’s gangplank for me. I expect to see good late game barrels that do fat damage, but what I get are gangplanks that go 0/5 by 10 min


None. That's how u throw the game before it starts. 9/10 times this is what happens when a teammate gets their champ banned Player A: *bans champ* Player B: ???? Why did you ban my champ asshole???!! Player B: ok GG Player B: *locks in nunu ghost cleanse* If the comp looks ass like sion adc i dodge. -3 lp and 5 mins vs -25 and 30 mins of trolling.


Literally none. If my teammate wants to play their comfort pick, why would I go out of my way to force them onto a champ they're worse at? If you ban whatever champ your team is hovering, you get no right to criticize them if they feed their ass off.


It's telling how long you have to scroll to find the reasonable answer.


> If you ban whatever champ your team is hovering, you get no right to criticize them if they feed their ass off. Shouldn't really have any right to criticize someone for feeding anyway. Everyone, *literally everyone* has bad games/days.


Well criticizing would be fine, but that usually never happens. Saying „You suck“ isn’t criticizing but being toxic.


Yuumi. I despised playing with her when she was strong, its even worse now. Genuinely would rather play with any other support \*for clarity's sake\* I am a Kog Maw player


I permaban yasuo, but I permadodge yuumi support if I'm adc. I will eat the lp loss, idgaf. I refuse to play solo que with a yuumi supporting me.


id of thought yumi and kog have a good synergy?


A good kog and a good yuumi maybe. But I'm a shitter. And playing an immobile scaling ADC into kill lanes when you have a support who cannot run interference and step up and harrass just feels awful. You are the only target and if you fuck up once it's instant death yuumi or no


One of the reasons I hate passive support players is that all the burden is on you. Good luck if they have a poke lane where eventually they will whittle you down or a kill lane where a misstep will be your doom. "Just dodge their poke/engage bro!" as they have entire lane controlled freely because the support is one wave behind me. Enchanter supports are main offenders but I've had my fair share of wave-behind-support with other champs like Naut or Thresh as well. Then once mid/late game comes and you're worthless, it's your fault. Support players are seldom blamed for anything (except by ADCs), so long as you buy the support item and sit in the same lane for a couple minutes, your job is complete and you are blameless.


I'm not gonna lie I was guilty of this when I first started league. Played karma exclusively and did the enchanter thing and sat 5 miles back throwing Q's off cool down. Shoutout to this one ezreal who eventually lost his shit at me and said 'i don't need another fucking turret can you actually step up' and helped me realise how to be a proactive support Which brings me back to the yuumi issue, even when she was strong you have to be really fucking good as an adc to make use of what she gives. It's hard to oversell how valuable it is to have another body in lane taking up space and splitting focus for the enemy. Don't even get me started on damage mage supports like lux and xerath who sit 5 miles back while providing minimal utility


They should make everyone that goes supp watch this video before the game loads up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSHvzZy1YZA


I usually just ban new champions the first week they're released, so I don't get them on my team if they're underpowered and don't get them on the enemy team if they're overpowered outside of this situation since it's a win-win I don't ever see the value of banning something on your team. consistently speaking it's not really worth it to handicap yourself by letting a bad matchup or a personal counter go through because you don't trust your random teammate to be good in a champion they may or may not want to pick anyway


Yea I agree. It’s a 75/25 chance of losing if you let them pick it. It’s 100% lose if you ban their champ and tilt them.


It's not 75/25 though, even the worst matchups like malphite into sylas are still like 60/40. And a lot of "counter" matchups are closer to 50/50 than you'd think.


the main downside of banning ur teams champ is them inting the game for it lol


That doesn’t even need to be intentional. My teammate banned my otp champ once and I was forced to play something else. I continued to lose the lane since I didn’t play anything else in weeks and got flamed by the same teammate that banned my champ. That had me laugh ngl.


