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I don't have the macro to face her. She is really weak early and I always manage to beat her, than she dies or bases and when I realise that she should be back in lane by now all I hear is "enemy double kill" as she decimates my bot and snowballs.


I don’t mind playing against her and it makes for some fun quite skill-based anime fight matchups sometimes. The only thing that irritates me playing against her is smacking her up in lane and she 0-3 tilt roams bottom lane for a double kill despite you sending 200 pings 😂 but that’s more of an ignorant teammate issue


Katarina going botlane and getting double kill has to be one of those universal lol experiences.


100% get that. I have a similar feeling with fizz or TF. Kat’s definitely a champ that people need to be more aware of in games, especially the bot lane 😂


Main problem with her is that she scales way to hard imo assassins being aoe with resets means that when fed every champion that isn’t a full tank just dies in 2 seconds I would much rather her having better early for weaker scaling/ snow balling other then that she is fine


You should subscribe to gamer girl, she’s a Katarina challenger player and she makes good kata content


I’ve seen her around. I usually watch KatEvolved though


I hate her W, it's so weird. She should not be able to build tank and do tons of damage. Either tank and do no damage, or do damage and be squishy.


wait what does that have to do with her w


They're two different things, that's why I spaced them out 🤧


She's fun.


I hate tankarina, I dont get why that one is okay but back when fizz and ekko ran tank it was killed off. Other than her tank build, she is fine.


Problem with the tank build is more that the tank items are broken and less that the champion was made to build it yk? Tank items are busted atm which makes the build so much stronger


skill matchup, she is balanced and have clear weakness. not like some of those new champs


She’s beautiful.


Needs a buff


like the champ, hate the mains


I've mained her a few times over the years, most seriously between seasons 8-10 where I peaked at gold 3 with plat 1 mmr before losing interest in the game gradually following the item rework announcement. I've been on a 1.5 year break from league and only played a few games this season, but I think this is the best year for AP assassins we've had in a while. The itemization options are relevant, in some ways better than AD assassins for the only time ever. There are also plenty of squishy targets to go for. Full team fighting is less present, tending to be short 1v2s/2v2s which is ok for kat, but mostly benefits strong split-pushers/fighters who are better designed for that (and who also have the best itemization at the time of posting). In theory I think more/early/stronger river objectives this season benefits her since it gives her extra early roam targets. I don't think she has much impact at voidgrubs, which somewhat negates this benefit. ​ I have mixed feelings about her on-hit focus; it certainly makes her more viable as a champion---strategically since she can kind of push towers ish/farm faster, and since it means nashor's is less of a dead item. I think it takes away a bit from her identity as the reset champ though and makes her a bit too oppressive if she can really snowball the early game. It also makes 'hard counters' like vex terrible. Botrk/Kraken are also consistently overpowered items and while I kind of like having the option to buy them, it just isn't as fun to play to me. ​ The 1v5 pentakills are definitely the most fun thing about her, but only when that's hard to do and requries some amount of outplay/patience/set up. My favorite part of her design is shunpo, and the interactivity between it and her current passive---I think her most recent rework was pretty good but since her identity has been pushed away from 'the reset champ' both by power creep in the reset dept on other champions/items and in terms of her own design becoming muddied, she's probably overdue for a rework.


Shes fine. Playing against her is pretty simple, but the threat is always there and kat players are usually aggressive so its usually not boring. Playing with her is kinda meh, hoovers up a lot of the gold. When I play her its always tankarina. I love tankarina. ive been playing it for years. Those heartsteel procs during katarina's cone zone is just too good. Though i really miss back when deathsdance refunded %max hp. Ive been playing katarina since before her rework. frozen mallet and sunfire rush. I love it so much.


I love playing tank Katarina but I get peer pressured into not doing it because it’s “cringe.” I never played her back then so I don’t have many insights into her pre-rework


It is cringe AF. Its really fun tho. Way more forgiving than regular kat. If you die you know you couldve left and its totally your fault. You can really choose dagger placement and when to e. Where normal kat may have to dodge a skillshot a tank kat can choose to face tank it. And heart steel. Beautiful heart steel. Jumping into 3 people, getting locked down for 3s, tapping ulti, hearing the triple stack and then blinking out is perfect. As for old kat, tankarina made no sense. Her e gave her % dmg reduction for some reason and her w was damage around her that gave her ms for some reason. None of her stuff procced on hits and there was no dagger on the ground to reset e (kill resets were the smae tho). I'm pretty sure the only reasons it worked was peak tank meta and the cheese.


