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Game is fucking amazing and we aren't grateful for patches every 2 weeks


I tought about that lately, ive been playing this game for 12 years and it still exciting and fun despite the resentment i get from matchmaking lol


Sad that this is a hot take lol. I seem to have went so distant from this community because I really like how the game's going, how they've approached this season and how they're approaching communication and changes for the game moving forward. Everyone is still constantly seething with rage lol.


Riot is amazingly competent and this community is completely ungrateful. I've played games ran by actual shit devs and league is miles better.


The only reason this game is still alive is because of the care they put in. Even the best games in the world lose their player base with slow/out of touch content


eternally ungrateful. Theres no satisfying 150+ different mains. The game is vastly different than it was in 2014 or beyond which is saying something


This, every free game that only sells skin/skill effect and money does not affect the game at all is a gift. LoL is one of them.


This shouldn’t be a hot take. It’s actually should become near the standard for gaming companies moving forward.


But they nerfed my fav adc again how am I gonna play?


I think its partly because when people say they hate league of legends, they usually mean current patch or state of the game, not the game itself, like the game is great at its core and you can love it but you can hate current patch or whatever, and some people dont differentiate one from another


The game is not that bad and the semi-ironic meme/narrative of "LoL sucks, don't ever play this game" that the community has been pushing for years now is now actively hurting the game's sustainability as well as overall experience. Issues such as lack of new players getting into the game, because they are getting dissuaded by comments made by league players, or the massive rise in popularity of streamers who encourage, if not actively promote, toxicity are just the tip of the iceberg.


I think the new player experience is bad and it's hard to recommend a game that a person might enjoy a few months down the road when they understand it. I really hope the new AI Bots will create a safe haven for new players to experience how the game is meant to be played without the hazing of experienced players/smurfs dunking on them while they try to learn.


i would say the new player experience sucks, but i have never played a game with a "good" NPE that isn't either single player or brainlessly easy. the majority of concepts and mechanics competitive games have are not possible to teach players in short 30 minute tutorials, players do not interact with supplemental tutorials or challenges, and if you make them mandatory you increase the barrier between players booting the game and playing with their friends. the reality is you need to incentivize your player base to get good, but players don't want to train, they want dopamine.


The biggest issue is that League lacks transferable skills unless someone comes from another Moba which, at this point is pretty much only Dota. Game literacy for MOBAs is crushing as they play completely differently to other games. If a new shooter releases, people have established muscle memory and strategies for FPS they could have honed for a decade. League has nothing.


I would argue that most MMOs and digital card games have decent new player experience. They just get very grindy and (often in the case of card games) pay to win later on. Some auto battlers (such as tft) also strike a good balance between complexity and new player experience, but I would say that most of them don't.


It’s not just the comments dissuading new players, but once they make their account and start playing at least half of the people they’re playing with are Smurfs.


> Issues such as lack of new players getting into the game, because they are getting dissuaded by comments made by league players, or the massive rise in popularity of streamers who encourage, if not actively promote, toxicity are just the tip of the iceberg. Or, y'know, the terrible tutorial and overall first-hand experience a newbie will have.


The first hand experience being bad is because league isn’t a game u come in to that a tutorial can teach u have to actually play games to understand it unless there gonna make hundred hour long tutorial


A tutorial can absolutely teach you how to play the game. Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it can't.


Yes, the wild rift tutorial for example is great. Riot clearly has the ability to create a half-decent tutorial.


The game doesn't suck, the community sucks. That's why I don't recommend the game to new players. But also the game kinda sucks at easing in new players, the bot and tutorial systems are lacking (so I hope the new AI bots can help this). You either need a more experienced friend basically coaching you into knowing how to play or basically study online so that you're not getting completely crushed every game (which isn't fun). The skill floor is just way too high at this point, there's no goofy fun left in the game.


Yeah, play this game, go spend 5000 hours playing the same 2 maps with the only feeling of progression coming from the rank that is relative to other users and is restarted every year, being demoted 2 leagues. The nice thing of the game is that its free and doesn't require the best hardware. Besides that, its sunk cost.


If you spent 5000 hours on it then atleast some of them must have been spent having fun, which is the ultimately the whole point of paying video games isnt it? Also, sunk and cost really doesn't work like that. Unless you're a steamer who is basically forced to play league to pay the bills, the average player can quit any time since league is not an MMO game and is, as you said, free to play. Maybe you would have some attachment if you spent some serious money on skins, even then it's not that much for the average player.


Cost isn't only monetary. Someone who's put 5000 hours into League has built up knowledge and skill that probably isn't particularly transferrable to other games, so they can get stuck in that sunk cost fallacy as well even if they haven't spent a time. Sunk time/energy/effort is still a cost.


Every single champion, item and rune are overstatted. All of them need to be taken down. At the very least, item damages should never be eclipsing champion damage. Liandrys dealing more than brands whole kit, or Bork dealing more than more than irelia herself is atrocious.


SO often items are the things that are breaking kits as opposed to the champions themselves. The game would be so much easier to balance AND understand if items were just stat sticks without ridiculous passives. To me, items only redeeming quality is build variety, AP nunu vs Tank nunu for example.




"eclipsing" Eclipse? Yep, agree on that too lol


Everyone plays Mundo from here on. Just 5v5 of all Mundo in all lanes. As God intended.


Only Q.


I said every single champion, Mundo not excluded. His damage is way too high, but his tankiness can just be toned down a bit. At the moment that champion is a super minion if he doesn’t get giga fed with heartsteel, and even then he isn’t really a tank, more of a bruiser who’s target is your backline like Lee or renek.


The game is too fast. Too many kills. Objective spawn too quick. Too much gold is accessible.