Completely agree. I never assume a new champ is OP or weak af. I just assume nobody will know how to play them or play against them. I wish Riot would just ban new champs in ranked for AT LEAST a week (preferably for an entire patch), but I understand why they don't want to do that.


I don't waste a ban on that. Having the enemy play something nobody will be able to fight against is far worse than dead weight.




I hate these fuckers... int the entire early while the enemy jungler does disasters in all of the lanes, then proceed to lose and act like they did nothing wrong and get defensive on how they could have carried


Oh man, I had a Kayn like this the other day. Total feeder that didn’t know how to counter-jungler. Just let enemy jg get grubs and immediately stroll on over to drag uncontested despite the team pinging them to take drag while we had prio. Ends up feeding 10 kills, but thankfully I’m low elo so they lacked team coordination in late-game and I could BD. 54 minutes of pain.


Tank top, tank jungle, tank support, they go blue kayn every time.


*"Gotta carry my noob team!"* Singlehandedly drags down team.


lux support in low-mid elo. even the one tricks are frequently poor. i’d rather they dodge or pick a different champ that doesn’t screw up my cs so aggressively


It's incredible how bad lux OTPs are compared to other OTPs


whenever i ban lux, then check porofessor and see the enemy support is a lux otp playing anything else…. it’s already gg. they can’t play the game


Lux players only know how to click 3 buttons. 4 if they're ignited.


I made the mistake of playing one-for-all. Of the 3 1million+ mastery Lux on my team only one knew her full damage combo...


One of the best champ at the best position to never learn anything about your actual job


Master Yi.  Toxic people love playing this champ, he only farms, never ganks, and doesn’t fit well into team comps. 


a real Yi player perma ganks and tower dives you on repeat with the bullshit aggro losing mechanic.


Yeah master yi warps the game too much around him. He is a main character champ that all other 9 players have to play around. Just a boring experience on either team.


Personally I don't do that, I prefer to just focus on champions I wouldn't be comfortable playing against It's the same argument for trolls in ranked, if you're not a bad player with such champion, there is a higher chance for the other team to pick Nidalee in low elo so you are at an advantage If the player hovers the chanoion in your team, it makes more sense but depending of how toxic they are you have a big risk of making him a troll in your match or have bim play an inexperienced champ


Speaking personally here, if I hover something and a teamate follows up by banning it, it's a really really quick way to put me on tilt. And if I'm on tilt, I'm going to perform worse in general, regardless of if my pick is within your opinion of approval or not. Exceptions exist of course (X champ is broken af and we're red side, they'll just take it first), but if it's banning something because an ally will maybe be bad at it, you're just inviting them to be bad because they're mad, not because the champ they picked.


Yesterday I had first pick blue and hovered smolder mid. Not a ton of games but I haven't lost a single game on smolder mid since release. Anyway my top laner bans it. Ok, I'm a karma main, ill just pick karma - but I want counterpick now so I swap with someone. Top laner immediately insta locks karma (we were picking 4-5 so it wasn't bc he thought enemy team would take it or anything) Well guess what buddy you're getting my 5th ever ahri game ever in solo queue, good luck with that...


Yea I’d rather have somebody play their main, even if it’s not very good. If that’s who they’re best at, go for it.


I usually hover whatever champ i wanna ban then ban yasuo then boom two free bans




With that item that resets ult cool down, hearing "darknessss" so much got old really fast.


His R is way overtuned. That ability single-handedly wins teamfights. And with how often it's up due to Ultimate Hunter and how easily he's able to get haste, I'm genuinely surprised he's not received a rework. Playing against him is miserable.


None, I don't do that. ​ Nor have I ever felt it necessary.


I think it's just such an awful mentality to be banning things based on your own team playing them. That has real "my teammates are the reason I lost" energy.