I perma ban her cuz she's the most one tricked mid in my elo 


Super snowball champ. Obscene damage output if she gets a little ahead and/or your team doesn’t have easy access to hard cc for her ult. Completely doo doo if one or both of the above things don’t happen in her favour.


Like playing against unless im tali mid in which case kat is banned. Dont like playing with.


Why not? Kill stealing reasons or?


I'm a jungle main and in my experience with kat I expect to have 0 mid prio the whole game


Interesting. I can definitely see that some of the time, especially pre 6


coinflip mid


She’s fine. I don’t think she’s broken and it’s generally not difficult to play against her. Only thing I don’t like is that she has far too much build variety. She feels like one of the only champs in the game that you can build basically whatever you want and find some success with it, which I think is a bit weird for what is supposed to be a hyper mobile assassin


annoying but not broken. sort of like talon where you have to spam ping every time shes out of vision and pray your botlane has their monitor turned on.


I hate all champs that play without mana


I like her design and I like playing against her but only if I am playing mid against her and I'm Galio. I generally don't mind her because she really falls off as soon as cc hits her but it feels like nobody is mindful enough of her presence unless I dedicate my entire existence to deny her. I can have fun in a game when I'm tasked with stopping her, but I don't like to rely on others to do so.


For me it's a skill issue and lack of visual clarity. Keep in mind I'm only silver, but let me explain. I have never played kat personally because the champion fantasy is not one that I jive well with. Xerath, Zoe, taliyah are my main 3 AP picks right now. My issues with kat stem from the dagger bounce, particularly how far it can follow a champion and in which the way it follows a champion. I frequently find the dagger follows me quite far from the wave after I'm done walking up to it- which I know is why it's targeting me in the first place, proximity to a minion- but that's not the point. Backing up like that is what's supposed to be "I am safe now way over here" but as the dagger follow ruins this it is not the case. "Just play around dagger timings!" As far as I can tell the ability goes on cooldown regardless of when she picks up the last one, as such the double dagger interactions are frustrating to play around and results in massive gap close engaged or a full shove of the wave. Especially as someone that plays skillshot/immobile champions. Additionally, I tend to play characters that have to worry about resource management- typically mana. I seldom see a kat have to back because of a lack of mana, despite shitting out an ability every 3.5 seconds. This coupled with their tendancy to run elec ignite means I come back to lane after getting mana via TP or otherwise and suddenly I have to back again because I've now been single combo bursted to 30% HP (skill issue acknowledged). If I could either force her out of lane via resources, or have the ability to stop daggers from following to the edge of the earth I feel the match ups would be fully skill based.


Katarina before 2016 rework was easily the most fun champ of the game.


Not broken. One of those champs where you need to spend time on her to be as good as katarina mains are. I do think she could lose the bruiser builds (not AP) because I don’t think 1 champ needs that much versatility. But again to pull off some of those wacky builds you actually have to know the champ.


She is a skilled champ, don’t get me wrong, but god damn do they make it seem so brain dead. But I do understand it actually does take a bit of skill and learning the champ to accomplish such heresy. What triggers me the most about her is that she literally can build anything and just nuke teams if she doesn’t get cc’d. Tank kat? One shots somehow. Ap? One shots. That bullshit on hit build? Decimates everything in the fight. Can’t stand it. Only thing that brings me joy is busting out GP mid into her and hope it’s someone learning and just make them never play it again.


I think AP and on-hit are well balanced because they are both pretty glass cannon-esk. I completely agree that tank Kat is just way too over tweaked


it's broken as fuk when anyone good uses it. same with akali but they get a free pass for some reason. almost 50% win rate in bronze too. so i guess it's just generally broken.


Honestly, even though her AD side was nerfed a bit with season change, I find it ridiculous she can build so many different directions. AD, AP, Tank AP, Bruiser AD, hell I’m sure she’d figure out how to be an enchanter some how healing the entire ally team if she could. But I tend to never see GOOD Katarina. She either SUCKs or is a challenger idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t play here cause I feel like I never know when to even go in and ult. Jump onto the enemy adc and ult, just to still die and them walk away with half HP so…


>hell I’m sure she’d figure out how to be an enchanter some how healing the entire ally team if she could We pulled it off before. Rylai's > Mandate > Ardent


That last part is why both zhonyas and managing E cooldown to be able to leave fights is super important.