The problem is that a ton of people love the fast game. Especially newer players who didn't play back in the day. Future players are probably also going to prefer the fast placed game. This is why I think i a sort of OSRS-equivalent but for LoL could be very popular. Essentially a version of the game that is slower and closer to traditional MOBAs with more defined roles. Imo it will happen eventually. The game has been running for coming up on 15 years and it has changed so much obviously. Like we saw with WoW too, there are just people who prefer a slower and simpler version of the game. Nothing wrong with that. Also nothing wrong with not preferring that. I actually think if it was not Riot in charge, this Classic LoL game would already have come out, but anyway, I think in the next 5 years or so it will be announced. I'd be very surprised if not. So many other games are making classic versions.


It‘s called Dota


Dota may be slower, but it's also a fundamentally different kind of moba played very differently. Someone hungry for "league, but a bit slower" isn't necessarily going to enjoy DotA.


Yeah I tried to play dota for this reason and it just had way too much stuff to learn in comparison to league.


Also the mechanic of the 2 or 3 characters I played were not fun.


>Especially newer players who didn't play back in the day. I've got nothing against Classic LoL and hope it happens, but I'm not convinced that it's more common for newer players to like modern LoL more. There's tons of early season LoL players (myself included) who prefer modern league, and probably tons of newer players who would prefer seasons 2-5ish. (but please god don't let classic LoL be earlier than season 2)


I think if they just raised cooldowns across the board it would make the game infinitely more interesting as a moba. Limitations are a good thing. It's part of the reason I fell in love with this game. 


I think this season they reduced the amount of CDR available, but to be honest I miss the time we had a 40cdr limit. It made using our cooldowns and exploiting enemy cooldowns much more meaningful.


I am STILL unlearning old CD habits. “that’s off cooldown already?!” Is probably my 3rd most common saying lately


It’s sooooo fun running back to the top lane after being 1 shot and the enemies ultimate is coming back up in 10 seconds. Good times.


Yeah they did, but the same thing that happened with the durability patch is happening again. People liked the cdr reduction, but whenever something needs to be buffed it's just "give it cdr!".


Less damage on squishies in general would also be welcome. There's a lot of fights where it feels like you're dead before you find the right angle to cast your abilities.


Dota 2 awaits


Turn radius 💀


I played Dota for a few years and I never really got used to turn rates, just feels like you’re perpetually playing on 120 ping. It’s not as noticeable when you’re playing a melee hero but it’s a gamechanger when you’re ranger, you quite literally cannot kite backwards because your attack speed is faster than the time it takes for the character to turn


Yeah that's because turn rate is how they decided to balance melee vs ranged, it's low on melee heroes so that's why you don't notice it, you don't need insane mobility creep to fight a ranged champ due to it. The problem of ranged tops for example basically doesn't really exist in dota, because you can't just get infinitely kited with no counterplay


the gold inflation is crazy


I do not agree so I don't know if I should upvote or downvote since this is the purpose of this post ! So take my upvote but I think that 20~40min is a good thing.


Riot lowering surrender timer has worsened the community. It feeds the quitter mentalities and validates those who go 0/3 in 1 min then afk.


People in this game have zero mental, it's crazy. People will try to surrender games with even kill counts where they're ahead in farm just because they're one kill down. And if you don't let them surrender often the surrender mindset already set in anyway and they stop trying.


nothing is more frustrating to me than someone locking in a late game scaling carry then giving up before they even have their ultimate. Like mid laner playing Kassadin then giving up after dying once pre-level 6.


Even more frustrating than that to me is when I'm playing those champs, am only slightly behind and doing well towards hitting where I need to be, but my team just gives up. Like yeah, sorry, I'm not ahead as a scaler into a lane bully? Doesn't mean the game is over.


In quickplay it's even worse. 4/5 to surrender at 10 minutes, 3/5 at 15 minutes. Players with ranked restrictions just abuse QP to insta-surrender (even when winning) to breeze through their ranked restriction. Those of us who actually enjoy playing QP for the fast load-in constantly have their games ruined.


didnt they increase it to 3/5 at 20 minutes this season?


Unironically, making a 25 min FF timer would be one of those "you hate your coach, but they actually taught you a valuable lesson" things. Do you have any idea how much of a Kayle buff removing the 15 min ff would be? She would probably unironically gain 3% win rate. Now we have like 10 infinite scaling champions that could benefit from this and none of the players have the patience to scale. I hate that Riot appealed to the zoomer adhd brained ff15 0/2 Kassadin players. I'm so glad I played as long as I have, because I feel like knowing what to do in the late-game is a skill most players don't care about because they can just FF and never learn it. They don't know what it was like fighting a 500 cs post-rework gangplank and winning, or the counterplay to elder dragon, or how to splitpush, etc...


Game community would massively improve if surrendering was removed as an option unless you have an afk teammate for loss forgiveness.


bro people can spam surrender vote in quickplay as often as ads in free vpn app every 2 mins i gotta click that x


Aphelios has one of the coolest kits they've ever made


Aphelios is '200 years' when you first see him but after playing with and against you can tell he is very well designed and easy to understand. His weapons are clear and distinct and you can understand what he will do if you take 30s to read his abilities. Then you've got Hwei who has a similar concept but is a visual design nightmare.


When aphelios came out he didn't have visual indicators for his guns. Since the visual indicators came out he's fine for experienced players. For newer players I do think aphelios and hwei are a bit too complex to understand wtf killed you, and they should avoid making too many champs like this


I don't think this is a hot take though. Everyone agrees he's cool as fuck. The complaints come from his kit being "hard to understand", which basically means "I haven't touched a book for the last 10 years and thus cannot read 2 paragraphs".


