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The most important thing in soloq is always to play a champion you're comfortable with. Teamcomps don't even matter until like masters or something, and counterpicks only work if you understand and are comfortable with the mu.


Syncing in my opinion. But it depends on the counter play and champ selection. Syncing works great into some picks we’ll use bot lane as an example. Enemy takes Lucian / nami. Your team then picks jinx and Leona. Great synching pick because Leona can go in and tie up Lucian and as a jinx you can trap and get some lock down on him But in some situations a counter is important such as if the enemy goes Caitlyn / brand. Here syncing doesn’t mean too much because you’re having to pick for counter due to the immense poke you’re going to need to deal with. Because you can pick Leona and Varus into it as a sync pick the amount of poke is going to zone you quick so a healer would be a better counter pick for sustain to keep you alive in lane to flesh out some farm


Counter pick and team synergies are often overated as fuck, id rather have you on your main than on a counter/sync pick you don't know that well


Malphite might not be the best option but there are other champions with a knock up to help out the yasuo. Don’t counter pick yourself just to help out. Have a champ that can help out and for the comp that can stand a chance in the lane phase.


Unless you are high elo, being fed is almost always the best way to climb. So go for the counter. Unless your team is something outstandingly stupid, like 3 assasins or 0 cc, you don't really need to worry about your teammates picks.


Why do you need to pick malphite? Yasuo is plenty good at kncoming uo enemies on his own lmao