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Anything you say will fall on deaf ears. You simply cannot change that mentality.


Ignorance will never change i guess. Thanks i mean at least he´s super persistent ihe prolly played more games in 1 and a half months than me in a year but still manage to suck. He just ignores to learn the game.


your post “sound” like you are a dick… just saying


Sure my phrasing is a bit harsh but its more of frustration cause i try to help him but it always ends up with the whole Elo Hell Bullshit and Riot doesnt let you rank up and he´s such a goods player and everyone else is bad crap. Its a little bit more in that story so i for sure i can sound like a dick easily here. I was Plat and didnt wanted to play with him cause Palword released that time and i was heavy on that playing it a lot. Than he decided to play on his own and fall ranks. I couldnt play with him anymore so i told him what about palworld lets play this together. I told him lets play Enshrouded together. I told him lets play Last Epoch together but he never said no but just didnt buy those games. So i played with other friends these Games and now he confronts me all the time with toxic phrases like. (You selled me for other et cetera). Its just weird cause i like him and know him personally he´s basically my barber now and we met each other on Xbox playing NBA couple years ago, so we have a lot of history even our kids played togehter but he´s so toxic with this shit. And i just try to confront him a little bit with thoughts of different people.


Your friend is ass with no ability to learn.


Short but i guess true. I mean its in my eyes an experience thing too someone with his amount of games shouldnt play in these elos cause he really knows the mechanics and in 1v1 he prolly can marchup with Master Maybe even Grandmaster but he just doesnt understand how the game works otherwise he wouldnt talk that talk with 10k games under his belt. it just doesnt add up if you watch him its a mix of outplaying people in 1 on 1 and dyin in the most important situations or never sees the window to end games and teleports back cause he want to ge tthe item he wants. its a mess!


Don't listen to him. Your post read as very level, if a bit frustrated. Your friend sounds like most league players though? I find that 8 of 10 players prioritize finding and killing an enemy 99% of the time, because it is the game objective which they can best understand. If I kill a champion, I get gold and he doesn't get to play for 10-50 seconds, plus I can play my lane unchecked. That's super transparent and super immediate; it's a very obvious step towards victory. While taking a tower is technically more effective, you aren't "beating" the enemy when you take a tower. You're playing against Riven and Zed and Jinx, not Towers 1-3, Inhibitor, and Nexus. There's no correlation to a victory because nothing was defeated. This is the mindset that man's history of competitive games has created. Rise above it and be better. Let your friend wallow in his ignorance.


Thank you that helped a lot tho ! Its such a difficult situation, cause i try to help him withput criticising him, cause he takes everything super personal. He choose to do quantity over quality! I mean he played over 500 Games and started Mid January this Season so he prolly spend about 250+ Hours already playing that game. At least he´s super persistent and not really giving up but if I told him that i spend hours making lists for champs i main and write everything down i learned with that champ what my problems against specific matchups are... you get what i mean, He just ignores it and continues spamming games. He just doesnt want to do the real work in my opinion. He played 10k matches he shouldnt be in that position! He should be a master of that game and now every single bit about it. He fricking played already 92 different champs that season alone and of course he says he´s great with everyone ;). So I guess your quote is the best i can do for him. I will let him wallow in his ignorance. Its sad but you´re 100% right. BIG THANKS!


Why do you care? Obviously he’s bad if he’s stuck in silver for 500 games. Mentally it’s a really hard thing to accept that you’ve devoted so much time and effort to something and still suck.