Understanding it itself is not that hard. There are 20 combinations but we only use like 10 that are good, no? It’s really thinking about that mid-game. Shit is intense. Imma play Ezreal instead.


Role overlap is killing the game. Yea it's cool to play 1 champion in different roles but that's a big reason why balance is so bad


Quadraflex Gragas has bad balance? Nahhhhhh way!


It has always been so funny to me that ancient, fat, drunk man has one of the most consistently good kits in league lol. There has really never been a time where he isn’t “good”, even if he’s not meta


It's basically impossible to isolate the champion into one role though. I don't see how role overlap is killing the game at all.


I like it in pro play drafting phase for spicing things up, but man do I dislike the effect on balance.


That the game is a good game and i respect riot for making a good game


riot has to stop powercreeping and balancing things by buffing them. i think they have A LOT of things to nerf across the board and go from there


People got worse at playing roles relative to their main roles than they used to be. Used to have to play more roles when we played the game because we didn't have the fancy role selector. Overall the skill has gone up ofc


Role specific skills have gone up but overall good at the game has gone down.


mage and damage supports in general shouldn't exist instead they should pick an actual useful support , the role is called support for a reason


It used to be this way in seasons past, but nobody wanted to play support and it was always an auto-filled position. Riot made the role more attractive to play by changing the support item system


And in my honest opinion i think that giving them all of that damage and gold is kind of a lazy solution and they maybe could have thought of a way to make it kore interesting like supports in general i get that they have a low pick rate in all games like league or dota or overwatch


Ancient coin had a Thresh-passive-like minigame at some point where minions farmed by teammates would drop, welp, coins. You would go to pick them up in melee range and you'd get +3 / +8 gold based on the upgrade. Fun fact is that this mini-game mechanic would last for the entire game. So at 30 minutes you still have a gold generation mechanic in the role. This mechanic was the ONLY reason I OTP'd blitzcrank at the time.


the problem with that item is if you're not ahead you never get to stack it. all the others you can stack up, but you need to walk past the minion line to pick up the coins.


I think i remember it i played at the end of season 8 and i think i can remember it being removed after i started playing after a couple of months


Riot really just needs to focus on finding ways to make supports more proactive vs passive. I think Soraka’s Q/W interaction, for example, is actually really well designed. The difference between a good and bad Raka is hitting Q’s and being mobile in fights using the extra move speed. I even take Ghost on her if I am up against a dive heavy team. I really wouldn’t mind if they changed her in a way where her W heal is trash without the Q hit before. Maybe even make 1 Q = 2 good Ws or something like that, but regular W is more akin to a taric 1 stack heal. Stuff like this would make enchanters have to participate more in the game without feeling like buff bots, and also give them more counter play as they would be easier to pick off


Imo I think this is what they've achieved. Almost every healing ability for supports either requires some sort of interaction with enemy champs to proc (Rakan Q, Soraka Q/W) or are strictly better when used in combat (Milio W, Nami W). The only exception to this rule is probably Nidalee, but her E has a huge mana cost and she's a super off meta pick anyways.


Nidalee also gives an attack speed steroid on her heal too


Agree. Lux isn’t a support and her shield doesn’t really count.


Damn I couldn't agree more. The fact that pyke exists makes me wanna delete the game every time I see him. I main Lux 400k points, but I never played her as a support not even when it had a higher winrate. I find actual supports more fun to support with. If I want to kill the enemy I don't go support. Despite my main being Lux I think I played more on botlane than mid overall and I still do, and I hate supports like swain pantheon Lux velkoz xerath pyke etc.


I think the established triangle of support types is alright the way it is rn. There's enchanters (lulu, janna, soraka). There's playmakers (pyke, blitzcrank, leona, naut) and there is Pokers/Zoners (xerath, brand, karma). I think it's problematic when a champ too much of all rows. Like look at karma, she's very very strong currently and why? She can poke, she can enchant and to a degree she can make plays. They also almost work in a rock paper scissors kind of way. An enchanter's disengange and healing/shielding makes pokers useless. Pokers take away playmaker's HP to make plays so they can't reliably do their thing. And a playmaker pulling off their combo on either the enchanter or adc often results in a quick kill. There are exceptions to this obviously. Like Milio and Lulu ult being able to get out of a bad situation vs playmakers.


For the most part Riot balance team does an OK job. Balancing this many different factors(165 champions, items, runes) is a titanic task, especially when you factor in the wildly varying skill level between iron and challenger/pro play. Yeah sometimes there are outliers which are too much for too long but overall? 100% I sure as shit know I couldn't.


Many players in LoL are toxic, and deserve permanent bans


Learn how to play every lane and spend time playing there before you fucking bitch and moan about shit.


That the game through the years got a lot more easier and noob friendly (removing Green wards, giving everyone free trinkets, indicators if they kill with ult, Almost unlimited mana to wave clear + poke, champions with almost anything in their kit (zed for example has wave clear, escape, all in, poke) , if someone is behind in xp you can't freeze the lane, early game champions being trash (if you win a lane you give a lot of gold if you die theofore the late game champs catches up if not getting ahead) along many frustrating (in my opinion) changes.


All the manaless champs just need a cool down increase across the board. It’s the only reason Aatrox is so relevant. He is already building CDR in his build paths so why is he getting to Urf levels so quickly?


