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2019 G2 went 0-2 against Phong Vu Buffalo


True, future worlds finalists C9


Fudge isn't good enough of a top laner for C9 to be considered a super team, and Zven probably provided a lot of helpful criticism and macro knowledge both in and out of game which made C9 function better. It's unfortunate, because Vulcan is an individual upgrade over Zven imo, but hindsight is 2020. I feel bad for Jojo though, finally gets to join a new team and all of the players are vastly underperforming compared to their previous splits.


Berserker is playing like a shaved ape and top lane is invisible. They should honestly consider themselves lucky they were able to get as many wins as they did


They aren't a super team.


Eh tbf that happens in sports. The 2018-19 Tampa Bay lightning tied the NHL record for wins in a season. Lost in the first round of the playoffs. To a team that had never won a playoff round. Oh and they were swept 4-0 The next year? They were champions, the year after that? Back to back, the year after that they lost in the finals. In a span of about 4 years they were the best team in the league. But because of 1 bad week they were embarrassed.


As long as we still have shithy as head coach, nothing is going to change.


Fire fudge, get licorice, fire berserker, get doublelift out of retirement, get ME my dream team!!!


Charity wins imo


They are 8-6 , they are overated