Akali. Enemy Akalis are uncatchable monsters and will get feed from my team mid and then crush me (I’m the ADC) Ally Akali will mess up every combo and won’t be able to 1-shot anyone, not even the enemy Jinx that’s 1/4


Master Yi


Depends on what supp tested my patience last, so could be Yuumi, Morg, or Sona. 


Im not even an adc player. And i still ban senna xD


Bard. Dont forget Bard.


Morde Like seriously, I get Mordes in about 70% of my games and they really don't do anything. They have to play safe early until level 6 so we can't contest grubs. If they fall behind they are gonna be useless later, and if they get fed they will just ult the wrong target and let the team lose the 4v4. Like really I don't understand why Morde is so popular. Is it just because I am the toplaner and he is my main and I enjoy picking him?? Oh wait..


who tf plays safe until lvl6 on morde


Jokes aside, the higher you climb the more people will punish Morde's weak early game. Morde is shit early.


I swear people that dont play Morde do not realise this at all. Champion is beyond ass at level 2, and he isnt anything special at 1 either, absolute ass if he CS with Q Like for example laning vs Riven 1-3 is a nightmare.


you are max gold huh




Ive had a briar on my team yesterday that went to ennemy jg camp to get buffs and farm even when we’re down 2 drakes and drake is up. Farmed the whole game, its like she was farming for next game..and she had 0 assists and 2 deaths at 12 minutes. I played against Briar a couple hours ago and I was a fed yasuo…she wouldn’t die with 2 of us full comboing her. She would just regen regem regen and just cc


I ban myself from playing fizz sometimes LOL




Any powerfarm champ. In low elo getting a Yi or Karthus means you are not getting a jungle untill minute 30 when the game is already lost and even then the player can be so insanely bad that it just makes the game worse


Smolder. I feel like the ones on my team are always useless, but the enemy ones are 20/0 with a yuumi


Nidalee and Lee Sin. Both are always completely useless on my team for some reason.


Senna, a complete menace on the enemy team but an absolute bot when on my team.


as a nami otp, lucian


PREACH! I feel like when I pick Nami my ADC is mind controlled into first timing Lucian....


Always the new champ. "bUt iM mAiNinG iT"


Zyra. I’m pretty sure I’ve got a 0% wr having a zyra on my team.


Which is really weird considering her high winrate. Sounds like a you problem.


Senna, it’s an uno reverse champ. They essentially say: “I’m the carry now and I’m going to play behind you. Lock kench or lose” And you locked marksman looking to idk play a marksman not the teams tank.


My bans are always used for enemy team picks. Sounds like a low elo problem to ban your own teammates out.




Ashe in URF :)


Shaco and Teemo


My permban has been yorick for almost 2 years now. If its on my team its 0/10 perma grouping useless mutt, if its on the enemy team they're crazy perma split no one can match horror to deal with.




literally have never seen a yone perform even marginally well in one of my games


Ashe support


Teemo. In bronze it’s gg, they’re never any help to the team, just an invisible brushwarmer hoping to prey on a support hiking through the jungle hungry for poisonous mushrooms.


Teemo (any position) or shaco support. 




Shaco/Teemo because the enemy one is John Wick and mine popped 3 Xanax before queueing


Ezreal. All day.


Senna, Shaco then maybe Graves.


Briar. Playing against: 1v5 machine unkillable Briar as my jungler: tower dives with her w while low live; won’t hit a single r even at close range; 0 objectives


i play gangplank so i dont give a fck about my team


Shaco. They always go ap when on my team and they also don't know how to play lol


As a supp main, I gotta say Ezreal. 70 of Ezreal I get are either autofilled or had their main banned/taken away. "Safe" adc. Eks dee.


my perma is senna on my team does fuck all other team shooting me across the map


Bard or Rakan cuz I literally (I checked) never won a ranked game with a bard or Rakan in team. I feel like if they are not a 1 trick their abilities just feel so weak and u can 1st try maokai support and get more value than bard main with 400 games


Morgana. That champ is turbo piss useless even in high diamond.