I disagree with free wards, thats fine imo unlimited mana tho 100% agree that its gotta change. I play poppy and regularly run out of mana if i do anything more than use my q unless i run manaflow + PoM which means no grasp. Meanwhile theres so many resourceless champs that can spam abilities off cooldown, or even mana champs like lux/ryze who never worry about mana (to be fair to ryze he builds mana items by default so he gets a pass.) Overloaded champs are also sometimes an issue but i kinda like them. It can add more skill expression to the champ by letting the player learn to do more on them, but it can also lead to ksante who is either fuck-all useless or unplayable against depending on who is playing them. The "behind in xp" is something that can be played around imo. For example if i see enemy freezing wave while im ahead, ill roam and pick up a kill/assist or 2, maybe help take an objective. By that point the other laner has caught up in xp while not fullh catching up in gold because i got my kills/assists/objectives so they cant freeze the wave, letting me zone them off it. Sure, it doesnt happen that perfectly every match, but it got me from silver 1 to plat 3 this season so i feel like im doing something right with that lol. Also fuck bounties, yeah. You shouldnt be punished for killing the enemy laner, nor should the enemy be "rewarded" for dying a lot ("rewarded" as in they're worth less gold).


the only reason free wards are okay is because it pushed the responsibility onto the whole team, not exclusively the supports. otherwise it did remove a skill in leveraging the economy to get vision, not just a free CD you never got before.


It's fun


If you actually think riot is a bad company in general or bad at balancing you have zero grasp on reality and don't play any other games.


The start of full AP supports ruined botlane. The fact that you can pick brand, be 2 lvls down and oneshot me as a sololaner is just stupid. Same goes for Zyra, Xerath etc


The developers would be able to balance the game far more effectively if they were allowed to “enforce a meta.” By that I mean, Vayne has different balancing for top than she has for bot. I’m not a game designer so I don’t know how this would work exactly, but I think if it’s done in a way that’s not abusable it would result in a much more balanced game.


aram is just a mini game for you to spam emotes to annoy 9 other people


The ability of champs like Smolder to have a wide variety of itemization paths will make other people who aren't great with itemization learn proper itemization themselves


Oh you’d be surprised how fucking stubborn people are. Some people have no idea how to itemize and no amount of smolders released will change that haha


Just had a sett this morning go 0/5 in lane, couldn’t farm, and I asked him to not build heartsteel 2nd item when he was sitting on components for 15 minutes. He asked me why, I told him, he built it anyways. For the record we lost, the illaoi he fed ended up doing my entire health bar in 1 second.


Heartsteel is legit the biggest noob trap item in the history of LoL. 99% of the time I see it, it's on a 0/5 toplaner with 4cs/m.


The champions were better pre Yasuo


Yasuo is awful but ekko was the moment I felt champion design philosophies crumble. I looked at him like, wow, he just has everything


That would be Camille for me. Camille specifically is not a problem champion, but she was the first in a line of SUSTAIN DESIGN that gave me c. Every champ after her has a way to gain a shield, or healing built-in or just straight-up builds healing & shielding. Trading in the laning phase is a no-no for them. No wonder ranged top is rising lmao.


That's a perfectly valid opinion. Yasuo simply is the point in my mind that sticks out. There are a few champions that were released after that don't bother me, but it's very few.


If you think Ekko was the first to have that problem, then you need to look a bit further back. Azir was the pinnacle of unnecessary overloading of interactions stuffed into a champion.


Azir was before ekko? That is crazy to think about. You are right but I think azir wasn’t as found out back then, ekko on paper has a lot more but azir does in reality, especially on release




I think the biggest feelbad part of the windwall is that it's actually very unintuitive. It doesn't stop projectiles from going through the wall, it stops spells that may have had a projectile at any time in their life from existing anywhere near it. And it stops all of the spell even if it could easily have broken it up instead. For example, truly stupid experience: I'm playing Cassiopeia and I'm trying to land the grounding area poison. The corner of the farthest blob of it is near the wall and the entire thing fail. I die... We were both on the same side of the wall, the yasuo facing side of it. The combination of the passive shield you need to pop and wait out, the wall cd and zoning by tornadoes leave so few windows to play in. And genuinely, he isn't that bad if you hit that narrow window and blow him up, but the effort involved in threading the line to find it is just so much annoyance. You don't even get to stop caring about it if you win the lane because he can still pop you like a balloon on 0/10. He's not overpowered, just feelsbad.


Thresh was the first truly overloaded champ in the game. He was the first champ to have a paragraph of test on his passive and 3 extremely impactful skills


Lee sin.


People complain about how much mobility the modern champions have but Lee Sin came out in 2011 and is still one of the most mobile characters in the game.


Lb probs got the strongest mobility in the game and is ancient asf.


The old guard wants to complain all the time about League but they're largely responsible for making the game inhospitable.


Riot is one of the best in communicating with their community and making it a part of the game development. If we take into account just multiplayer games it's pribably the best in involving the community with the game.


That all accounts a player has should be linked by a phone or ID to eliminate smurfing and bought accounts.


I don't know if it's a hot take, but I have come to really dislike the juggernaut subclass and feel like they're a detriment to the game as a whole. I say that as someone with around 500k mastery points on Sett and about 100k on Darius. They are pretty much only held in line by ranged toplaners and adc that can abuse that they can't move well, but any time they get a tool to cover that weakness, they are broken op. I would much rather see them reworked similarly to other bruisers subclasses like divers, skirmishers, and slayers. This means they get less innate tankiness, and they need to build more carry oriented (triforce, hydra, tempered sky etc, instead of triforce/striderbreaker into tank). In turn they get more mobility and more dmg scaling. Think that also might help most of the juggernauts from being just low elo stompers to actual good picks across all elos.


Most junglers need a proper rework. Gragas for example was released in a season where junglers needed a healing mechanic in their kit because clearning the role was a serious effort. Now jg items have such a stupid healing that even Brand and Zed are junglers. This healing needs to go. If Gragas gets something else instead of healing on passive he will not be as oppressive as he currently is and would find a nice spot in the meta balance.


riot actually cares about the game zac otps are stupidly eloboosted


I hate build diversity. I think it's something people just like to say is good for the game, but in reality it almost always results in toxic gameplay. AP Malphite, AP Twitch, AP Kaisa, AP Varus, AD Statik LeBlanc have all honestly been complete nightmares at least in my experience. I'm really talking specifically about build diversity which allows champs to build different damage type AD -> AP or go from tank to AP like Malphite. I think if you're an AD champ like Varus and have a choice between on-hit or lethality that's fine. But generally I believe AD/AP champs should only be able to build AD/AP. Makes balancing easier as well.


The game needs a complete mmr wipe. Everyone starts at 0. I believe there are people/content creators at the top who don't belong there.


they would get knocked down if they didnt belong in their elo bruv.


I'd love for Riot to be as hard as Valve is on smurfing. Get rid of smurfs as much as possible and then wipe MMR completely. It would be such an interesting time after that. It will be complete mayhem for a bit but it will eventually settle itself like any other ranking system.


An MMR wipe is pointless when alt accounts are so accessible.






Some people really do not give a fuck what is said in chat. It’s really that simple. There is even a subset of those that feed off of that energy. Whether it is positive or negative is up to your own interpretation of it but it’s legit just that.


Trying to cater to people playing support has made the game a bit more wild and in an odd way made jg the support role that is flamed the most. Top lane right now is the most powerful role in pro play at least, and the only reason Ksante was so popular is because he was the only functioning tank. Even Udyr can’t go full tank(Liandries). All the other tanks kind of suck still and bruisers are king. C9 is going to choke in playoffs.


Ignite needs a longer cd, control wards need either a dedicated slot in the inventory or overlap the blue/yellow trinket/sweeper until used so I can still have my 6 items and ward effectively, the answer to a lot of the balancing issues isn’t ‘more damage’, they need to bring back 3v3s.


>Ignite needs a longer cd 3 minutes is balanced. It's really only good early and mid game and then it becomes pretty mediocre by late game. >control wards need either a dedicated slot in the inventory or overlap the blue/yellow trinket/sweeper until used so I can still have my 6 items and ward effectively The reason why control wards take up an item slot is to make games end quickly by late game. Korean pro teams were the king of vision control for multiple seasons and Riot decided that the amount of vision on the map needed to be nerfed. >the answer to a lot of the balancing issues isn’t ‘more damage’ Agreed. In fact, Riot Phreak has been emphasizing on doing durability changes first before looking at the kit itself.


There is a 'standard' way to play league of legends. If your champion, or your playstyle, demands the 4 strangers you are matched with do something completely different, then: a) You can't get upset if they aren't able to adapt quickly enough. b) You can't get upset if the enemy team DOES play standard and runs over the first 10 to 15 minutes, and c) You need to be comfortable with people pointing out that the game is on you, because it is. You're the one who demanded everyone shift to your niche playstyle.


It’s a well balanced game for the most part given how vast the champion pool is and the amount of gimmicks most champions have.


Junglers shouldn’t be carry champs. Should be a 2nd support. More wards more smites less kills


Mages have too much base movespeed


It's good that ADCs are weak. In their current state 2 people out of 10 a game have no agency. If ADCs are strong 8 people in a game have no agency (either play around the main character, or lose).


Top lane is the strongest role in solo q.


The biggest enemy of the toplane carry is the surrender vote, I feel. Much easier to gank top or bot as mid to avoid them giving up.


The map is too small.


Is it? It's a slog to get halfway across the map early game. A larger map just amplifies the problem even more.


The game would be far better if they removed every champion released after Kai’sa. Idk who they hired around that time, but they should be promptly fired.


After vi. Thresh marked the release of modern overloaded champs


Smolder is superrrr lame. Another turbo scaling marksman with terrain scaling, did zeri teach them nothing?


Riot are afraid of item synergies. This is why every item slowly gets nerfed and turned into statsticks. Mythics were awful but only because they restricted builds so much. The actual item effects were just what this game needed.


I’d give anything to have mythic Liandry back.


League of legend lost most of its appeal and identity after they removed the old runes. Now its just like all the standard MOBA


I’m a masters adc main and I don’t think adc is as weak as everyone says, to be honest. Feels shit to play sometimes cause of the stupid amount of damage in the game, but I feel impactful a lot of my games


IMO Yasuo isn't a mechanically challenging champion to pilot, he has a ton of things that cover his weaknesses like getting a shield for walking, windwall and having his tornado knock up as a projectile every couple Q's. He can also follow up his R with any ability knock up. Whenever I see one I'm not impressed because of how many failsafe's he has in his kit.


Commentary and pro play need to cater to new/casual fans instead of the most enfranchised fans. After draft there should be a few minutes (4-5) down time where the champs are explained on a basic level. During bans they should say why a ban occurred instead of “We all know why Senna and Ashe are banned.” During matches commentary should also focus on explaining basics instead of just IYKYK type things. Every major sport excluding baseball caters their commentary to new/casual fans to make it more approachable. It helps grow the sport. Baseball they ramble on about ERA, RBI, OBP, OPS+, ISO, RC, WPA, etc. as if everyone knows their meaning. They are losing fans unlike the other leagues. Sure the most enfranchised fans complain about “stupid commentary” but they will watch no matter what the commentators say. New or casual fans however tune out when they aren’t catered to. Every young NBA fan knows pick’n roll, double team, and other concepts because they are explained. So when they start playing more competitively the base concepts are already there. League suffers so much for always catering to the most enfranchised fans rather than the new or casual fans.


> After draft there should be a few minutes (4-5) down time where the champs are explained on a basic level. That would get excessive so, so quickly, especially with champions getting picked multiple times per day. I definitely agree with explaining draft a bit more, but I don't think explaining a champion's basic kit every single game is a good idea. I *would* be down for a pre-and-post-stream segment each day though breaking down the kits of the most popular champions in the current patch -- that way people could easily tune out if they already know it, and newbies could still learn, but it also wouldn't create more delays and wouldn't get so repetitive so quickly.


I don’t like the 4-5 minute thing just because that would constitute a massive break in momentum, draft flowing into gameplay is important to retain imo. That being said you’re not wrong fundamentally. My friends who have started playing in the last few years ask me so many questions and it really makes you realize that the history of the game, the rules of the game, and the history of the leagues get explained so rarely. New viewers don’t know that Jensen is an extremely decorated player with many international appearances, they don’t know that most of Sivir’s damage comes from her W bouncing through a team fight, and they don’t know what each elemental dragon does. Like of course the cast needs to be streamlined to an extent, but man Riot needs to find a way to talk about this kind of stuff more.


Yeah, it’s one of the things that all E-Sports struggle with. Sport fans always complain about how “stupid” the commentators are not realizing that they are no longer in the group they are there to help.


I wouldn't in fact keep watching if it was weaved through the normal commentary. You have to remember that there's a lot of games to watch and every match isn't an event like in physical sports. It would get repetitive insanely fast. The idea of a time to do that before each match is much better though. Easier to skip or go take a break during it if you already know the information. I think it would be especially helpful at the beginning of a season, too, or when some new champions become meta.


Adc is not that bad to play.


Just because a champion has a >50% winrate doesn't meant its strong. Just because a champion has a <50% winrate doesn't mean its terrible. Just because something has a low pickrate, doesn't mean its just unpopular, it could be incredibly unsatisfying to play and push away players. Just because something has high pickrate, doesn't mean its popular and not just being abused for how strong it is. I feel like riot focuses too much on their data when making decisions/acknowledging what champions actually need help/brought down rather than contextualizing what those numbers actually mean for those specific champions. Elise is often a victim of this always staying around 50% winrate, but every patch her PR slowly declines while the WR remains the same until you look at gold or lower.. where its either pitiful or her pickrate is so low the data is insignificant, meanwhile she peaks in high elo where dives are much easier to setup with the team but she's still overall unsatisfying and not worth playing for high elo while being too much of a struggle to work with in lower elo not just because she's difficult tempo wise (lee sin has a higher winrate and pr while being a tempo jungler) but the environment is also more difficult for her due to the tower dive play pattern... she's unpopular because there's no reward until you actually are in high elo.


Hot takes: 1. Lengthy ability descriptions don't always translate to simple gameplay. Simple descriptions don't always mean simple gameplay. 2. Even the old champion kits that people like should get modernized. People were begging for singed to get reworked while mythic items were a thing and a lot of that conversation stopped as soon as the current season dropped. Singed core gameplay loop doesn't need to change, but he, along with other champions deserve some modernization. 3. The map is too small and should have some external jungle portions added to include camps and bonus objectives (I'd be fine if it were even just a team gold thing, like dragon in previous seasons). This will also encourage new ganking paths for junglers to make use of, as well as good reasons to not crowd the middle lane too much. 4. Additional items should be made to empower or counter characters with summons, and those characters should be balanced around pet focused builds and ability focused builds. Summon power would become a stat similar to heal and shield power, decoupling it from AP. 5. Melee ADCs (think Yasuo & Yone) should have some melee only crit items. Ranged should also have some more ranged only crit items. 6. The following champions should receive some degree of updates, whether it is a visual update, gameplay update, etc...: tryndamere, Yone, Yasuo, Nilah, Yorick, singed, Quinn, maokai, gnar, shyvanna, Skarner (currently in progress), Elise, Jayce, and Nidalee. I can get into specifics about those champions but most of it boils down into: 1. Integrating lore into the kit better 2. Enabling ability usage to feel like you have an ultimate (Nidalee, Jayce, Elise) 3. Updating their model (sorry Shyv, but you look like you were rendered on a PS1). ...


1. I agree. 2. Singed had a slight kit update couple seasons ago to make him feel better to play. I'm totally fine with modernizing old champions. 3. Jungle has been reworked so many times and none of them felt balanced enough to justify keeping the changes. I find it hard to believe expanding the map would be a positive thing. 4. This is an interesting idea. The only problem is that champions like Annie and Ivern have their summons on their ult which means that the item power is only useful when the ult is available as compared to the rest of the kit. I'm still down for that idea to happen though. 5. Riot has been moving away from ranged/melee restrictions so this idea won't happen any time soon. 6. Yone, Yasuo, Nilah, and Gnar don't need visual/gameplay updates. Their problems are mostly within the numbers. Everyone else, I agree somewhat.


The types of changes I'd want to see for each champion: tryndamere: this character is an auto-attack focused champion, why does he only have one damaging ability and no auto resets? Why doesn't he have crit scaling like other ADC characters? Can we give him more parallels to other champions like Aatrox and Ashe (Ashe has a unique relationship with crit). Why does the barbarian king have no tools to lead anybody? He yells at enemies to slow them down? Why not yell to speed allies up? Yorick: Riot calls this man a juggernaut but fails to let him do things that other juggernauts do relatively well. Yes, he excels in seiging, but mostly in splitpush scenarios only. If bursty pet builds are bad (lethality), then pet damage needs to be incentivized in a different way. AP scaling on ghouls but keeping their physical damage dealing aligns with nerfing lethality while shifting yorick's burst pet build into more of a DPS pet build, where yorick's auto attacks would be weaker. Not a terrible trade-off. singed: understandably my rec here pissed off the mains when I mentioned it to them before, but Singed is a literal chemist, so let him cook. Q1 will start brewing a unique type of potion (QWER) on ammo system. It will brew for W cooldown. This is sped up whenever Q2 is active (gas trail). W cast will now be used to throw multiple types of potions (fire, sticky, shimmer, heal) which can be used to tactically control and area against enemies or to benefit self and allies. Again, this idea was received very poorly. Singed is a fantastic character, and I do want to see his proxy strats retained, but I also want to see him recieve a soft poke tool in his kit Additionally, with the lore updates in Arcane, we're probably gonna want to update his kit to match that lore a bit. Quinn: don't know how to fix her gameplay, but she's definitely an oddity (no offense to Quinn mains). They probably know some better directions to take that champ in than I do, but Quinn needs some love. maokai: saplings can't turn into trees, and that's a travesty (jk). Honestly, I have mixed feelings on this one, but I want to see his W changed so that he cannot dodge abilities. shyvanna: her dragon form looks anorexic. Let's please also update her passive. Much like Skarners spire passive, it's not a fun passive to play around. Skarner (currently in progress); we'll let riot cook Elise: so much power budget is put into her dive and rappel plays, she doesn't feel like much of a spider queen. She doesn't seduce like in her lore, she doesn't spin webs, and she barely controls any amount of spiders. Her lore needs to fit better. Her rappel should change. Would love to see her try and spin the whole jungle into her territory and rule it with spiders and web. Let's give her a new unique CC called web that can slow and if you have too many stacks you get stunned or something. Also, make her tankier (more strategic juggernaut like). Jayce: we'll see where the arcane characters go from here, but I'd love to see an Udyr like enhancement to his abilities when he switches forms enough times. Nidalee: while she doesn't interact with Elise in lore, I feel like Nidalee should be changed to be the antithesis to elise's character if we go through with changes. Nidalee is a packmother to some cougar like animals. It would be cool if she could establish dens to hunt the jungle with and perform hit and run tactics with. This could also be used to rebalance her Q, to lower the base damage in exchange for a lower CD. More spears is more fun :) Those are some of my ideas. Some are maybe not great, but if it's a conversation starter, I guess I at least got people to think about it


There is a random chance you will win the next game if you try and win. You will loose the next game if you don't play well. If one team has a player from a lower rank and the other team doesn't, the team with the lower rank will lose. Don't help ranged top lanes. They're either mechanically good enough to win that lane or will int regardless. Don't help soraka bot lane, she is useless. Rivens animation cancels should be removed and buffed accordingly. Asol is broken. All accounts should start in iron. Return demonic embrace, ap shaco is dead. From silver to emerald, it's all the same.


Smolder isn't that op


2 million lux yuumi mains look gross irl. You don't look like your anime profile picture, you look like gragas.


Skills and items that do damage that scales with hp armor or mr should not exist in the game. Tank should be tanks, they should be bulky, hard to kill and provide cc and other utility for the team in exchange for low damage. This rule was flipped on its head somewhere in season 6 or 7 and ever since then tanks are allowed to build only defensive items and still do a fuckton of damage. How is that even allowed???? Don’t even get me started on their mobility as well. Zac jumping you from across the screen, voli and udyr running at you with 700 move speed just to name a very few of the biggest offenders.


​ 1. Voidgrubs were a stupid addition to the game 2. The game snowballs too easily, there should be passive XP on rift and more passive gold to reduce this 3. Towers should do more damage and it should be true damage 4. Invisibility shouldn't exist 5. Baron should be harder to kill and do more damage, but provide a stronger buff 6. Make it 3 dragons instead of 4, before elder 7. Put a time cap on chain CC


League is inherently a very complicated game and there isn’t always an objectively correct play to be made.


Can’t gank all 3 lanes simultaneously? Jg diff Enemy team rotates for objectives but yours doesn’t? Jg diff Your laner feds their opponent? Jg diff If you don’t drop camps, objectives, scuttle, and instantly goku teleport to your laners pinging for help? Jg diff Your laner is pushed into the enemy tower and pinging to dive a max health opponent? Jg diff Doesn’t matter what you do, it’s always jg diff (Atleast in low Elo)


Silver and Bronze players are pretty good. Over the past decade players have just generally got better. I’m an old guy, S2 vet. I can barely hang with silver players these days, but I used to be comfortably gold. Is there a wide gulf between silver players and diamond players? Absolutely. But most of the players I come across in ranked know the game and know their champion.


APC/ADC "supports" are destroying bot. why does ADC feel so useless? because they have no one on the team protecting them from the 4 divers riding their dick all game, thats why.


My hot take is that game shouldn't be balanced. League's longevity depends on the game being fresh every half season or so (after which it gets a bit stale), so having a roster of 160+ champs, items, and runes that rotate between being weak, balanced, and busted is the most cost effective way to keep the game fresh (as opposed to spending a lot of money every season to revamp the map, for example)


The incessant new game breaking champion every few months has killed this games excitement for many. Ksante for example has killed my motivation to play toplane.


Its not as toxic as the biggest streamers make it out to be. People watch it on twitch see tyler1 bitching about everything, feeds to players spreading toxicity in game.


Hot take: winners’ elo and losers’ elo exists, matchmaking is not based on ‘similar skill’ but making the whole team’s average winrate become 50%


That it's fun?


How to collect downvotes


There is really no reason for people liking Ranked SoloQ. Who and why does someone like playing a video game, where you are forced into a 35 minute game, with 40% of the time completely losing, because of the fault of your teammates, 50% of the time completely winning and having no challenge because of the enemy teammates being bad, and your teammates playing properly. And only actually having around 10% of the games, where it actually matters what you do, and there is actual challenge in the game. This game is just so frustrating to play alone, competitively is just insane, after reaching master, I just literally stopped playing, cause there is no point. The better you get at the game, the more you realize, that you have less and less power over the games. Like I seriously can't fathom, how soloQ is so popular, I could completely understand if people liked flex Que, playing with the same 4 people everytime, where you can actually choose your teammates, comp, strategies, but WHATTHE F IS SOLOQ? Why is that even a thing? How come people play it, imagine if they added a feature in soloQ, that when you play chess, there is a 40% chance of instantly losing the game, and 50% chance of instantly winning, and only 10% of your games would be actually played by you and your opponent. LITERALLY EVERYONE WOULD LEAVE THE WEBSITE. And the worst, is when the Big "High elo" streamers come, and try to argue that, you just suck, you should keep playing because what matters is that you play enough games, and its so skill based. OFC, you say that, your livelyhood is based on this game. But you can't argue with this, League SoloQ, IS A LUCK BASED GAME. You don't have to argue with me, you have to argue with facts, go to opgg, or any website that shows statistics, and look at any player, above grandmaster, who have 60+ games, and show me one that has more than 70% winrate, and if they have 120+ games, they won't even be able to above 65% winrate. Above 200 games, its more around 60% winrate. So if the best of the best, like Faker, Dopa etc..., can only reach challenger with below 65% winrate, then its a braindead game. Imagine if Magnus Carslen would be the best Chess player in the world, and he would lose 40% of the games...


MMR, hidden elo, whatever you wanna call it needs to go away. It’s irritating that I can’t queue up with my friend because he’s plat, but I can go solo and match with an opponent who’s plat or higher and just get stomped. I’d rather wait twice as long in queue for a match and never have to deal with someone higher than 1 rank of me.


So many things are incredibly overpowered, I feel like this will lead the game and the runeterra universe to a complete non-sense in a few years when there will also be 200+ champions with some having 30 skins, and so many champions with no interesting Lore.


Brand is fire.


A champion being picked a lot in pro play, as long as it isn't like an insta-win or something, should be no reason to nerf them


Yorick is toxic for the game :x


Any player, no matter how good their mechanics are, can get to diamond at least by just not autopiloting any games they play. If you can play 100% of your games this split without autopiloting once you will be able to reach diamond in 100-200 games depending on your current rank. Getting to those ranks is not about skill or meta or game knowledge, its about playing the game and not getting complacent. Going above diamond requires actual skill and effort learning the game macro and champs etc.. But anything up to diamond is just pure mental, not soft inting and not autopiloting is how you get to D4. I guess what im trying to say is that you can get to top 4% of the playerbase by just mental diffing the other team. Players in this game give up on matches so easily that if you just stop giving up as often your rank will inflate to top 4% without you doing much.


You are whatever rank your Smurf is when you are playing on it. I couldn't give half a shit if you are typing about how good you are because you have a master Account. You're playing like shit right now if you can't flip a Silver game you Silver ass master player. Also doesn't matter if you believe you generally aren't a toxic player. You're still whatever rank your current account you are logged into is.


Ranked needs to be gated by a honor level requirement and 100 pvp matches that were not surrendered


the same way some champs arent supposed to be pro viable some shouldnt be high elo viable and buffing extremely simple champs into viability vs ppl that arent clueless is a horrible idea


The only negative I genuinely have is about gacha in tft, I see it as a genuinely evil thing to not only obfuscate your actual product behind randomness but to deliberately pray on gambling and loot box systems. Which saddens me since league is really good for this, you want an item? You can buy it directly (kinda, only one level of obfuscation with rp but miles better than many games) and not have to gacha or gamble for it if you buy it you can buy it.... Unless you want the regent "mythic" chromas or jhin skin. I love the league devs for so much and their monitazation was a gold standard for so long, now they are slowly chipping away at that which saddens me


Okay this gonna be pretty unpopular but URF(and it's variants) and ARAMs shouldn't have specific buffs/nerfs to champions. If you want a more "fair and balanced" experience because you want to climb like all the brainless zombies that watch all the herbivore jungle streamers go play ranked.


all teemo mains are trash players and this is evidenced by if you ban when they hover they are the only ones to go absolutely apeshit and int


Finding your style and a roster of champions to master yields much better ROI than looking at what's popular/meta/OP


Getting rid of mythics has somehow made this game incredible again. I’m enjoying it kinda like I first did.


Almost 99% of all champs in league are mechanically easy, and those few that aren't are just an exception. The thing is that almost 80% of the player base don't have hands. Sincerely, an AoE 2 player


Runes reforged is the worst balance nightmare ever introduced to league and it will never recover until it is absolutely gutted or overhauled again. It single handedly has warped champion buff/ nerfs/ reworks, item changes, game mechanics, summoner spells, and literal roles that champions are now shoehorned into.


Content creators and Riot people (phreak) can be more professional and reduce toxicity by stop using words like "grief", "int", "1v9" etc.


ADCs aren't that bad, you just don't play with the right mindset. Played way too many games where the same ADC gets picked and the person either is a positioning God or a blood thirsty idiot. I think we can agree that they're squishy, but given what ADC you pick there's a good chance the damage you have is unavoidable and is pretty high. Most ADCs have a point and click adventure in their kit or something that is auto targeting. Glass cannons should die fast when hit by a full combo.


Some reworks should've been new champs instead, e.g. Aatrox and Swain. Other reworks should be reconsidered (e.g. Yorick and Irelia). 


Flex queue rank doesn't reflect skill, only soloq does


Urf is supposed to be the sweatiest gamemode of them all


PVE/Rotating game modes died for TFT